Tomb Keeper: My clone is the Mausoleum of the First Emperor

Chapter 127: Read the history of blood and tears passed down from your family!The sharks are attacki

Chapter 127: Read the history of blood and tears passed down from your family!The sharks are attacking and the underground rivers are stained with blood!
"Everyone has seen it, right?"

At this time, Gongshu Mu looked around and looked at the people of the Gongshu family and said: "Our Gongshu family has been troubled by the lack of one skill for so many years, and even after so many years, there is still no solution. "

After hearing his words, everyone in the Gongshu family present nodded.

That's right.

For so many years, they have been troubled by the lack of one skill, and no matter how talented you are, you are not exempt.

The reason is that after practicing Lu Ban Shu, you will inevitably lack one thing.

But in this way, they can only keep the treasures left by their ancestors, but they can't practice at all.

Otherwise, no matter how talented you are, once you want to disobey this missing skill, it will definitely backfire on your own blood.

And if they leave Lu Ban Shu alone and do not practice, they will not be willing to do so.

How can everyone not be depressed when thinking about this?

It was not that no one from the Gongshu family wanted to challenge it at first, but the result was very tragic.

Either he died on the street or all his relatives died tragically, and his wife and children would never escape.

At that time, the family will be destroyed.

It is precisely because of this that the ancestors of Lu Ban set such ancestral precepts, and everyone shook their heads when they thought of this.

But at this moment, I saw a young man from the Gongshu family suddenly said: "Ancestor, I seem to understand!"

"Once you practice Lu Ban Shu, you will not be able to marry and have children for the rest of your life. This is the ancestral precept left by our ancestors, and no exceptions can be made."

"Our Gongshu family has thought of many ways over the years, but we have never been able to avoid this and the missing one."

"But what you want to tell us is that this time, like the Zhuge family, we have also made a turn for the better with regard to the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, right?"

Everyone present widened their eyes when they heard this.

Nothing else, because of the ancestral motto of their Gongshu family, even if they have great abilities, they can only face the loess with their backs to the sky in this life.

He even had to cut off his own bloodline.

Otherwise, just don't bother Lu Banshu and go out to fend for yourself.

Because of this incident, their family has been in great pain for many years.

Even if Gongshu Mu volunteered not to marry or have children in this life, he still had to study Lu Ban's book carefully, just to find a way to avoid missing one door.

He voluntarily dedicated his life to the family!

But unfortunately he has not been able to succeed for so many years.

But no one expected that after seeing the video of the First Emperor's Mausoleum this time, a child would actually say that this might be an opportunity for them to lose the family?
how can that be possible?
When they thought of this, everyone immediately looked at their husband with bewildered eyes, as if seeking confirmation.

And in the expectant eyes of everyone, Husband Shu seemed to have noticed everyone's doubts. He suddenly nodded and said in a deep voice: "This matter is indeed true. Many of you have never read Lu Ban's book, so you naturally don't know. .”

"According to the records in Lu Ban's book, anyone who learns Lu Ban's book will definitely suffer from one of the shortcomings in his life. The reason is actually because we, the descendants, are simply not lucky enough to withstand five shortcomings and three shortcomings. Backlash!"

"So even our destiny feels that we are not worthy of possessing such a masterpiece as Lu Ban Shu, nor are we worthy of being in charge of Qimen Dunjia!"

"Even our ancestors couldn't do it. Ancestor Lu Ban could only completely abandon Lu Ban's books and retain his own bloodline!"

"But in order to fight against this fate, when our ancestors left their ancestral precepts, they also left the solution in Lu Ban's book."

Hearing this, all the people present widened their eyes.

They never thought that the reason why they lacked one skill in their lives was because they were too weak to master the Qimen Dunjia.

So what's the solution?

You must know that for so many years, their Gongshu family has always been a farming and studying family.

Guarding the Lu Ban Shu left by their ancestors, they have been passing it down from generation to generation with their faces to the loess and their backs to the sky.

