The Great Han Dynasty: From Feng Lang Juxu to the Eternal Emperor

Chapter 93 Emperor Wu worships his ancestors!

Chapter 93 Emperor Wu worships his ancestors!

To be honest, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty guessed very accurately that Wei Ning really didn't welcome him, but he didn't dare to show it.

His life is like a blank sheet of paper. Growing up in an orphanage in his previous life was a blank sheet of paper, and growing up in Qianshui Village in this life is also a blank sheet of paper.

But this does not prevent Weining from growing rapidly. Since he left Qianshui Village to join the army, he has grown not only in his physical fitness and martial arts skills, but also in his understanding of the rules of the world, his emotional intelligence, and his wisdom. growing up.

He was absorbing wisdom every day, learning both in books and in practical social interactions.

When he gained a powerful position, he knew that he now needed to grow rapidly.

Wei Ning clasped his fists and said to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty: "Your Majesty has misunderstood me. I welcome your Majesty."

"Come in and sit down, it's cold outside."

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty said yes, this attitude is not bad, it is more pleasing to the eye, and you are not so annoying when you can talk.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty took off the cloak he was wearing and gave it to the maid in the Wei Mansion to pat the snowflakes and then hang it up.

After he and Huo Qubing sat down, Weining poured a pot of hot water for them.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty motioned for Wei Ning to take a seat, and then said: "The day after tomorrow is the winter solstice. You can follow me to Ba Mausoleum to worship your ancestors."

Wei Ning was stunned for a moment and looked up at Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty uncertainly.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty coughed dryly and said: "Of course I am not afraid of being assassinated. As I said, no one in Chang'an dares to be so arrogant!"

"The reason why I took you there is for your own good, and also to let the officials of the Han Dynasty know your existence. You don't need to be grateful to me."

Wei Ning: "Oh."

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty didn't lie either. His concubine and lord were too shabby in the Han Dynasty and his presence was extremely weak, especially during the period after the Battle of Dingxiang.

The dignitaries in Chang'an seemed to have forgotten that there was such a heroic figure.

It is true that Weining is too low-key.

The powerful people in Lantian still know about Weining's existence, but the people in Chang'an have almost forgotten about him.

Of course, there is a second layer of factors, and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty is indeed worried.

Weining told him that someone might be harmful to him, and Liu Huan was using witchcraft in the palace to entrust his dreams.

Due to various reasons, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty had to take this trip to worship his ancestors at the mausoleum seriously.

After saying this, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty said to Wei Ning: "I have ordered to change the reward and punishment mechanism of the army."

"Anyone who is wounded or sacrificed does not need to be rewarded based on the victory or defeat of an army. Anyone who kills the enemy and performs meritorious service will be rewarded. Anyone who fights fiercely on the battlefield will be rewarded! Anyone who is wounded or sacrificed will be rewarded!"

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty finished speaking with a smile, but Wei Ning said suspiciously: "Huh?"

"Have your Majesty discussed this with the ministers?"

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty looked at Wei Ning in confusion: "What's wrong?"

Wei Ning thought for a while and asked: "If on the battlefield, I slashed Huo Qubing, and he slashed me again, and we were both injured, would Your Majesty reward me?"

The determination of this kind of military reward system is really child's play.

The issuance of any system requires a complete supervision mechanism, otherwise loopholes will easily appear, and then someone will take advantage of the loopholes to eat away at wealth.

Human nature cannot be overestimated.

If you want to trap human nature, you need to set rules and draw a circle for them so that they have no loopholes to make money.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was stunned by Wei Ningwen.

It is true that neither he nor Dongfang Shuo has considered this level, but he still bit the bullet and said: "Of course I have considered it!"

"What you can consider, I can't consider?"

"I have already established the supervision mechanism."

Wei Ning clasped his fists and said, "I see, that's no problem."...

After returning to Weiyang Palace from Lantian, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty urgently summoned Dongfang Shuo again. What the two talked about is unknown to outsiders, but after Dongfang Shuo returned, he made additions to the army's general punishment system.

Then Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty took Huo Qubing to Jiaofang Palace.

Inside the Pepper Room.

Huo Qubing greeted Wei Zifu and prepared to leave. Before leaving, Wei Zifu said to Huo Qubing: "Qubing, your painting was left here."

Huo Qubing exclaimed, took the scroll and said to Wei Zifu, "Don't worry, Fourth Aunt, I will definitely find Third Aunt!"

Wei Zifu:?

Um?Why did you mention the third sister?

Wei Zifu was a little puzzled, but he didn't ask any more questions.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty said casually: "I didn't know you had a third sister."

Wei Zifu sighed softly: "Your Majesty is busy, so it's normal that you don't know."

"My third sister disappeared in Chang'an 13 years ago, and I don't know where she went."

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty nodded: "I heard from Qu Bing that this boy is affectionate and righteous, and he vowed to find her."

Wei Zifu hummed, as if remembering something, he smiled and said to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, "That's right, Your Majesty."

"Did Qu Bing find a girl you like?"

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty asked curiously: "Oh? Why do you say that?"

However, at Huo Qubing's age, he could indeed find a wife.

This young man of [-] or [-] years old now has children. It is really unreasonable that he is still alone.

Wei Zifu said with a smile: "The girl on the scroll just now looked very pretty to me. I took it with me when I went to bed. I think I fell in love with this girl, haha."

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty smiled and said, "Okay, I'll ask him when I have time. This kid doesn't tell the truth to me anymore."


Early morning on the third day.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty got up early, and his maids and eunuchs helped him change into soap-colored dragon robes and sacrificial clothes, and wear twelve gilded crowns on his head.

Liu Huan also changed into sacrificial robes early, rode on a horse, and came to the Qilin Hall under the guard of the Imperial Guards in the palace.

On the jade stone in the square outside the Qilin Hall, six fat horses pulled a huge imperial horse and stood majestically, highlighting the emperor's majesty when traveling to the extreme.

Thousands of custodial guards wearing heavy armor and armed with spears guarded both sides of the horses.

In front of the six Dawan horses stood a group of civil and military ministers. They were all top-level bureaucrats and dignitaries of the Han Dynasty. Those with lower official ranks could not rely on experience, and their power was clearly differentiated.

It is only during large-scale sacrificial events like this that bureaucrats will be jealous of those high-ranking officials and nobles, and will they think of climbing to the top of power at all costs in the coming days, getting closer to the emperor's ride, and attracting the attention and respect of thousands of people.

Such a large formation was enough to ensure the safety of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

That's why Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty said so confidently to Weining that no one could harm him, because with this protection measure, no one could approach Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to any extent!

The emperor's emperor left the palace through the main entrance. The people along the way had long been isolated by the imperial army and could only observe the emperor's drive from a distance.

Huo Qubing rode a tall horse to the left of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, looking around like an eagle.

There was another group of people behind Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, and the man inside was Liu Huan.

Liu Huan followed Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to Ba Mausoleum to worship his ancestors this time, which aroused the different thoughts of many civil servants in the outer court.

You must know that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty is already 31 today, and he still has not established a prince. The foundation of the Han Dynasty is related to the development of the country. How can all officials not be sensitive to it?

(End of this chapter)

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