Tomb Keeper: My clone is the Mausoleum of the First Emperor

Chapter 117 Purchase the Gu Pot Technique, Cultivate the Mercury Essence, and the Terrifying Lishan

Chapter 117 Purchase the Gu Pot Technique, Cultivate the Mercury Essence, and the Terrifying Lishan Mercury Sea!
I'm good!

Gu Changan couldn't help but shudder when he thought of the horror of the nine corpses welcoming the guests.

"Take Feng Taichu's body to the main cemetery palace!" Then he ordered, and the shark hurriedly brought Feng Taichu's body.

Then, together with the Blood Corpse King, they took the corpses of Zhang Defu and Feng Taichu and prepared to enter the underground palace.

After coming out of the Hades ship, you will enter a tomb passage.

The entrance to this tomb passage is on the cliff after landing. From here, half of it is a natural underground tunnel, and if you continue forward, you will enter a man-made pattern.

But if you want to officially enter the main cemetery palace, there is a completely sealed stone gate before that.

Behind this stone door is the huge main cemetery palace.

And before that, there is a secret room.

The secret room is surrounded by a width of 20 meters vertically and horizontally. Ordinary people must jump down from the tomb passage above to enter this so-called secret room.

Gu Changan didn't know why the people who built the tomb had to create such a pattern.

But he felt that this layout was like a teapot.

Thinking of this, Gu Changan suddenly had an idea.

The layout of this secret room is like a Gu pot.

So he immediately had some ideas in his mind. Zhang Defu's corpse could be cultivated using the method of welcoming guests with nine corpses.

But currently, he has no more corpses of Zhang family descendants in his hands.

Zhang Qilin and the others were refined into the Blood Corpse King and the Half-Cat, and if they wanted to create the pattern of nine corpses welcoming guests, they had to add eight more blood relatives.

Otherwise, the trip won't be possible.

But he didn't know whether the Zhang family would enter the tomb next time, and even if they did, it was unlikely that they would be able to gather so many people at once.

Thinking of this, Gu Changan suddenly felt that maybe he could add another funeral pattern to the original nine corpses welcoming guests.

In this case, even if the Nine Corpse Welcome cannot be activated normally, another pattern will form a killing array.

With double insurance, you won’t be afraid of tomb robbers taking advantage of the loopholes.

Thinking of this, Gu Changan had an idea.

But which pattern should be used for reinforcement?

"Have it!"

After thinking for a moment, Gu Changan suddenly came up with a plan - the Gu Pot Technique!
According to the introduction of the system, this formation is very similar to the Nine Corpses Welcome.

It is also necessary to be buried by one's own blood relatives, but it does not need to be confirmed to be nine corpses before it can be activated.

Moreover, it is not necessarily necessary that all the people who come in are deceased.

To put it bluntly, Zhang Defu's corpse was first cultivated into a smiling corpse, placed in such a secret room, and then the zombies were cultivated by raising gu.

At present, this secret room is exactly the same as the voodoo pot used to raise voodoos, meeting this prerequisite.

Next, after the Smiling Face Corpse is cultivated, if a blood relative of the Zhang family enters the secret room, the Gu Pot Technique will be activated.

Zhang Defu will transform into a corpse!
In this way, when the zombie-turned-Zhang Defu starts to attack the tomb robbers, the tomb robbers will definitely fight back and kill the zombies.

But in fact, reaching this step is the most critical point of the Gu Pot technique.

Because once the poison pot technique is set up in this secret room, it will form a poison pot that uses poison to raise zombies.

Raising voodoo is to put five poisons in the same voodoo pot and let the poisonous insects kill each other.

The last one that can defeat the other poisons and come out of the poison pot alive is the poisonous insect!
In the same way, once those descendants of the Zhang family start to attack Zhang Defu.

The formation started naturally.

It would be okay if they didn't kill Zhang Defu, but if they killed Zhang Defu, the corpse poison would automatically contaminate everyone who entered the Gu pot.

At that time, people infected with corpse poison will gradually transform into corpses.

They will kill each other in this poison pot, and the one who survives in the end will become the most powerful zombie among them.

Automatically become a part of guarding the Mausoleum of the First Emperor.

This is the most terrifying part of Gu Pot Technique. It forces you to kill zombies, but the most dangerous moment is after killing the zombies.

Gu Changan was a little moved.

If you can add a Gu pot technique to the nine corpses to welcome guests.

If those Zhang family members dare to come in again, they will definitely die!
However, the price of this Gu pot technique
Looking at the price of [-] points in the mall, Gu Changan felt a little painful.

