Tomb Keeper: My clone is the Mausoleum of the First Emperor

Chapter 181 The dead bones in the coffin trigger the mechanism, and the true appearance of the First

Chapter 181 The dead bones in the coffin trigger the mechanism, and the true appearance of the First Emperor's Mausoleum reappears!
At this moment, people in the Exploration Bureau also discovered anomalies.

"What's going on? Why did he squat down?"

"Something's wrong, the candle seems to be going out!"

"No way, something went wrong just after opening the coffin?"

At this moment, Wu Tianqi was also paying attention to the movements around him with cautious eyes, while keeping an eye on the changes in the flames.

It wasn't until the flame on the candle became stable again that Wu Tianqi finally felt relieved.

Wiping the non-existent cold sweat on his forehead, Wu Tianqi turned around and explained to the others: "Did you see that when the coffin lid was opened just now, an unknown gas spewed out from it?"

"The smell was very sour, and the gentle breeze made the flames on the candles burst."

"If I'm not wrong, the gas should contain a lot of rosin."

"In addition to its good drying properties, this substance has excellent preservative properties for meat."

"But what makes me a little confused is that rosin has no sour smell, so I guess there should be other substances mixed in the coffin."

"Let's take a look"

While talking, Wu Tianqi and others used the light of flashlights to carefully look under the coffin.

At this moment, the exploration bureau was as eerily quiet as the tomb, and everyone could even hear their own strong heartbeats.

At this time, the bottom of the coffin was illuminated by a flashlight, and suddenly a blur of light was reflected.


Seeing this scene, Wu Tianqi felt a little suspicious.

But he still suppressed his doubts and continued to look down.

But after seeing the situation inside the coffin clearly, Wu Tianqi's pupils shrank immediately.

There were no burial objects in the coffin, and no body was visible.

Because under the entire coffin, almost half of its height was filled with a bright silver flowing liquid.

It looks like a smooth mirror, illuminating everyone's shadow very clearly.

Seeing this, Wu Tianqi was heartbroken.

No wonder there was reflection just now.

It turns out it’s still mercury.
While thinking about it, Wu Tianqi signaled Zhang Tianqi and others to quickly put on gas masks.

At this time, Wu Tianqi estimated the depth of the mercury and said, "There may indeed be Qin Shihuang's mummy inside, or it may be a fatal mechanism."

"So we'd better find a tool instead."

While he was talking, Wu Tianqi was taken from behind and the family dagger was carefully inserted into the mercury.

Then he moved slowly around the coffin, hoping to touch something.

no way.

He has not yet confirmed that the coffin is really a mummy.

If it wasn't a body, it could have been dangerous.

After all, this tomb is the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, and Qin Shihuang is the first emperor.

While thinking about it, everyone became quiet.

But after calming down, it was replaced by a kind of fear, which spread in everyone's hearts.

After all, compared to curiosity about tombs, people are innately fearful of the unknown.

Now the inside of the coffin is covered with mercury, and it is impossible to see what is underneath.

For a moment, everyone in the Exploration Bureau shrank their necks, fearing that a rice dumpling would suddenly jump out from below.

At this time, Wu Tianqi focused all his attention on the bottom of the coffin.

The dagger continued to advance along the rocks surrounding the coffin, and then gradually narrowed the area.


Just when Wu Tianqi started to turn for the second time, the sword hilt suddenly stopped.

It seemed like it was blocked by something solid.

Sensing the abnormality, Wu Tianqi suddenly raised his eyebrows.

Then he slowed down his movements and controlled the tip of the sword to pick up the object below.

Then slowly straighten the sword blade, pick up the object and lift it up.

The object seemed very heavy under the mercury, and Wu Tianqi spent a lot of effort to maintain balance.

As the mercury in front of me continued to ripple, a black object gradually emerged from the water.


The first thing exposed under the water was a burnt black head.

Then came the two shoulders.

But after seeing what was picked up on the sword blade, Wu Tianqi couldn't help but take a breath even though he had seen so many mummies.

What was caught on the tip of his sword was a blackened skeleton.

Dry bones indeed.

Calling it a mummy is an exaggeration.

Because there was no trace of anyone on this corpse.

All the flesh and blood on the body had dried up to the limit.

Only a layer of charred dry skin was left, sticking to the bones.

The mummy's head had completely become like a skull.

The burnt-yellow teeth were exposed, and a pair of deeply sunken eye sockets stared into the void.

But why not just say this thing is a skeleton?

