Tomb Keeper: My clone is the Mausoleum of the First Emperor

Chapter 110 Rather than being turned into a zombie, I would rather die without a complete corpse!Wom

Chapter 110 Rather than being turned into a zombie, I would rather die without a complete corpse!Women's hair on the back of the neck!

How could this be?
Feng Taichu tried his best to grab what he touched with his hands, and then he felt a strong pulling force coming from his waist and abdomen.

Looking down, he saw that the rope tied around his waist was very tight.

Zhang Defu was hanging upside down on the bottom floor, while Liu Fuxiang was under Feng Taichu. The three of them were tied together by a rope and hung on the suspension bridge.

However, the only focus of the three of them at present is the position that Feng Taichu tightly grasped with both hands.

For a moment, everyone in the exploration bureau was shocked when they saw this scene.

"What's going on? Didn't it mean that might be the only exit?"

"How come they returned to the previous location of the Phosphorus Fire Suspension Bridge after jumping from the Suspended Soul Staircase?"

"Isn't this another killing spree set up by the tombkeeper?"

"The other positions were all turned into fatal situations by the tomb keeper, and the only place where there was a possibility of escape would lead to a direct fall into the mountain stream! This tomb keeper had all the ways out. It’s sealed!”

"Look, they can't hold on any longer!"

At this moment, everyone in the exploration bureau could clearly see that Feng Taichu was holding on to the edge of the phosphorus fire suspension bridge with both hands. They were only three meters away from the tomb passage leading to the hanging soul ladder on the opposite side.

But this is only three meters, but it is as impossible to cross as a drop from the sky.

Moreover, the weight of the three people was all tied to Feng Taichu alone, which almost made it impossible for him to hold on any longer.

The fingers on both hands even began to bleed due to the tremendous force.

But he couldn't give up anymore.

At this time, Feng Taichu almost collapsed.

That damn tomb guard, what kind of terrifying trap did he build this tomb passage into?
Originally, I thought I had cracked the Qimen Formation with the Coffin Mountain Finger Mystery Technique, and it would be safe to jump down from the only escape hatch.

But who would have thought that even the only way to survive would be placed in this position.

That's right!

Any formation will have a chance of survival.

This was indeed the case with the hanging soul ladder, but the tombkeeper actually moved the only possible way out to the top of the mountain stream.

If you jump from there, you really won't be able to fiddle with the fate in the birth chart.

There will be no spontaneous combustion in the absence of wind, or wind, rain, thunder and lightning.

However, the escape position is directly aimed at the mountain stream below. Once you jump down, you will definitely die!
damn it!
Thinking of this, he was almost driven crazy.

The tombkeeper did not leave any way to survive. His purpose was to make anyone who entered the Mausoleum of the First Emperor die.
Moreover, this is still an endless loop!

Even if they turned around and jumped to the opposite side just now, they would still encounter the hanging soul ladder when they entered the tomb passage.

Unless you choose not to go from here, but climb directly from the cliff and directly enter the underground river.

However, Yang Xue appeared at that time, and he might be attacked by a six-winged centipede at any time.

Now he understands that in fact, all this was a trap carefully set by the tombkeeper from the beginning, and even Yang Xue's phantom was part of the plan.

"Taichu!" At this moment, Liu Fuxiang's shout rang out from below.

He looked down and saw Liu Fuxiang gritting his teeth and shouting at him: "Quickly cut the rope, let us both fall directly from here!"

"Otherwise, the weight of three people will be on you, and none of us will survive!"

That's right!

At this moment, Liu Fuxiang has realized that they must make a choice now.

The weight of three people was on the same person. Even if Feng Taichu was the Guanshan Taibao, he would not be able to hold on for long.

It is even more impossible to climb up against the wind.

Therefore, they had to be allowed to fall directly so that Feng Taichu could escape alone.

But after hearing his words, Feng Taichu didn't speak.

He gritted his teeth, and even if the nails on his hands were cracked, he still didn't let go.