But over the years, there have been very few clan members who have dared to learn the contents.

Because the phrase "farming, reading and passing down the family" seems to be very noble.

But in fact, it is a history of thousands of years of blood and tears!

Guarding such a treasure, you cannot go and learn it, and once you learn it, you will have no choice but to never marry and have children for the rest of your life.

They were originally a group of amazingly talented people, but they could only eat in the loess soil.

Just kidding, among all the talented and beautiful people in their family, who wouldn’t want to learn the contents of Lu Ban’s book?
But the problem is that after learning the contents, you must bow to your fate, and then you will not be able to marry and have children.

Otherwise, it will inevitably come back to bite your family.

This is a history of blood and tears!

It's fine now. My husband finally said that there is a possibility of a solution. How can they not be excited?
Everyone pricked up their ears at the thought of this.

"In what way?"

"Ancestor, please speak quickly!"

"Yes! Is there any way to avoid missing one of the fates, so that we can safely learn the contents of Lu Ban's book?"

For a time, everyone started urging.

"That is"

At this time, Husband Shizi said with a serious face: "The way of heaven has damaged more than it can make up for, but in the north of the poor, there is the Minghai, Tianchi. There is Yuyan, which is thousands of miles wide, and no one knows it. build."

"Also, if the accumulation of water is not thick, it will not be able to carry a large boat. Put a cup of water on the col hall, and the boat will be made of mustard. If you put the cup on it, it will be glued. The water is shallow and the boat is big."

For a while, my husband said some vague words. These words were the last content recorded in Lu Ban's book, which was the method to solve the missing problem.

He also spent a lifetime studying before he understood the specific content.

But after he understood what the solution was, he gave up immediately.

Because the so-called cracking method is simply like looking at the moon in the mirror, and it is simply beyond the reach of ordinary people!

It was also at this time that no one in the Gongshu family understood.

What do these words mean?
"Ancestor, what does this mean?"

"Explain it!"


At this moment, seeing the anxiety of his descendants, my husband could only sigh helplessly and explain: "It means that we, the public losers, are just ordinary people, so naturally we cannot withstand the backlash in Lu Ban's book!"

"But as the saying goes, the way of heaven makes up for the damage but makes up for the deficiency. The key lies in the word "make up"!"

"Our own destiny cannot bear it, so the only way is to borrow luck."

Hearing what he said, the people in the Gongshu family became even more confused.

What is borrowing luck?

From whom?
Thinking of the key point, one of them quickly asked: "Who can I borrow it from?"

Upon hearing the inquiry, the husband sighed and said, "Of course you are not borrowing it from others. No one can escape the fate of ordinary people, so it is useless to borrow it."

"In other words, we are not borrowing from people, but from the country. We are borrowing from all the people of the Federation. We are borrowing from Zulong."

Borrowing luck from the federation?
What do you mean?
Could it be that.
For a moment, everyone in the Gongshu family had ideas, and finally couldn't help but look at the computer screen in front of them.

At this time, Husband Shu nodded and said: "You are right, according to the last record of Lu Ban's book, only by borrowing luck from the Federation can we make up for the shortcomings of our Gongshu family!"

"To put it simply, the destiny of the country is to supplement the destiny of people. There is a dragon vein of the Federation in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, which is where the destiny of the Federation lies."

"If we can enter the Mausoleum of the First Emperor to find the dragon's veins and borrow the fortune of the country from the ancestral dragon, we can make up for the fate of our father-in-law!"


After hearing this, everyone present became excited.

There is still such a way?

"But the destiny of the Federation lies in the dragon vein of the country. Wouldn't it be too inhumane for us to borrow our luck?" At this moment, the child who spoke before suddenly poured cold water on them.

After hearing this, everyone came back to their senses.


The federal dragon vein is the foundation of the country. If they go in to borrow luck, they will be worse than tomb robbers!

