Chapter 104 Su Xiaoli’s Confession
Super Seminary.

Boom boom boom!
There was a knock on the door of a teacher's office in the college.

The door opens.

In the surprised eyes of Shotaro and Su Xiaoli, a blue-skinned Avatar walked out of the office.

This person is called Wandering Ryze, and he is one of the teachers responsible for the theoretical knowledge of everyone in the Xiongbing Company.

According to Reina, Teacher Liu is an alien like Dukao. He is an old monster several thousand years old who is dedicated to studying something called runes.

This time everyone went to the Grand Canyon because they had finished learning most of the theoretical knowledge.

"Huh? This classmate? You look familiar?"

Teacher Liu, wearing a pair of glasses, walked out of the office and immediately saw Xin Zhao knocking on the door.

"No! Teacher Liu, we just met yesterday! Can't you remember my name? How many times has this happened?"

After seeing Teacher Liu's still confused expression, Xin Zhao was helpless.

"Xin Zhao! I'm Xin Zhao! Teacher Liu!"

Xin Zhao was speechless for a while. Although he was a little transparent, but there were only a few super soldiers. Is it very difficult to remember his name?
"Oh, classmate Xin Zhao!"

Teacher Liu then looked like he suddenly realized something.

"What are you guys doing??"

"Nah, I always feel like I'm being fooled." The corners of Xin Zhao's mouth twitched.

"Who are these two?"

Teacher Liu looked at Su Xiaoli and Shotaro among the people behind Xin Zhao.

Ge Xiaolun told Teacher Liu some important parts of the matter, hoping that he could help.

"Regarding this matter, my suggestion is to contact Lu Changning directly."

"The Evil Demon is a brand-new species that has never been discovered by the Super Seminary. If it is rashly analyzed, it is likely to cause irreversible serious consequences."

"However, I can help classmate Su Xiaoli suppress the toxin and delay its outbreak."

Teacher Liu's last words made everyone's eyes brighten.

With that said, Teacher Liu didn't talk nonsense. A mysterious rune power lit up from Teacher Liu's palm, and then quickly covered Su Xiaoli's arm.

Shotaro's eyes widened.

What did he see!
This blue-skinned Avatar actually knows magic!

Under the control of Teacher Liu, rune marks appeared on Su Xiaoli's arms. Everyone was surprised to find that Su Xiaoli's originally pale complexion actually started to turn rosy.

"Okay, the poison is temporarily suppressed."

Teacher Liu withdrew his hand.

"But you must remember that this rune is only valid for 8 hours. After 8 hours, the poison will continue to spread."

"Thank you! Teacher Liu."

As the toxin was suppressed, the changes in Su Xiaoli's body stopped, and she finally regained her ability to move.She walked alone in front of the other four people, while Zhao Xin, Ge Xiaolun, Qiangwei, and Shotaro followed each other silently.

Only the last few words of Teacher Liu remained in Su Xiaoli's mind.

"Eight hours."

She only had eight hours left to live!

In the empty campus, Su Xiaoli walked aimlessly like a zombie that had lost its soul.


Su Xiaoli stopped in front of a bench and sat down quietly. Looking at his friends who were running around with him, Su Xiaoli suddenly smiled, which made Ge Xiaolun and others a little confused.

"I'm actually very grateful to the Desire Grand Prix because the Desire Grand Prix allowed me to meet you."

"To be honest, I am a very miserable person. There are very few things I care about. I don't love my ancestors, my family, or even this country." Before meeting the Xiongbing Company, Su Xiaoli said In fact, I have never had any friends.Because of the special abilities of her race, most of the people who want to get close to her are not good people.

The Xiongbing Company and Shotaro are different species.

Su Xiaoli was protected by Zhao Xin, Qiangwei and others again and again as companions
She changed her mind about the world.

The reality happened to be a joke on her.

Just when she was about to face a world that didn't quite accept her, she was infected with the zombie virus and had less than a day left to live!
Listening to Su Xiaoli's confession, everyone rarely spoke, and listened quietly to Su Xiaoli's confession.

"I think... God must not be able to stand me anymore."

"Everyone! You must work hard in the next competition! I. I will cheer for you."

As he spoke, Su Xiaoli cried again.

Shotaro was about to speak, but was blocked by Su Xiaoli's crying voice.

"Relying on self-comfort! There is no way to solve this powerless situation!"

No one knew how to comfort Su Xiaoli.

Ge Xiaolun did not speak, he walked aside silently and dialed Lu Changning's number.In this case, we can only hope that Lu Changning can find a solution.

"Are you saying that Su Xiaoli was infected with the toxin of the zombie evil demon?"

Lu Changjing listened quietly to Ge Xiaolun's explanation of the cause and effect, and then pretended to be surprised.

"Brother Lu, you are the God of Desire, you must have a way, right?"

When Ge Xiaolun heard Lu Changning's tone, he knew that there was a high probability that something was going to happen.

"Well, there's no way to tell."

"However, it is actually very easy to save Su Xiaoli."

Ge Xiaolun's eyes lit up!
Could it be said that Lu Changning has a way to remove the poison from the zombie evil disciples?

"What! Boss! What can we do! We are in urgent need!"

Ge Xiaolun suddenly exclaimed in surprise.

This sudden exclamation immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Everyone was stunned.

It sounds like Su Xiaoli is saved?
"The damage penalty caused by the evil demon will be completely reset at the end of the game."

Lu Changning said slowly.

"So, you just need to deal with the third wave of zombies before Su Xiaoli is completely infected and transformed into a zombie evil disciple."

"The demon realm has disappeared, and the sequelae caused by the demon followers will naturally disappear."

In the quiet and empty campus, Lu Changning's voice came clearly from the receiver of the mobile phone.

Everyone looked at each other, and even Su Xiaoli, who had almost given up, opened his eyes in disbelief.

After many twists and turns, it seems that I have hope of survival?
The next day.

The third wave of zombie survival battle is officially here!

"Is the location of this battle an abandoned factory?"

Along with five beams of light falling from the sky.

Qiangwei, Shotaro, Ge Xiaolun, Zhao Xin, and Su Xiaoli appeared outside an abandoned factory.

Because the previous second wave of offensive came to nothing.

The zombie evil followers came to the only road leading to Juxia City!
"Dear contestants! The third wave of the Zombie Demons' offensive is finally here! Please protect this road leading directly to Juxia City! Destroy the Zombie Demons!"

(End of this chapter)

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