People are super gods, starting with the power of creation

Chapter 726: The Fox Pot King 5 Ling Dazhi

Chapter 726: The Fox Pot King: Isuzu Dazhi (4000 words)
The concluding speech on the stage continued.

Ge Xiaolun spoke calmly and eloquently, from the composition of personnel to the establishment of a defense line for the solar system.

Using the Chiwu star as a base, we can build a defense line to resist foreign enemies. If a conflict really breaks out, it can be resolved directly in the universe. In this way, the battlefield can be completely pulled out of the earth.

The most important target now is naturally the thorn in the side of the Xiongbinglian, the Styx Galaxy.

Although the four gods of desire in the Temple of Desire and those powerful audiences shocked the entire universe and defeated Taotie, Carl lost the game.


Ge Xiaolun knew very well that just because he failed in one game, it did not mean that Carl, the God of Death, would never play chess again.

What awaits the Xiongbinglian and the Earth will surely be even more ferocious offensives in the future.

The current vacuum period between both sides is a good time for the earth to develop rapidly!
It is precisely because of this that Lianfeng has united various countries, carried out multi-faceted cooperation, and held this meeting that will determine the course of the earth.

"Now that we have overcome the difficulties, the Taotie Styx Galaxy is our number one enemy!"

"As for the demon issue that Mr. Willis mentioned earlier."

"This takes the most time. Let's put it aside for now and solve it together later!"

Willis is from a country in the west of the earth.

When the Taotie invaded massively, Liang Bing adhered to the principle that if he couldn't bring disaster to his own territory, he would bring disaster to other people's territory. He led a large group of demons to take advantage of the situation in his country and gained a large number of believers.

These believers later became loyal members of the demons.

"not to mention"

"This time, our allies in the defense of the solar system also have the help of demons, right?"

"The demons before and after are two different groups of people. I also hope that everyone can look at this issue rationally."

Under Ge Xiaolun's explanation, the demons who had stolen the Willis family were said to be traitors who had betrayed the current demon team and Liang Bing.


The blame was naturally passed on to Isuzu Daichi's Beishi Armed Forces.
What is the relationship between Liang Bing and Lu Changning?
What is the relationship between the Heroes Company and the devil?
How could they attack their own family just because of a few words from Willis?

Isn't that just a waste of time?
Just when everyone thought that Ge Xiaolun was right, there was only one exception. This different voice made the atmosphere on the scene extremely awkward.

Willis frowned in extreme displeasure, and then interrupted Ge Xiaolun's speech.

"The demon invaded our Earth. Should we just swallow our anger?"

Willis' words caused everyone present to whisper uncontrollably, and there were many different opinions for a while.

Lianfeng's expression turned a little ugly.

The Xiongbinglian is a god-level team that China has spent untold hardships to put together. The talents within it are basically capable of growing into gods who lead civilization on a planet.

Ge Xiaolun, Lena, and Liu Chuang.

These three are the top priorities in the God-making plan.

Lena is the main god of the Fiery Sun Star, Liu Chuang has the power to kill gods, and Ge Xiaolun is being trained directly to be the main god of the future Milky Way.

Willis actually interrupted Ge Xiaolun's speech.

No matter what the reason or intention is, Willis's behavior of ignoring others is tantamount to attacking the Xiongbinglian and Ge Xiaolun in the face.

"If you have any opinions, wait until someone has finished speaking before asking questions. Prepare your speech with a draft in hand, and don't interrupt others without permission."

Seeing that Ge Xiaolun did not respond effectively, Lianfeng had to speak up first to help Ge Xiaolun out.

There was a harsh tone in his words.

But Willis obviously didn't intend to let it go.

Seeing that Ge Xiaolun was slow to answer, he realized that he was a novice in this area, so he wanted to take this opportunity to force Ge Xiaolun to make a decision in a hurry.

As the power of the galaxy, Ge Xiaolun's words must count, right?
“But I see that the speeches by Ge Xiaolun and your country are full of intentions to shield the devil!”