But when I think about my own fate!
At this time, one of the members of the Gongshu family couldn't help but said: "That's true, but we must also consider ourselves!"

"Only by borrowing luck can we complete our destiny!"


Hearing this, everyone present nodded.

Although it is very shameful to borrow the luck of the dragon vein, what else is more important than avoiding the missing one?

After I die, let him be flooded!
Thinking of this, the public losers were excited again. As long as they entered the Mausoleum of the First Emperor and found the dragon veins, their pain would be relieved!
Here's their chance!
"That's what I say, but that gravekeeper."

At this time, a man from Gongshu's generation who had also studied Lu Ban's book stood up.

Although he was also very excited, he did not lose his mind.

The tombkeeper can even add Qimen to the Hanging Soul Ladder. Doesn't that mean that his Qimen skills are also very terrifying?

Even surpassing the Lu Ban Shu of their Gongshu family?

Thinking of this, other members of the Gongshu family also said: "The tomb guards are basically passed down from generation to generation. They know the tombs they guard very well."

"Anyone who wants to visit the ancient tomb will be hunted down by the tombkeepers. However, the Luban Book of our Gongshu family also contains records of strange arts."

"And we can unite with other families. If we can join forces with people from the Zhuge family, plus people from the Nine Sects."

"Then with the professional methods of Jiumen, plus the Luban Shu of our Gongshu family, and the Wuhou Qimen of the Zhuge family, maybe the chance will be even greater!"

Now that the opportunity has arisen.

Then there is absolutely no reason for them to miss it.

After hearing this, other members of the Gongshu family also nodded.

After this time, they may have a chance to unite with Zhuge's people and find the Nine Sects that have disappeared. I don't believe they can't enter the Mausoleum of the First Emperor!


But at this moment, my husband said, "Let's wait and see. If the people of the Zhuge family can come out alive, it won't be too late for us to talk."

That's right.

My husband always felt that it was bad luck to go to the Mausoleum of the First Emperor to steal the dragon vein.

So he wanted to wait.


At this moment, Zhuge Feng and the others were waiting patiently.

The forbidden woman was burned to death just now. The scream before her death was the bait to attract other evil spirits.

While thinking about it, several people became vigilant.

But at this moment, a creepy sound suddenly appeared.

Suddenly, Zhuge Feng and others suddenly heard a splash of water.

They looked towards the source of the sound almost subconsciously, but when they saw clearly where the source of the sound was, everyone's eyes widened.

I saw that the place turned out to be the place where the forbidden woman was burned to death just now. The waves rippling on the water seemed to be only ten meters away from them.

"Be careful!"

Thinking of this, Zhang Tianlai quickly urged everyone: "Take out all your weapons, maybe the sharks are coming!"

So fast?
After hearing his words, everyone present became alert!

What is it like underwater?
But in the next second, everyone stared at the water and widened their eyes, because they clearly saw a shadow as big as a buffalo slowly emerging from the water.

The shadow was at least the size of a buffalo, and looked tall.

After slowly emerging from the water, the first thing that appeared was a smooth head covered with green scales.

Followed by two narrow eyes.

Those eyes were full of bloodlust and cruelty, making people feel creepy even if they looked at them from a distance.

Then the lower mouth opened slightly, and the sharp teeth exposed inside made people tremble at the first glance.

Is it a shark?
At this time, everyone in the Exploration Bureau also exploded.

"Run quickly! It's a shark!" "Look, the shark is coming!"

For a moment, the people in the Exploration Bureau were shaking crazily, and Zhang Tianlai and the others were also sweating profusely and their whole bodies were stiff.

It was at this moment that a terrifying scene suddenly appeared.

The mermaid suddenly dived into the water, and then rushed towards them as if in a rage.

How to do?
At this time, Zhang Tianlai and the others were also horrified to see.

After the shark dived into the water, it turned into a terrifying shadow and rushed towards their raft.

Its speed underwater seems to be faster than on land, and if it rushes over like this, they will definitely die!