Although there are still 15 points left in this mission reward, I can’t help but make it like this!

"I can't bear the child, I can't catch the wolf!"

"Bought it!"

But after thinking about it carefully, Gu Changan felt that since he wanted to guard the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, he couldn't be bothered by these points.

So, he had to buy this formation first.


"Congratulations to the host, you spent 50000 points to purchase the Gu Pot Technique!"

"Excuse me, host, do you want to start setting up the formation?"


Gu Changan immediately agreed to the order to chop off his hands.

Soon, with the operation of the system, the configurations required for various formations began to appear in the empty secret room in front of them.

First, a bronze mirror appeared on the top of the cave, and then the system produced a lot of bronze bells on the top of the cave.

These are the scraps that make up the Gu Pot technique, the so-called bronze mirror, the soul-catching bell, and the seven soul-breaking corpse ghost stars!

When the yin and yang reverse, the thousand-year-old zombie will be shocked with blood and tears!

After the formation is completed, all that is needed is to cultivate Zhang Defu's body, and the pattern of the Gu Pot Technique will take shape.

When Zhang Defu's body transforms into a corpse, the formation will start naturally!


"Buy a locust wood coffin and add a top-quality corpse nourishing liquid!"

Thinking of the key point, Gu Changan couldn't wait to urge him.


"Congratulations to the host, you spent 30000 points to purchase a locust wood coffin!"

"Congratulations to the host, spend 20000 points to buy a top-quality corpse nourishing liquid!"

Looking at the coffin that appeared in front of him, Gu Changan still felt very distressed, and now he lost another [-] points.


The system is all profiteers!

The points I just got were not yet warmed up, and in the end I only had [-] points left.

While complaining, Gu Changan asked the Blood Corpse King to put Zhang Defu's body in, and then poured the corpse nourishing liquid into it.

"come over!"

"Feed him the unicorn blood!"

Fortunately, there is a mobile blood bank called Blood Corpse King. Kirin blood is free of charge.

Otherwise, this point is really not enough to spend.

Immediately, the Blood Corpse King came to the coffin, and Qilin's blood dripped into Zhang Defu's mouth.


Qilin's blood dripped down and was directly swallowed by Zhang Defu's flesh.

After all this is done, the Gu Pot technique and the nine corpses welcoming guests will be formed. The next step is to see if those Zhang family members will come to the Mausoleum of the First Emperor again.

It is estimated that Zhang Defu will be cultivated into a smiling corpse soon, and Gu Changan can't wait to think of this.

So much merit was spent this time.

I hope there will be more people thinking about the First Emperor's Mausoleum next time, so that he can have more points to renovate the tomb.

Thinking of this, Gu Changan looked at Feng Taichu's body again.

This guy is the Guanshan Taibao of this generation, and he is actually a pure-yang boy who can be trained into a mercury essence that can restrain all kinds of magic.

Can't waste it.


"Dear host, Feng Taichu's corpse can be refined into mercury essence. I suggest the host find a relatively open area for transformation!"

After hearing the system prompts, Gu Changan suddenly remembered that the layout of the main cemetery palace was very large, and there was also a sea of ​​mercury.

Moreover, just a killing blow using the Gu Pot Technique would probably not be able to deal with the people of the Wuhou Sect.

There is a high possibility that they will enter the main underground palace.

Therefore, you can't just arm the tomb passage in front. For such an important location as the main cemetery palace, you should also equip various mechanisms, formations, and zombies.

After thinking about this, Gu Changan looked at the stone door in front of him.

This stone door is so huge that even a dozen big men would not be able to open it with brute force.

Following his thoughts, Gu Changan's spirit came to the main cemetery palace.

If any tomb robbers from outside saw the situation in this underground palace, everyone would probably be shocked.

Because the main underground palace of the First Emperor's Mausoleum is so magnificent.

In front of it is an open structure that is so huge that it is as big as two football fields.

It can be said that when they built the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, they directly hollowed out the underground of Lishan Mountain.

To be able to do this manually, I don’t know how many craftsmen were mobilized back then.

And I don’t know how many foreign slaves are dying from exhaustion here!

That's right!

After the Qin Dynasty unified the six kingdoms, Zulong ordered General Wang Jian to lead 60 old Qin people to guard the border. The foreigners at that time did not dare to step into the Central Plains.

Even when Qin was in trouble, Zulong would not let Wang Jian lead his troops back to serve the king.

What kind of great power thinking is this?I don’t know how narrow-minded those rebels who later rebelled and destroyed Qin must be?

