Tomb Keeper: My clone is the Mausoleum of the First Emperor

Chapter 133: Gu pot layout, he wants to use the method of refining voodoo to refine us, Zhang Tianla

Chapter 133: Gu pot layout, he wants to use the method of refining voodoo to refine us, Zhang Tianlai is about to transform into a corpse!

For a moment, the situation became extremely urgent. At this moment, Zhang Tianliang, who was on the side, saw Zhang Tianlai froze in place and immediately pushed him away.

Because at this moment, Zhang Yusheng, who had completely transformed into a corpse, also rushed towards him with the help of three half-cylinders.

Zhang Tianliang pushed him away, and then kicked Zhang Yusheng's body directly.

With a loud noise, Zhang Yusheng's body flew out directly.

what's the situation?
Seeing this scene, Zhang Tianliang was stunned.

Because he didn't expect that the transformed Zhang Yusheng would be so fragile?
its not right!
After all, it’s still a corpse transformation, shouldn’t it be like this?
There must be a demon in the abnormal situation!
Zhang Tianliang instinctively felt that maybe this was just his illusion, and the situation in front of him was definitely not normal!
After thinking this, he quickly cheered up, and then shouted to Zhang Tianlai: "Brother, cheer up quickly, they have all turned into big rice dumplings!"

"You know them now, but they don't know you. If we don't kill them, we will all die here!"


Hearing his words, Zhang Tianlai immediately gritted his teeth.

Then he looked towards Zhang Defu and saw that it still looked half human.
It's completely transformed into a corpse.

Seeing this scene, he felt extremely painful.

Originally, I wanted to come in to save people, but I didn't expect that my relatives have become like this now.

In the final analysis, it is all the fault of the tombkeeper!


Thinking of this, he knew that there was no other way now but to resolve the danger in front of him as soon as possible, and then find an opportunity to take revenge on the tombkeeper!
Thinking of this, he immediately rushed forward.

At the same time, Zhuge Shou on the side immediately helped, and Zhang Tianliang then looked at Zhuge Feng on the side.

At this time, who else can help them?

The Wuhou faction's methods were somewhat miraculous, but Zhuge Shou's methods were obviously not as strong as Zhuge Feng's.

But when he turned around, he found that Zhuge Feng had no intention of taking action at this time. Instead, he was staring at the two big rice dumplings in front of him.

His face was very solemn, as if he was thinking about something!
"Zhuge Feng!"

Seeing this scene, Zhang Tianliang quickly urged: "Don't think about it now, let's help quickly!"

nothing else.

They had to quickly subdue these rice dumplings, otherwise they would all have to be eaten alive by half of the jar before the tomb passage was dug out.

But who knows, after hearing his words, Zhuge Feng suddenly shouted: "Don't pull me, wait."

"I really want to understand something. Just give me some time and I'll immediately figure out what's going on!"

Hearing this, Zhang Tianliang was stunned on the spot.

What does he mean?
But at this moment, Zhang Tianliang suddenly saw that Zhuge Feng seemed to have no intention of going up and killing Zongzi.

Instead, he looked at the layout of the secret room around him and quickly began to think.

nothing else!
Because at this time, he suddenly felt that he seemed to have remembered something.

I saw that the layout of this secret room was about 20 meters long, and it looked like a hexagonal shape with only one exit!
The entire secret room was completely sealed from the inside out!

And those big rice dumplings.

Why can't they be killed?

What went wrong?

There is also this secret room layout that is the same as the teapot. I seem to have thought of something, but I just can’t recall it completely!
Damn, how could this be?
Zhuge Feng banged his head, desperately trying to remind himself of something.

At the same time, watching Zhang Tianlai and the others fighting against the zombies while Zhuge Feng stood there and beat his head desperately, everyone in the exploration bureau couldn't help but curse.

"Is this Zhuge Feng stupid? Why don't you hurry up and help!"

"Yes! I can't help you at this time, and I can't hold you back!"

"I really don't understand. Wasn't the Wuhou Sect very fierce before? Why did it fall behind at this critical moment?"

"Don't talk nonsense, they must be thinking of a way!"

