Chapter 75 Qin Ziyu’s letter

Wei Ning paid homage to his good mother and asked Zhao Ce to take the maids to Lantian Station to stay.

For such a large group of people, the houses have not yet been built, and Weining cannot arrange them.

That night, Weining was pulled to his home by Village Chief Ma. Village Chief Ma took out a bottle of wine that he had been reluctant to drink, and they had a drink with Weining.

Weining didn't go home during this period, and his home was still spotless. Village Chief Ma would go to Weining's house to clean it almost every now and then.

When they met again, although they were a little cautious at first, after all, Wei Ning already had a peerage and had a different status from them.

But after a drink, everyone found that no one had changed much, and the simple feelings between each other were still the same as before.

The craftsmen of Zongzheng Da Nong Mansion are very good. In less than half a month, they built a luxurious house in Qianshui Village.

The house has five floors and two floors, with more than 30 rooms in total from the second floor to the backyard, which is enough to match Weining's identity.

Wei Ning had already called Zhao Ce and others over at this time.

Twenty experienced Yulin guards are enough to ensure Weining's safety.

Of course, with Weining's current martial arts skills, he doesn't need anyone to protect him, but with so many generals around, he doesn't need to do anything himself.

Thirty maids are responsible for cleaning the house, washing and cooking, etc. and perform their respective duties.

This morning, Wei Ning got up early, and Xiaohan helped Wei Ning get dressed.

Xiaohan was also a maid in Weining's house. At first, Wei Ning resisted her request to dress him, but later he couldn't resist her, so he got used to it.

After breakfast, Weining started reading with his scroll in his arms.

Ever since he and Qin Ziyu learned to understand the writing of the Han Dynasty, he would read, learn, and think about it almost every day with books in hand.

Martial arts can be improved through the system, but knowledge can only be achieved through one's own efforts.

From Cangjie Pian to Lu's Spring and Autumn Period to Qin Code, Han Code, Book of Songs, Doctrine of the Mean, Book of Rites, etc., Weining read them very seriously every day.

Although he has now become a noble, he also knows that it is still difficult for a person without any ink in his belly to survive in this dynasty.

A title can be awarded to you, but it can also be taken away from you at any time. Reading more is not a bad thing, it will broaden your knowledge and knowledge.

I didn't have the conditions before, but now I have the conditions, so I naturally have to study hard.

"General, your letter."

Zhao Ce still used to call him General Wei Ning. He said he was used to it and couldn't change it, so Wei Ning didn't worry about how he called himself.

Wei Ning was a little curious, and after reaching out to take it, Zhao Ce also left.

He opened the letter on the bamboo slip and read the signature first, which read Qin Ziyu.


Wei Ning patted his forehead. He promised Qin Ziyu that he would send him a letter after returning to Chang'an, but he forgot.

【Are you there yet?It should be here, you must have forgotten to reply to me. 】

[I have been thinking these days and have some superficial opinions. I hope you can listen to them? 】

[If you want to be an official, with your current merits, it is not difficult to ask His Majesty for an official position. I think you should start as a military attaché. Then you need to study and study day after day, do more, talk less, and learn more. ...Well, when I say this, do you think I’m teaching you how to do something?whee. 】

Wei Ning smiled knowingly, as if Qin Ziyu was talking to him right in front of him.

He now somewhat understood the meaning of Qin Ziyu's letter.

She is planning the future for herself, fearing that she will lose herself.

[If you don’t want to be an official, that’s fine. Your current title is enough for you to gain a foothold anywhere.]

[But wealth will eventually be exhausted, so you can accumulate your wealth through your own title]

[The small people cannot gain a foothold. You can try to annex their land during natural disasters or man-made disasters and let them become your tenant farmers to help you work] [If you think this is a bit cruel, there is another way. You can also try to use your I have come up with a very good business plan to go into business with my existing wealth. If you are interested, you can reply to me]

Qin Ziyu talked so much, it was more like a daily chat.

I have to say that this girl is calmer and more ruthless than Weining imagined.

He understands the rules of this society better, so she proposed to let Weining quickly use his existing title status to expand and plunder more wealth through land annexation!

She is different from other women. Weining doesn't know where the limit of her wisdom is.

The views and insights she put forward were all very interesting. As long as he followed her method, Wei Ning was sure that he would be able to have a lot of wealth in a short time.

Wei Ning put down the letter on the bamboo slip and thought for a while.

Qin Ziyu is right. Although Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty rewarded him with a batch of gold and silver, don't forget that his current expenses are not as high as before. There are more than 50 people in his family, and every day they eat and drink a lot of money.

The wealth awarded to him by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty will soon be bottomed out.

Although Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty gave Weining all the tax collection rights within a fifty-mile radius of Qianshui Village, the tax collection for the fifty-mile area was actually not much.

This wealth is not enough.

Weining needs to accumulate wealth.

Land annexation is one way. When realizing class leap, everyone will use their status to plunder more people's wealth.

But Weining didn't want to.

He was not born rich, he worked it out step by step. Because he had been exposed to rain, he knew better the hardships of the people at the bottom.

Of course, he cannot change the social trend of land annexation, and he has no obligation to do so. He just doesn't want to make this little money.

If some people offered to join him as tenant farmers and sell their land to him, he would be willing to do so.

Wei Ning smiled, took the pen and ink and started writing a letter.

His handwriting is not very good now, but he still insists on practicing every day.

【arrive. 】

[I have been a little busy recently. To be precise, I forgot to reply to you. Of course I am also very busy. 】

[What do you mean by a good business plan? 】

After writing the letter, Wei Ning called Zhao Ce and asked Zhao Ce to hand the letter to the messenger.

Nowadays, sending letters is troublesome. Not everyone can use the military post. Generally, the letters are entrusted to merchants and merchants. After they go to Dingxiang, they will bring the letters to you.

This requires luck, and it all depends on whether there is a salesman who needs to go there.

Of course, you also need to pay a hefty fee to have them do it for you.

But Weining is different. He can use his current status and title to use the military post to send letters.

Not long after Zhao Ce walked out, Huo Qubing came carelessly.

"You boy!"

Huo Qubing stepped forward to find Weining and said, "You have been here for more than half a month, why don't you go to Chang'an to find me?"

Wei Ning looked at Huo Qubing and said with a smile: "Isn't this just done? I haven't had time yet. Do you have anything to do with me?"

Huo Qubing: "Let me have a drink of water and tell you two important things."

What's the big deal?
He invited Huo Qubing to come into the house and sit down, then poured him some water and asked, "What's wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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