Tomb Keeper: My clone is the Mausoleum of the First Emperor

Chapter 142: Wuhou’s memory, the mystery of dragon creation!The purpose of the evil sect; the two go

Chapter 142: Wuhou’s memory, the mystery of dragon creation!The purpose of the evil sect; the twelve golden men are in the main tomb!
Hearing this, Gu Changan was surprised.

Didn't expect there to be a surprise?
He couldn't help but look towards the merman. The merman's ability is to acquire other people's memories by eating blood.

That is to say, if you feed Zhuge Feng to it, it can obtain most of Zhuge Feng's memories.

Can you even become a warlock?
Just imagine, a mermaid is already so terrifying, but what if this mermaid also knows strange arts?
By then, the underground river will probably become extremely dangerous!

Thinking of this, Gu Changan immediately looked at Zhuge Feng's body without saying a word, knowing that his views on Qimen were not as comprehensive as Zhuge's.

Gu Changan has been coveting the experience of Zhuge's research for a long time!

In an instant, Gu Changan launched a soul-searching technique on his corpse without saying a word!


"Congratulations to the host, I found [Wuhou Qimen Commentary]. Do you want to start studying?"

With the reminder sound in his mind, Gu Changan became even more excited.

So, he chose to study directly without hesitation.

Instantly, with a torrent of data pouring in, Gu Changan felt like a sponge and began to absorb knowledge quickly.

But in the final analysis, Zhuge's research on Wuhou Qimen was accumulated by them after spending countless time.

Therefore, it will definitely not be fully absorbed for a while. After 2 minutes, Gu Changan has only absorbed some of it.

So, he quickly interrupted the learning transmission.

There are more important things waiting for him in front of him, and it is too late to slowly absorb the learning after finishing the things in front of him.

However, even if he only learned the basics, Gu Changan felt that he had benefited a lot.

No, it should be said to be very powerful!

That's right!

The so-called Wuhou's unique skills must be thoroughly studied by the Zhuge clan.

It is no exaggeration to say that although Gu Changan was able to use Wuhou Qimen's abilities, his insights into Wuhou Qimen were not that powerful.

For example, Zhuge Liang was known as the Marquis of Wu. He was able to push the art of Qimen to the extreme and create his own Qimen of Wuhou.

It can even take the step of borrowing the east wind.

But Gu Changan couldn't do it.

This is the so-called talent, and the lack of thorough research on Qi Men Technique.

But after absorbing Zhuge Feng's insights on Wuhou Qimen, he was able to study Wuhou Qimen in depth again, and even observe and deduce more advanced Qimen methods.

If one day, he can use Zhuge's research results to restore some of the Taigong Qimen's skin.

Then he can use himself as the middle palace and completely arm the Mausoleum of the First Emperor.

At that time, he may still be able to fiddle with the four zodiac signs in the entire Mausoleum of the First Emperor at will, with himself as the center.

But the premise is that he must be able to create a formation that covers the entire Mausoleum of the First Emperor.

"A long way to go"

Thinking of this, Gu Changan couldn't help but sigh.

But he believes that relying on his own scheming and systematic ability, he will be able to achieve that step sooner or later.

But at this moment.

"Host, the system has detected some special events in Zhuge Feng's memory."

"Send it to me." Gu Changan immediately accepted it without thinking.

However, just after he accepted it, Gu Changan was no longer calm.

Dragon creation?
For a moment, Gu Changan suddenly came to his senses. He had heard about the dragon-making technique from 749 people a long time ago.

Moreover, I also know that this thing is related to the catastrophe that may happen later.

However, what he didn't expect was that there was a record of this thing in Zhuge Feng's memory?

He now understands that since the Wuhou faction was the one who helped 749 deduce the natural disaster, Zhuge Feng also knew some of this.

What he didn't expect was that all of this could be traced back to that rescue!
That's right!

The so-called dragon-making technique is not actually any kind of cultivation technique, but a magical method that can change the general trend of the world.

According to the records of the Wuhou Sect, tracing the dragon-making technique back to the Battle of Jingnan.

The prime minister in black, the evil monk Yao Guangxiao, who was being taught, had a scroll of dragon-making skills in his hand, and he abruptly changed the general trend of the world and took the opportunity to create a dragon!