It's just because there is a layer of burnt black skin glued to the bones.

But just looking at this corpse, it is no longer much different from a skeleton.


Wu Tianqi swallowed.

For a moment, his movements seemed to have stopped.

It took more than ten seconds for him to finally calm down.

Then he tried hard to maintain the balance of his hand movements, and completely lifted the withered bones up from under the mercury.

Then he made a stone platform under his feet and placed the dead bones flatly on it.

At this time, even when Zhang Tianqi wanted to come over and help, Wu Tianqi didn't let her move.

This corpse has been soaked in mercury for an unknown number of years, and the mercury poison on its body is not trivial.

At this moment, the people in the Exploration Bureau were already stunned by the dead bones in front of them.

It was only then that everyone recovered from the shock.

Wu Tianqi did not expect that there would be only a handful of bones in the coffin.

With his future uncertain, he could only place his hope on the bones.

See if you can find any doubts.

I saw that the body of this mummy had been severely dried up, and all the flesh and blood had disappeared.

Therefore, there should be no clues to be found from the physical body.

But what surprised Wu Tianqi was that the combined height of these bones seemed a bit weird.

Because people in the Qin Dynasty did not have cattle for farming, or pigs and sheep to supplement protein.

So the height is generally very short.

In addition, the Qin State at that time belonged to the Central Plains region.

Due to regional restrictions, the height of local people is even more limited.

Calculated now, the common height of people at that time was usually about 1.6 meters.

However, the height of this corpse was completely different.

Wu Tianqi carefully measured it with his hands and found that the body was nearly 1.9 meters tall.

There is something wrong with this.

How could this body be so much taller than the average human height of the time?
Because he was familiar with history, Wu Tianqi knew that in the Qin Dynasty, cattle were not allowed to be slaughtered.

Moreover, because no one knew how to castrate pigs at that time, there were not many people raising pigs at that time.

Speaking of meat.

According to historical records, only mutton was edible at that time.

However, due to the long-term wars and political problems during the First Queen's period, the whole country suffered from military shortages all year round.

At that time, it was good for ordinary people to use tofu to supplement protein.

As for mutton, only nobles can afford it.

But without meat to supplement protein, who can grow to a height of nearly two meters?
Thinking of this, Wu Tianqi felt like he was trapped in an endless loop.

The height of this mummy is too terrifying.

You know, even if it is 1.8 meters, he will not think so.

But judging from the physical fitness of the Han people.

Without a lot of supplements or external support, it is difficult to grow to two meters.

Then the owner of this corpse may have two identities.

For a moment, Wu Tianqi couldn't help but look at the head and face of the corpse.

At the same time, I thought in my heart that the first possibility is that this corpse is a general.

But even if he is a military commander, it is unlikely that he will grow to two meters, right?
Because Qin Bing is good at riding and shooting, if he is too tall, it is not conducive to horse fighting.

The second possibility is that the owner of the body is a noble.

Moreover, he should be a hereditary noble with a very deep foundation.

Who could be the nobleman who could appear in the only coffin in the main tomb of the First Emperor's Mausoleum?

only one!
It's Ying Zheng himself!

At this moment, Wu Tianqi suddenly recalled that he had done some research on the records related to Qin Shihuang before coming to Lishan.

According to historical records, Qin Shi Huang was indeed nearly two meters tall.

So that means this mummy belongs to Qin Shihuang?

Thinking of this possibility, Wu Tianqi looked at the corpse in front of him and said seriously: "I think I know who the owner of this corpse is."

"If I read it correctly, this should be the skeleton of the First Emperor himself."

At this moment, everyone in the Exploration Bureau subconsciously thought that this was a burial tomb.

After all, judging from how highly the Chinese people respected Qin Shihuang, as the founding emperor, it was impossible for him to bury himself in a stone coffin.

At the same time, not only people, but also Zhang Tianqi and Zhang Tianhao shook their heads to express disbelief.

At the same time, looking at the corpse in front of him, Zhang Tianqi said in surprise: "Are you kidding me?"

"With an indiscernible skeleton, you can be sure that these are Ying Zheng's bones?"

Hearing whether she believed it or not, Wu Tianqi nodded seriously and said at the same time: "Whether you believe it or not, this is indeed true."

"If you don't believe me, take a look. Is there anything different about this specific body?"

Upon hearing Wu Tianqi's inquiry, Zhang Tianqi hurriedly examined the differences in the corpses.