For the sake of a so-called Qin must be destroyed by Chu, he actually broke into the Qin Dynasty?
After the Qin State destroyed the six kingdoms and unified the Central Plains, foreigners at that time did not even dare to set foot at the foot of Yin Mountain. What about when Xiang Yu and Liu Bang came to power later?

Foreigners are wreaking havoc and the people are miserable.

Therefore, Gu Changan has always felt that Zulong is the true First Emperor of Eternity.

The monarchs in the back are just emperors.

Thinking of this, Gu Changan shook his head.
Those tomb robbers outside are actually no different from those people at that time.

It seems that everyone is affectionate and righteous, but they want to touch China's dragon veins for their own sake?
Yingzheng is the ancestor dragon of China.

They didn't even want to let go of his tomb?
What kind of narrow-minded thinking is this?

I remember from afar that Zulong’s thought was that Qin could be destroyed, but the Central Plains could not be destroyed!
For such an eternal emperor, there are still people who want to build his mausoleum?
So, he didn't think about anything else, but carefully inspected this vast underground palace, thinking about how to turn this place into a killing trap.

I saw that this underground palace was not only vast, but also dug out manually, and the surrounding rock walls were polished to be very smooth.

Moreover, the underground palace extends all the way forward. Only when you reach the farthest shore can you enter the location close to Qin Shihuang's mausoleum.

But if you want to pass through the underground palace, there is a huge killing situation in front of you.

Mercury sea!
That's right!

It is said that there is a vast sea of ​​mercury in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor. In fact, this is not a rumor, but it is true.

After a normal person walks in from the stone door and looks forward, the interior of the underground palace is filled with astronomical amounts of mercury.

A river channel at least hundreds of meters wide was formed, extending to the front.

It is no exaggeration to say that this underground palace is filled with mercury, and this mercury sea is actually the moat of Qin Shihuang's mausoleum.

There is no other way to go in this pattern. Only by crossing the Mercury River is it possible to enter the tomb passage of the ten golden people and reach the underground tomb.

"Not bad!"

Seeing Shui Yin Dao, Gu Changan couldn't help but praise him.

How capable were the people who built the Mausoleum of the First Emperor back then that they were able to collect such astronomical amounts of mercury when the technology was so underdeveloped at that time.

It can also be injected into the Mausoleum of the First Emperor!

You must know that the role of mercury is not just to look good, this liquid metal is highly toxic!

As long as ingesting even more than one milligram is enough to cause severe pulmonary edema in a short period of time and directly die.

It is no exaggeration to say that mercury is far more lethal than any other poison.

But that's just scratching the surface.

The most important thing is that mercury can sublimate if it lasts for a long time, which is the so-called evaporation.

But although the mercury evaporates, it does not disappear out of thin air, but will adhere to other places.

Even the air can be doped with gaseous mercury.

Gu Changan looked towards the underground palace and saw that the walls around the entire underground palace were already covered with a thick layer of silver-white substance.

The ground is also covered with this powder.

The entire underground palace feels like a silver-white fairyland on earth, with a long silver river looking ahead.

If you don’t think about the details, this place is simply beautiful!

But in fact, under this seemingly fairyland-like environment, hidden is a terrifying murderous intention that can kill countless tomb robbers.

Because those so-called silver-white powders are actually evaporated mercury attached to the wall.

The entire underground palace is now filled with extremely high concentrations of gaseous mercury.

Anyone who comes here and stays for even ten seconds longer will directly inhale a large amount of mercury.

At that time, even if the gods come, it will be difficult to save them.

Thinking of this, Gu Changan couldn't help but admire in his heart. In fact, the anti-theft measures of this Mausoleum of the First Emperor were also very high.

If those people from the Zhang family hadn't come in, it is estimated that this Mercury Galaxy alone would have been enough to kill the incoming tomb robbers.


"Congratulations to the host, spend 30000 points to buy a copy of the best corpse nourishing liquid!"

Although the Mercury Galaxy in front of him is very dangerous, Gu Changan estimates that there will still be tomb robbers who can avoid these killings.

So what needs to be done still needs to be done.

So he immediately placed Feng Taichu's body into the Milky Way, and then poured the corpse-rearing liquid into it.

"Feed it the unicorn blood!"

After all this was done, Gu Changan asked the Blood Corpse King to feed Qilin blood into it.

Feng Taichu was able to cultivate mercury essence, which is probably different from other tomb beasts, and he didn't know how much benefit Qilin blood could have on it.

