Da Qin: I, who was bound to Qin Shihuang, took off

Chapter 99 Meng Wu: Madam, are you willing to make a marriage arrangement?

Chapter 99 Meng Wu: Madam, would you like to make a marriage arrangement?

Ba Rou immediately shouted shyly.


Qin Qiniang replied with a smile, very happy.

"Rou'er, do you know."

"Since I came to Qiao Village, all I have been thinking about is raising Qi'er and then watching Qi'er get married and have children."

"Now half of mother's wish has been fulfilled." Qin Qiniang said with a smile.

Looking at Ba Rou and Ba Rou's belly, Qin Qiniang's eyes filled with joy. She didn't expect that she was about to have a grandson.

This time!

The head of Qiao Village ran over in a panic.

"Sister of the Qin family." The head of the house shouted anxiously.

"Chief, what's wrong?" Qin Qiniang asked.

"Suddenly an army appeared outside and was still camping. What happened?" the commander asked worriedly.

"I don't know." Qin Qiniang looked confused.

After the construction of the mansion was completed earlier, the guards had been withdrawn, and there were no soldiers left in Qiao Village.

"Is it possible that Qin Qi is back?" Ba Rou said with some surprise.

"Is it really true?" Qin Qiniang also had a look of surprise on her face.

Just when the two were about to go to the village entrance to take a look.

The sounds of horse hooves came over.

I saw a man in rich clothes arriving.

The soldiers following them were not ordinary warriors, but pro-soldiers.


Nowadays, all the war horses in Northern Xinjiang are equipped with riding artifacts, but these war horses are not equipped with them.

After all, the artifact of mounted warfare was the key to Qin's defeat of Zhao Hufu's mounted archery, so he did not leave the northern Xinjiang military camp at this moment, and it was expressly forbidden for anyone to take it away. If anyone was found to dare to leave on horseback, he would be severely punished.

This shows that Da Qin attaches great importance to the artifacts of cavalry warfare.

Only after the Zhao Kingdom is truly destroyed will this cavalry weapon be able to fully arm all the military branches of the Qin Dynasty.


Meng Wu is the only one supported by thousands of close troops here.

The father and son came to Qiao Village.

Saw this strange visitor.

Qin Qiniang was not calm, because she recognized him at a glance: "General Qin, Meng Wu!"

I saw Marquis Mengwu.

Qin Qiniang immediately let down the hair covering her forehead a lot.

Although she had only met Meng Wu once, and only looked at him from a distance, she was also afraid of being recognized by Meng Wu.

When Meng Wu came to this yard.

Get off your horse.

Looking at Qin Qi's courtyard and the newly built palace, he knew that he had come to the wrong place.

Meng Wu did not speak, but walked slowly towards the yard.

His pro-army troops were protecting the outside.

"Is this general from Northern Xinjiang?"

Qin Qiniang calmed down for a moment, then stepped forward and asked.

"Qin Qi's mother?" Meng Wu asked tentatively.

"Yes." Qin Qiniang nodded.

"Then I'm not looking for the wrong place."

"I am the captain of the Northern Xinjiang Camp Guard, Meng Wu." Meng Wu smiled.

"General of the Northern Xinjiang Camp."

"I am the great master of the Qin Dynasty."

Li Chang's expression changed, and he became extremely shocked.

The three great masters of the Qin Dynasty are known to countless people in all countries in the world, let alone one of the chiefs of the Qin Dynasty.

"See you, General." The chief immediately bowed and saluted.

"No need to be polite." Meng Wu waved his hand.

Then he looked at Qin Qiniang: "Don't you want me to sit down?"

"Please, General."

Qin Qiniang immediately pointed to the cushions in the yard and said.

Meng Wu was not polite, walked over slowly and sat down.

Qin Qiniang and Ba Rou stood aside and did not dare to sit down.

"Guest as you wish."

"My guest has already sat down. Why is Mrs. Qin, the host, so reserved?"

"I'm not here to ask for help." Meng Wu said with a smile.

"The captain and general of the army guard of Great Qin."

"I have never seen a civilian woman." Qin Qiniang replied slowly.

"Wei Liao was here last time. He was a Jiuqing official, and his rank was higher than that of a general." Meng Wu smiled.


"I don't know...I don't know why you came here this time?" Qin Qiniang asked tentatively.

Compared to Wei Liaolai, Qin Qiniang was relatively calm, but looking at Meng Wu in front of her, Qin Qiniang was still a little worried.

"At the king's command."

"Garrison troops in Qiao Village to protect Mrs. Qin." Meng Wu said with a smile.

"Garrison troops to protect me?" Qin Qiniang looked surprised and puzzled: "The civilian women are doing well in Qiao Village, why are the troops suddenly stationed to protect the civilian women?"

When she asked this question, Qin Qiniang was really panicked: "Is it possible that he found me? No, I can't drag him down anymore, and once he finds me, Qi'er will also be in danger." "Qin Qi made a move that was beneficial to Qin, but this move offended a group of people, and some people even issued written threats to Qin Qi, intending to be detrimental to him, and even more detrimental to you, Mrs. Qin." Meng Wu said truthfully.

The words fell.

Qin Qiniang suddenly felt worried: "Will Qin Qi be okay?"

