Chapter 81 The First Pot of Gold
Lantian, Qianshui Village.

The next morning, the sun was shining brightly. After having breakfast, Wei Ning called Zhao Ce.

"Do you like to drink?"

Zhao Ce said with a smile: "How can a man not love fine wine?"

These days, Zhao Ce often goes to Lantian County to drink low-quality drinks to satisfy his cravings.

Nowadays, low-quality drinks are not expensive on the market, and the people in Guanzhong are bold and bold by nature, so the sales volume of drinks in Guanzhong is extremely high.

Before Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty held an economic meeting with Sang Hongyang, salt, iron and wine companies were still allowed to conduct private business transactions.

Last night, Weining spent 1000 reputation points in the system mall to exchange for wine purification technology.

There are now 12080 reputation points remaining.

Wei Ning looked at Zhao Ce and said, "How much money does the family have now?"

Zhao Ce blurted out: "There is still one thousand gold."

Wei Ning asked: "How much wine can I buy?"

Zhao Ce thought for a while and said: "If we all use it to buy wine, we can probably carry thirty barrels of low-quality wine, and ten barrels of better wine."

But he was very surprised, why did the general ask so many things?
Who is crazy?Would you spend all that money on drinks?

Wei Ning thought for a while and said, "Leave a hundred gold and use all the rain to buy wine."

Zhao Ce: "Huh?"

He looked at Wei Ning uncertainly, thinking that Wei Ning was teasing him for liking to drink.

But he thought he didn't get into trouble because of drinking.

However, Zhao Ce still said: "General, please stop insulting me. I won't drink anymore."

Weining shook his head: "I didn't tell you, go ahead and buy it. I'll see if I can purify the wine and sell it in the market."


Zhao Ce scratched his head and smiled naively, and said: "General, don't make trouble."

"You buy drinks and then sell them, hoping to make a profit from the price difference. How much money can you make? If you sell the drinks at a higher price, others may not buy them."

"Oh, I understand. The general wants to use your identity to sell it to the powerful people in Lantian at a high price, right? They must not dare to sell it to you, so they will buy it no matter what price you offer."

"Awesome, awesome!"

Indeed, if Wei Ning wants to make friends with those characters in Lantian, or even hint slightly that he wants money.

Then things would be much simpler.

Not to mention anything else, as long as he gave the drinks to the Lantian County Magistrate, the Lantian County Magistrate would have a way to reasonably send money to Weining.

This operation is too simple. As long as the county magistrate deliberately breaks Weining's drink and then pays back Weining's drink money on an excuse, isn't it agreed upon by both parties as to how much the drink is worth?

So if the other party gives money to Weining, is this considered a bribe?It doesn’t count, because this matter is legal and reasonable.

Since ancient times, there have been too many ways to rationalize corruption and bribery.

Zhao Ce has seen upper-class dignitaries operate in this way, so it is not surprising to him.

But Wei Ning shook his head and said, "I have no such plan. I really plan to make money in the wine business."

Zhao Ce looked at Wei Ning with a serious look on his face, thinking, "Master, are you crazy?"
What money do you make?Isn’t it easy for you to ask for money?
Who in this world is not corrupt?If you squeeze the common people, won't all the money come from it?
Isn’t that what everyone does?
He couldn't understand Weining.

Of course, I don't believe that Weining can really make money from the wine area without the blessing of being a concubine.

"Just do it and stop talking nonsense."

Zhao Ce said "oh" and went to Lantian to buy wine with three or five generals leading a donkey cart.

Wei Ning sat alone in the courtyard and meditated.

After spending this money today, there won't be much money left for living expenses in the next half month.

He is not sure whether his wine business can make money now, but he thinks that the purified wine will be welcomed by the market.

If this is the case, he can use Qianshui Village as his base and involve all the villagers in the wine-making industry, and in this way he can lead everyone to make a fortune together.But right now, he seems to need some money to spend the next half month.

The business of making drinks will not improve overnight.

With this in mind, Wei Ning mounted his horse, exchanged a few words with his general, and headed towards Chang'an.

At noon, Weining arrived in Chang'an.

Wei Qing's mansion was easy to find, and Wei Ning arrived at Wei Qing's mansion quickly.

After Wei Qing's servant informed Wei Qing, Wei Qing walked over in person, hands behind his back.

"Why do you remember looking for me?"

There was a hint of complaint in Wei Qing's tone, thinking that it's been more than half a month since I returned to Chang'an, and I haven't seen you take the initiative to look for me once.

Wei Ning was a little embarrassed, but he still said bravely: "General, um... can I ask you to borrow some money?"

Wei Qing looked at him in astonishment, and his serious face suddenly became happy.

"You are now a concubine and a noble. Are you short of money?"

The implication is that those people in Lantian didn't take the initiative to give you money?

Of course this is possible, but Weining refused because he didn't want any trouble.

Others give you money just to obtain the same benefits, but he has no way to satisfy the other party's interests now. He is just a noble, not an official, and has no real power.

"I've convinced you, I'm a knight for nothing."

Wei Qing was furious and said, "Where are the people in your fief?"

Wei Ning snorted and said, "You won't be able to pay me taxes until next year."

Wei Qing thought for a while and asked, "How much does it cost?"

Wei Ning said: "One thousand gold."

Wei Qing didn't ask any more questions, and said to his left and right: "Go and get five thousand gold."

Wei Ning reminded: "General, this is too much."

Wei Qing: "Take it first and then tell me how much it is. I don't need your money."

Weining said seriously: "At most half a month, I will return the money to you, plus interest."

"Huh. What? Are you doing something big?"

Wei Ning smiled and said: "Do some small business."

After hearing this, Wei Qing was so shocked that he hated the iron and said, "I really admire you."

"When I have time, I will teach you how to realize your status and title."

You are still young and don't know what your current title means. As long as you want money, with a little hint, many people will give it to you.

However, Weining has not been exposed to this, so it is normal for him not to understand this principle.

Wei Ning smiled, took the money, clasped his fists at Wei Qing and said, "Thank you, General. I'll pay you back in half a month. Well, I should be able to do it."

Wei Qing said helplessly: "Don't put so much pressure on yourself. You know in this society, as long as you are willing to lend money, the person who borrows it will assume that the money will not be recovered."

Wei Ning: "Well, I can't. You believe me, I'm not that kind of person."

Wei Qing waved his hand and said, "I know, I know."

"Next time if you are short of money, just come to me and ask for it when I'm not at home. Just ask them for how much you want."

Wei Ning thanked him: "Thank you, General."

"I'm leaving."

Wei Ning waved and turned to say goodbye to Wei Qing.

The moment he turned to leave, not far away, two maids were supporting an old lady. The old lady's whole body trembled slightly and she exclaimed: "Third Lady!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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