"Wait! You guys, look carefully! Zhuge Feng seems to be observing the pattern around the secret room. What is he thinking?"

At this moment, people in the Exploration Bureau suddenly discovered that Zhuge Feng seemed to be observing something. Seeing that the situation was getting more and more critical, Zhang Tianliang could hardly bear it anymore.

"Forget it, if you don't help me, I'll do it myself!"

Thinking of the key point, Zhang Tianliang knew that it was too late now and he had to take action quickly.

So he rushed forward without saying a word.

"Wait first!"

But at this moment, Zhuge Feng suddenly shouted.

But seeing that Zhang Tianliang didn't listen to his stop, Zhuge Feng could only give up, and then quickly thought about what was going on.

He remembered that when he was a child, he indeed heard his elders mention similar situations.

But I just can’t remember exactly what this pattern means!
"hurry up!"

Thinking of the key point, Zhuge Feng gritted his teeth and desperately forced himself to calm down and think.

At the same time, look at Zhang Tianlai and the others.

I saw that Zhang Tianlai was already facing Zhang Defu and Ban Zietan, and the latter rushed towards him directly!
At this moment, Zhang Tianlai looked worried.

After all, the big zongzi in front of him was his grandfather during his lifetime.

Seeing Zhang Defu pounce directly on him, Zhang Tianlai struggled to avoid the blockage between it and the half-cylinder, and then gritted his teeth and tried to fight back.

However, when the dagger was about to penetrate Zhang Defu's eye socket, he suddenly closed his eyes and avoided it.

nothing else.

He is now full of helplessness.

Facing his former relatives, he couldn't do anything no matter what.

"Big brother!"

But at this moment, Zhang Tianliang suddenly shouted to him: "If you don't take action, we will be the only ones who die!"

damn it!
Hearing this, Zhang Tianlai's eyes were full of hatred.

That damn tombkeeper actually did this to his relatives?
In the final analysis, all this blood debt must be calculated on the tombkeeper, and the zombie in front of him is no longer his relative.


With this thought, Zhang Tianlai finally broke through the barrier in his heart, and when Zhang Defu pounced on him again, he did not choose to dodge this time.

Instead, lift your right foot over your head, and then your left foot becomes the pivot.

In an instant, his whole body spun like a big windmill, and his right foot was like a tomahawk, slashing hard on Zhang Defu's chest.

In an instant, his kick directly hooked Wan Fusheng's shoulder with super strength and pressed down hard.

Then, Zhang Defu was violently whipped to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Tianlai pulled out the dagger without saying a word, pointed it directly at Zhang Defu's head, and stabbed it hard.

In an instant, the sword blade penetrated Zhang Defu's face, and the half-foot-long green edge penetrated completely.

That Zhang Defu's brain was crushed instantly, and there was no movement at all!
At the same time, half of the cylinder rushed towards him, but just as Zhang Tianlai was about to deal with it, he saw Zhuge Shou rushing over.

Bajiquan - an own goal!
In an instant, Zhuge Shou's fierce arm was seen hitting the lower part of the half-cylinder.

There was a bang, and the bottom plate of the half-cylinder was unstable. It was accidentally tripped to the ground. At the same time, they saw Zhang Defu getting up again.

You know, his brains were minced.

But in this case, why can you still stand up?

"Zhuge Feng!"

Upon noticing this situation, Zhang Tianlai immediately shouted: "Come and help!"

But when he looked back, he saw a scene that made him furious. He saw that Zhuge Feng was still thinking about something at this time!
Are you kidding me?
Now the most powerful person is of no use?
But Zhuge Feng still had no intention of helping at this time. Instead, he anxiously analyzed his surroundings and muttered to himself unconsciously!

Give me 1 minute! Just 1 minute is enough!
While muttering, Zhuge Feng quickly thought about the current situation.

Judging from the current situation, this secret room is just like the voodoo pot used to raise voodoo insects in Miaojiang.

This is absolutely not normal!

Thinking of this, Zhuge Feng instantly felt that everything in this secret room was like Miao Jiang's method of raising Gu insects?
But why?