As soon as he thought of this, Zhang Tianlai shouted to everyone without saying a word: "Find a way to get ashore quickly, everyone goes about their own business, don't waste time!"

damn it!
He really didn't expect that the sharks would come so soon. They weren't ready yet!

They are now at least tens of meters away from the shore on the left, and even a world champion cannot swim faster than that shark!

There is no other way, now it is better to run away one by one than to all die in the hands of the sharks.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he realized that it was too late for anything.

He was speaking faster than the sharks could swim. As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the huge shadow under the water, which was only three or four meters away from them.

The next second, the mermaid directly accelerated his speed.

There was even a layer of waves on the water, and the first thing he rammed into was the rafts of Zhang Tianlai and Zhuge Feng.

In an instant, Zhang Tianlai and the two felt as if their raft had been hit directly head-on by a high-speed car.

Even with the rafts blocking them, they felt that their bodies were hit by a huge force.

Both of them couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of acidic water. Zhang Tianlai felt that he was almost knocked unconscious.

Accompanied by a huge two-meter-high wave, their raft was directly knocked into the air and took off.

There was no accident for the two of them. They flew several meters away and fell into the water like a green onion.

"Zhang Tianlai!"

"Brother Feng!"

Seeing this scene, Zhuge Bai immediately shouted for help.


But then, Zhuge Shou on the side covered her mouth and told her not to shout again.

nothing else!
You must not anger the shark at this time.

And the most important thing is that you can't use your voice to attract the sharks here.

Otherwise they will surely die.


At this moment, let’s talk about Zhang Tianlai.

After falling into the water, because of the force of the previous impact, his body breathed uncontrollably after falling into the water.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, the cold and biting river water couldn't stop pouring into his throat!
Almost instantly, he felt that the leaves of his lungs were burning like fire.

Subconsciously, Zhang Tianlai immediately covered his mouth.

He felt like he was almost suffocating. He had to get fresh air immediately, otherwise he would drown in a few seconds.

As soon as he thought of this, Zhang Tianlai immediately rushed towards the direction of the light.

Humans are animals that follow light.

When he was on the verge of death, he relied on his biological instinct to rush upwards, and finally rushed out from under the water a few seconds later.

"Cough, cough, cough!"


For a moment, Zhang Tianlai coughed violently, and the acid water in his stomach and river water in his lungs couldn't stop rushing out of his mouth and nose.

Fresh air rushed into his lungs again, and he finally felt the suffocation of death fade away.

"Brother Tianlai!"

Seeing this scene, Zhang Tianliang immediately shouted.

But his tone was very anxious!
Because he saw a shadow suddenly appear behind Zhang Tianlai.

It appears to be humanoid.

Zhang Tianlai also looked back subconsciously, but when the shadow gradually emerged from the water, his pupils shrank instantly.

In an instant, the underwater figure suddenly emerged from the water, then hugged him from behind and dragged him underwater.

For a moment, everyone froze in place.

At this moment, the shark's arms were like a pair of iron pliers, tightly restraining him.


In an instant, Zhang Tianlai felt like he was about to fall into the abyss.

His hands were simply not strong enough to free the shark's arms. Those claws were as strong as steel.

His muscles tensed, as if his ribs were about to be shattered.

How to do?

But in his almost desperate mood, he suddenly felt that the shark froze suddenly.

It seemed to be frozen in place.

Have the opportunity!
Realizing this situation, Zhang Tianlai broke free from the shark's arms without saying a word and swam directly upward!

Out of the water again, he was about to get on the raft.

At this time, when the others saw that he was able to rush out of the water, they all froze in place.

what happened?

How is this possible?
You know, the strength of the sharks is simply beyond what human beings can contend with.

The most important thing is that once this thing reaches the water, its power will increase exponentially.

People would suffocate underwater, but Zhang Tianlai could actually rush out?

But just when everyone was confused, they understood in the next second.

