People are super gods, starting with the power of creation

Chapter 689 Black hole versus black hole! The Galaxy Ends!

Chapter 689 Black hole versus black hole! The Galaxy Ends! (4000 words)

"This kind of duel is only fair~"

"Black hole, to black hole!"

Buffa's dragon-like eyes rested on Hua Ye's body, and a hint of coldness gradually appeared in her eyes.

Galaxy Dragon bottle discounts.

This is the new item Lu Changning got yesterday!
Originally, after obtaining the physique of a vampire, Lu Changning just planned to open the system panel to see what the conditions for upgrading the Galaxy Dragon were.

after all.

Now he only has the black hole stage. If he wants to attack like Mr. E, he must need the help of relevant props.


The upgrade conditions for the Galaxy Dragon do not require specific upgrade drawings as imagined, but only require the corresponding danger level and the physique of the vampire.

With Lu Changning's physical fitness, which he had just advanced to the fourth generation divine body, it would be easy to reach the dangerous level.

Ever since.

Lu Changning naturally spent a lot of resources to produce Galaxy Dragon without hesitation.

This is not.

Used it today!

"No this is impossible!"

"How could you possibly master the power of a black hole without the help of a void engine?"

Hua Ye's mentality was about to explode.


Are you a human being?

Can you cheat a little slower?
The new version of my ship’s black hole engine has just arrived and I haven’t warmed it up yet!

Youya said transcendence all of a sudden, did you transcend? Are you talking about the laws of nature and geography that the dog ignores?

Hua Ye now is like a child who just planned to show off a new toy, but when he turned around, he found that someone else's toy was even cooler than his own new toy.

Burning with jealousy.

"Buffa, you're as damned as ever!"

Lu Changning smiled slightly and turned a blind eye to Hua Ye's ridicule.

"Hehe, I understand."

"After a child discovers that his fists are ineffective, he can only try to take advantage of his words."

Hua Ye's figure suddenly disappeared from the spot, and the void enchantment ability that was ineffective when it failed finally attached to the sword of Tiancha under the stimulation of emotions, and slashed at Lu Changning fiercely.

"You are courting death!"

The sword of Tiansha swept out with terrifying and unrivaled power, and the heavy blade carried a strong meaning of void and struck Buffa's body.

Buffa's figure retreated a few hundred meters.

Lu Changning raised his head and looked at Hua Ye, who was wrapped in a purple spirit in front of him. An emotion called surprise finally appeared in his calm eyes.

Just now, Hua Ye's Tiansha Sword actually turned into a void-level weapon?
"Is this a combat effectiveness that increases with emotion?"


Is this similar to Kamen Rider's spiritual power?
It seems that based on Kamen Rider's data, Karl has really researched something.

The ability of this semi-finished black hole void engine is not enough to support Hua Ye's ability to add void abilities to his weapons at will, so Carl added some settings and power extracted from Kamen Rider's data.

When Hua Ye's own situation is in crisis and his emotions fluctuate violently, he can use the dark energy in his body to forcibly activate the other imperfect part of the black hole engine's computer.

In this way, the effect of overclocking and full firepower can be achieved in a short time.

Karl was not worried at all that Hua Ye's dark energy would be sucked dry.

Because for now, the reason why Hua Ye can let himself experiment like this is because Hua Ye's scum body is durable enough and the amount of dark energy is huge enough.

For this, Hua Ye has to thank his father, Hua Que.

Hua Que, as the first angel king, monopolized all the resources of the angel civilization at that time.

After Hua Ye killed his father and came to power, these massive resources naturally belonged to Hua Ye. Thanks to the foundation of these resources, Hua Ye, who was already extremely talented, had a more terrifying foundation.

because of this.

Only then could Hua Ye be Carl's humanoid guinea pig, jumping around.

"I feel that that aspect seems to have become more powerful!" Hua Ye, who felt that he was capable, immediately became arrogant again.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Changning's figure reappeared in front of him.

"You misunderstood. I just wanted to try it out to see how powerful an attack with the power of the void is."

Hua Ye raised his eyebrows slightly and made a gesture of grabbing a steamed bun: "Oh? So how are you feeling~"

"With the strength of your current attack, it doesn't deserve my special attention."