Let King Zhu Di of Yan be the king of success!

After that, the dragon-making technique disappeared.

But after that, a sect emerged in the world with the so-called sexual fidelity as its rule, and they respected Yao Guangxiao as their leader.

Since then, this group of people has been active in the darkness, and they have appeared in various disasters.

But the position of this leader has been vacant for hundreds of years. It was not until a hundred years ago, with the collapse of the last dynasty, that a leader reappeared in Quanxing.

Moreover, this leader left behind countless legends while traveling around the world.

Legend has it that he helped many people.

Regardless of whether the other person is a good person or a very evil person, he will do everything he can to help the other person.

However, this person finally took refuge in Fuso Yiren at that time.

In the end, he was surrounded and suppressed by the alien world of the Chinese Federation and disappeared from sight.

And this is not the key. The problem is that the conclusion drawn by the Wuhou faction after spying on the secrets turned out to be a natural disaster that will occur in the near future, perhaps related to that person back then.

After seeing these questions, Gu Changan's mind was buzzing.

He couldn't figure it out, what exactly is the art of making dragons?
What is a natural disaster?
The most important thing is, a person from a hundred years ago can actually cause a natural disaster a hundred years later?

What does this mean?
But right now.

The shark suddenly screamed, bringing Gu Changan back to reality. Realizing that this guy couldn't wait any longer, Gu Changan nodded.

"Okay, here you go."

Upon hearing his permission, the shark immediately took Zhuge Feng's corpse energy and turned towards the underground river, as if he had found a treasure, and disappeared.

Seeing this, Gu Changan withdrew his mind and prepared to study Zhuge Feng's memory in the future.

So, he then issued an order to let Fu Hua Gu continue to hunt down the remaining two people, and then Shen Nian withdrew from the Mausoleum of the First Emperor.


It was very quiet in the tunnel.

Zhang Tianlai and the two of them ran forward quickly, and they ran for about 5 minutes before they dared to stop.

At this time, Na Buhua Gu might not be able to catch up.

"Stop and rest!"

At this time, Zhang Tianlai couldn't help but sit down with his back against the wall, and then said: "When you get here, you should get rid of that thing!"

"And there is probably an underground mausoleum city ahead. There is no telling how dangerous it is. We must be more vigilant!"

After hearing his words, Zhuge Shou also nodded.

time passes by
Zhang Tianlai and the others finally had enough rest, so they carefully checked their injuries.

Although they hadn't suffered any serious injuries before, no one could say for sure the power of the explosion and whether it would leave hidden injuries.


After Zhang Tianlai rolled up his trouser legs, he saw that his legs were covered with bruises.

Especially the arms and ribs, even the skin was red and purple.

This is obviously due to blocked blood.

Fortunately, there was only blood on his body.

The two tried to move their legs, feet and arms, but did not find any pain in the bones.

After the inspection was completed, the two of them couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

So Zhang Tianlai rubbed away the congestion on his legs and said at the same time: "At this point, we should have entered the scope of the underground mausoleum city."

"If we continue walking forward, we should soon enter a new area. Our physical strength is obviously not as good as before, so be careful next time."

Hearing this, Zhuge Shou couldn't help but nodded.

Now this is a brand new area, they don't have more information, so they must be cautious about unknown dangers.

No one knows how many traps the tomb guard has created here.

And if we go further, no one knows where it is.

While thinking about it, the two of them helped each other stand up.

Then, they walked forward cautiously.

As time passed, they left the narrow tunnel before, and directly in front of them was a dark mountain road with no end.

The pattern on both sides is a steep cliff of nearly tens of meters, leading straight to the top of the cave.

The mountain roads on both sides are about seven or eight meters wide.

Shining a flashlight over it, you can vaguely see the structure of the rocks on both sides.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Tianlai and both of them couldn't help but frown.

This mountain road looks like a one-way road, but judging from the width, it is too spectacular.

Especially in such a dark situation where we can't see the way ahead, we can't tell what's ahead.

So Zhang Tianlai did not rush to move forward, but said vigilantly: "Let's pay attention. Although this mountain road is close to the underground mausoleum city, it seems to be naturally formed without any artificial traces."