"what is the problem?"

At this moment, Zhuge Feng's mind was racing, and he seemed to have seen similar situations in his memory.

But he just couldn't remember the specific situation.

Thinking of this, Zhuge Feng subconsciously looked in the direction of Zhang Tianlai, but at this time he saw something unusual happened on Zhang Tianlai's side.

I saw the Blood Corpse King biting Zhang Tianliang fiercely.

At this moment, Zhang Tianliang's arm was bitten, and heartbreaking pain struck.


Zhang Tianliang was shocked and saw the blood holes on his wrists were extremely clear!

However, the Blood Corpse King did not eat or directly kill him, but this was enough. The Blood Corpse King was highly poisonous!

If you are attacked by it, you will be infected with corpse poison!
Suddenly, Zhuge Feng stared at the situation not far away, and an idea suddenly popped into his mind.

The Blood Corpse King won't eat him?

This underground palace is also in the shape of a voodoo pot.
Miao Jiang's method of refining Gu insects?

Is this using the method of refining Gu insects to cultivate new giant rice dumplings?
"We can't fight with them! If we continue to fight with them, we will all turn into big rice dumplings!" Thinking of this, Zhuge Feng realized the situation in front of him and immediately shouted at Zhang Tianlai and the others.

At this moment, Zhuge Feng finally realized what was going on.

So he yelled hastily.

But at this time, it was too late.

At this time, a deep bite mark was left on Zhang Tianliang's arm.

The traces of the teeth were clearly visible, and everyone in the Exploration Bureau was confused at this moment.

"How is this going?"

"Wait a minute? Why can't they fight? If they don't kill Zongzi, they won't be able to get out!"

"Wait, why do I feel something is wrong?"

At this moment, Zhang Tianliang and the others finally came to their senses, and then turned to look in the direction of Zhuge Feng.

Zhang Tianlai frowned and asked, "What's going on? Why can't we kill these rice dumplings?"

Upon hearing his inquiry, Zhuge Feng also gritted his teeth.

He looked around nervously, and then said: "Something's wrong! I've heard of similar situations before when I was a child, but I just figured it out myself."

"Look carefully, this underground palace is like a six-sided Gu pot. But the Blood Corpse King only fights with us, but does not eat people!"

"Although I don't know what the specific situation is, I always feel that this is very similar to a method of raising Gu in Miao territory that I have seen before!"

How to raise Gu in Miaojiang?
After hearing his words, Zhang Tianlai and others were stunned, not understanding what was going on!But at this moment, Zhuge Feng continued to speak.

"As far as I know, there is a saying in Miao territory that the five poisons are placed in the same container, and there is only one outlet above."

"The five poisons will fight and devour them inside, and the one who can climb out of the hole in the end is the winner."

At this point, Zhuge Feng pointed to the top of his head, and after listening to what he said, Zhang Tianlai and the others also subconsciously looked towards the top of the cave.

There was only one entrance on the top of the cave through which they came in. The opening was right above their heads and about one meter wide.

Thinking of the key point, Zhang Tianlai suddenly broke into cold sweat.

"You mean, if we continue to fight these rice dumplings, we will also become a part of refining the Gu worms?" Thinking of this, Zhang Tianlai was a little unbelievable.

"Not entirely." After hearing this, Zhuge Feng didn't figure out the specific situation.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Tianlai immediately urged Zhuge Shou: "Stop talking nonsense and hurry up!"

As he spoke, he looked intently.

But when he took a quick look, he discovered that Zhuge Shou had not dug out the robbery hole yet.

"Why haven't you dug it yet?" Seeing this situation, Zhang Tianlai couldn't help it!
"Soon!" Zhuge Shou responded immediately.

For a moment, everyone in the exploration bureau expressed their confusion, and at this time, Zhang Tianliang also covered his arm and asked.

"Brother, what on earth is going on?"

For some reason, Zhang Tianliang felt that his health was very bad now.

He felt his body getting colder and colder, and an unknown fire surged in his heart, as if he was about to pass out.

After hearing his words, Zhang Tianlai gritted his teeth and explained: "The situation is probably that this tomb is a pot used to raise poisonous insects, and those rice dumplings are poisonous insects."

