Chapter 670: The Fighting Comes.jpg (4000 words)
"Is that the knight Changning once transformed into?"

Cheng Yaowen's eyes widened unconsciously.

Everyone has seen the strength of Dark Kiva, but what about its knight projection strength?
As soon as the three knights appeared, they rushed straight towards their enemies.

Dark kiva was the first to attack, leaning down and sliding in front of Ruoning. Its speed was completely beyond Ruoning's expectations.

The Demon King's power condensed from Dark Kiva's hand, and he punched Ruoning directly in his weak spot.

Even with the defense of dark alloy armor, this punch caused Ruoning to suffer a lot.

With one punch, Ruoning felt as if countless Xiao Huaye were flying over his forehead, and the severe pain made him almost let go of the weapon in his hand.

Before she could slow down, Ryuga's attack was already in front of her.

Ryuga's punch hit the opponent's face accurately and unerringly.


Ruoning let out an extremely shrill scream, which made both Cheng Yaowen and Reina feel toothache.

To know.

The eye socket is one of the most fragile parts of the human body. How could it suffer such a vicious blow?
Fortunately, Ruoning is a third-generation divine body with extraordinary defense and recovery capabilities.


For an ordinary super soldier, a broken eye socket would be considered a minor injury after this punch.

Ding Ding Deng!
Ruoning covered one of his eyes and took countless steps back. How could he look like he did when he first appeared on the stage and defeated Xin Zhao and Ah Zhui?

While Ryuga and Dark kiva were teaching Ruoning a lesson, Cross-Z was not idle either.

His target is those arrogant scum and gluttonous soldiers.

In front of Cross-Z, the Taotie's attacks had no effect at all. He simply ignored the countless attacks and ran rampant all the way.

As the sword was swung, dull crackling sounds continued throughout the entire deck.

Under the full output of the three knights' projections, both Ruoning and Tianzha, who were trying to get close to the Mangdang Mountain, were blocked from the defense line.

The huge black unparalleled dragon is entrenched around Dragon Fang, watching eagerly.

Dark kiva also slowly lowered his body's center of gravity, waiting for an opportunity to launch a fatal blow towards his enemy.

In order to prevent anyone from disturbing this wonderful battle, Haidong even summoned the projections of countless miscellaneous knights from the 555 world to protect his 'treasure'.

All of a sudden.

In the turbulent battlefield, Haidong actually became the most leisurely person on the entire battlefield.

"You bastard!"

"Don't be too arrogant!"

The pride of a warrior.
This is the gene engraved in the bones of every angel.

Even though Ruoning betrayed the angelic civilization ten thousand years ago, this deep-seated pride has not disappeared.


At this time, when Ruoning was ignored like this for the first time in front of everyone, Ruoning instantly felt extremely insulted, and anger rose in his eyes.

"I'll let you taste regret right away!"


"Then I look forward to it."

Haidong looked playful and smiling, and finally made some movement under his hands.


"I'm a timid person here. When I hear that someone is trying to endanger my life, I can't help but want to fight back, so you can't blame me."

[Attack Ride Blast (Attack Ride Blast)! 】

Accompanied by the cold mechanical sound effects, Haidong once again pointed his gun at the dark universe.

Swish swish!

The blue laser was like a rising star, rising into the sky at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Densely packed bullets spread out in all directions from the star in an instant. Those bullets seemed to have eyes, covering every location of Taotie and Tianzha very accurately.

The surging firepower searched for Ruoning's flaws at various tricky angles, forcing Ruoning to retreat all the time, even causing several wounds on his face.

Facing an enemy like Haidong, the more anxious Ruoning becomes, the farther away she is from winning.

Even an invincible micro-wormhole shuttle would have no effect with the cooperation of Haidong and the two knights in front of him.

"Looking at your fighting style, you should rarely encounter enemies like me, right?"

While Haidong used firepower to suppress the enemy, he continued to talk trash and harass Ruoning's mentality.

"Summoners like me are generally very fragile."

"They all need to be targeted as soon as possible. This is the first time I have encountered an enemy like you who looks stupidly at me summoning a knight!"


"shut up!"

