Da Qin: I, who was bound to Qin Shihuang, took off

Chapter 89 The Ba family!The son of Xiangbang!Qin Qi’s unique disposal!

Chapter 89 The Ba family!The son of Xiangbang!Qin Qi’s unique disposal!
Shu land, Shu county!

Ba Rou walked slowly to the inner hall of the family, bowed and bowed to a charming woman sitting on the throne.

That woman is Ba Qing, the head of the Ba family.

Her name is also recorded in history. She was the richest man in Qin State and a rich man who had many cooperations with the Qin court.

"Barou, you are finally back."

"Why did it take so long this time?"

"That's fine, I've done everything I need to do."

"From now on, just wait for the news at home."

Ba Qing did not speak, but the elders of the Ba family sitting on the left and right were talking to each other.

Hear these words.

There was a bitterness on Ba Rou's face.


"Go back to your room and rest."

"You don't need to take care of the family's business affairs from now on."

Ba Qing also sighed and said to Ba Ju.


In the family, Ba Rou had no way to disobey, so she could only nod obediently and accept the order, and exited the hall.

After she left.


"Baro's marriage can no longer be postponed."

"Our Ba family is now the richest man in the Qin Dynasty in terms of financial resources. However, although our financial resources are good, they are like clouds of smoke in the face of power."

"This time I went to visit the current prime minister. The prime minister has a young son who is only ten years older than Ba ​​Rou. He is also interested in Ba Rou."


"This is a great thing."

"As long as Ba Rou marries the son of Xiangbang, my Ba family will be completely stable. No one will dare to offend my Ba family in the future."

All the leaders of the Ba family in the main hall spoke one after another.

Almost everyone is full of enthusiasm for marriage with Xiangbang Mansion.

Ba Qing, who was sitting in the main seat, glanced around, with a kind of sadness in his eyes.

Then, he said: "You can arrange this matter!"

"The head of the family is wise."

"I will definitely contact Xiangbang Mansion again as soon as possible. Maybe one day Mr. Xiangbang will come to Shu in person to see Ba ​​Rou."

Zhongba's family members spoke one after another, and they became even more excited when they received Ba Qing's nod.

Businessmen are only interested in profit!
If it can be combined with Xiangbang Mansion, it will undoubtedly be of great significance to them.

Although Ba Qing was determined to object and did not want to sacrifice his daughter, he failed every time and was forced by the Ba family members out of family justice.

And in their view, a woman is born to sacrifice for the interests of the family, not to mention that this time the target is the son of Xiangbang, which is really a high ranking of the Ba family.


Northern Xinjiang military camp, under the Great Wall!
More than [-] surrendered soldiers were gathered together, and they all sat in the open school field.

There are Qin Rui warriors holding bows and arrows on the Great Wall, and the same is true on all sides. They are all heavily guarded and equipped with soldiers and armor.

Although these surrendered soldiers have now been sealed, they are considered mutiny and must be treated with caution.

After all, they are soldiers, not civilians.

They had been escorted here for a long time, and the sudden gathering here on the school grounds made them even more uneasy.

Each of them knows clearly that their mother country has died, they have become rootless people, and it is impossible for any mother country to spend the price to redeem them.

They also clearly knew that there were only two results waiting for them.

Hard labor!

cannon fodder!

Because all the countries in the world treat surrendered soldiers in this way.

of course.

If their home country is not destroyed, there is still another option. The home country spends money and territory to redeem it.

But that is no longer possible.

These surrendered soldiers were waiting anxiously, which was undoubtedly very painful for them.

Although they already knew what the outcome would be, they were still relying on a bit of luck.

After waiting for a stick of incense!

"General Qin is here!"

A shout resounded throughout the school grounds.

All the soldiers' hearts were in their throats, and they looked nervously at the Great Wall.

An old general wearing a Da Qin military uniform without armor walked to the Great Wall and stood on the Great Wall, overlooking everything below.

After Qin Qi glanced at it, he slowly said: "From today on, your lives are in my charge! With the royal power, I, Qin Qi, will give you the power of life and death!"

"You were originally soldiers from South Korea. I believe you also know how countries have treated surrendered soldiers in the past!"

"One, be demoted to a slave and be enslaved to hard labor forever, with no release until death."

"Two, to be cannon fodder in the army, rush into battle to kill the enemy first, rush into the city first, and fight until death."

Qin Qi's voice resounded, hitting the heart of every soldier.

Although Jiang Zu had already known the result, after hearing Qin Qi's words, they were all completely thrown into despair.

Whether it is hard labor or cannon fodder, the ultimate path is death.

Hard labor means death from exhaustion.

Cannon fodder died from random arrows or even massacre by the enemy.

For them, there is simply no choice.

"But today!"

"Ben is about to open up a choice that has never been made since time immemorial."

"Unique in the world."

Qin Qi looked down at all the surrendered soldiers and paused.

But it touched the hearts of all the surrendered soldiers.

They couldn't help but look forward to it.

"You can become the true warriors of Qin, be awarded the title of Great Qin nobility, and be promoted to the rank of military officer of Great Qin." "All the surrendered soldiers will be reorganized into the prisoner army!" Qin Qi shouted loudly.