As she looked at it, she almost blurted out: "Is this body too tall?"

"Yes, it's just too high."

Hearing what she said, Wu Tianqi nodded with satisfaction.

"As far as I know, there was a legal saying in the Qin Dynasty that did not allow the slaughter of cattle."

"In fact, this is not only the Qin Dynasty. Until the Song Dynasty, our domestic laws did not allow the slaughter of farm cattle."

"At that time, because no one knew how to castrate pigs, the pig rearing rate was also very low."

"So at that time, ordinary people could only rely on eating tofu to supplement their daily protein needs."

"Due to insufficient meat supplementation, people in the Qin Dynasty were generally only 1.6 meters tall."

"In addition, because the Qin State at that time belonged to the Central Plains region, people affected by the climate were generally shorter in height."

"Then how did this corpse grow to a height of nearly two meters?"

Hearing Wu Tianqi say this, Zhang Tianqi and others felt a sudden realization.

Before anyone could say anything, Wu Tianqi continued: "However, before, I only speculated that this might be the corpse of a noble or military general."

"But in the Qin Dynasty, most warriors were good at horse fighting. People with better equestrian skills were actually smaller in stature."

"So I first ruled out the possibility of being a military commander. As for being a noble,"

"Just imagine how tyrannical the First Emperor was. Which nobleman could occupy his main tomb and be buried here?"

"But these are just my guesses, and the most important thing is that I have read the information."

"According to the records in "Taiping Yulan Huangwangbu", the First Emperor was eight feet six inches long and seven inches wide. He held soldiers and arrows in his hands and was named Zulong."

"If converted, one foot at that time was equivalent to 23 centimeters today, so Qin Shihuang's height was indeed equivalent to two meters."

"That's why I concluded that the owner of this corpse is [-]% likely to be the First Emperor Ying Zheng himself."

"But what makes me wonder is how could his body be buried in such a careless manner in such a rock coffin?"

Speaking of this, Wu Tianqi paused subconsciously.

But at this time, the people in the Exploration Bureau immediately started a quarrel.

Because people have long wanted to see Ying Zheng's true appearance, but when they actually see it, it turns out to be a handful of bones.

At this moment, Wu Tianqi was already squatting on the ground and starting to look at the body.

He carefully looked through the flesh of the corpse with his hands.

Because he also thought it was strange that this body should be buried in a big way.

But how could he be buried in such a coffin?

There's definitely something weird about it!
Moreover, they have been here for so long, but they have not seen any clues about the dragon veins!

Therefore, Wu Tianqi patiently looked through it carefully.

But after looking around, Wu Tianqi still found nothing.

That's weird.

"Any clues?" Zhang Tianqi asked quickly.

At the same time, Zhang Tianhao and others also looked at Wu Tianqi.

Although they had confirmed Wu Tianqi's guess, they soon remembered that they were here to find Dragon Vein this time.

Now the coffin has been opened.

Except for a portion of the mercury, there was only a handful of dry bones left inside.

Where are the clues?
Hearing this, Wu Tianqi couldn't help but think about it secretly this time.


Even if Qin Shihuang's identity is confirmed, this withered bones cannot provide them with any clues.

So far, I still don’t have any clue about the formation I should be looking for.

This is a little tricky.

Realizing this, Wu Tianqi quickly settled down and prepared to look for clues in the tomb again.

The most important thing is, what about the large number of terracotta warriors and horses that appeared in this tomb last time, as well as the golden figures?

With this thought in his mind, Wu Tianqi looked at the cliff in the distance again.

Unfortunately, although the tomb was vast, the surrounding area was very empty. It didn't take long for him to finish reading.

Moreover, he observed the pattern in all eyes as much as possible.

It's just that everything you see is thick rock and soil, and there are no traces of any hidden mechanisms.

Therefore, Wu Tianqi's eyes turned back to the coffin behind him.

Are there clues still on the coffin?
Looking at the huge stone platform, Wu Tianqi couldn't help but secretly thought that although the tomb was empty, it was also very vast.

If there really was a trigger, it would probably be in a location where people could trigger it, rather than inside the rock.

With this thought in his mind, Wu Tianqi carefully returned to the stone platform.

"Just now I roughly inspected one side of the tomb."

"But just like the previous situation, we still haven't found any clues."

"But according to my understanding, whether it is the mechanism technique that kills people or the secret passage that hides the formation, it should be in some iconic position."

"The only thing we can see in front of us is this coffin, so I guess the secret is probably inside the coffin."