Suddenly, there was a violent splash of water behind Zhang Tianlai, and this time the wave was more than twice as big as before.

Immediately afterwards, the two figures rushed out of the water.

It was also at this moment that everyone was stunned.

When the people in the Exploration Bureau came to their senses, they were all almost going crazy.

"Is it Zhuge Feng?"

"What is he doing? The shark is actually imprisoned by him?"

"How is this possible, that he is stronger than the shark?"

"How did he do it? His strength is stronger than that of a shark?"

"Look at his hands!"

For a moment, everyone in the exploration bureau clearly saw that the shark was indeed imprisoned by Zhuge Feng.

He was right behind the shark, grabbing both of the shark's wrists with both hands, and pulling them back with all his strength.

But the strength of these two people can only be equal at most, he can't break the merman's wrist directly from behind.

But it was shocking enough.

Everyone couldn't believe their eyes. They clearly saw that Zhuge Feng's hands turned black and shone with metallic luster.

That strength is like a pair of iron arms!
But no one else knows that this is actually an ability of a warlock!
Dui Zi Jue, black glass!

The function of this strange technique is to press on the feet and harden the glass on both arms. Zhuge Feng is also a practitioner, and he practices Northern Bajiquan!

Under the urging of this qimen technique, he can push Bajiquan to the extreme, which will cause great damage to the enemy.

It is precisely because of this that he was able to trap the shark when he was not prepared.

But at this time, things were not as simple as Wu Xie imagined. He held the shark's arms tightly with both hands.

The two were wrestling desperately.

But the shark's strength was obviously stronger than before, and he was about to be broken free.

no solution anymore!

In this case, he could only strike first.

So the moment the shark broke free, he raised his finger without saying a word.

Chaotic gold watch!
In an instant, a strange force emanated out.

This Luanjin Tuo was so magical that it could freeze anything, even forbidden women. However, what happened next made him feel incredible.

The shark was not affected at all, and turned around to bite him.

Seeing this scene, Zhuge Feng was shocked!

In an instant, he dodged back abruptly.

The shark failed immediately, but still struggled desperately.


Seeing this scene, Zhuge Bai suddenly shouted towards Zhang Tianliang: "Use hot weapons!"

no way!
Now that people can't get through, maybe this method is the only way.

But after hearing her words, Zhuge Shou pulled her hard.


"Now there is propane fuel on the water. Once the fuel is ignited with a thermal weapon, everyone on the water will be burned to death!"

That's right!

Zhuge Feng and the shark were too close.

At this time, if the sparks produced by friction ignite the fuel, Zhuge Feng will die!


But at this moment, Zhuge Feng suddenly shouted loudly: "Just shoot, I can dodge!"

"We can't let this thing break free again, or we will all die!"

That's right.

Zhuge Feng can see it most clearly now.

This thing can even break free from the Golden Tuo. If it breaks free again, they will be in trouble.

"I come!"

At this moment, Zhang Tianlai, who was on the side without saying a word, grabbed the gun, pointed it at the shark's head, and pulled the trigger.

In a series, Zhang Tianlai fired three bullets in a row.

The bullet accurately hit the shark's head and neck, but then a scene that made the scalp tingle appeared.

I saw that the bullet was unable to penetrate.

The merman's scales are like the best body armor, the bullets just wiped out a large number of sparks when they hit it.

Just blowing the shark's head back and deflecting it was unable to cause a fatal blow.


Seeing this scene, the people present were even more shocked.

Are you kidding me?
You must know that for the sake of safety this time, they specially applied for a sniper rifle with a caliber of 1.5 mm, with a range of 1800 meters!
Such a powerful thermal weapon can knock down a tiger or a lion with one shot!
Even the terrifying brown bear will be exploded directly after being shot!

But the scales of this shark cannot even be penetrated by such a powerful sniper rifle bullet, so what else can cause fatal injuries to it?
(End of this chapter)

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