Hear this.

Especially the previous sentence.

All the soldiers were a little shocked, and even looked at Qin Qi in surprise.

Become a true warrior of Qin?Can you still get a title?

"May I ask the general, what is the prisoner army? How can we become Qin Ruishi?" A soldier stood up and asked loudly.

"Good question."

Qin Qi laughed.


He said loudly: "The prisoner army is the status of reduced soldiers and the body of the guilty!"

"All of you surrendered soldiers have fought against me, Great Qin, and you even have the blood of my Great Qin soldiers in your hands."

"On the battlefield, there is no right or wrong, only the interests of each individual."

"But basically I, Da Qin, won and you lost."

"To surrender a soldier means to be guilty!"

"As for what I said, I will give you the opportunity to become Qin Ruishi, grant you a title, and be promoted to a military position."

"This is not something I will give you, but something you can earn by yourself."

"I will only give you one chance. This is your only chance to become Qin Ruishi, and it is also your only chance to get rid of your original death."

"As long as you kill enemies for Great Qin."

"Kill an enemy, and you will be exempted from the status of a prisoner, and you will be forgiven the crime of surrendering a soldier."

"Kill five enemies and be promoted to the first rank of my Great Qin. I will become a true warrior of the Qin. I will enjoy my Great Qin's annual salary and be given the skills to practice in the army of my Great Qin."

"Kill ten enemies and be promoted to military rank."

"This is the opportunity I will give you."

"Should I choose to fight for the Qin Dynasty instead of fighting on my own? Or should I choose to work hard for eternity and become cannon fodder and die?"

"But how you choose is up to you."

Qin Qi’s voice echoed throughout the school grounds,
Hear it!

The breathing of the soldiers on the school field became rapid.

Qin Qi's words seemed to bring them a brand new hope, a hope they had never thought of.

"We don't need to be forced into hard labor, and we don't need to be cannon fodder."

"And we can become real Qin Ruishi, and we can also get knighthoods and military positions?"

"This is not true, is it?"

"When did the people of Qin become so good?"

"The people of Qin are as cruel as tigers and wolves. In the past, they slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Zhao troops. There were corpses everywhere in Changping. There are endless ghosts of injustice to this day. Did he deliberately lie to us and then wait for an opportunity to kill us?"

"I'm afraid it's true. Since ancient times, there have been only two ways to deal with surrendered soldiers, both of which are fatal situations."

"Now this choice is too generous for us. This is the first time I have heard that soldiers who are surrendered by other countries can be granted titles and military positions in the victorious country. Is this impossible?"

"This General Qin must have deliberately lied to us, and then waited for an opportunity to trap us..."

on the school field.

There was silence, and most of the soldiers' breathing became rapid, but there were also many who immediately became uneasy after thinking about it.

They always felt that Qin Qi would not be so kind, and Great Qin would not be so kind to treat their subordinates.

"Qin, will he really be so kind to us, our former enemies?"

"In the old battle of Changping, Qin killed Zhao's 50 and [-]-strong army in the pit. The Qin of tigers and wolves, the cruel Qin, is known all over the world."

A soldier stood up and looked at Qin Qidao questioningly.

"I really don't believe it."

"Bai Qi, Bai Qi, you have been dead for so many years, and you still have a bad reputation."

"Breaking my rhythm."

Qin Qi thought with emotion in his heart.

But there was no emotion on his face. Instead, he looked at the soldiers below and smiled: "What good will it do me to lie to you? What good will it do to Da Qin?"

"If I want to kill you."

"All it takes is one command from my general, and thousands of arrows will be fired from the Great Wall."

"You have had your energy dantian sealed, and you are like ants in front of Wu Rui Shi."

"Tell you the truth."

"This time the court's treatment of you is still to turn you into cannon fodder, and what you just heard is the rules of rewards and punishments decided by the general."

"It's not because of your surrender, but because you and I, Da Qin, are of the Chinese ethnic group. All the countries in the world are also of the Chinese ethnic group, just like me, Da Qin."

"Since we are of the same Chinese race, why are we in such a hurry to get along with each other?"

"Therefore, I will give you the chance."

"The choice is yours!"

Qin Qi smiled faintly.

Hear this.

The soldiers thought again in their hearts. Indeed, Qin Qi had no reason to lie to them, and it would be easy to kill them.

"If what the general says is true."

"I am willing to serve Great Qin and kill enemies for Great Qin."

The pawn who had just questioned knelt down on one knee and said loudly.

next moment!
All the soldiers sitting on the school grounds moved.

They all knelt down on one knee and said in unison: "I am willing to serve the Great Qin and I am willing to kill the enemy for the Great Qin!"

At this moment, no one is stupid.

Of course you know how to choose.

Choosing the path of the prisoner army means there is still hope, but being relegated to hard labor and cannon fodder means there is no hope at all.

"Perhaps you still have doubts."

"But I will let you meet someone, and you will believe it." Qin Qi smiled and clapped his hands.


 PS: Please keep pursuing it, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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