People are super gods, starting with the power of creation

Chapter 715: God-killing Black Fox Mera appears! The timeline of the Polar Fox world!

Chapter 715: God-killing Black Fox (3) · Mera appears! The timeline of the Polar Fox world! (4000 words)
Hearing everyone's questions, Lu Changning did not make any special expression. He did not seem to be anxious at all about the situation in front of him, and his fox-like eyes narrowed again.

"take it easy"

"After this round of probing, I think I have almost figured out who the other party is, and I have almost understood his methods."

"Next, we don't need to do anything."

"That guy will show up on his own. If he wants to complete the so-called world-destroying game, he won't stay in a corner like a turtle."


"We just need to wait quietly for him to show up."

Lu Changning said calmly.

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive.

The next moment, the holographic projection that had been broadcasting the latest situation of the outside world suddenly became blurred, and was then completely occupied by two unfamiliar figures.

"How are you these days, my fellow knights?"

The people who were originally thinking with their heads down looked up at the holographic screen in front of them in astonishment.

"How does it feel to have lost the God you could rely on?"

Mela laid herself on the soft sofa, playing with the new buckle in her hand, and teased with a victorious look.

With such a powerful force in his hands, it was easy for him to break the record of the World Destruction Game this time.

Tsumurai slowly placed the drinks she was preparing for everyone at the bar.


Just as she guessed, the mastermind behind this incident was indeed the guy from the future.

Hearing Tsumuri's mumbling, everyone turned their eyes to Tsumuri.

"Tsumurai, do you know these two guys?"

The moment he saw the two people in front of him, Ge Xiaolun immediately confirmed that these were the two people he had seen in the universe. He couldn't wait to ask Tsumuri his questions.

Tsumuri nodded slightly.

"Godkiller Mera, Godkiller Merlo."

"They created a world-destruction game, dedicated to destroying a world with ancient myths, and challenged the fastest record for the destruction of the world."

"These two guys will be the most wanted criminals in the future!"

Zhao Xin angrily punched the table in front of him: "Are all the future people of their era sick? Why do they all like to destroy the world so much?"

"Be more confident and remove the yes or no."

Rose leaned against the wall to rest, looking at Mela and Melo with a cold light in her eyes.

"I absolutely do not agree with this kind of behavior of treating life as worthless!"

Jing Feicai frowned as he looked at the two people laughing on the screen, and also frowned.

The two people on the screen were obviously unaware of the criticism they received from everyone in the Desire Grand Prix. Even if they knew, they would probably just laugh it off.

For Mera, this is a world that is about to be destroyed. What is there to care about?
Meira announced arrogantly.

"To all the viewers who are watching the Grand Prix of Desire! From now on, the Grand Prix of Desire will be suspended, and the live broadcast of the World Destruction Game will officially begin!"

"Are you looking forward to it?"


Melo kept cheering from the back. She used to be a devout believer of God, but now she is the number one supporter of the game of destruction.

"How exactly will this world be destroyed this time?"

"Really been waiting!"


"By the way, all the viewers from the future, are you worried that if this world is destroyed, will it affect you?"

Just as the two of them were greeting the future audience from another world on the screen, everyone looked at Lu Changning in confusion.

Following Lu Changning's signal, everyone and the audience who were watching soon learned another shocking fact.

In the future where Melo and Mela are, the earth has already been completely destroyed, and the culprit that caused the earth's destruction is the evil demon that the Desire Grand Prix is ​​fighting against!

"So, they are all destroyed anyway!"

"Why is this backward Earth still intact? It might as well perish together with us!"

Mela's speech was obviously agreed by many future audiences, and Melo, who was sitting next to him, kept exclaiming.


"That's amazing, Mela, our channel audience has exceeded its previous peak!"

Hearing Melo's words, Mela crossed her arms proudly.

"That's natural!"

"I have anticipated this situation! Dear audience, let's start the highly anticipated game of world destruction!"

"The countdown begins!"

As Mera finished her words, a large amount of fruits on the super-large Demon World Tree standing in Juxia City immediately fell towards the city in all directions.

The terrifying demon descended from the sky, covered in heavy armor and filled with a disgusting bloody smell.

"Jay! Jay!"

The evil demons began to violently destroy all the beautiful things in sight.

Along with the appearance of the evil demon soldiers, the high-level evil demons created by Mera were also born in the huge fruit and appeared one by one.


The evil dragon pterosaur that had previously caused countless troubles to Ge Xiaolun and others appeared again and was hovering over the city.

The huge wings stretched out in the air, and the vibrations caused strong winds, lightning and thunder.

A terrifying lightning column as thick as a bucket fell from the sky. The tall buildings in front of them turned into nothingness in an instant, and the evil demons roared and spread out in all directions.


Seeing that the city they had defended with all their heart and soul was now being ravaged by the evil demons, the five-man team of the Xiongbing Company, as well as Haidong and others, could no longer sit still.

The only thing that can make everyone feel relieved at the moment is.

Because of the invasion of the Taotie in the past, people nowadays have already mastered the skill of running away.

As soon as the people realized that the situation was not right, they consciously hid in the underground shelters built in recent years to avoid the ravages of the evil demons.

They did not fall into the darkness of despair.

People are waiting for the arrival of a hero who can save the world.

Lu Changning looked at the people around him.


"I leave this world in your hands!"

The scene changes.

Everyone in the Desire Grand Prix arrived at the smoke-filled city through a teleportation device.

The whole world was in ruins, and even in some places the blue sky could no longer be seen. The city, which had finally restored its beautiful appearance, became unrecognizable again under the invasion of evil demons.

The former skyscrapers and high-rise buildings were turned into ruins by the evil demons.