"The owner of this tomb is using the method of raising gu to make new big rice dumplings."

"So we must not continue fighting with these rice dumplings, otherwise."

Just as he said this, Zhang Tianlai was suddenly stunned.

It was only then that he suddenly realized that the so-called Nine Corpses Welcoming Guests actually meant this!
"Oh shit!"

"This is more than just nine corpses welcoming guests!"

Thinking of the key point, Zhang Tianlai's cold sweat couldn't stop flowing downwards, and then he was so angry that his whole body was trembling.

"what happened?"

At this time, Zhuge Feng also rushed over and asked: "Did you notice something? What happened?!"

Hearing his words, Zhang Tianlai's eyes became extremely cold, and then he quickly said: "I understand. From the beginning, this secret room was not just a place where nine corpses welcome guests!"

"From the very beginning, this secret room has combined two formations into one! The so-called Nine Corpses Welcoming Guests are using people like us. Once someone comes in, the formation will automatically activate!"

"When the time comes, as long as we keep fighting Zongzi here, we will gradually become part of this Gu pot! By then, we will also become Gu insects."

Hearing his words, Zhang Tianliang and others were stunned.

At the same time, Zhuge Feng also suddenly realized.
In fact, this was planned by the tombkeeper from the beginning!
Zhang Defu's corpse was the Smiling Face Corpse, and the tombkeeper wanted to use the people who came in later to trigger the Gu Pot pattern besides the Nine Corpses Welcome Guests.

When there are more and more corpses, he will be able to gather nine corpses to welcome guests!

For a moment, everyone was extremely anxious, and after Zhang Tianliang heard these words, his expression suddenly changed.

Looking at the tooth marks on his arm, Zhang Tianliang's face was trembling.

Because he saw that the bloody marks on his arm that had been bitten had started to turn black in such a short period of time.

Moreover, a large number of black blood vessel marks began to appear on his skin.
Oh shit!

With the blessing of this Gu pot pattern, the speed of corpse poison infection has increased by at least ten times!
"Quickly find a way to leave!"

Thinking of this, Zhang Tianliang shuddered.At the same time, the half-tank and the Blood Corpse King had set their sights on them again.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Tianlai, who was behind, suddenly took out the last flare and pulled the trigger.

Along with the "bang" gunshot, several people immediately smelled the smell of gunpowder explosion behind them.

Then several people looked closely and saw a flare fired straight at the heart of the half-cylinder.

However, it only took two steps back and still did not fall down.

"Damn it!" Seeing this scene, Zhang Tianlai was completely desperate.

But at the same time, Zhuge Shou's voice came: "The thieves' hole has been dug!"

After hearing this, everyone suddenly became happy.

Later, Zhuge Feng loudly urged several people: "Come here quickly, the robbery hole has been dug!"

The next moment, everyone saw that there was indeed a hole under the wall.

But the hole was too narrow, about sixty centimeters wide, which was not enough for them to pass through at the same time.

Definitely slow.

In this case, if those big rice dumplings come after them, they are likely to be injured.

Do it like this?
But at this moment, Zhang Tianlai suddenly saw Zhang Tianliang clenching the dagger and getting ready to fight those rice dumplings.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Tianlai seemed to understand something, and then said in surprise: "Tianliang, what are you going to do?"

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up!"

But in the face of Zhang Tianlai's inquiry, Zhang Tianliang obviously didn't want to say anything more to him, and he clenched the dagger tightly in his right hand.

no solution anymore!

The current situation is very urgent, and the only way to ensure minimal casualties is for him to delay.

Tell Zhang Tianlai and the others to get out quickly!

Seeing that Zhang Tianlai didn't move, Zhang Tianliang couldn't help it immediately.

"Stop talking nonsense and leave quickly! This thing can't be killed, and I will only be in your way here! Don't worry, I won't die. I will get out when I find a chance!"

Seeing that Zhang Tianlai still refused to leave, he urged without looking back.

At this time, seeing this scene, how could Zhang Tianlai leave his brother behind?