"But the more this happens, the more abnormal it becomes. I feel that any location close to the main tomb must be full of traps. I estimate that this is probably the last hurdle before leading to the underground mausoleum city."

Hearing his words, Zhuge Shou also nodded.

How could it be a natural tunnel so close to the underground mausoleum?
Probably used to confuse people.

There must be deadly hidden mechanisms around here, and they have to be vigilant.

"Let's go."

Thinking of this, Zhang Tianlai said something and started to move forward cautiously.

He shone the flashlight on the road ahead, and then walked carefully into the range of the mountain road.

In any case, although this mountain road does not look dangerous, it is the road leading to the main tomb after all.

That is the underground mausoleum of the First Emperor's Mausoleum, so it must be extremely dangerous.

In this situation, neither of them dared to be careless.

While staring at his feet vigilantly, he raised his ears to pay attention to the possible sounds around him at any time.

Because this mountain road is made of rocks, and it is too high and too high to see clearly.

So they can only rely on what they listen to.

And more importantly, for some reason, Zhang Tianlai had an ominous premonition in his heart since he just stepped onto this mountain road.

It seemed that something extremely sinister was waiting for them ahead.

"Be careful."

"I don't know why, but I always feel unsafe. It seems like something is waiting for us on this mountain road."

"And according to historical records, the Qin State is good at bows and crossbows, and whenever they go to war, they must shoot arrows first."

"Based on the current situation, the rocks in the mountain road are all granite, and ordinary institutions are no longer suitable to be located here."

"The only ones suitable are rolling wooden stones, or iron crossbows like Yuan Rong's crossbow."

Hearing what Zhang Tianlai said, Zhuge Shou couldn't help but feel worried.

nothing else.

Because after what happened before, he knew that Zhang Tianlai's sixth sense was very accurate.

In this case, both of them slowed down a lot.

But the strange thing was that the uneasy feeling in Zhang Tianlai's heart could not go away no matter what.

Under this feeling, he could only hold on to the flashlight and continue walking forward.

This mountain path is about eight meters wide. Walking on the rocky road, the two of them pay attention to the changes around them at any time.

We were already very close to the Underground Tomb City, but we still didn't encounter any danger along the way.

But the more this happens, the more uneasy the two of them become.

If there is no ordinary agency, they always feel that there should be a catastrophe about to happen.

Thinking of this, Zhang Tianlai said cautiously: "I calculated the distance we just walked. We should have reached the middle of the mountain road now. But the strange thing is that we did not encounter any crisis along the way."

"But the more this happens, the more abnormal it becomes. This is the Mausoleum of the First Emperor. If there is no crisis for a long time, I always feel as if something terrible is waiting ahead."

Just as he said this, Zhang Tianlai suddenly stopped speaking.

Because he suddenly saw what seemed to be a huge shadow on the right side of the mountain road directly in front of the two of them.

The shadow stood on the cliff on the right, and from a distance it looked like some kind of monster that chose people to eat.

"It's really a mechanism!"

Seeing this scene, Zhang Tianlai stopped subconsciously.

At this time, Zhuge Shou also followed his gaze and saw the shadow in the distance.

"what is that?"

Zhuge Shou was shocked.

Upon hearing the inquiry, Zhang Tianlai also shook his head.

The distance is too far now, and you can only see a vague outline when shining a flashlight on it.

It's just that the outline of the shadow looks like a human figure.

But this human-shaped object is too big?

The height alone is at least five meters away.


Seeing this, Tianlai swallowed his saliva and took a cautious step back.

It seems that this mountain road is not that simple.

At the same time, the people in the Exploration Bureau also saw the huge shadow in the distance.

For a moment, everyone in the Exploration Bureau felt a pressure coming on them.

"What the hell is that?"

"I also feel something is wrong. The mechanisms that can appear in the underground palace of the First Emperor's Mausoleum must be extraordinary."

For a moment, Zhang Tianlai and the others also gritted their teeth.

The closer it is to the underground mausoleum city, the more dangerous it will be.

But no matter what is in front, if you want to enter the main tomb, you can only choose to go through it.

Thinking of this, Zhang Tianlai and the two looked at each other.

Then they held on to the flashlights and walked forward carefully, and when they came near the shadow, the outline of the shadow gradually became clearer.

