Chapter 70
Wei Ning turned around and left Qin Mansion.

Qin Ziyu's pretty face showed disappointment: "Goodbye."

I don’t know when we can see each other again…

She said that when she opened the cloth in her hand, she saw a dark green hairpin with a small gold foil at the end. The gold foil was a hollow butterfly.

A happy smile appeared on Qin Ziyu's face. She returned to the boudoir with her skirt in hand and inserted the hosta into her hair in front of the bronze mirror.


Early on the third day.

All the soldiers in the military camp have returned to the border counties where they were originally guarding.

These people are frontier troops stationed at the Han Dynasty's frontier fortress, and they do not need to return to Chang'an.

If any of the soldiers brought back by Wei Qing want to continue serving in the frontier fortress, they only need to apply.

But most of them choose to go home.

In the distance, many people are looking forward to their return.

Weining also wanted to go home. He missed Lantian, the simple villagers in Qianshui Village, and his mother.

When he came out this time, he gained great glory and obtained a lot of property. When he returned, he could comfort his mother in heaven.

Early in the morning.

Wei Qing gathered ten thousand troops in Guanzhong.

The soldiers stood neatly in front of the gate of Dingxiang City.

Huo Qubing and Wei Ning sat side by side on the horses, both waiting for Wei Qing's military orders.

"set off!"

Wei Qing waved his hand, and the army left Dingxiang like a long dragon and headed towards Chang'an in Guanzhong.

Huo Qubing chuckled and said to Wei Ning, "When you go back this time, you can build a beautiful tomb for your mother."

Wei Ning also said to Huo Qubing in a relaxed manner: "When you go back this time, you will become a very human minister. You have the strength to look for your third aunt."

Huo Qubing shook his head and said, "Hey! My uncle didn't give me the title of concubine."

Wei Ning: "..."

That's because your uncle has a bigger reward waiting for you.

Compared with Huo Qubing's Chang'an reward, Weining's reward seems a bit shabby.

But this is enough. If he is really rewarded in the spotlight, Wei Ning will be a little uncomfortable.

He is different from Huo Qubing. Huo Qubing is stubborn and high-profile, while Weining is the complete opposite.

The horse moved forward slowly, and Wei Ning looked back at the city head of Dingxiang.

He seemed to see a girl with a hosta in her hair standing on the city gate and stopping to watch.

Huo Qubing turned back curiously, but saw nothing.

The meandering long queue gradually moved away from Dingxiang County.

At the city gate, the girl still stopped and looked at it. Until the shadow of the team completely disappeared from her field of vision, she sighed in despair and slowly left the city gate.


The trip was slow on the way here, but it seemed much faster on the way back.

The feeling of being close to home is even more timid. Less than half a month later, the majestic city gate of Chang'an is already in front of us.

Wei Ning originally planned to leave the team in Lantian, but Wei Qing refused.

After returning to Chang'an, he needed to go to the military camp to secede from the military status and enter the palace to meet the saint. Many procedures required Wei Ning to complete.

Although Wei Ning was helpless, he did not dare to disobey.

After arriving at the outskirts of Chang'an, Wei Qing led his army into the military camp in Gyeonggi. As soon as the army was stationed, several envoys came riding fast horses.

"In passing His Majesty's imperial edict, the Grand General, Grand Sima Weiqing, Lieutenant General Gongsun Ao, Piao Yao and Colonel Huo Qubing, and the Grand Concubine, Chief Wei Ning, all entered the palace to meet the Holy Spirit."

"According to the order!"

Wei Qing cupped his fists and accepted the order.

Once General Wei Qing had finished arranging his affairs, he mounted his horse and headed towards Chang'an with Gongsun Ao, Huo Qubing and Wei Ning.

Jiutianchang opens the palace, and all nations pay homage to Mianqi.

This simple and majestic ancient city carries too much history.

In front of the city gate is a rammed earth road, which is smooth. Eight soldiers on the left and right in front of the city gate hold spears to maintain order.This is Weining's first visit to Chang'an.

In less than 14 years, he has almost never left Qianshui Village and has never been to Lantian County.

If he hadn't gone out to enlist in the army this time, he might have spent his whole life in Qianshui Village.

Although the current Chang'an City is not as majestic as that of the Tang Dynasty, compared with the dilapidated and rough Dingxiang County, it has more of a kingly atmosphere.

After the four tall horses entered Chang'an City, the people in the middle of the road consciously gave way.

Because people all know that in this era, those who can own horses as a means of transportation must be rich or noble.

In this Han Dynasty, where classes were clearly divided, no common people dared to provoke the brow of the powerful.

After the class leap, Weining brought too many changes, and he couldn't adapt to it for a while.

He looked at the awe and fearful eyes of the people on both sides of the road, and looked at the hasty steps of the people on the road who were trying to avoid him.

Only at this moment did he truly feel that he had transcended class and was no longer a lowly pariah that even the government officials in Lantian County dared to bully.

A quarter of an hour later.

The horses arrived in front of Weiyang Palace.

The majestic Weiyang Palace is right in front of you, and many soldiers patrolling back and forth with weapons in front of the palace gate.

The outer square paved with marble seems to be a natural chasm, and no common people are allowed to step into it.

After arriving here, Wei Qing got off his horse.

Wei Ning was still in a daze, and Wei Qing glanced at him and said: "Dismount and put the weapon on the horse."

No one is allowed to carry weapons when entering Weiyang Palace.

Wei Ning nodded and followed Wei Qing's instructions.

Wei Qing came to Wei Ning and said, "Huo Qubing can do whatever he wants when he enters the palace, but you can't."

Because Huo Qubing was a relative of the emperor and his confidant, he was deeply loved by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

Weining is an outsider, at least in front of the emperor now.

Wei Qing had to tell Wei Ning what he needed to pay attention to when he saw the emperor.

"Everything should be done in a proper manner. Don't do anything arrogant or disrespectful."

"There are many censors and officials in the palace. Your achievements are so great that many people are jealous."

"This place is no better than in the military..."

Wei Qing warned him sincerely.

In the army, whatever Wei Ning did, he, the general, would be able to back him up.

Not possible here. This is the center of politics. The officials here have too many thoughts and are hard to guard against.

"You don't have to worry too much. As long as you don't kill people in the hall, leave the rest to me."

Wei Qing said.

Wei Ning felt warm in his heart. Only when he got here did he feel how good Wei Qing was to him.

But why?

Wei Ning always felt that Wei Qing was a little too nice to him.

I didn't save his life on the battlefield either.

If Gongsun Ao treated him like this, Wei Ning could still understand.

Wei Qing...he really couldn't figure it out.

However, Wei Ning did not continue to think about it. He nodded and said to Wei Qing: "Okay!"

A group of four people walked lightly and walked neatly into Weiyang Palace.

The floor of Weiyang Palace is paved with marble, and soldiers with weapons can be seen walking back and forth everywhere, watching the surroundings vigilantly.

Wei Ning looked at these majestic and tall buildings and felt excited for a moment.

I want to meet the very famous emperor in history, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty!

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty beat the Huns until they could no longer take care of themselves.

This great emperor was so famous in history that Wei Ning couldn't help but be excited.

(End of this chapter)

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