"Are you guys in league with the devil?"

"But I heard that you were not harmed by the demons during that disaster."

have to say.

Willis was still very smart. He cleverly used his identity as a victim to establish China as an opponent of all the countries harmed by the demons.


Those countries that have been harmed by the devil have no choice but to take sides.

Willis' words instantly made the place buzz.

This is a conspiracy!

This is to force the Xiongbinglian to rush to the front to defeat Liang Bing and the demons.

If the Xiongbinglian avoids answering this question, it will be suspected of shielding an accomplice.

If I explain, then in front of others with whom I have accumulated hatred, I will just be acting with a guilty conscience.

The only way to relieve these people's resentment is to kick the demons out of the previously established solar system defense plan and then go to defeat the demons.


Is it enough to just defeat the devil?

Obviously not.

As long as Xiong Binglian, or Lian Feng, follows his wishes in front of everyone.

Then even if the Xiongbinglian had lost its original dominant position in this plan and the Earth Alliance and was being used as a gun, how could it have the nerve to lead them?

No matter which road you take, it will be beneficial to Willis.

Willis looked at Lianfeng smugly, then turned his gaze to Ge Xiaolun.

Just when Ge Xiaolun was feeling a little embarrassed, a figure slowly stood up from his seat and walked through the banquet hall in full view of everyone.

"Xiaolun, you can go down and watch."

Lu Changning gestured to Ge Xiaolun.

"Brother Lu!"

Seeing Lu Changning coming up, Ge Xiaolun seemed to have found his backbone and walked down from the stage happily.

When Lianfeng saw Lu Changning's actions, her originally ugly expression instantly relaxed.


"Our galactic force is still growing and has been busy dealing with various battles."

"So next, I will answer Mr. Willis's questions."

Originally, Lu Changning didn't want to go on the court, but Ge Xiaolun was too naive.

Putting aside what Willis' purpose is, isn't your helpless look on the stage equivalent to telling others that you have no way out?
"and who are you?"

Willis was about to start a fight when he was interrupted by Lianfeng.

"Everything Mr. Lu says can fully represent us."

Lianfeng's words directly blocked what Willis wanted to say next, and also explained Lu Changning's transcendent status.

This time, Willis was speechless.

"Mr. Willis just said he wanted to defeat the devil."

"I have great sympathy for what the devil has done to your country, but with all due respect, this suggestion is unrealistic."

Lu Changning said.

"What kind of trick is this, Brother Lu?"

The people in the Xiongbing Company looked at Lu Changning's polite speech, confused. "Who knows?"

"Maybe he's digging a hole again!"

Reina looked as if she had seen through everything.

"Demons never engage in direct warfare. If you must defeat them, I can tell you the answer very clearly."

Without giving Willis a chance to speak, Lu Changning continued.

"The era in which the Earth is now is simply not able to sustain a war with the demons. If you insist on going your own way, you will find that in the end, your people will become fewer and fewer, and the people will turn against you."

"There is only one ultimate outcome of interstellar war, and that is planetary destruction."

"The demons' technology is superior to that of the Earth. Although the Mangdangshan has gathered the world's technology, it is no different from a child in front of the demons."

"The alliance of haters to which your country belongs is a typical example of this."

"I didn't even see the demon face. The micro-wormhole sniper killed them all instantly."


"Only angels can fight against demons. Angels have far better genes than demons."

"Currently, the only one who can contend with Devil No. 1 is Sky Blade No. 7."

"These are all data that can be found on the surface. We are not fools. As long as we analyze them, we can come to such a conclusion."

Representatives from other countries, who had been instigated by Willis, all nodded after listening to Lu Changning's analysis.

What Lu Changning said does make sense.

"I think it's easy for you to judge these things, Mr. Willis."

"May I ask, Mr. Willis, do you intend to let us, the people, and the Earth die with you when the Earth is in internal and external troubles?"