Seeing that he had no reaction, Liu Fuxiang couldn't help shouting: "Come on, you don't have to choose, I will cut the rope myself!"

As he spoke, Liu Fuxiang was about to take out the dagger from his body. He wanted to at least ensure that Feng Taichu could survive.

But right now.
"Old Liu!"

Suddenly, Zhang Defu's voice came from below. Liu Fuxiang looked down and saw a scene that he would never forget.

I saw that Zhang Defu was already cutting his own rope.

At the same time, his eyes were full of determination.

nothing else!
He knew that if all three of them died here, then everything the Zhang family had done before would be meaningless.

Therefore, at least one or two people must survive to continue going down.

In this way, it is possible to crack the secret of the first emperor's mausoleum.

And he couldn't go on anymore.

The previous severe burns had made it difficult for him to move, and in order to reduce Feng Taichu's weight, it was the best choice for him to fall from here.

At least if he fell into this abyss, his body would not be found by the tombkeeper.

He has seen his son's condition.

So even if he fell from here and was shattered into pieces, he still didn't want to be refined by the tomb guard!

"Taichu! Lao Liu!"

Thinking of this, Zhang Defu gritted his teeth and shouted: "You two keep going down, and if you have the chance, find a way to crack the Tomb of the First Emperor!"

"If I can get out alive and break the Zhang family's curse, I will thank you all my life!"

"But if there is really no other way, you should look after yourselves first and find a way out! Then, tell the Zhang family to never enter the Mausoleum of the First Emperor again!"

As he spoke, the rope was about to be cut.

Seeing this situation, Liu Fuxiang's eyes were full of admiration, and Feng Taichu wanted to stop him, but he couldn't even open his mouth.

In other words, he was begging in his heart, so Zhang Defu fell down quickly.

Human desire for life is selfish.

But he doesn't want to admit it!

At this time, everyone in the exploration bureau couldn't help but shut up, and the Zhang family members in front of the computer also fell silent.

That time before, Zhang Tianci told them with his own life.

Don’t enter the Mausoleum of the First Emperor again!

But they didn't listen.

This time, family member Zhang Defu also used his own life to warn them that the Mausoleum of the First Emperor is a killing array where whoever comes and whoever dies will die.

Zhang family, you can’t get in!

It was at this moment that Zhang Defu finally cut the rope that connected his life and symbolized the way forward.

His whole body was like a firefly in the dark night, falling towards the dark abyss below.

But there was no fear on his face.

Some of them were just hatred for the tomb guard, and some were pining for Feng Taichu and the others.

Must get out alive!

Until the end, his figure had completely disappeared, and in the bottomless abyss below, the sound of his corpse falling to the ground could not even be heard.


Feng Taichu seemed to be going crazy. The whites of his eyes were bloodshot and the bones of his hands were broken due to the excessive strength.

But after losing the weight of one person, he did feel much more relaxed.

Perhaps it is because when a person is on the verge of death, he can unleash unprecedented potential. For this reason, his body actually started to move upward.

First his arms, then his upper body, and finally his whole body on the phosphorescent suspension bridge.

And Liu Fuxiang also showed a completely different strength from his current age.

The two people climbed up the bridge in a hurry, and then they didn't dare to stop at all, and immediately rushed towards the opposite side.

Because at this moment, there was already an updraft rising behind them.

"hurry up!"

At this time, Feng Taichu immediately urged loudly, and at the last moment when the updraft rose, the two of them flew forward directly.

The phosphorus fire behind him turned directly into a raging fire because of the swamp gas in the updraft.

But at this moment, Feng Taichu and the two couldn't even look back.

They lay on the ground like two dead dogs, breathing heavily with all their strength, trying to calm their violent heartbeats.

time passes by
The people in the Exploration Bureau didn't know what to say at this moment, so they could only wait quietly.

A full 5 minutes passed.

Feng Taichu and the two finally felt a little better, and then they tried to turn over and sit up.

At this time, neither of them spoke.

Zhang Defu's death was like the heaviest blow, making both of them almost lose their belief in continuing.