The Qilin blood was quickly absorbed by Feng Taichu's body. The next step was to see if the next person who came to the Mausoleum of the First Emperor was someone from the Wuhou sect.

However, the layout of the Nine Corpses welcoming guests is a problem.

If the Zhang family still dares to come after so many sacrifices, how stupid must they be?

But if the Zhang family didn't come, the layout of the nine corpses welcoming guests would never be able to take shape.

Therefore, the Zhang family still needs someone.

And with the addition of the Blood Corpse King and Half Tank, as well as Zhang Defu and the two brothers who died in the tomb before, at least five more are needed.

Because Zhang Qiusheng's body had been devoured, leaving only Zhang Yusheng.

Kind of troublesome.

If you want the Zhang family to continue to come to the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, there must be an excuse to make them feel that entering the Mausoleum of the First Emperor is not a certainty.

In this way, in order to relieve their revenge, they would be able to continue to come.

Zhang Defu and the others were all dead.

It would be great if he left one Zhang family member behind first, and then controlled him to return to the Zhang family and bring more Zhang family members in.


"The host does not need to be anxious. The system has a way to forcibly renew Zhang Yusheng's life and cultivate him into a puppet that can be resurrected briefly."

At this moment, the system notification sound suddenly sounded in Gu Changan's mind.

Hearing this, Gu Changan suddenly became excited.

"any solution?"

Gu Changan was a little excited. He didn't expect the system to have this function?
Can the dead be resurrected in a short time?


"The host can first spend 10000 points in the system to purchase a soul-reviving incense to temporarily resurrect Zhang Yusheng."

"Then feed him a corpse pill, and then wash away all his previous memories, and he can be resurrected for a short time."

"When he enters the Tomb of the First Emperor next time, the soul-returning incense will lose its effect and he will indirectly transform into a zombie and become a zombie controlled by you!"

Is there such a good thing?

Gu Changan was very satisfied after hearing the system's proposal.

I didn't expect that there was such a good thing in the mall
"Then buy a soul-returning incense first!"

Thinking of this, Gu Changan couldn't wait to get started.

The so-called soul-returning incense is a magical medicine!
There is an old saying that the fragrance that brings back the soul is also a spiritual thing. The fragrance smells for hundreds of miles, and the dead body is lying on the ground. The smell of it makes it alive.

This is an anecdote recorded in "Ten Continents"!
According to legend, during the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the Huns were attacked and no grass could grow. The ancient Persian kingdom at that time donated three soul-returning incense in order to bow to the Han Dynasty.

According to legend, this incense has the magical effect of resurrecting the dead.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty used the first incense to revive the dead Wei Zifu.

One of the remaining two soul-returning incense was later found by Li Longji. After the Maweipo Incident, Concubine Yang was forced to commit suicide.

Li Longji missed her so much that he used one of the soul-returning incense to bring back Concubine Yang's soul.

In Zhaoyang Hall, there was music and singing every night.

This also provided material for Bai Juyi's famous poem that has been passed down through the ages.

Parting diligently re-sent words, the words have vows and two hearts.

On July [-]th, in the Hall of Eternal Life, when no one whispers in the middle of the night.

The last soul-returning incense was brought back to Japan by the Fuso envoy to Tang Dynasty at that time, and was lit by Abe Seimei, the founder of the Tsuchimikado family at that time.

The scent of the soul-reviving incense spread throughout Kyoto.

At that time, all the dead in Kyoto were resurrected, which resulted in the famous period of darkness, the Hundred Ghosts Walking at Night!

However, the effect of this soul-reviving incense has been exaggerated.

Because the dead resurrected by the soul-returning incense can only be resurrected for three days at most.

After three days, he will die again.

But this is enough for Gu Changan.

What he wants is to resurrect Zhang Yusheng for a few days first, and then wait until he brings more Zhang family members to the Mausoleum of the First Emperor before letting the soul-returning incense expire.

When the Corpse Pill takes effect, he will transform into a zombie under his control!

While thinking about it, Gu Changan went directly to the tomb chamber and gave the soul-returning incense to Zhang Yusheng's body.

Then, before the effect of the medicine took effect, the system was immediately urged to erase his memory.

Then, Gu Changan bought another corpse pill.


"Congratulations to the host, you spent 10000 points to purchase a Corpse Pill!"

Immediately afterwards, Gu Changan fed Zhang Yusheng without hesitation.

Even if it is done.

However, the efficacy of the Corpse Pill will not be felt until the efficacy of the Soul-Returning Incense gradually loses.

In this way, he will directly transform into a corpse after entering the tomb.

But before letting him go
(End of this chapter)

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