Chapter 55 A reward of [-] million beli!

"That's... those monsters from Juxia City!"


A frightened and trembling voice sounded in the silent forest.Like Ge Xiaolun and Qiangwei, Su Xiaoli was also a victim of the evil demon disaster.

When she saw the monster in front of her, Su Xiaoli felt as if her legs had taken root on the ground.

of course.

This situation not only happened to Su Xiaoli, but also to other ordinary people who witnessed the disaster.Because it touched the core of his identity, the memory belonging to the evil demon was revived again.

Facing this group of murderous and terrifying monsters, most people fled in panic.

"Ah! Help!"


Looking at the people running away crazily on the big screen, Lu Changning didn't say anything.

These people are destined to only become foils in the Desire Grand Prix!The moment they receive the core of their identity without rejecting it, that is the path they choose, and they cannot blame anyone.

Without their presence, it would be impossible for the Evil Demons to proceed to the next stage of upgrades.

After all, the core of the knight is vital nourishment~
Of course, there are also some strange people in this game, such as the three members of the Xiongbing Company, or Shotaro!
"Is this a demon disciple? It seems to be a kind of existence similar to a weirdo."

"What an incredible world!"

Shotaro was wearing an assault jacket. The moment he saw the evil demon, he immediately found a bunker and secretly observed him.


Shotaro found what he needed for this trip in the other party's arms, a treasure chest!
However... at this moment.


A sharp sound resounded throughout the forest almost instantly, and Shotaro was stunned. He knew that many of the contestants were ordinary people.

Although he was a competitor, as Kamen Rider Shotaro looked at the demon disciples who were looking for him, he finally ran in the direction of the scream.

Su Xiaoli closed her eyes in fear, seeing that the evil demon's battle ax was about to cut off his head.

"Asshole! Stop it!"

Just when Su Xiaoli's cry for help resounded through the woods, an angry roar suddenly rang out from the woods!

The sudden huge force caught the evil demon off guard in an instant. He lost his balance and the shield in his hand fell directly out, falling to the ground like a dog chewing mud!

Su Xiaoli opened her eyes and looked over cautiously, only to see Shotaro standing in front of her, knocking down a soldier evil demon who tried to come forward with one punch.

"So strong"

Su Xiaoli opened her mouth slightly.

"As expected~Fucking monsters with the body is our ancestral skill~"

In the producer's exclusive room, Lu Changning watched with great interest.While complaining, he took the snacks prepared in advance and stuffed them into his mouth.


On the other side, in Whitebeard's room.

"Gu la la la la! You are indeed the contestant I have chosen!"

Whitebeard was sitting on the sofa, sipping the strong wine from the bowl. In front of him was the scene of Shotaro rescuing Su Xiaoli.

"Swipe my ID card! One hundred million beli! Give this kid a reliable prop!"

Whitebeard handed over the red ID card in his hand.

As the leader of the Four Emperors, Whitebeard is one of the most powerful pirate groups in the world of One Piece. The wealth accumulated by the Whitebeard Pirates is difficult to estimate in numbers~
This hundred million beli, sprinkle it with water~

The conductor took the ID card and began to operate quickly on the tablet. The request soon appeared on Lu Changning's producer management system.

Beep beep!

"Ah? One hundred million beli? How generous!" Lu Changning turned his head and glanced, and almost choked on his coffee.As expected of you. A full [-] million Baileys!
Liang Bing also noticed the movement here, and came over with a curious look on his face, saying: "One hundred million beli? Is this the currency of the Grand Prix? A lot?"

"Well, how do you explain it?"

Lu Changning touched his chin out of habit. "Beli is the universal currency of the world where the viewer lives. It is a world dominated by the ocean. These [-] million beli are probably enough for several ordinary people to spend a lifetime."

Liang Bing was slightly surprised.

However, what surprised her was not the amount of money. Instead, she became curious about Whitebeard who casually spent [-] million beli.

after all.

Liang Bing still remembers what Lu Changning said back then, that these audiences are all visitors from other dimensions!

Liang Bing turned his attention to Lu Changning and was about to ask.

Lu Changning felt the hot gaze, turned to look at Liang Bing, and teased. "You want to know?"

"What do you think?" Liang Bing glared at Lu Changning.

"Haha~ I won't tell you~" Lu Changning chuckled.

"Damn! You little bastard!" Liang Bing was speechless for a while. "Queen, I have worked so hard to cultivate so many evil demon disciples for you, and you don't want to tell me this?"

There is a saying that Lu Changning, this little bastard, really holds a grudge.

"Haha~ This is for the privacy of the audience~" Lu Changning ignored Liang Bing's bared teeth. "You will have a chance to meet that audience~"


Liang Bing's eyes changed and he stopped talking.

As Lu Changning completed the operation, Shotaro had just knocked down an evil demon disciple when a black treasure box fell from the evil demon disciple's body.

Shotaro had just helped Su Xiaoli, who had fallen to the ground, and told him to hide.

At this time.

A group of evil demon disciples emerged from the depths of the jungle again. Looking at the continuous flow of evil demon disciples, Shotaro couldn't help but frowned.

"It's really endless!"

Two demon disciples rushed towards him. Shotaro rolled over, dodged the oncoming sharp blade, took the treasure chest on the ground, and quickly took out the buckle from it.

"Go away!"

Shotaro punched the evil demon in the abdomen, knocking him back.

"Sa! Let's count your sins in detail~!"

Shotaro performed the iconic transformation action of Duoqi and inserted it into the desire driver in his waist!


The cold mechanical sound effects resounded throughout the battlefield!


A huge holographic image of a sharp blade fell from the sky!Shotaro quickly twisted the three-color buckle on his waist.



The jet-black armor instantly swallowed Shotaro!Along with the industrial wind, extremely strong steam is released in the gaps between the armor links!A black knight holding a giant sword appeared on the battlefield.

Four eyes like hell demons, staring at the evil demons!

As soon as he completed his transformation, Shotaro rushed towards the evil disciples with his giant sword!
The weight of the giant sword, coupled with the huge force of Shotaro's swing, immediately set off a terrifying wind!The astonishing power poured in like an overwhelming force!

The moment the terrifying power touches the evil demon!

One sword. Three kills!

(End of this chapter)

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