There was a trace of ridicule in Lu Changning's eyes, he waved his right hand, and then clenched it tightly: "If it's just an attack of this level, I can easily neutralize it."


Hua Ye's face, which was still arrogant at first, suddenly changed and was replaced by a fierce look.

"Then, just savor this attack of yours that doesn't require any special attention at all!"

Hua Ye stepped heavily on the ground, and the airflow around him exploded, pushing Hua Ye's figure into an afterimage and shooting in the direction of Lu Changning.


【Throne! 】

Lu Changning snorted coldly and pushed the Demon King on the right side. Terrifying power began to flow in the astrolabe, and then like photons of blood, the lines on his body immediately lit up.

With this change, Lu Changning's defense was instantly raised to an extremely terrifying level.


Lu Changning clenched his fist and faced the blade in front of him.

At the moment when the fists and swords clashed, the huge sound of gold and iron echoed throughout the battlefield, attracting many spectators to look askance.

When Buffa transformed into a lava dragon, her abilities were already outstanding in her physical body and combat.

And when Buffa's form evolved from a lava dragon to a galaxy dragon, her body's muscle hardness and close combat had already broken through the sky.

On Hua Ye's Void Sword, the fist left only a faint white mark, and these subtle scars were quickly disappearing.

On the other hand, Hua Ye.

Ding Ding Deng!
The huge counter-impact force almost made Hua Ye lose his grip on the sword. Fortunately, relying on the black hole engine at this time to hold on, he could barely fight Lu Changning to a 50-50 draw.

After briefly adjusting his body shape, Hua Ye's figure rushed towards Lu Changning again.

Lu Changning was not afraid at all. With the blessings of Galaxy Dragon and [Demon King's Territory], Lu Changning felt that he could even beat Grandpa Hua to death with his bare hands.

Bang bang bang!
In just the blink of an eye, Lu Changning had already fought against the opponent hundreds of times.

The iron fist kept hitting the Sword of Heaven at various tricky angles and terrifying speeds. Hua Ye, who was originally the main attacker, gradually discovered that something was wrong with the situation and became the defender.

The sound like a bell kept echoing on the battlefield.

"What a terrifying power!"

Xiang Kunlun paused slightly and looked at the turbulent battlefield. His eyes swept across the battlefield where the audience was standing one by one, and there was a hint of emotion in his eyes.

"If such a fierce general can be brought under his command, then the Hall of Heroes will probably..." This thought only appeared for a moment and then disappeared.

These people are all heroes in their respective worlds, and being subordinate to others is probably not what these people want.

"It's better to maintain a good relationship with them. Maybe it will come in handy one day in the future?"

On the other side, Lu Changning was unaware of Xiang Kunlun's change in mentality.


His battle with Hua Ye is still going on.

As the frequency of the two fighting became faster and faster, everyone watching the battle could only see countless dazzling incandescent sparks bursting out on the battlefield.

In the dark star field and gloomy battlefield, the figures of the two men were looming in the shadows of swords and swords.

Eyes collide.


Everyone felt as if there was thunderous momentum and wrinkled up!
Two terrifying forces that looked the same but had fundamentally different roots split the sky in half.

Hua Ye raised his hand and shot out a void light wave, which opened gaps in the sky above the star field. The light wave suddenly tore through the sky and shot towards Lu Changning.

【Ready go! Muscle Finish! 】

Lu Changning tapped the button of the bottle on his waist, and surging blue light burst out from Lu Changning's body with layers of purple energy, and Lu Changning's body pressed down.

A giant blue and gold dragon suddenly woke up from its sleep and surrounded Lu Changning.

"That is!"

The friends of the Xiongbing Company looked at the scene in front of them in shock. The dragon here was no longer the Western dragon summoned by the Demon King!

That is a genuine Eastern Dragon!
Lu Changning punched out boldly.

The dragon's roar echoed through the sky, and the blue flames it contained fiercely collided with the void light waves released by Hua Ye.


The air waves rushed past like thousands of troops. After tearing apart the light waves in front of him, Crozier's Dragon made a strange U-turn and rushed towards Hua Ye above.

For an instant.

A series of violent explosions sounded one after another on the battlefield.

The members of the Xiongbing Company who were watching the show outside the hall opened their mouths wide, and Ge Xiaolun was dumbfounded for a while.