After all, that grave guard was too insidious.

The Mausoleum of the First Emperor has been turned into a deadly killing situation by him.

If they continue to go down, maybe they will only encounter more dangerous institutions. In the end, they will not die in the tomb.

For a moment, both of their eyes were filled with despair.

Seeing their lifeless eyes, people in the Exploration Bureau didn't know how to give them faith this time.

But at the same time, everyone in the Zhang family in the Archaeological Bureau was filled with indignation.

"Director Liu! Feng Taichu! Cheer up!"

"Yes, my grandfather's death cannot be in vain!" "The current situation is no longer about your personal life and death, but it has escalated to a game with the tombkeeper!"

"Cheer up, my grandfather told you in the end, you must leave the Imperial Tomb alive, and you can't let that tombkeeper succeed!"

"It doesn't matter even if the curse of our Zhang family cannot be lifted. You must at least defeat the tomb keeper and defeat the First Emperor's Mausoleum! Only in this way can we be worthy of those who died in our Zhang family!"

For a while, everyone in the Zhang family was shouting, but Feng Taichu and the other two couldn't hear it. They just stood there in a daze and didn't speak for a long time.

A few minutes passed, and finally Liu Fuxiang was the first to break the silence.

"Is there any way to continue going in?" His tone was serious, and he no longer had the same emotion as before.

But after hearing his words, Feng Taichu suddenly nodded and said, "There is a way. As long as you don't enter this tunnel anymore and climb down from the cliff, you can reach the underground river directly and go deeper into the area from there."

"When the time comes, we will walk along the underground river. In front of us is the ultimate underground palace of the First Emperor's Mausoleum!"

At this moment, the two of them were talking to each other, and there was no tone of discussion anymore.

But the words were full of determination.

That's right!

Zhang Defu's death made them understand.

Now it is no longer a matter between the two of them. Several groups of people from the Zhang family have died in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor.

If the grave guard is not defeated, they will all die in vain.

In other words, their lives no longer belong to them.

So since everyone is in despair, what is there to be afraid of now?

Just go down!
Thinking of this, Feng Taichu came to the edge of the cliff without saying a word, and Liu Fuxiang followed immediately.

In this regard, they did not think about how deep they would climb down from this cliff, nor did they think about whether they could persist.


If you can't hold on, the worst case scenario is that you'll just fall off, and you'll die anyway.

For a moment, the two of them began to climb down the cliff as if they had been given a shot of blood.

Fortunately, they are all aliens, and their skills are far superior to normal humans. Moreover, now they also regard this as an opportunity to fight against the tombkeeper.

And if they continued like this, they quickly climbed down to a depth of dozens of meters.

For a moment, it was extremely quiet on the cliff.

The people from the exploration bureau followed Feng Taichu and the two of them and looked down. It was extremely dark below the mountain stream, and no other sound could be heard.

Both Feng Taichu and Feng Taichu pricked up their ears almost instinctively. They would stop and observe their surroundings as soon as they climbed down a little distance.

Because both of them knew in their hearts that there might be danger here, or a six-winged centipede might appear.

Once you encounter it, it will be difficult to stay alive.

In this case, they must always be vigilant.

time passes by
After climbing down for about half an hour, Feng Taichu subconsciously increased his speed because he was no longer touching the top or bottom.

Moreover, there is a high possibility of an ambush here.

After being on guard for a full 2 ​​minutes, Feng Taichu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Go on!"

No way, who made it too dark around here.

While thinking about it, Feng Taichu and the other two bravely climbed down.

Perhaps they have realized that the chance of defeating the tombkeeper is getting slimmer this time, so both of them feel very heavy.

They barely spoke a word as they climbed down.

But they all know in their hearts that there are dangers around here. Even if it is a natural cliff, no one knows whether the tomb guard has created a new mechanism here.

Moreover, if they take even one wrong step, they may slip and fall.

But at this moment, Feng Taichu suddenly stopped subconsciously.

"Taichu, what's wrong?" Liu Fuxiang asked quickly after noticing something unusual about him.

