Da Qin: I, who was bound to Qin Shihuang, took off

Chapter 83 The imperial guards come to Bridge Village!Shocked!

Chapter 83 The imperial guards come to Bridge Village!Shocked!

"Could this be a reward from Qin Shihuang?" Qin Qi thought to himself, with anticipation rising in his heart.

The Three Treasures of Cavalry and Warfare that he presented are artifacts of cavalry and combat that have cross-epochal significance.

It would be really disappointing if this didn't win big.

Think of this.

Qin Qi did not hesitate and headed directly towards the main camp.


Qin Qi arrived at the main camp.

The other generals in the army were already sitting on both sides.

"General Meng."

Qin Qi walked into the camp and bowed.


Meng Tian smiled slightly.

"General Xie Meng."

Qin Qi also found a seat to the side and sat down, then looked at Meng Tian.


"The artifact of riding war has been forged for a month now, and it is now enough to equip all the war horses in our main camp in Northern Xinjiang."

"My second main camp has [-] cavalry and [-] infantry."

"Now the general has told the forgers of the ordnance battalion to go to the stables to equip them. The next training is to adapt to this riding weapon and fully utilize their own combat power." Meng Tian looked at the generals in the camp and said.

"The last general takes orders."

All the generals said with excitement.

They have already understood the artifact of cavalry warfare, and they naturally understand what kind of changes in combat power will be brought about by equipping the entire army with cavalry.


"The significance of the riding war artifact to our army can be imagined."

"Qin Qi has made outstanding achievements in our northern camp and in our great Qin."

"Your Majesty has sent an envoy to our northern border to personally reward Qin Qi." Meng Tian smiled again and said to Qin Qi.

"With the artifact presented by General Qin, it is worth whatever reward General Qin receives."


"Such a magical weapon can make our Qin cavalry stronger than Zhao cavalry and avoid countless casualties of sharp soldiers."

"This is a great contribution to the country."

"General Qin, the last general will respect you."

Many generals looked at Qin Qidao one after another, with admiration on their faces.

The civil servants may not understand the extent of Qin Qi's contribution, but as military generals, they clearly understand.

"Strengthening the national power of Qin and strengthening the combat power of our army, this is the duty of a general of Qin." Qin Qi also said solemnly.

"well said."

Meng Tian praised, then looked at Qin Qi and said: "I have received the news from the general. When the king's envoy arrives this time, he will impose an important task on you."

"May I ask how important the task is for General Meng?" Qin Qi asked curiously.

"You will know when the envoy comes." Meng Tian smiled and did not explain.

However, since Meng Tian mentioned the important task, he knew that this mission was not simple.


Jiuyuan County, Qiao Village!

The Shaofu official responsible for the pension came to the entrance of the village.

Behind dozens of soldiers were pension money, and everyone in Qiao Village came to the entrance of the village.

At this moment.

Almost every one of the hundreds of people in Qiao Village looked worried, including Qin Qi's mother.

After learning from Ba Rou that Great Qin had used troops against the Xiongnu, and Qin Qi happened to be in the northern Xinjiang camp, Qin Qi's mother was naturally very worried about her son's safety.

This time, Ba Rou did not detour to Jiuyuan County after leaving Northern Xinjiang. Perhaps it was because of her family's urging that she had to go back as soon as possible and had no chance to bring news about Qin Qi.

"The Young Master announces!"

"The foreign Xiongnu repeatedly invaded our territory of Great Qin, invaded our borders of Great Qin, and killed our border people. I received an edict from the king to set up our camp in the northern territory of Great Qin to attack the Xiongnu from the north and protect our people of Great Qin."

"The battle against the Xiongnu in the north took three months. The battle decided the situation and severely damaged the Xiongnu. The Xiongnu had no chance to invade our country again for at least ten years. The northern attack was a great victory."

"Yu Dong, the king has issued an edict. I, the Great Qin Dong, will go out of Hangu to attack South Korea."

"The victory in this double battle is all due to the united efforts of our soldiers in the Northern Territory of Qin, who swore to die to serve the country."

"During this battle, there are soldiers who have died serving the country, and their heroic souls will live on forever."

"There are soldiers who are disabled and injured for the country, and their military spirit will always remain."

"Today, by the king's order, I will provide pensions to those who have made meritorious deeds, and my kindness will spread to all directions."

"There are a total of 39 people in Qiao Village who are soldiers in the army. They belong to the Beijiang Camp and 25 people from the Lantian Camp."

"Among them, 19 died fighting for the country and six survived."

The officials of the Shaofu Mansion held bamboo slips and read loudly.

Hear this.

Many villagers in Qiao Village already look uneasy. The population of Qiao Village is only a few hundred, but 39 of them are in the military, which shows how big the base is.

And those who are worried are naturally their sons and grandsons who are in the military.

"Don't let anything happen to Niu Da. He is the only one in my family. He is only 19 years old."

"God bless."

"God bless."

"I hope my son is still alive..."

Many military villagers have become panicked and can only pray nervously in their hearts.

"Qi'er should be fine."

"Miss Ba said before that Qi'er is doing well in the army and will be fine."

Qin Qiniang clasped her hands together, with a look of worry on her entire face.

For her, she was undoubtedly very worried at this moment.

The child travels thousands of miles and the mother is worried.