Zhang Tianlai couldn't help but take a breath.

It seemed that the shadow turned out to be the appearance of a giant statue.

When they came within five meters, they suddenly saw a giant statue that was more than five meters high and more than two meters wide.

This statue is embedded under the rock wall, and it seems that half of its back is connected to the rock.


Suddenly, Zhang Tianlai's pupils shrank instantly, and he couldn't help but swallow.

I saw that although the sculpture was covered with dirt and dust, some of the downward corners shone with a metallic luster under the light of a flashlight.

This sculpture is actually made of metal?

Seeing this, Zhang Tianlai and the two were completely shocked.

It is unimaginable that such a giant bronze statue would appear in this mountain road.

Unless this mountain road is not naturally formed at all, but is an artificially dug channel.

While thinking, the two came to the bronze statue.

I saw the statue wearing golden armor and standing with a sword. It looked like a sculpture of a general from the Qin Dynasty.

Moreover, the statue was almost as lifelike as a real person, and coupled with its huge height, everyone in the Exploration Bureau felt as if there was a pressure to crush them.

"What the hell is this!"

"What's going on? Why is there such a statue here?"

"How much national money does it cost to cast such a statue?"

At this moment, everyone in the exploration bureau was shocked, and Zhang Tianlai and the others were also very surprised.

But why?

During the Qin Dynasty, there was a lack of metal. If Qin Shihuang built the Lishan Mausoleum, it would be acceptable.But it would be unusual to spend so much bronze casting such a sculpture.

And why does this golden man appear here?
What's going on here?

The two of them looked carefully and saw that the statue was lifelike.

Judging from the construction craftsmanship of this statue alone, it should belong to the highest craftsmanship of the Qin Dynasty.

Even the scales on the statue are cast in a lifelike fashion, surpassing many modern techniques.

But if this is the case, is it even more impossible to simply be abandoned on such a natural mountain road?

How can this be?

You must know that before the Tang Dynasty improved steel casting technology, metals were strategic materials in ancient times.

Especially in the Qin Dynasty, there was no steel, and even the knives were made of bronze.

That is to say, even in the underground palace of the First Emperor's Mausoleum, it is impossible to cast such a giant statue from metal alone.

If it were for decoration, it would be too wasteful to have such a metal statue here.

But at this moment, Zhuge Shou suddenly looked at the bronze statue in front of him and asked doubtfully: "Do you feel that you have seen this statue somewhere before?"

Where have you seen it?

Hearing this inquiry, Zhang Tianlai frowned immediately.

If he had seen it, he must have known it.

But although he didn't understand, Zhuge Shou, who was standing by him, used the light of a flashlight to feel that the statue looked too familiar.

However, this has not been seen in other tombs.

While thinking about it, Zhuge Shou and his two men carefully observed the shape and edges of the statue in order to find any clues.

Under their observation, they saw that the armor on the statue seemed to be the unique skirt armor of the Qin Dynasty, and the statue seemed to have a bun on its head.

Is this a terracotta warrior?
They recalled carefully and found that this giant statue was indeed very similar to the Terracotta Warriors and Horses.

The only difference is that this terracotta warriors and horses are too huge and made of metal.

This is strange, why is there a giant terracotta warriors and horses here?

and many more!

Bronze statue?

Just as he was thinking of this, Zhuge Shou suddenly remembered something.

He quickly took a few steps back, then looked up again with his flashlight.

For a moment, the entire statue appeared in his field of vision.

At the same time, a strange guess gradually emerged.

Zhang Tianlai saw his strange behavior and asked worriedly: "Is there anything strange?"

Zhuge Shou turned around and glanced at Zhang Tianlai.

Zhang Tianlai was immediately stunned by his gaze, because he found that Zhuge Shou's eyes were filled with shock.

But there was no way, he was indeed shocked.

Because he felt that this statue was something impossible.

At this moment, Zhuge Shou swallowed and said, "Actually, I was just guessing before, but I didn't expect that this thing actually existed!"

"The ancestor of our Zhuge family is Zhuge Wuhou, you should know that, right?"

Hearing his words, Zhang Tianlai nodded.