Now he is almost frightened, and so is Feng Taichu.

But Feng Taichu was not in a hurry to speak, but listened carefully.

Just now, he heard the sound of water flowing.

So, following the sound, he looked carefully at the rocks next to him, and found that there seemed to be water stains slowly seeping down on the rocks.

"Is it really water?"

Feng Taichu touched the rock wall with his hand, and his palm was soaked.


But after checking this situation, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "We have been climbing on the cliff for so long, and I just discovered that the surrounding area has become very humid, and water has begun to condense on the rocks."

"It means that there must be a vast underground vein below us. The water vapor traveled along the rocks to here, and condensed into water here."

"Looking at it this way, we should be very close to the finish line."

That's right!

There is plenty of water vapor here now.

In other words, this underground river is now very close to them.

At the same time, it also means that the tomb guard can set up fewer and fewer mechanisms below, and they will soon be able to enter the safe area.

"Then what are you waiting for, get down quickly!" Thinking of this, Liu Fuxiang quickly urged.

But Feng Taichu shook his head, indicating that he should be more careful.

After all, it may be the most dangerous when you relax your vigilance. No one knows whether there will be a killing next.

In this case, he must always be vigilant.

As a result, the two of them kept checking their surroundings almost every time they took a step.

But just as they were getting closer and closer to the end,

Suddenly, Feng Taichu stopped abruptly.

Then, he immediately shined his flashlight around, and his actions frightened Liu Fuxiang.

"What's wrong?" Liu Fuxiang asked quickly, and he also saw the solemn expression on Feng Taichu's face.


At this time, Feng Taichu couldn't help but swallowed, there was nothing around him.

"Didn't you hear?"

Feng Taichu said with a solemn expression: "I heard that sound again just now. It was the sound of a woman singing. It was very miserable and vicious!"

Hearing Feng Taichu's words, Liu Fuxiang shook his head subconsciously.

He heard nothing indeed.

Seeing him shaking his head, Feng Taichu also said in confusion: "Weird! Why can only I hear that sound?"

"But I definitely heard it right, and that sound was the singing I could hear all the time in the corridor!"

"What's going on? Why doesn't that thing let us go?"

That's right!

Feng Taichu dared to conclude that he was definitely not hallucinating.

Because he had heard that song several times before, and Liu Fuxiang had no doubt about it.

If we say, once is an illusion.

So if you add up several times, there must be a reason.

That singing sound must be coming from something, but the strange thing is that he just can't see anything around him.

The most important thing is that the song appeared several times, but it didn't hurt him?
So weird!

"Get down quickly!" Thinking of this, Feng Taichu couldn't help but urge Liu Fuxiang.

Although there might be some mechanism hidden on the cliff, he still felt in his heart that the source of the singing was about to attack them.

They must leave here quickly and enter the scope of the underground river.

Otherwise, in such a steep area, once something dangerous happens, there will be no chance for them to dodge.

While thinking about it, the two of them climbed down faster.

After they climbed down for about a minute, Feng Taichu quickly raised his hand to signal Liu Fuxiang to stop.

"what happened?"

Liu Fuxiang asked quickly, and Feng Taichu listened carefully and then his eyes lit up and said: "There is the sound of running water below, which means there is an underground river below!"

Hearing this, Liu Fuxiang's eyes also lit up.

Now I can hear the sound of water flowing, which means that the exit is close at hand, and continuing down is the underground river.

But right now.
However, Feng Taichu felt itchy on his head. He felt that it was probably the water dripping on his neck.

Thinking of this, Feng Taichu touched it with his hand and wanted to rub his neck.

But just when he touched the back of his neck, Feng Taichu's hand suddenly stiffened.

Not only his hands, but his whole body froze.

For a moment, Feng Taichu stiffened his body, held the thing behind his neck, and carefully brought it to his eyes.

But when he saw what he was holding in his hand, Feng Taichu's pupils shrank almost instantly.


It's a woman's hair, and a very long one!
(End of this chapter)

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