But after hearing his words, Zhang Tianliang gritted his teeth and shouted, "Just leave as soon as I tell you to leave. Don't you understand? I can't leave anymore."

"Brother, get out quickly and defeat the tombkeeper."

As he spoke, Zhang Tianliang suddenly turned his head.

When Zhang Tianlai and others saw his current appearance clearly, their eyes widened.

Because they saw that Zhang Tianliang's face was almost extremely pale now, and blood was bleeding from the corners of his mouth and nostrils.

But the blood is black!
Moreover, a large number of corpse spots appeared on his face!


Seeing this scene, Zhang Tianlai's heart suddenly thumped!
How could he still not know what was going on?

They were fighting zombies before, and Zhang Tianliang was bitten on the arm by the Blood Corpse King.

Coupled with the catalysis of the Gu Pot pattern, he will transform into a corpse immediately!

So he wants to sacrifice himself so that everyone can get out of here quickly!

Seeing this scene, Zhang Tianlai's eyes were blurred by tears for some reason. However, at this moment, he was horrified to see that the zombies were moving again.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Tianliang also felt an unknown fire in his heart.

Damn it!
We have already reached this point!
Now we are all big rice dumplings, no one should be afraid of anyone!

It is said that people will burst out with unlimited faith and potential when they are in a desperate mood, and Zhang Tianliang is like this now.

Because he wanted to help Zhang Tianlai and the others delay, but now he felt that there was an inexhaustible strength in his body, and his courage was also increasing as his momentum soared.


As soon as he thought about this, Zhang Tianliang roared angrily but did not dodge. Instead, he took the initiative and rushed towards the Blood Corpse King and Zhang Defu.

The next moment, the figures on both sides collided violently.

Suddenly, the dagger in Zhang Tianliang's hand stabbed Zhang Defu hard in the heart.


With the sound of flesh and blood being separated, the dagger was inserted directly.

But Zhang Defu didn't fall down directly. Instead, he grabbed Zhang Tianliang tightly, and then grabbed his face with his other hand.

But Zhang Tianliang did not retreat, and Zhang Defu's hand immediately grabbed his throat.

Instantly, the feeling of suffocation came over me.

Zhang Tianliang's face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye. He didn't expect that Zhang Defu was stronger than him?
But right now.
Zhang Tianliang was so angry that he didn't know where he got the strength from.

He grabbed Zhang Defu's hand, then tightened his dagger and continued to stab Zhang Defu in the heart.

With a "puff" sound, blood spattered, and the dagger even pierced Zhang Defu's back.

But at the same time, Zhang Tianliang was pinched until he almost suffocated.

The next moment, the Blood Corpse King and the Half Tank also attacked instantly. When Zhang Tianlai saw this scene, he felt that he could not escape in the chaos, otherwise Zhang Tianliang would die.

He wants to help!

But in the next second, something that no one expected occurred.

Zhang Tianliang suddenly turned his head and shouted in his direction: "Brother, go quickly! Go quickly!"

As he spoke, Zhang Tianliang's face turned out to have no trace of blood at this time.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Tianlai was trembling all over, because he knew that Zhang Tianliang was hopeless at this time!

That damn gravekeeper!

They thought they would be able to visit the First Emperor's Mausoleum this time, but they didn't expect that in the end, members of the Zhang family would still die in the tomb.

Zhang Tianlai secretly made up his mind.

As long as he can enter the main tomb alive this time, he must make the gravekeeper pay a price worse than death!
"Zhang Tianlai!"

It was at this moment that Zhuge Feng's voices came from the front.

He looked closely and saw that Zhuge Feng and the others had entered the robbery hole, and Zhang Tianliang was blocking the zombies with his own life.

He knew that he must not hesitate any longer.


With this in mind, he went straight into the robbery hole.

But at the same time, after seeing Zhang Tianlai and the others leaving, Zhang Tianliang turned around and looked at the situation in front of him with a sad smile.

Eventually his vision became darker and darker.

At the same time, the thoughts in his mind began to be beyond his control.

He didn't know what happened in the end. He completely lost control of his body.

(End of this chapter)

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