Da Qin: I, who was bound to Qin Shihuang, took off

Chapter 102 Ying Zheng’s ruling!Severe punishment!The beginning of the destruction of Zhao!

Chapter 102 Ying Zheng’s ruling!Severe punishment!The beginning of the destruction of Zhao!
"happy event!"

Meng Wu smiled and didn't hide anything: "I have a granddaughter who is only one year old. I have decided on a marriage with your mother based on this granddaughter, and I have made a marriage agreement based on the heir in your unmarried wife's womb."


"This child is only more than three months old, nearly half a year away from birth, and we don't even know whether it is a boy or a girl. Is this how the marriage is decided?" Qin Qi said speechlessly.

"I have a hunch that this is a man."

"And I also told your mother that the male can get engaged, and the daughter can marry Jinlan." Meng Wu said with a smile.

Qin Qi nodded and immediately clasped his fists: "The general will naturally agree to this marriage."

"The general comes from a distinguished family, and this marriage is the last one."

Naturally, Qin Qi would not refuse such a good thing.

Family marriage, a characteristic of ancient times, is fundamentally for family interests and family inheritance.

Anyway, Meng Wu only had one granddaughter, not a grandson, and the Qin Qi family did not marry her, but married her, so they would not suffer any loss.

If it were the other way around, Qin Qi would not agree.

He is not a person of this era. If he wants to use his daughter to marry for profit, he will never do it. This is the essential difference between him and people of this era. He may not be able to control others, but he himself can Take care of your own home.

"With your talent, sooner or later you will be able to reach my level, or even surpass me."

"You are not trying to reach a high level." Meng Wu said with a smile.

Qin Qi smiled understandingly and said no more.

The marriage has been decided.

It depends on the future.


Xianyang, Qinwang Palace!

"Enlightenment King."

"After investigation by my ministers, the person who threatened General Qin Qi in northern Xinjiang has been found, as well as the reason behind the threat."

Li Si stood in the main hall and started playing loudly.

Hear this.

Many ministers in the court felt uneasy in their hearts.


Ying Zheng stared at Li Si.

"In the past, all the captured and surrendered soldiers of our Great Qin were sent to slaves for hard labor, or reorganized into cannon fodder."

"With the huge numbers, there will be many death slaves."

"However, many of the slaves will die inexplicably. This is not due to fatigue, but because they are secretly manipulated to fake death and escape, and then transport the slaves to the black market for sale."

"Over the past many years, a huge chain of trading interests has been built."

"The strategy proposed by General Qin Qi to punish the army was to stop reducing the soldiers to hard labor and cannon fodder, and put them directly in charge of the army, so that those people could no longer interfere and cut off their financial resources, so they would send a letter threatening Qin General Qi." Li Si said respectfully.

"Under the Qin Law, only slaves registered in the imperial court can be bought and sold, otherwise they are not allowed to be bought and sold privately."

"What's more, it's still a forced labor."

"What a courageous person!"

Ying Zheng sneered, and the entire hall became depressed.


Obviously this was also deliberately done by Ying Zheng to show off to the courtiers.

He naturally knew about these slave buying and selling things in the past, but he turned a blind eye. After all, this kind of thing could not be stopped. But the prisoner army appeared and threatened Qin Qi who proposed the prisoner army strategy. This was Ying Zheng couldn't bear it.

If everyone's beneficial strategies are threatened because they harm the interests of those powerful, how can the Qin Dynasty still be strong?How else to unify the world?
This time.

Ying Zheng must take action on these people, not only as a warning, but also as a deterrent, to scare the monkeys!
"Just tell me how many people participated." Ying Zheng said coldly.

"Back to the king."

"There are not a few people participating. Looking at our country in Daqin, there will be no less than 5000 participants. They are distributed in various places, sold in various places, and connected at all levels."

"There are six people above this court, who are the leaders of the trade." Li Si raised the imperial hut and said loudly.

The words fall.

The faces of many people in the court changed, and those who knew they were involved even had their feet trembling.

But Wang Wan, as the real manipulator, was very calm and could not see the situation at all.

"Which six people are there?" Ying Zheng glanced at the court and said coldly.

"Counsellor of the Young Mansion, Chen Jin."

"Councilor Dianke, Wu Ting."

"The documents of Xiangbang Mansion are here..."

Li Si directly said a few names. Every time he read out one, a courtier in the hall changed his face and collapsed on the ground.

Ying Zheng, who was sitting on the throne and overlooking the court, could see it at a glance.

"Take it!"

Ying Zheng waved his hand.

Immediately, more than a dozen guards rushed into the hall and captured these ministers.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me."

"I don't dare to do it anymore..."

"Your Majesty..."

Several people begged loudly for mercy.

But there were no disturbances in Yingzheng.

Wang Wan stood at the top of the list of civil servants and looked at the people who were dragged down indifferently without any disturbance.

"Who wrote the letter to threaten Qin Qi?" Ying Zheng looked at the six people and asked in a deep voice.

"Yes...yes, minister..."

"I don't dare anymore. I won't dare anymore."

"I just sent a threat letter to scare General Qin. I don't really want to do anything to him." Chen Jin, the counselor of the Young Mansion, knelt on the ground and said in great fear.

"Okay, you're really kind."