"What the hell?"

"The Ascension of the Dragon from Mount Lu?"

What surprised everyone was that Lu Changning's end was not over yet this time.

After pressing it several times on his waist, Lu Changning's whole body burned with lavender flames, and a huge black hole appeared in front of Lu Changning.

Lu Changning jumped up, and his figure suddenly merged into the black hole.

next moment.

Along with the deep purple arc and the distortion of space, Lu Changning's figure and the black hole happened to appear above Hua Ye without any warning.

"Teleport using a black hole?"

This time, not only the friends were shocked, but also Hua Ye, a personal participant in this incident.

Does this kind of operation still exist?

A terrifying suction force came from the black hole. Hua Ye's body, which was falling rapidly, suddenly stopped. A terrifying force dragged Hua Ye's body and countless scum to Lu Changning.

Knowing that the situation was not good, Hua Ye was fixed in the air by the terrifying suction of the black hole, unable to move.

【Galaxy Finish! 】

The black holes behind him all closed in, converging on Lu Changning's fist, and blasted hard at the enemy in front of him.

The terrifying power of the black hole exploded, and Lu Changning's punch exploded with astonishing power.

In the process of falling, small and medium-sized black holes appeared in the surroundings. The earth-shattering roar temporarily covered up the sounds of everyone fighting on the battlefield.

Boom! ! ! !

Hua Ye's figure fell from the sky like a meteor and landed on the ground of Tianren No. 7.

The strong air flow seemed to be pressed down by an invisible giant hand. The Taotie, Tianzha, and giant wolf soldiers fighting in it were all crushed to pieces by this terrifying impact.

With Hua Ye as the center, the surrounding scum were like cutting wheat, one after another spreading from the inside out and turning into blood mist.

The dust has settled.

The figure of Hua Ye was revealed.


The former aloof Angel King didn't look very good. The armor on his body was in tatters and blood was overflowing from the wounds.

The faces of representatives of all civilizations watching the battle from a distance were almost numb.

Now they no longer have any thoughts of resisting, they just want this war to end early, and then they can leave this place of right and wrong this morning.

On the battlefield at this time.

The king accompanying the scumbags was kicked to the ground by Lu Changning, and the scumbags were defeated like a mountain.

Sumali also suffered greatly under Ukiyo Hidetoshi's sword.

He had just recovered from his injury and had just completed his upgrade. He was beaten up by Ukiyo Hidetoshi in a fancy way. He planned to show off his upgraded body in front of Hua Ye, but he never thought that this would be a cruel attack.

The Taotie and Giant Wolf civilizations in the distance are no longer as powerful as they were at the beginning. The only remaining cross flagship is docked near Tianren No. 7. Each of the Taotie commanders was escorted and squatted on the deck with their hands on their heads.

One by one, the audience came back from afar and happily looked at the points recorded in their mobile phone accounts for killing the Taotie soldiers.

After this event ends, ranking points will be awarded.

Thanos looked at the balance of his account and showed a rare smile.

"We are one step closer to our long-cherished wish!"

Jiraiya also looked at the points in his hand happily.

"Great, I have enough points! I have been eyeing the Naruto follow-up plot book in the mall for a long time! Let me take a look at the future of this Toad Sage!"

At first.

After Lu Changning established the timeline of each audience, he put a product on the mall that was suitable for all audiences.

That is their future.


This future was sold separately by Lu Changning, and the price was high.

This is a matter of changing one's life against the will of heaven. How can one not cut off a wave of leek cough cough cough? How can it be cheaper?
Take the four viewers in the Naruto world as an example. If among the four, only Jiraiya buys this product, then Jiraiya can only see his own plot.

Lu Changning landed lightly and looked towards a certain direction in the void with a half-smile.

"Karl, are you satisfied with the results of this trial?"

Representatives of various civilizations looked horrified.

Carl, the god of death, is here too?
Doesn't that mean that the way they were gloating about their misfortune was all seen by the God of Death?

Karl doesn't care, but the people who represent the Styx galaxy don't care.
A huge virtual screen appeared in the sky above Tianren No. 7 Castle, and the figure of the God of Death, Karl, appeared on it.

(End of this chapter)

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