"We just haven't found it before."

As he spoke, Wu Tianqi squatted down in front of the stone platform, took a deep breath and calmed down.

Then, use the flashlight to carefully shine around the stone platform.

While observing the position illuminated by the bright light with his naked eyes, he stretched out his hand to press on the rock face and slowly moved forward.

For a moment, the surroundings of the tomb were eerily quiet.

As Wu Tianqi continued to check the surroundings of the stone platform, the atmosphere gradually became very tense.

Unfortunately, after he turned back to the starting point, he still didn't find any doubts.

Not only is there no trigger such as a groove on the stone platform, there is not even any inscription.

After confirming this, Wu Tianqi still didn't give up.So, he stepped onto the stone platform again, and then walked cautiously towards the coffin.

Arriving in front of the coffin pit again, Wu Tianqi knelt down and shined his flashlight into the mercury pool below.

The mercury was illuminated by bright light and could project silhouettes of people, but Wu Tianqi could not see any clues.

Realizing this, Wu Tianqi looked through the mercury and stared at the bottom of the pool under the mercury.

If there was any mechanism hidden under the mercury, he couldn't see it at all.

Moreover, even if items such as family daggers are used instead, it is impossible to detect the mechanism so keenly.

With this thought in his mind, Wu Tianqi looked sideways at his right hand.

Suddenly, Wu Tianqi swallowed, and an idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

If he couldn't replace it with something, he would have no choice but to put his hand in it.

The mercury poison in this mercury may be fatal to humans.

But they have no choice now.


Thinking of this, Wu Tianqi nodded and said, "Come here, I've checked all the areas around the stone platform before, and I didn't find anything suspicious."

"Then I guess if there are any clues, it may have fallen into this mercury pool."

"But now you can't see below at all with the naked eye."

With that said, Wu Tianqi leaned down without hesitation and directly put his hand into the mercury pool.

For a moment, he concentrated on sensing the situation under the mercury pool with his palms.

But because the mercury was not transparent at all, Wu Tianqi's exploration was not smooth.

For a moment, he could only lie down and use his hands to start from the corner under the coffin and move forward carefully.

Gradually, Wu Tianqi touched the bottom and sides of the coffin, but did not feel anything unusual.

As a result, his mind became heavier and heavier.

When only the last coffin head was left, he almost gave up hope.

But at this moment, Wu Tianqi suddenly paused.

His right hand rested under the mercury on the head of the coffin, as if he had touched something.

At this moment, everyone present couldn't help but hold their breath when they saw Wu Tianqi's sudden change.

At the same time, Zhang Tianqi noticed the change in Wu Tianqi's expression and hurriedly came up to ask: "What's going on? What's down there?"

Wu Tianqi did not answer in a hurry, but made a silent gesture to her, then closed his eyes and carefully felt the touch on his hand.

With superhuman senses, Wu Tianqi could feel that his fingers seemed to have touched a mechanism.

So, he changed his mind and activated the mechanism directly.

For a moment, the people from the Exploration Bureau and Zhang Tianqi subconsciously held their breath, while Wu Tianqi himself was also worried.

He couldn't guarantee the consequences.

Because all of this comes from his own speculation.

time passes by
After about 2 minutes, there was still no movement in the tomb.

At this time, Wu Tianqi couldn't help but frowned when he saw that there was no movement.

Zhang Tianqi, who had been paying attention to the surroundings, also asked carefully: "Is it possible that the mechanism is broken?"

Before she could finish speaking, Wu Tianqi suddenly made a silent gesture to her.

Zhang Tianqi wanted to say something else, but at this moment she suddenly noticed a movement coming from all around.

The sound was very muffled, and it sounded like someone was beating a war drum slowly.

At the same time, Zhang Tianqi followed Wu Tianqi's gaze.

I saw him staring at the mercury pool in front of him.

After Zhang Tianqi saw the situation in the mercury pool clearly, her pupils immediately shrank.

"This earthquake in the tomb!"

Under the gaze of everyone, they could see that in the mercury pool in front of them, the originally calm water surface was continuously rippled with vibrations.

You don't need to look at this situation to know that an earthquake is about to start underground in Lishan Mountain.

Suddenly, Zhang Tianqi couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, and almost instinctively turned around to rush out from under the stone platform.

But at the critical moment, Wu Tianqi grabbed her from behind.

"Don't go out, just stay on the stone platform!"

After Wu Tianqi gave instructions, he pinned her down on the stone platform without saying a word.