"Don't worry, Mrs. Qin."

"Qin Qi is in the military camp. Even the martial arts master is unable to kill our great Qin generals in the military camp, let alone those black sheep."

"Qin Qi is fine, but Madam Qin, you are in this Qiao Village. Wang En is considerate and asked me to send a thousand soldiers to set up a military camp to guard Qiao Village and be responsible for protecting Madam Qin's safety."

"of course."

"Mrs. Qin, there is no need to worry too much. Your Majesty has already issued an edict and the matter will be thoroughly investigated. Those black sheep will be found out and dealt with." Meng Wu said with a smile.

"The civilian woman understands." Qin Qiniang nodded.

"Your Qin Qi boy is doing great right now. Your Majesty values ​​him very much, and he has outstanding martial arts talent. Sooner or later he will reach my position in the future." Meng Wu said with great emotion.

"Thank you, General, for taking care of my Qin Qi."

"He has a bit of a reckless temperament. A common woman would never have thought that he could reach this point today." Qin Qiniang replied.

"Madam, you have underestimated your Qin Qi."

"His abilities are not just what I said. Even Wei Liao, a disciple of Guigu, said that Qin Qi is a genius. He also said that if Qin Qi had gone to Guigu before, then he might not have become a disciple of Guigu. There's a chance." Meng Wu smiled.

Wei Liao said this, which shows how much he values ​​Qin Qi's ability.

"Who is this?" Meng Wu looked at Ba Rou who was standing next to Qin Qiniang.

"This is the daughter-in-law of a civilian woman." Qin Qiniang introduced her immediately.

"I've seen the general." Barou immediately bowed and saluted.

And she was naturally shocked.

The moment Meng Wu stepped into her home, she even thought she was dreaming.

Although she doesn't know anything about the army or the court.

But the captain of the guard, the general, the grand master of the country, she knew it!
Since he was 12 years old, Barou has led caravans across the country in order to prove his abilities, created a lot of wealth, and seen a lot.

Naturally, I have heard the names of the three great masters of the Qin Dynasty countless times.

And now.

This kind of existence actually appeared in the home of her future husband.

Whether he is a general or a grand master of the country, this is enough to make a party tremble. Even the real prime minister does not dare to go too far when standing in front of him.

"Perhaps, I won't have to hide anymore."

"Even go back openly and honestly." Barou thought secretly in his heart.

"This girl is pretty good, where is she from?" Meng Wu asked with a smile.

"Sichuan, Ba family." Ba Rou replied respectfully.

"That Ba family in Shu, I know, it's a wealthy family."

"Don't tell me that Qin Qi saved a caravan when he came to the battlefield, right?" Meng Wu looked at Ba Rou with curiosity.

Ba Rou nodded: "I was fortunate to be saved by Mr. Qin. If not, I would have been killed by the Huns."


"Do you see it."

"This is destiny."

"Your belly seems to be pregnant with Qin Qi." Meng Wu saw Ba Rou's slightly enlarged belly at a glance, and with his great master's spiritual consciousness, he naturally felt the small life in Ba Rou's belly. .

"More than three months." Qin Qiniang replied immediately.

"It seems that this boy hasn't married this girl yet, right?" Meng Wu said with a slight smile. .

"Yes." Ba Rou nodded shyly.


"It's mostly common to have children before marriage. You can also get married after giving birth to children."


"When your Qin Qi gets married in the future, don't forget to treat me to a sip of wedding wine." Meng Wu said with a smile.


"It would really be my son's honor if the general could come to attend my son's wedding banquet." Qin Qiniang said repeatedly.

"Speak up."

"My granddaughter is one year old. Madam, would you mind setting up a marriage?"

Meng Wu glanced at Ba Rou, then looked at Qin Qiniang and smiled.

"Ah?" Qin Qiniang was stunned and did not come back to her senses.

"What? Not willing?" Meng Wu said with a straight face.

"No, no, General."

"My wife here doesn't know if she is carrying a boy or a girl. How should we get engaged?" Qin Qiniang said quickly, for fear of offending Meng Wu.

"I have a hunch this must be a boy."

"If it's true, then we'll make a marriage agreement. If it's a girl, then we'll marry my granddaughter. How about that?" Meng Wu said with a smile.

"Rou'er, what do you think?" Qin Qiniang looked at Ba Rou.

"Everything is based on mother's orders." Barou said, stroking his belly.

"The general has decided that this is an honor for my Qin family."

"If it is really a boy, then the woman will agree to the marriage for my son." Qin Qiniang said immediately.

"it is good."

"Then it's settled." Meng Wu also laughed.

It can be seen that he is quite satisfied with this marriage.

As the current helmsman of the Meng family, Meng Wu naturally has his vision, and for the big family, the most important thing is inheritance. Qin Qi's talent is outstanding enough, and almost everyone in the Northern Xinjiang camp knows that, given time, Qin Qi is the person with the last chance to become a martial arts master.

It is naturally in the interest of the Meng family to marry such a great master of martial arts.

Otherwise, Meng Wu would not have said this himself.

From this point of view, his Meng family’s granddaughter decided to marry the Qin family for the sake of getting married!

(End of this chapter)

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