Tomb Keeper: My clone is the Mausoleum of the First Emperor

Chapter 26 The horrific killing scene is all an illusion!

Chapter 26 The horrific killing scene is all an illusion!

what's the situation? !

Turning around suddenly, Wu Tianzhen couldn't believe his eyes, but the next second the four puppets appeared behind him and rushed towards them like crazy.

The next moment, Wu Tianzhen immediately ducked to the side, and several people who were checking the carvings at the stone gate also reacted instantly.

They quickly turned around and saw figures coming out of nowhere. When they saw the figures clearly, they immediately prepared for them.

Because, those who came out from behind the trunk of the bronze tree were all mummies with haggard faces, and the clothes on these mummies were obviously the daggers of previous tomb robbers, and their clothes were in tatters. From the tattered clothes, there were still... You can see the shriveled skin and flesh.

The skin and flesh of those mummies were already black and yellow rotten flesh, and a fishy stench was immediately apparent at a glance.

There is no doubt that these corpses are parasitized by chinchillas!

For a moment, the explorers who followed into the tomb felt that their scalps were going to explode.

One of them, without saying a word, grabbed his companion and rushed out on the way back and forth.

But the strange thing was that as soon as he turned around, something happened that made his hair stand on end.

I saw that the two companions had fainted on the ground at some point. He didn't even notice it before?
"It's over! I can't run out!"

Just for a moment, the cameraman's heart dropped to the bottom, and just when he hesitated, the sound of fast footsteps could be heard behind him.

Click ~ click ~
He knew without looking that these mummies had pounced on him, and at the same time, the mummies directly in front of him had also pounced on him.

For a moment, the camera crew could clearly see the rotten tongue in its open bloody mouth.


He felt that his feet were numb, his companion fainted on the ground, and he was surrounded by several mummies. They were deliberately trying to kill him!

No wonder, Wu Tianzhen and the others had always said that this tomb was too easy to get over. It turned out that this was the final crisis.

But at this time, there was no time for him to think too much. Seeing death and no life, he was going crazy.

"Damn it! How many evil spirits can kill me?!" At this moment, the cameraman's strength and strong belief suddenly overcame his reason.

After all, when people are afraid to the extreme, they are angry.

Then, controlled by fear and anger, he instinctively took out the military shovel from behind. Facing the mummy rushing towards him, he took a step forward and bumped into it.

"Go to your code!"

Seeing that the mummy was only one meter away from him, the cameraman directly leveled the shovel, pointed the bladed shovel directly at the face of the mummy, and used all his strength to chop it down.


The blade of this weapon shovel was so sharp that it cut open the face of the mummy with almost no obstruction.

Immediately afterwards, before the cameraman could retract his hand, he suddenly felt a sound of breaking wind coming from behind him.

Suddenly, he smelled a fishy rotten smell in his nose.


The cameraman's heart skipped a beat. Before he could turn around, he felt something pounce on his back. His back suddenly sank, and then two sharp claws pinched him from behind and choked him.

Without asking, he immediately realized that the mummy was choking him from behind. The force was so strong that he felt his blood surge within two seconds.

At the same time, he wanted to get rid of the mummy behind him, but he felt that it was as difficult to deal with as plaster.

Seeing that he couldn't get away, he almost subconsciously took out the dagger from his pocket, then turned around suddenly and locked the mummy's neck with his left hand.

But at the next moment, he suddenly saw the mummy being strangled by the neck, and he actually choked him with his backhand.

In just an instant, the cameraman felt his eyes begin to go dark.


Something is definitely wrong!He immediately noticed that something was wrong in ten thousand ways!

You know, from the very beginning when they entered the tomb, they were following Wu Tianzhen and the others. But when they got here, why did Wu Tianzhen and the others disappear?

When did it disappear?

You don't even know?
Sensing something unusual, he quickly forced himself to calm down and think carefully about the situation in front of him.

But as soon as he regained his composure, he immediately noticed something even weirder.

Wasn't the mummy dead from the beginning? Why didn't it move after being split open by him with a shovel?

Does he have such a strong ability to kill zombies?
No, not right!

The more he thought about it, the more unbelievable it became. Then he calmed down, suppressed the mummy under him, and went to check what was going on in the broadcast equipment.

But the feedback from the Exploration Bureau conference room made him even more confused.

"Old Wang, stop it! You are killing someone!"

"It's over! Are you crazy! Kill someone to pay for your life!"

"Stop it! What's wrong with you guys?! Why are you killing each other!"

Seeing the emergency message from the Exploration Bureau, the camera crew became even more confused.

When did he kill someone?

What he killed was clearly a mummy, right?
Realizing that the situation was different from what he thought, the cameraman hurriedly shouted: "What kind of murder? You see clearly, what I killed was a mummy!"

"What mummy? You killed Lao Xu!"

"Look clearly, who did you kill just now, and who did you hold down?!"

Seeing the feedback from the Exploration Bureau, the camera crew's pupils suddenly shrank.

what did they say?
Is the mummy he suppressed his companion?

So, he quickly looked down and saw that the thing beneath him was clearly a mummy.

His companion was unconscious on the ground two meters away from him.

and many more!

And suddenly at this moment, he suddenly thought of a possibility.

Could it be that this is the real killing game?


Thinking of this possibility, the cameraman swallowed, carefully closed his eyes, and at the same time gave himself quick hints in his mind, forcing himself to calm down.

Cruelly, he simply bit the tip of his tongue hard.

Suddenly, a sharp pain surged into my heart.

Then, he opened his eyes again and looked down.

But what happened next made him finally take a breath!
Looking down, he saw that there were still mummies beneath him, and they were clearly his companions.

But the strange thing is that the other party seems to have fallen into an illusion. A pair of hands is pinching his throat, whimpering and struggling like crazy.

Seeing this scene, he suddenly turned around and looked around, only to realize that the mummy he killed was actually another of his companions?
His head was split open and he couldn't die any more!

As for the other mummies, they don’t exist at all!

As for Wu Tianzhen and the others, they were all staring at the surroundings with wary looks on their faces, especially that Fatty Wang!
He actually inserted a dagger into his palm, using the pain to offset the hallucination!
Is it really all an illusion? !
Seeing this scene, the camera crew suddenly woke up.

(End of this chapter)

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