Ruoning not only had to avoid Haidong's firepower and trash talk, but also had to deal with attacks from Dark Kiva and Longya. Under the harassment of such an offensive, Ruoning's mentality had long been unbalanced.

Haidong, however, still looked playful and smiling, and continued to output.


"I told you, shut up!"

Ruoning jumped, instantly distanced himself from Dark Kiva and Long Ya, and then neatly drew his bow and arrow.

Energy convergence.

The small arrow turned into a huge spear in just a few breaths.

"Go to hell!"

"Look at me shooting you through with an arrow!"

The huge arrow, carrying terrifying energy, instantly hit Haidong, who was still chattering there.


Seeing that the attack was effective, Ruoning was instantly overjoyed. He finally hit the prisoner!

The arrow she made of special materials was so sharp that even a fourth-generation divine body would have to avoid it. With Haidong's body without a trace of dark energy, he would definitely die!

"I want you to be broken into pieces!"

After confirming that the Mangdangshan no longer had Haidong's aura, Ruoning shot in the direction of the arrow.

Ruoning, who had been suppressed for a long time, ignored a crucial issue.

That's the Knight Projection!
If Haidong is really dead, then what happened to Cross-Z who killed seven in and seven out in the Taotie and Tianzha array?


Just the next moment.

Haidong's figure appeared on the deck a hundred meters away from Ruoning.

【Attack Ride! CrossAttack (attack control·joint end)! 】

next moment.

Everything around them was instantly shrouded in thick red mist. Ruoning and Tianzha looked around and were shocked to find that a blood-red full moon had appeared in the vast universe.

"This is."

"This is Dark Kiva's finishing move!"

This blow had been released by Leina, Cheng Yaowen and others before to Lu Changning.

A small black shadow hung upside down above the blood moon.

The black unparalleled dragon let out a deafening roar. Surrounded by the unparalleled dragons, the dragon's teeth seemed to rise out of the air without gravity.

Rich black flames surrounded the dragon's teeth.

Two figures, one black and one red, flashed across the hundred-meter sky in an instant.

The violent energy rubbed against the space, producing a special effect that was almost like a flame.

next moment!
Dark Kiva and Dragon Fang fell from the sky in almost no particular order, and the knight's kick wrapped in flames blasted forward like a meteor piercing the sky.

Huge air waves stirred the battlefield, and the terrifying power was firmly imprinted on Ruoning's chest.

Following the deafening explosion, Ruoning let out a muffled groan, and his body was like a broken rag doll. He was kicked several meters away and was thrown off the deck of the Mangdang Mountain. "Ahem!"

Ruoning coughed up blood in embarrassment.

"Come on!"

Several scummen came from the other side of the battlefield. When they saw Ruoning who was seriously injured, they immediately took him and evacuated the Mangdang Mountain as quickly as possible.


"Did you run away?"

Haidong looked at Ruoning, who disappeared from sight in the blink of an eye, and let out an unhappy sigh.

"What a terrifying universe. You can actually block the knight kicks of two knights with your body!"


After all, the power of knight projection is limited.

Next time, learn to behave better and teach Da Ye, and you should be able to beat that bitch in seconds!

Haidong's eyes swept across the battlefield, which was still crowded with people.


"Before asking the juniors about the warriors, it would be better to clean up the battlefield first."


These guys who are like locusts can't even sit down and have a cup of tea quietly.

The card quietly crossed the Diend drive.

【Final Attack Ride! Di-Di-Di-Diend! 】

Under Haidong's mask, red bull's-eye signs appeared in front of his eyes.

Swish swish!
A whirlpool track composed of cards appeared in front of the Diend driver. The surging energy had already been stored on the driver. Just waiting for Haidong to pull the trigger, it would be covered by artillery fire.

The fight is coming.jpg!

The moment the trigger was pulled, the Diend driver in my hand made a deafening roar.

A beam of light as thick as a bucket shot out from the small blue gun, sweeping with unstoppable power towards the army of Tianzha and Taotie who were ravaging the Mangdang Mountain.

Although Ruoning couldn't kill the third-generation divine body in seconds.

But can a beam of light that has gathered so much energy not be able to kill these scum and gluttons who are nothing more than first- and second-generation super warriors?

Under the cover of raging fire.

A dazzling light bloomed in the dark sky, and brilliant fireworks bloomed in the sky.