At the same time, he himself crawled down carefully.

If an earthquake does occur, perhaps only the stone platform is safe.

Because it is surrounded by towering cliffs.

No matter where it collapses, the edge of the tomb will definitely be affected.

What's more, the stone platform is Ying Zheng's coffin.

Here is his body.

He believed that the tombkeeper could not destroy Zulong's body in order to create a mechanism.

So, after Wu Tianqi held Zhang Tianqi down, he crawled on the stone platform with everyone and cautiously raised his head to look at the source of the sound.

But when he saw clearly what was happening in the distance, even Wu Tianqi's pupils couldn't help but shrink instantly.

The vibrations in the tomb grew louder and louder, and the sound sounded like the entire Lishan Mountain was shaking.

Along with the shaking sound, Wu Tianqi clearly saw that the surrounding cliffs were shaking greatly.

At the same time, under the bright light of a flashlight.

Wu Tianqi could see large pieces of gravel falling from the cliffs.

It looked as if the mountain was about to collapse.


Suddenly at this moment, a thunderous sound suddenly shook the sky.

Wu Tianqi and others were so frightened that their faces turned pale.

Because the sound was so close, it sounded like it was exploding in your ears.

"Look what that is!"

Suddenly, Zhang Tianqi raised his head.

Pointing to the top of the tomb, he exclaimed to Wu Tianqi with a pale face.

Wu Tianqi could even see despair in her pupils.

Therefore, Wu Tianqi also cautiously raised his head and looked up.

But when he saw the situation below clearly, his whole heart went cold.

I saw that the top rock above the tomb seemed to have countless cracks for some reason.

As some large rocks fell off, some dazzling light was projected from above the tomb.

It was indeed light, and the refracted light was a dazzling blue-white color.

For a moment, Wu Tianqi's eyes stung as he adjusted to the dim light.

At this moment, bursts of violent collapse sounds sounded one after another from above the tomb chamber.

Wu Tianqi squinted his eyes and could see the cracks on the top spreading rapidly.

Almost in just 2 minutes, it spread to the entire top of the [-]-meter-wide building.

At the same time, those bright lights became more and more intense, almost illuminating the entire valley as if it were daytime.

Along with the bright light, hundreds of irregular rocks of various sizes fell from the top.

The large rocks are more than one meter in diameter, and the small ones are the size of a human head.

As the rock fell, the ground in the tomb completely rioted.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the exploration bureau felt chills all over.

Because people's vision is clearer, they can clearly see that countless large rocks are falling downwards with the intention of flooding the tomb chamber.

Seeing it, Wu Tianqi and others were about to be smashed to death in the tomb.

If these rocks fall, the tomb chamber will be destroyed.

Zhang Tianqi is even worse than Wu Tianqi.

For a moment, she tried to hold herself up without saying a word and was about to rush down.


But at this moment, Wu Tianqi pressed his body up and pressed her whole body on the stone platform.

Wu Tianqi knew very well that if these rocks fell, the tomb would be covered.

Everywhere you go you die.

Instead of this, it's better to stay here and fight.

The moment Wu Tianqi and the others threw themselves on the ground, a large area of ​​gravel suddenly fell down.

These rocks weigh hundreds or thousands of tons.

The weight of falling to the ground together made the entire tomb begin to shake violently.

Immediately afterwards, as rubble flew across the ground, an unrivaled wave of air mixed with smoke, dust and rubble swept across the entire tomb floor.

A large area of ​​rock was blown up, and almost all the rubble was sprayed on the backs of everyone present.

But Wu Tianqi still held Zhang Tianqi firmly, preventing her from standing up at all.

At the same time, everyone else gritted their teeth.

After a full 5 minutes, the trend of gravel falling gradually stopped.

But no one dared to make any move. Instead, they all cautiously lay on the ground and waited patiently.

After enduring for 2 minutes, Wu Tianqi finally determined that there was no shaking trend.

So he hurriedly arched his waist and shook off the dirt and rock debris sprayed on his back.

Then he carefully helped Zhang Tianqi and stood up on the rubble.

Then, everyone looked around the tomb cautiously.

There had been such a big riot just now, and the surroundings must have changed.

After they saw the situation around them clearly, everyone's pupils shrank instantly.

"What's the situation?!"

Under the eyes of everyone, they saw that the entire tomb was completely in ruins.

A large area of ​​rock fell off, smashing the tomb to pieces.

But what was different from before was that they finally saw the entire tomb clearly.