At this time, Zhuge Shou said: "That's right. There is a record in our Zhuge family's handwriting. When the First Emperor Yingzheng unified the six countries, he collected weapons from all over the world and put the swords and guns into the warehouse to cast 12 golden figures."

"According to historical records, those golden figures were placed in Afang Palace. However, according to the later "Biography of Dong Zhuo in the Book of Wei", at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Dong Zhuo melted two golden figures and cast copper coins in order to obtain copper."

Speaking of this, Zhuizan pointed to the statue in front of him and continued: "What is strange is that the historical data at that time and our Zhuge family's handwritten notes clearly recorded that Dong Zhuo only smelted two gold figures. And the remaining gold figures, Future generations have never touched it.”

"But the strange thing is that the remaining golden men who have not been melted have never appeared again, and there are no relevant records in history."

"So the whereabouts of the Jin people has become an eternal mystery. But now it seems that the remaining Jin people are actually in the tombs of the First Emperor's Mausoleum."

"Dong Zhuo didn't just melt two golden figures, but he only found two. And the one in front of us should be one of the remaining 12 golden figures."

Zhuge Shou's words seemed to have caused thousands of huge waves to explode on the calm lake.

For a moment, everyone in the Exploration Bureau opened their mouths and could not say anything.Looking at Zhang Tianlai again, he looked at the bronze statue again this time, with more fear in his eyes.

"What did he say? Is this one of the Twelve Golden People?"

"You're kidding! If it were the Twelve Golden People, this would already be considered the ninth wonder of the world!"

"What is a national treasure? This is what is called a national treasure! The well-deserved number one treasure!"

"Can a national treasure be used to describe it? If this is really the Twelve Golden Men, it will be a cultural site comparable to the Pyramid of Khufu."

At this time, Zhang Tianlai listened to Zhuge Shou's explanation.

At this moment, he stared at the bronze statue in front of him in disbelief, and couldn't help but ask: "Is this really the Twelve Golden Man?"

"But why does the golden man appear here? What's the use of it?"

After hearing this question, Zhuge Shou also shook his head.

He took a few steps to the right and looked around at the shape of the bronze statue.

I saw that the bronze statue was just as it was when it was cast, without anything weird about it.

But is this a bit strange?

It is impossible for the twelve golden men to appear here without any reason.

Is it just to prove that this is the underground mausoleum of the First Emperor's Mausoleum?

There was no doubt, and Zhuge Shou had no clue.

So he frowned and said, "I don't know. Now I can only deduce the origin of this bronze statue."

"However, there is no doubt that can be found on the golden man, and I can't see any structure around him."

"But the appearance of this bronze statue can at least prove that we have indeed arrived very close to the underground mausoleum city."

"As long as you walk along this mountain path, you will definitely find the main tomb area."

For a moment, his words made Zhang Tianlai nod, and Zhuge Shou said: "That's right. Since we can't figure out the reason why the golden man appears here, it's better for us to enter the main tomb as soon as possible."

"As for the usefulness of the golden man, let's think about it on the way."

Hearing his words, Zhang Tianlai also nodded.

nothing else.

Now that they have reached this range, it can be said that this is the first time that they have been so close to the mausoleum of the First Emperor's Mausoleum.

With this mentality, they didn't want to be caught up by Fu Hua Gu again.

So I can only leave quickly.

While talking, the two of them no longer looked at the golden man, but carefully avoided the golden man and continued along the mountain road.

However, this time while walking on the mountain road, the two of them were subconsciously more vigilant.

Because the closer to the underground mausoleum, the more dangerous the palace must be.

And even the Twelve Golden People appeared here.

This is enough to prove that the Qin Dynasty is fully capable of creating more advanced institutions.

Maybe, the institutions here are more sophisticated than what the public losers can create.

As for the doubts about the existence of the golden man, Zhuge Shou was still thinking about it in his mind as he walked.

The more he thought about it, the weirder he felt. The golden figure appeared on the mountain path, but there was no mechanism nearby, it was just placed there.

It seems to be used to guide the direction of the tomb.

Zhuge Shou has no doubt about this.

And not just him, it is estimated that any tomb robber will immediately be sure that the mausoleum of the First Emperor is in front of him as long as he sees the golden statue.

But if this is the case, it is too abnormal.