The Mangdangshan, which was originally surrounded by a tight ship, was cleared of at least two-thirds of its surroundings in an instant. The pressure on the Mangdangshan's overloaded artillery fire and soldiers was suddenly reduced.

After finishing all this, Haidong looked at Cheng Yaowen who was helping Xin Zhao up.

"Junior, now that the situation is temporarily under control, can you tell me about Shi?"

"Listening to what you just said, you should know a lot of things, right?"

at the same time.

On the other side of the battlefield, the battle between Hua Ye and Yan continued.

Qiangwei supported the frightened Ge Xiaolun and slowly evacuated the battlefield.

This Hua Ye definitely has a fourth-generation divine body.

In the battle just now, Hua Ye just met and forcibly shut down Ge Xiaolun's ambition, almost causing Ge Xiaolun in the berserker form to lose control without distinguishing between friend and foe.

Qiangwei was unwilling and wanted to step forward to help.

"Are we just going to watch?"

"do not go!"

Ge Xiaolun grabbed the impulsive Qiangwei.

"None of us are Hua Ye's opponents now, so don't put more burden on Yan!"

Under Ge Xiaolun's persuasion, Qiangwei calmed down again.

Just as Ge Xiaolun said.

A battle of this level is no longer something the two of them can intervene in.

If you blindly intervene in the battle between the two, not only will it not be helpful, it may even distract Yan.

After a collision, Yan and Hua Ye quickly opened the distance between them. Hua Ye stared at Yan opposite him with his slender eyes, with a relaxed smile on his face. The opponent's strength was still comparable to his. within the control range.

"Is this the famous new Angel King Yan?"

"Liang Bing and He Xi both say you are the King of Angels, but in my opinion, you are nothing more than that!"

"It's better not to resist this king."

"How about leading the little angels to join the great order of the Heavenly Palace as soon as possible?"

"I believe you will be just like Ruoning, you can't help but like it!"

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha!"

A lewd smile appeared on Hua Ye's face.


As expected of Grandpa Hua, he is truly a talent, and he can talk about driving no matter what the topic is.

Yan was wearing armor, and her golden hair hung down naturally on her chest. Her cloak fluttered behind her, and her eyes were extremely sharp. Even if she was temporarily at a disadvantage, she still shouted sharply.

"The dawn will break and evil will be eradicated."

"Hua Ye!"

"Accept the sanction!"

The sword wrapped with blue thunder pointed diagonally at the ground. Yan's eyes stared at Hua Ye opposite. The surging dark energy was like a tide, impacting the surrounding void, causing ripples visible to the naked eye.


Yan was holding the sword, and his whole body exuded an aura that could change the color of the sky. A blue, terrifying beam of light wrapped with thunder swept over.

Accompanied by the fierce sparks produced by the collision of the light beam and the shield, the loud sword cry was like a dragon's roar, echoing in the ruins.

When the smoke and dust dispersed, Hua Ye was actually unscathed.

On Hua Ye's body, a protective shield loomed.

Seeing this scene, Yan's eyes narrowed slightly.


"It seems that since being knocked out of the earth last time, Carl has given you a lot of good things."

Hua Ye is not ashamed, but proud.

"That's natural!"

"My king's side is quite powerful right now. Do you want to experience it?"

Yan's figure instantly spanned the distance between time and space, and the dark energy entwined on the sword's edge was instantly amplified several times.

Look from afar.

Yan seemed to turn into a blue waning moon, lighting up the dark universe and falling in the direction of Hua Ye.

"You'd better say these words to Ruoning!"

next moment.

The waning moon burst out with extremely strong murderous intent, and countless sword lights and sword shadows burst out in Yan's hands.

Bang bang bang!
In just the blink of an eye, Hua Ye's shield suffered several heavy blows.

Hua Ye still laughed and kicked up the Tiansha Sword and slashed Xiang Yan fiercely. When it came to hard power, Hua Ye had never been afraid of anyone.

Since his birth, he has had extraordinary dark energy reserves and terrifying computing power.

After being defeated by Lu Changning last time, his black hole engine has already received a second upgrade.

At this time, Hua Ye is no longer what he used to be!

(End of this chapter)

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