Chapter 222 Angel Nebula
Dark Order·Battleship Group.

Main ship reception room.

Lu Changning handed the contract in his hand to Thanos.

"Okay, now that you have decided, take a look at this contract. If there are no problems, you can sign your name on it."

[Temple of Desire·Sponsor Contract]

[I am willing to lead the Dark Order to join the Temple of Desire, become an additional force in the Desire Grand Prix, and become a sponsor. In exchange, the Temple of Desire will create a new universe for Thanos after Thanos pays 100 million live streaming points. 】

Thanos was about to sign the contract, but suddenly stopped his hands.

"Why are these 100 million live streaming points for?"

With the current progress, can this be saved until the end of the year of the monkey?

Lu Changning was not in a hurry.

"Let me explain to you this way, everything in the world is conserved, just like Naruto and the others exchanged items from other worlds and paid points."

"Creating a universe out of thin air will consume a lot of energy and matter. In order to follow the rules of balance, points are necessary."

"This kind of points comes from your emotions. You can understand it as a special kind of energy that maintains the operation of the universe. Creating the universe is like pinching people. You need to have all the materials before you can proceed."

Thanos frowned and said, "According to what you said, the more points, the better?"

Lu Changning nodded slightly.

"You can understand that we are just creating a body for you, and the planet and living conditions inside it depend on the number of points."

"Then I'm fine."

Thanos signed his name on it.

"Wise choice~ Please keep your sponsor ID card~ You can go directly to the sponsor's exclusive auditorium in the future~"

Lu Changning handed over a brand new ID.

"Okay~! Now that it's all said and done! It's almost time for us to leave, Sol wants to treat us to a big dinner!"

"Please remember to come later."

Watching Lu Changning leave first, Thanos lowered his head and looked at the brand new red identity card in his hand.

"In terms of sponsors, it seems that this is not bad. I hope that in the next session, there will be players who will shine in my eyes!"

Thanos stood up slowly, stood by the window, looked at Asgard that was gradually enlarging, and showed an unattractive smile.

All of Asgard is partying.

at the same time.

Super universe.

The Angel Nebula is 300 million light-years away from Earth.

Yan sat quietly by the window, his arms wrapped around his white legs, looking out the window in a daze. He didn't know what he was thinking about, but looking at the focus of his eyes, it was obvious that he was not admiring the beautiful scenery.

"Sister Yan."

A familiar voice reached Yan's ears, and Yan subconsciously looked towards the door.I saw a figure appear at the door of his room. When I saw this figure, Hikoi Muha's eyes finally had a slight fluctuation.

"Scorching Heart? Are you back from Fraser?"

Burning Heart, the right wing guard of Holy Kesha and one of Yan's sisters.

"Well, I just finished reporting the situation to the queen from the far end. Not long after I came back, Aineside has completed the unification of the northern kingdoms."

Yan nodded slightly.

"What do you think of Anished's character?"

As Kesa's designated successor to the Queen of Angels, Anished still has to ask. After all, this is related to what heights the angel civilization will reach in the future.

"Hard to say"

Zhi Xin said a little tangledly.

Yan shrugged nonchalantly and didn't care. It was still too difficult for a child who was only five hundred years old to see through a person. "Okay, let's talk about it, why do you have time to come to my place?"

Yan asked curiously.

"After I came back from Fraser, I also took a look at the male god on Earth that Queen Kesa helped me choose."

Zhi Xin's pretty face turned red.

"Oh? What do you think?"

Yan teased.

"Although it doesn't seem to have as much potential as the Galaxy Force, the people, abilities, and all aspects are very good."

Zhi Xin looked serious.


Yan looked out the window again.

"It's you, Sister Yan, are you still thinking about that new male god?"

Zhixin is not willing to be outdone.

What's surprising is that Yan didn't refute. "When I first became in love, Queen Kesha made me abstain from sex for a hundred years. Since then, I have learned how to control my emotions."

"Queen Keisha said that true love will last forever. For this, I am willing to wait for him, but he is getting better and better, showing more and more abilities that surprise even angels."

"I find that 1000 years seems too long."

Zhi Xin looked at Yan in surprise. This was the first time she had seen Sister Yan like this.

Just as the two were communicating about their future male gods, a familiar voice sounded in their ears.

"Yan, Zhi Xin, are you there?"

"Yes, Queen!"

The two of them responded in unison.

"Come to the palace."

The two of them came back to their senses and put all their thoughts behind them.

"We'll be there soon!"

Yan stood up from the window sill, and the next second the armor from the dark plane appeared on the two of them, and then the figure disappeared into the room as the figure stirred up.

Da da da.
One after another figures fell from the sky and landed behind Yan and Zhi Xin. This time, Holy Kesha obviously not only summoned her and Zhi Xin. It seemed that they had some new actions this time.

Several people entered the palace one after another.

At this time, many angels were already waiting in the palace.

The left guard, the right guard, and the high-level angel warriors arrived at the scene one after another. Half of the angels had reached the god level, and there were several near-third generations.

Yan was a little surprised.

This lineup can even directly sweep most of the forces in the universe.

Her expression became serious. Is it possible that Queen Kesha is planning to make some big move?

Otherwise, why summon so many high-end combat forces for no reason?
After a while, when all the high-level angel warriors arrived one after another, Kesha, who was leaning on the throne, slowly spoke.

"Yan, Zhi Xin, you have all been to Earth some time ago. Are you sure that Morgana has really upgraded to the fourth-generation divine body?"

"Queen, we found such a document in Earth's Deno satellite."

Zhixin released a video file.

It was the video of Lu Changning's bet with Liang Bing!
Of course~ Even though the battle scene was recorded, the face was still mosaic-ed out by the system~
"This is a record of a battle between Morgana and a high-level executive from the Temple of Desire, which is currently in the spotlight on Earth. In the film, Morgana's level of strength is already at the level of the fourth generation."

"Although the battle lasted only a short time and I can't see any specific data, it is indeed a genuine fourth-generation divine body!"

(End of this chapter)

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