You must know that no matter which tomb it is, after the tomb owner is buried, in order to protect the tomb from being stolen, all the agencies have taken precautions against theft.

But I have never heard that there are special guides for tomb robbers.

Besides, this is the Mausoleum of the First Emperor.

As a result, golden figures were used to guide the way, clearly telling the tomb robbers which direction the tomb was in.

Thinking of this, Zhuge Shou subconsciously analyzed Zhang Tianlai: "I just calculated the distance. If nothing happens, we will see the underground mausoleum city soon."

"But when I passed by the golden man just now, I thought of something weird."

"Have you noticed that the golden statue appears in a very special location? It's in the middle of the mountain road, and there are no mechanisms around it."

"This does not look like a fatal trap. Instead, it seems to tell us that there is an underground tomb city ahead. The golden man is used to determine the coordinates of the main tomb direction."

"But in this case, I can't figure it out."

Hearing his words, Zhang Tianlai also frowned.

And his sixth sense was very accurate. When he saw the golden man, he also felt an ominous premonition.

So, he also nodded.

"That's right. You must know that any tomb will only use various means to prevent theft. No imperial mausoleum will give directions to tomb robbers."

"But in the situation just now, it was as if they were afraid that tomb robbers would not be able to find the main tomb."

"We'd better be careful. I always feel a little weird."

Feeling Zhang Tianlai's uneasiness, Zhuge Shou also became vigilant.

And having said that, why is there only one golden statue on the road?
Where have all the other golden people gone?
Thinking of this, Zhang Tianlai's uneasiness became more intense.

He could vaguely feel that the underground city in front of the First Emperor's Mausoleum was definitely not that simple.

And no one knows whether the tombkeeper has ever entered the underground mausoleum city.

If he had also entered Lingcheng, then he would definitely create a fatal killing situation inside, and they would become more and more dangerous after entering.

While thinking about it, Zhang Tianlai's pupils suddenly shrank.

Because he suddenly saw another huge shadow appearing on the road ahead.

The two of them quickly took a closer look, only to find that it was another golden figure!
And looking carefully, they found that they were almost identical to the previous golden man, as if they were carved from the same mold!


Seeing this golden figure, Zhang Tianlai felt even more uneasy.

Because the appearance of the second golden man represented that they were getting closer to the underground mausoleum, and this golden man seemed to be really guiding them into the tomb along the way.

This is so weird!
What was the reason that led the Jin people to lead them into the tomb?

But at this moment.
Call ~
Zhang Tianlai suddenly felt that there was a strange sound in the mountain road.

The sound was very low, and it sounded like the muffled sound of wind blowing across the cliff.

Hearing the unusual sound, Zhang Tianlai quickly dipped his fingers in saliva to confirm the wind direction.

As a result, he found that there was indeed wind blowing from the end of the mountain road.

So Zhang Tianlai frowned and said: "There is already an oncoming wind blowing in front of this mountain road, which proves that there should be a huge underground space at the end of this mountain road."

"You don't need to ask to know that the large space that can produce air flow must be the underground city of the First Emperor's Mausoleum. And the wind is blowing, which is enough to show that we are infinitely close to the end of the mountain road."

As he spoke, Zhang Tianlai couldn't help but become serious.

Because it can generate air currents that blow against rocks, it means that the space in front of it is at least as huge as an underground valley.

The underground valley that appears at the end of Mount Li must be related to the main tomb.

For a moment, the two of them were both nervous and excited, and the two emotions were mixed together in a way that was difficult to describe.

At the same time, when people in the Exploration Bureau heard that they would see the underground mausoleum city soon, they were all inspired.

But Zhang Tianlai and the others were very worried about the mechanisms that might exist in the tomb.

After all, this is the number one burial in the world, and so many people have died before them.

The tomb keeper has probably transformed the underground mausoleum into a place of death.

So both of them forced themselves to calm down.

While slowing down, Zhang Tianlai stared around and reminded: "We are about to find the underground city, but the more this happens, the less we can let down our guard."

"I dare to conclude that compared with the underground mausoleum city in front, the dangers we have experienced before are even minor."

"Besides, Ying Zhenggui is the first emperor, and there are definitely many talented people under him. There may not be warlocks who are comparable to Zhuge Liang, or craftsmen who are as dedicated to mechanism skills as Gong Shujie."