"Threatening the meritorious generals of my Great Qin for your own selfish desires. If Gu Ruruo doesn't kill you, how will you face the millions of generals of my Great Qin?"

"Come on."

"Expose Chen Jin's crimes to the public and behead him."

"The rest of the participants will be punished according to the laws of Daqin." "Severe punishment!"

Ying Zheng said coldly.

"I accept the edict." Li Si accepted the order happily.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me."

"Have mercy on me..." Chen Jin begged with his face turning pale, but to no avail.

It wasn't until the six people were dragged out that the court became quiet.

But because of this incident, everyone in the court became serious and did not dare to face Ying Zheng in anger.

"This matter is settled."

"If there are still people who dare to trade slaves privately and fake their own deaths, it will bring disaster to the country."

"Gu, I will never tolerate it." Ying Zheng glanced at the court and warned coldly.

The peripheral vision stayed on Wang Wan for a moment.

Finally he took it back.

Feeling this meaningful gaze, Wang Wan was frightened in her heart and her whole body tensed up.

"My lord, he knows it's me."

Wang Wan's whole body suddenly became cold. He understood what that look meant.

That's a warning!

"and also."

"I will personally take care of the matter of the Criminal Army. If anyone wants to use this to deal with Qin Qi, I will never let him go."


Ying Zheng said coldly, waved his sleeves, and left the court.

In the Xiangbang Mansion!

"Dad, how's the situation?" Wang Ye immediately came up and asked.

Wang Wan sighed a little absently, and then said to Wang Ye with great seriousness: "Ye'er, never touch the slave trade again in the future. No one in the family can touch it again. Anyone who dares to touch it will be expelled from the family."

"Dad, this matter shouldn't involve our family, right? Hasn't someone been arranged to take over?" Wang Ye asked confused.

"Your Majesty, he knows that our Wang family did it, but for the sake of my dedication to the Qin Dynasty, he let our family go. Otherwise, our family will be in ruins."

"Don't touch it, never touch it again."

"Also, you must not offend Qin Qi. I have underestimated the importance your king attaches to Qin Qi."

"Chen Jin was beheaded and his family was ransacked."

"The other five people in the court may not die, but they will inevitably be charged with having their homes confiscated and banished." Wang Wan said in a deep voice.

"The king values ​​Qin Qi so much just because he proposed a prisoner army strategy?" Wang Ye said in surprise.

"Do not."

"Although I don't know much about Qin Qi, I know the king very well. Since he came to power, he has only promoted talents. Li Si, Wei Liao and others are in high positions because of the king's single-handed promotion."

"This Qin Qi definitely has other abilities, otherwise he would not be valued by the king just because of a so-called prisoner army." Wang Wan said in a deep voice.

"What ability?" Wang Ye asked.

"I don't know, maybe it's talent."

"Only Wei Liao, Meng Wu and the others know the details about Qin Qi, and they have not leaked them at all."

"In short, we should treat Qin Qi with caution in the future." Wang Wan said seriously.

"My child understands." Wang Ye also nodded seriously.

"By the way, how's Li'er's marriage going? Why hasn't there been any news for so long?" Wang Wan came back to her senses and asked.

"That young lady from the Ba family escaped." Wang Ye said with a cold face.

"How dare the Ba family?" Wang Wan also frowned.

"The Ba family will give us an explanation for this matter," Wang Ye said.


Inside Zhangtai Palace!

Except for Wang Wan, all the nine ministers and generals in the capital have arrived.

Wang Jian, Huan Yi.

Li Si, Wei Liao, Feng Quji and other important ministers.

There is no doubt that these people are truly loyal to Ying Zheng and mainly focus on Ying Zheng.

It's not like those old nobles in Da Qin who only care about their own interests and are devouring Da Qin.

Therefore, since Ying Zheng took control of the empire, he has been discovering talents, entrusting them with important tasks, and gradually reducing the living space of those old nobles.

Today’s discussion is a national discussion.

Naturally, only those whom Ying Zheng truly trusted could come.

Ying Zheng stood in front of the map, with the ministers standing behind him.

"Feng Qing, are you ready?" Ying Zheng asked.

"The arrangements for food, grass and baggage have been completed. As long as the troops are mobilized, they can immediately go out with the army."

"This matter I did is extremely secretive, and other countries will never be able to detect it." Feng Quji said confidently.

"Feng Qing did a good job." Ying Zheng praised and looked at Wang Jian and Huan Yi.

"I and you dear friends have been studying the layout of this battle for several months, and we will dispatch troops according to the final strategy." Ying Zheng said in a deep voice.

"I understand." All the ministers said in unison.

"Your Majesty, do you know when the troops will be launched?" Wang Jian looked at Ying Zheng.

"In one month, we will send out troops at the same time."

"The North Xinjiang camp attacks Zhao Dai, and the Lantian camp attacks Zhao head-on, attacking with all its strength, but in reality it only needs to hold back the main force of Zhao. The real breakthrough lies in Zhao's northern border."

"The Hangu camp is guarding the Han border and is trying its best to hold Wei back. As long as they dare to use troops, they will attack immediately."

"In this battle, the three major battalions of our Great Qin Dynasty will mobilize together, and the three great masters will come out together."

"Destroy Zhao in one fell swoop!"

Ying Zheng stared at the Zhao Kingdom on the map and shouted with authority.


(End of this chapter)

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