Da Qin: I, who was bound to Qin Shihuang, took off

Chapter 35 The archery camp changes to the cavalry and archery camp!

Chapter 35 The archery camp changes to the cavalry and archery camp!
"no need to thank me."

"If you want to thank me, thank your majesty. Thank you for the fairness and justice of our Great Qin military system!" Meng Tian said loudly.

Then he looked around at the elite warriors on the campus: "Qin Qi, he only joined the army for three months, and he killed 35 enemies when he first entered the battlefield, including a Centurion in the Strength Refining Realm. All our elite warriors in Great Qin are heroes. On the battlefield, they should be like Qin Qi." , fearless.”

"Wind, wind, wind!"

All the soldiers responded with the roar of the wind.

Qin Qi's victory was such that he killed so many enemies when he first entered the battlefield and killed a Centurion in the Strength Refining Realm with the Body Refining Realm. This result really shocked everyone.

"Second thing."

"About the restructuring of the First Battalion of the Archer Army."

"Since the existence of the First Battalion of the Archery Army, the military skills practiced by the first battalion are superior to those of other battalions. In addition to foot combat and archery, it also includes thrusting with spears, including mounted archery. The purpose is to transform into cavalry one day."

"And now the time has come."

"Ten thousand war horses have been transported from Guanzhong Racecourse, all of them are high-quality war horses."

"Now, I will hand over all these [-] war horses to the Bow Army Camp and allocate [-] spears."

"According to the general's order, the archery army will be reorganized into a cavalry and shooting camp." Meng Tian announced with authority.

Hear the news.

All the warriors on the school field raised their arms and shouted: "Wind, wind, wind!"

Especially the veterans, they were particularly excited.

The infantry was changed to cavalry. They had been waiting for this day for a long time.

Moreover, the Gong Army Camp has been training for today.

"The cavalry and archery camp is established."

"General Wang."

"Don't forget your great responsibility."

"Take your subordinates to collect war horses and weapons."

"Let's set off tomorrow night!" Meng Tian turned his head and said loudly.

"General Meng will never betray General Meng's trust." Wang Yao bowed and replied loudly.


Meng Tian left with his generals.

Wang Yao also led his men to lead the war horses.

Switch from infantry to mounted archery.

The First Battalion of the Archer Army no longer exists in Northern Xinjiang, but the First Battalion of the Cavalry and Archery Army came instead. This was also the first cavalry and archery ten thousand battalion of the Second Main Battalion in Northern Xinjiang.

Half a day passed quickly.

The Bow Army Camp has been fully equipped with war horses and a spear.

"My darling."

"I heard before that the cavalry and archery battalion is the real cavalry of the Qin Dynasty. Now we have become the cavalry and archery battalion. We have the best spears, the best spirit horses, and are truly fully armed."

Liu Lei happily held his spear and led his horse, with a joyful smile on his face.

Not only him.

Take a look.

Every warrior in the Gong Army Camp had the same expression, joy and excitement.

"Brother Liu."

"It's time to go to the battlefield."

"This time, I guess the higher-ups are planning to take action first."

Qin Qi turned his head and said to the happy Liu Lei.


Liu Lei turned his head, not worried at all, and said with a smile: "If General Meng really adopts your method, then you will be really powerful."

This time!

Wang Yao had quietly climbed onto the general stage. There was no joy on his face as the bow camp was transformed into a cavalry and archery camp, but he looked seriously at the elite soldiers on the school field.

"Where are the warriors of the first cavalry and archery battalion?" Wang Yao suddenly raised his hand and shouted loudly.

"Wind, wind, wind!"

All the elite cavalry and archery battalions recovered from the joy of getting their war horses and looked at the commander's platform.

Wang Yao nodded and waved his hand.

The sound of the wind stopped.

"Everyone." "Our archery army has been converted into a cavalry and shooting camp. This is a happy event."

"Turn from foot to horse, and your combat power will increase."