The northern Xinjiang camp was the home ground of the northern attack on the Xiongnu.

Naturally, Qin Qiniang had heard of how ferocious the Huns were.

This time!

The officials of the Shaofu began to read out the list.

"Niuda, a third-level knight from Qiao Village, was killed in a battle with the Huns in northern Xinjiang!"

The words fell.

Niu Da's mother couldn't bear it immediately and fainted on the ground. All his family members also started crying and howling.

"My son."


The sound of crying filled the entrance to the village.

See here.

The faces of the soldiers behind the Shaofu officials also had sad and moved expressions.Although they were not the true warriors of Qin, as soldiers of Great Qin, they felt the same way. Seeing the military family members cry, they were also very worried.

But the official in charge of pensions in the Shaofu seemed to be used to it and continued to read out. This was his duty.

"Wu Tao, a fourth-level warrior from Qiao Village, died in battle."

"Luo Tian, ​​a second-level knight from Qiao Village, was killed in battle."

"Lu Qi, a first-class knight from Qiao Village, was killed in battle..."

One by one, the names were read out from the mouth of the young official.

The appearance of each name caused endless grief to a family in the village.

After the names of all nineteen fallen soldiers were read out.

Family members who had not heard the names of their children and grandchildren were relieved, including Qin Qi's mother.

People are selfish, so they naturally think that their children are okay and pray in their hearts.

"Fortunately, Qi'er is fine."

"He's still alive."

Qin Qiniang's heart suddenly dropped.

"A man of the Qin Dynasty, it is the duty of the people to enlist in the army. It is the honor to defend the country to die in battle. Even if you die, your heroic soul will live on forever!"

"The imperial edict."

"Soldiers who have fallen in battle for our country deserve to be comforted."

"The family members should be taken care of by the local government and given ten times the annual salary of the original title." The official of the Shaofu said loudly.


He looked at the mayor of Qiao Village and said, "Chief of Qiao Village."


The chief ran out immediately.

"Please cooperate with us in distributing pensions to the homes of military families. Anyone who dares to take advantage of pensions will be killed!" the Shaofu official shouted loudly.

"Yes Yes Yes."

"I'll allocate it immediately." The chief responded immediately.

Then the village chief immediately arranged for people in the village to help carry it.

"May I ask, sir, if I can ask you about someone?" Qin Qiniang came out, looked at the young official and asked.

"Excuse me."

"I am not a member of the army, but the person responsible for the pension of the young manor. As long as he is not on the list of those killed in battle, I don't know the news." The official of the young manor slowly replied.


Qin Qiniang nodded disappointedly.

"Sister Qin family, don't worry, Qin Qi will be fine if he's not on the list." The head of the house came over and said.

"I know." Qin Qiniang nodded.

After all.

Qin Qiniang was naturally worried. As long as she was in the army, she would be in danger, and as long as she went to the battlefield, she might die. Seeing that so many people in the same village had their children and grandchildren killed in battle, Qin Qiniang was even more worried.

But in this era, all young and middle-aged people are drafted into the army, and there is no way to avoid it.

at this time!

There were waves of shaking sounds outside the village entrance.

Everyone at the entrance of the village looked over.

A large number of black armored cavalry came towards Qiao Village.

"grown ups."

"Is there still a pension team?"

A soldier walked up to the Shaofu officials and said in surprise.

"Will not."

"We each have our own tasks and there will be no overlap." The young official shook his head.

But his eyes were always looking outside the village.

As the vibrations became louder and louder, the black-armored cavalry in the distance became increasingly clear.

"This seems to be the armor of the Imperial Guard?"

A soldier said in surprise.

The words fell.

The expressions of the surrounding soldiers changed accordingly.

Even the young official in charge of pensions is the same.


This is no ordinary soldier, let alone an ordinary warrior.

It is the highest-level army in Da Qin, responsible for protecting the palace of Da Qin and protecting the current king's army.

Every elite soldier selected into the Imperial Guard must be above the fifth level of strength training, and the officers inside are even stronger than other armies.

This is the imperial guard.


Qin Qiniang was shocked when she saw it.

Subconsciously, he hid behind him, as if he was avoiding something.

"The imperial guards protect the king's safety. In addition, the imperial guards can only be mobilized with the king's edict."

"Why are there guards here?"

"Is some big shot coming?"

The young official thought in surprise.

At this moment, he did not dare to show any slightest care. He immediately straightened his official robes, and then said to the dozens of soldiers around him: "Line up, don't be rude. Guards will protect you. Someone must be here."


Dozens of soldiers who were originally scattered immediately lined up in two rows, looking extremely serious.

The black-armored guards gradually approached Qiao Village.

After really seeing it clearly.

The expressions of everyone in the village also became more alarmed.

"There are so many guards, I'm afraid there are thousands of them."

"What are you doing in Qiao Village?"

The officials of the Shaofu were even more confused.

Not just him, but everyone else.

"Did something big happen to our Qiao Village? Why are there so many troops?"

"And it doesn't look like an ordinary army."

The head of the village and the villagers also thought in surprise.

They didn't recognize the armor of the imperial guards, but they could tell that this army was not simple.


 PS: Guys, don’t jump out of tune. I’m really generating energy for love. If I jump out of tune again, it will be really hard.

(End of this chapter)

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