Under the strong light, the whole tomb is as bright as day.

Only then did everyone see the true appearance of the First Emperor's Mausoleum.

They looked carefully and saw that the tomb was as big as two football fields.

very impressive.

Now this tomb is as bright as day.

and many more!

Bright as day?

Just as he was thinking of this, Wu Tianqi suddenly paused.

Because after he woke up, he realized that the originally dark tomb chamber was actually illuminated.

Where does the light come from?
Wu Tianqi then recalled the light he had just glimpsed above the cave roof.

Sensing the abnormality, Wu Tianqi quickly and cautiously took a step back, then raised his head and looked at the top of the tomb.

But after seeing the situation clearly above, even though he had been mentally prepared, he couldn't help but be shocked.

The source of those bright lights was the fluorite inlaid on the top of the tomb.

There are tens of thousands of fluorite inlaid in the top of the cave.

The refracted light illuminated the tomb chamber several hundred meters wide like daylight.


After swallowing, Wu Tianqi said to the others: "It seems that the Mausoleum of the First Emperor is not as simple as we expected. Take a look, what is the source of these bright lights?"

As he spoke, Wu Tianqi pointed to the top of the tomb.

Suddenly, the densely packed fluorite on the top of the grotto shocked everyone present.

At this moment, everyone present and the people in the Exploration Bureau all recognized Fluorite.

At the same time, Wu Tianqi looked around cautiously.

But it didn't take long for Wu Tianqi to realize something was wrong.

I saw that the ground under his feet was shaking greatly at this moment.

As time goes by, the amplitude of the shock becomes more intense.

It sounded like the volcano beneath my feet was about to erupt.

The most terrifying thing was that Wu Tianqi could clearly see dozens of large cracks suddenly opening in the ground around them.

In the next second, those cracks spread towards the entire tomb like spider webs.


Seeing this, Wu Tianqi's blood ran cold all over his body.

Without saying a word, he grabbed Zhang Tianqi, turned around and rushed towards the stone platform behind him.


In the next second, the originally calm tomb floor was instantly covered by a large crack.

Immediately afterwards, with a loud thunderous noise, the entire ground began to sink downwards.

For a time, the sun and the moon were dark.

At this time, although the few people present could not see it, the people in the exploration bureau could clearly see the collapse and changes in the entire tomb.

To people's eyes, the ground of the tomb, which is several hundred meters wide, looks like a glacier.

Before everyone could react, the ground had already begun to collapse one after another.

Only then did the people from the Exploration Bureau understand.

It turns out that the floor of this tomb was just a cover-up, and there was actually a second level of tombs.

Although it was just a glimpse, everyone could clearly see that after the ground collapsed, a deeper cellar appeared under the tomb.

The most terrifying thing is that the cellar seems to cover the entire tomb.

There are only two staggered floors running through the tomb.

Only the stone platform Wu Tianqi and the others were rushing towards had not collapsed.

"Go! Let's go!"

At this moment, Wu Tianqi really felt a fatal crisis.

He subconsciously turned his head to look, and his pupils immediately shrank.

I saw that the ground behind them was rapidly collapsing, and it was about to reach their feet.

The next moment, the ground collapsed.

A tyrannical air wave, mixed with smoke and dust, directly swept across the entire grotto.

As soon as everyone jumped out, they were directly sprayed on the back by the air wave, and everyone flew forward two meters involuntarily.

No one has time to think.

In an emergency, they could only kneel on the stone platform with their hands on their heads.

Immediately afterwards, the roar of explosions and collapses continued to be heard.

The collapse in the tomb lasted for more than a minute before stopping.

But after stopping, no one dared to relax.

By the time the shaking stopped, a thick layer of dust had accumulated on his back.

After waiting for a few more minutes, everyone finally confirmed that the crisis was over.

So, everyone carefully climbed up from the stone platform, and then immediately turned to look around the tomb.

But when they saw the scene after the shock disappeared, everyone was stunned and stunned on the spot, even if they were mentally prepared.

"Sure enough! This is the true appearance of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor!"

Wu Tianqi muttered unconsciously.

Because following his gaze, I saw that the original burial ground had disappeared in an instant.

After the original ground collapsed, it was replaced by deep pits all around.

But calling it a trap is not entirely correct!

Because the entire tomb floor has collapsed.

It extends from the surrounding rock walls to the feet of everyone.

At present, only the coffin stone platform they stepped on has not sunk.

(End of this chapter)

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