"So apart from the trap set up by the tomb keeper, I think the underground mausoleum city itself should be a killing trap with no life or death!"

As he spoke, Zhang Tianlai's steps took a lot of steps, and after hearing his words, Zhuge Shou also became very vigilant.

time passes by
As time went by, Zhang Tianlai noticed that the rock walls on both sides of the mountain road seemed to be gradually getting wider.

Just as he expected, after about 5 minutes of progress, the two of them arrived at the end of the mountain road.

The two looked with the bright light of the flashlight and could see a mountain pass about ten meters wide directly in front of them.

The cliffs on both sides disappeared when they reached the front.

Looking forward along the mountain pass, you can vaguely find that the space on the opposite side seems to be very vast.

Seeing this scene, the two of them immediately became alert.

Suppressing the curiosity to find out, he walked forward cautiously.

When they arrived at the mountain pass, their eyes suddenly became brighter.

The narrow cliff disappeared and was replaced by a vast giant grotto.


Calling it a grotto is no longer enough to describe it.

Zhang Tianlai looked around and saw a mountain towering into the top of the grotto directly in front of him.

Looking up the mountain, you can barely see the top, only darkness.

Only vaguely, he could feel the height of the mountain, which was at least 400 meters higher.

And after turning his head to look at both sides of the grotto, he was immediately horrified.

For a moment, Zhang Tianlai couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Because the rock walls on both sides of the grotto are at least several hundred meters wide.

The width of several hundreds of meters before and after is combined to form a huge underground valley.

This is not the main tomb yet, but Zhang Tianlai and the others never expected that the layout used to set off the main tomb would be such a large underground space.

Compared with it, the previous pattern is nothing.

That is to say, while Zhang Tianlai was shocked, Zhuge Shou also saw the pattern in front of him.


For a moment, Zhuge Shou couldn't help but open his mouth wide and murmured to himself: "We are not under the Lishan Mausoleum City now, are we?"

Zhang Tianlai did not deny this, but nodded and said: "It seems that we have indeed reached the scope of the main tomb."

"To be honest, before I came here, I boldly imagined how grand the tombs of the First Emperor's Mausoleum would be, but it was only when I saw them that I was completely shocked."

"I can never imagine that the layout outside the main tomb of the First Emperor's Mausoleum is so majestic. Ying Zheng actually dug out an underground valley as huge as two football fields under Lishan Mountain."

At this moment, the people in the Exploration Bureau also saw it very clearly.

Seeing such a huge underground space with their own eyes, the people in the Exploration Bureau were all excited and their ears were red.

They had seen other layouts many times before, but when they saw the structure in front of the underground mausoleum of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, they all gasped excitedly.

"Is this the tomb of the First Emperor's mausoleum?"

"Too magnificent!"

"The Mausoleum of the First Emperor is indeed the largest group of tombs in the world, but the entire interior of Lishan Mountain has been hollowed out!"

"It's indeed magnificent, but it seems like you haven't seen the mausoleum city below?"

At this moment, Zhang Tianlai and the others were also observing their surroundings. Zhuge Shou looked carefully and asked: "Is this not the main tomb? Why can't I see the mausoleum city below?"

Regarding this, Zhang Tianlai also stared at the surrounding cliffs for a few seconds, and then looked up at the top of the grotto, which was as deep as the top.

Then he frowned and said: "Looking at the grandeur, this should be the main tomb area of ​​the Mausoleum of the First Emperor. I don't know if you have noticed, but this grotto is too huge, and the top is almost hundreds of meters high."

"But the strange thing is that the road we walked along was flat, there was no slope going down."

"That means our location cannot be hundreds of meters deep underground. But with the height of the cliff in front of us, there can only be one explanation, that is, we are now directly under Lishan Mausoleum City."

"I have calculated the distance we walked along the way here. The total distance is indeed the distance we started from Lishan and walked along the tomb path to the center of Lishan."

After hearing his words, Zhuge Shou also nodded.

Zhang Tianlai is indeed as meticulous as dust.

He was actually calculating the distance they traveled along the way.

But the strange thing is that if this is the center of Lishan Mountain, why can't we see where the Tomb City is below?
Could it be that.
(End of this chapter)

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