"Our cavalry and archery battalion has also been given important responsibilities by Great Qin."

"Our army has received intelligence that the Huns have gathered their troops and intend to go south to invade our country, Qin. In the past two days, many herdsmen and even merchants doing business on the grasslands have been killed by the Huns."

"The aliens are cruel, killing my people and slaughtering my people."

"What should I do as a great Qin warrior?" Wang Yao asked loudly with a kind of anger.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

All the warriors raised their spears high and shouted in unison.

"well said!"

Wang Yao nodded with satisfaction, and then shouted sternly: "The Huns' invasion southward is a foregone conclusion. Now my cavalry and shooting battalion has been ordered by the general to raid the Huns and kill every one of them by surprise!"

"It's less than an hour until nightfall."

"Huotou camp has prepared meals. Half an hour after finishing the meal, the Huns will be dispatched."

When these words fall.

Everyone instantly understood the importance of forming a cavalry and archery battalion.

On the day of the transformation, troops were sent out for a surprise attack.

This is an absolute responsibility.

"Boy Qin."

"General Meng really adopted your strategy of striking first to gain the upper hand."

Liu Lei turned his head and looked at Qin Qi in surprise.

"It wasn't what General Meng did." Qin Qi shook his head.

"If it's not General Meng, who is that? Is it General Wang?"

"Without General Meng's permission, General Wang would not have this right." Liu Lei replied.

Qin Qi smiled hoarsely: "Brother Liu, do you really don't understand or are you just pretending?"

"You brat, what do you mean? Don't give me riddles, just tell me." Liu Lei asked anxiously.

"The raid on the Xiongnu was decided by the king!" Qin Qi said in a deep voice.

Hear this.

Liu Lei's eyes were full of awe, and then he said: "My dear, Mr. Qin, you are incredible. Your plan to launch a surprise attack has actually reached the ears of the king."

Qin Qi said angrily: "Brother Liu, you are really smart!"

"Hahaha, that's for sure." Liu Lei replied with a smile, very proud of himself.

Qin Qi glanced at it and was too lazy to pay attention.

After encountering the Xiongnu soldiers on the grassland yesterday, and watching them kill Qin's caravan without any scruples, Qin Qi was certain that the Xiongnu would definitely launch an army.

For the Huns.

The kings of the Qin Dynasty all adopted defensive strategies to deal with it.

Use defense to attack, use the strength of the Great Wall to defend the Huns, and only wait for the Huns to withdraw their troops before pursuing them again. Therefore, the northern Xinjiang camp has always existed to guard against the Huns, and has almost no other use.

But now that it's the Qin Dynasty, it's naturally different.

There is an understanding of history and an understanding of Qin Shihuang.

Qin Qi only needed to think a little more to understand that if Qin Shihuang wanted to destroy the six kingdoms and rule the world, the northern camp must not become a decoration.

The mission of the northern Xinjiang camp is to defend against the Huns, but if the Huns are in chaos and the Huns are beaten, the Huns will not dare to invade the Qin Dynasty again. This will definitely be of great benefit to the Qin Dynasty in destroying the six kingdoms and ruling the world.

The key reason why Qin Qi proposed to Xiao Han the strategy of striking first and gaining strength was that it was in line with Qin Shihuang's thoughts.

For the sake of unification.

The crisis of the Xiongnu invasion at any time must be resolved, at least in the short term, so that they will not dare to come again in the short term.

"He has reached the eighth level of body refining."

"We are only one step away from reaching the ninth level of body refining. If we break through, we will reach the power refining level."

"With the high-grade heaven-level skills I have cultivated, if I really reach the power-refining realm, with my martial arts skills and weapons, I will have a chance to fight in the innate realm."

"Experience, military merit!"

Qin Qi's eyes were full of expectation.


 PS: Brothers, please pursue reading and pursue reading effectively!Please vote for recommendations, please vote for me monthly!gratitude!

(End of this chapter)

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