Looking at the entire city from a high place, countless ruins and debris were scattered on the sidewalks, and garbage and dust were spread all over the streets and alleys.

Every corner of the city was filled with smoke and terror. Innocent people kept running, escaping from this land of death under the cover of the soldiers who arrived.

The streets were empty, the air was filled with fear and despair, and the sounds of collapse everywhere were terrifying.


There are still some people who are brave enough to fight against the monsters.

Those soldiers who were injected with super genes finally arrived at the battlefield at the critical moment and began to use their flesh and blood to build fortresses for the people.

"Everyone, please hurry to the underground shelter!"

"Everyone please relax!"

"The Xiongbinglian is on the way, and all these disasters will be over soon!"

While covering the civilians' retreat, these soldiers also spared no effort to comfort some panicked civilians.
Beams of light descended from the sky, and the members of the Xiongbinglian, as well as Haidong, Dadao Keji and others appeared at the same time in the various cities occupied by the evil demons.

In such a doomsday scenario.

A balloon landed from an inconspicuous corner to a place in the city, attracting Jing Feicai's attention.

As a recognized genius surgeon, boldness and carefulness are among his characteristics.

As soon as he arrived at the battlefield, Fei Cai saw the balloon that looked out of place in the city filled with smoke.

It goes without saying that there must be something strange about the balloon!
The result was as Feicai expected. When he arrived at his destination, he happened to see Mela and Melo appearing in the open space.

hum~ hum~ hum~
Huge holographic projection screens also appeared above various cities.

"Hi hi hi hi!"

"Dear poor people on Earth~"

"This is Godkiller TV! This is the otherworldly Earth that is being destroyed!"

"A world without gods!"

"Only the fate of destruction!"

The images of Melo and Mela appeared in the eyes of people all over the world, and they laughed at everyone wantonly.

Before the two of them could finish their words, Jing Feicai quickly rushed into their live broadcast room.


"Stop it!"

Hearing the voice behind her, Meira turned her head subconsciously.


"It's you, the Grand Prix Knight~"

"You are so anxious to find me. Are you planning to awaken yourself and join my team?"

Fei Cai took out the player driver expressionlessly, the anger in his pupils clearly visible.

His profession is a doctor who saves lives and heals the wounded. Mela's words are undoubtedly an insult to his profession as a doctor.

Whenever he thought back to the time when he helped Tan Zhengzong in order to save his girlfriend, he couldn't help but feel a chill down his spine.

Feicai no longer wants to see tragedy happen again in this world!

"You have a beautiful idea!"

"How could I possibly join you!"

Feicai inserted the LV.100 exploration relic cartridge into the player drive on his waist, and in the surging torrent of energy, the white paladin appeared!

"I'll just use you as an appetizer for my game of world destruction!"

Seeing Jing Feicai's actions, a strange smile appeared on Meira's face.


"Let me introduce to you the important props of this game~"

Followed by.

Meila threw her skirt aside in a casual manner.

The desire driver hidden in the hem of his clothes revealed his true appearance, and on top of that desire driver, there was a brand new core ID embedded.

"Is that... a fox?"

Jing Feicai looked at the scene in front of her with a frown on her face.

"Fox Fox?"

Yan, Liang Bing and Qi Lin, who returned to the game producer's room to watch the game, exclaimed.

The reason they were surprised was that they had seen such a core ID in someone's drive, and that person's name was Hidetoshi Ukiyo!

They are exactly the same?
How can this be?

Liang Bing is the oldest sponsor of the Grand Prix. She knows very well that the core ID embodies a person's star wish.

This is unique and cannot be replicated.

But this is

"So this guy has already come to this world since the battle outside the earth?"

"Black Fox is the one you chose after all."

According to the timeline, Mera of this period should not have been to the Earth where Yingshou of the original time and space was, and there would be no White-haired Yingshou in the future.

Otherwise, this guy would never be able to come to the Super God Universe.

and so.

There is only one answer.

This guy had witnessed the battle between the Temple of Desire and the Styx Galaxy before, so he imitated the appearance of Geats.

"True love"

Lu Changning sighed.

Even though the time and space and the plot changed, the object of mimicry chosen by Mera was still Yingshou.

What is this if not true love?
Lu Changning seemed to be thinking about something.

If my guess is correct.

The current Jihu Time and Space should still be the TV timeline if nothing unexpected happens, and the timeline should still be at a relatively early time node.

Because only in this way can everything be explained.

After the first confrontation, Lu Changning could clearly confirm that Mera did not have the power of the Desire Grand Prix and Siel to tear apart space and open up a new world.

This guy's time travel must have relied on future technology.

In Lu Changning's impression, among the people in the future, the only one who can do this is Siel who possesses the infinite drive.


The current time point of Arcfox must be at a relatively early stage.

Otherwise, Siel should be busy dealing with the Nine-tailed Fox, so how could he have the time to cause trouble like this?


Lu Changning muttered to himself, sighed deeply, looked at the scene in front of him, and couldn't help but complain.


“What a bad taste.”

He is using the power of Buffa but has the appearance of Geats. Isn't this a kind of NTR?
It always feels weird.


Lu Changning felt that someone was looking at him.

Turning his head, Lu Changning happened to see the puzzled looks of the three women, and Lu Changning explained helplessly.


Qilin said she didn't understand.

Ever since she knew that the familiar Lu Changning had returned, Qilin's mood had become much more stable.

"That's just the appearance that Mera mimicked."

"as far as I know."

"Mera once killed Loki of that world and the god of light Balder in a certain mythological era."


"What you saw was just a mimicry created by combining the powers of both."

Lu Changning explained casually.

As soon as he finished speaking, Mela over there had already started her transformation.

(End of this chapter)

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