"You are so anxious to sow discord between us and the Xiongbing Company."

"I am beginning to have some doubts now, Mr. Willis, what is the intention of the country behind you?"

At first, it was a careful analysis of the situation, but the more Willis listened, the more he felt something was wrong, until Lu Changning said that he suspected he was trying to sow discord and even mentioned the country he represented.


"You guys have already joined the Death God Carl, so why are you here to sow discord?"

Hearing this, everyone in the Xiongbing Company couldn't help but gasp in shock in the Shenhe Channel.

So cruel!
I've seen people who took the blame for shit, but I've never seen one that took the blame like that.
I've seen shit stirrers before, but I've never seen one that stirs shit like this.
Lu Changning's move can be described as shrimp and pig heart.

This evasive remark cleverly diverted everyone's attention from another aspect.

If this accusation is true, not only Willis, but also the country behind it will be to blame. Even if it is not true, the seeds of doubt have been planted.

When talking with Willis and his country, there are bound to be gaps.

The planet is facing a disaster, but you have been sowing discord.

Such behavior is bound to arouse suspicion. Now everyone present has subconsciously ignored what Willis said before and is looking at Willis with strange eyes.

"you you you."

Lu Changning's words blocked all of Willis's escape routes, leaving him at a loss for how to explain himself for a moment.


No matter how he explained, he could not clear away the possibility that Lu Changning had said, that Taotie was the culprit of the disaster, so the priority naturally came before the devil.

"Mr. Lu!"

The representative of another country sitting next to Willis spoke up.

"We are definitely not in this relationship with this person! All of his actions today were his personal actions! We knew nothing about it!"

They immediately cut ties with Willis.

Willis was abandoned by his country. In an instant, his white skin turned red and he roared in anger.


"This is simply unreasonable!"

He turned around and walked out the door.

However, just one step has been taken.


Willis fell heavily to the ground in a miserable state.

"Hee hee hee!"

Everyone was surprised to find that in the corner of the banquet hall, there was a black cat-like humanoid creature snickering.


Willis fell down like a dog chewing mud, and this black cat was the culprit.

"Don't cause trouble for the gentleman!"

A snow-white cat-like humanoid creature timidly pulled the black cat's big furry paw.

"Hee hee hee!"

"I do not want it."

"A little bit!"

The black cat stuck out its bright red tongue, made a face at the snow-white kitten, then turned and ran away.

These two kittens suddenly disappeared in full view of everyone.

"No no. Gone???"

Everyone's eyes widened with a look of disbelief.

that's it.

This farce-like meeting ended amid heated discussions among everyone, and everyone was sent away from Sky Blade No. 7.

Lu Changning then breathed a sigh of relief, the problem was finally solved!

They are indeed a group of unreasonable guys!

With the Styx galaxy facing a powerful enemy, there are still people trying to create factions within it. Such people and such a country deserve to be suspected.

Lu Changning frowned and looked at Mr. Huang.

"Mr. Huang, I don't want to have such a partner in the future."

"If we still do this in the face of internal and external troubles."

"If Carl doesn't take action, we will fall apart on our own."

Old Huang put down the teacup in his hand and sighed. He naturally knew the meaning of Lu Changning's words. After considering for a moment, he nodded seriously.

Although Lu Changning does not take charge of the affairs, in a sense, Lu Changning's words are more effective than those of the upper echelons.

This is a true "God" who no one can control.

The earth’s divine body resources and super gene resources all came from the theocratic conference that Lu Changning held.

The achievements and combat effectiveness of the Xiongbing Company today are also due to Lu Changning’s original teachings.

If it weren't for Lu Changning, the Earth might have been destroyed by the disaster of evildoers long ago, and it might even have become a battlefield between demons and angels.

If Lu Changning hadn't intervened to mediate, they wouldn't be able to see the current scene of angels and demons coexisting in harmony.

It can be said that it is because of the god Lu Changning that we have a complete earth today.

(End of this chapter)

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