Tomb Keeper: My clone is the Mausoleum of the First Emperor

Chapter 31 Why does the wind blow in the tomb? !

Chapter 31 Why does the wind blow in the tomb? !

At this moment, even everyone in the Exploration Bureau felt a little confused.

You know, Bai Qi's status is not low, and he was buried with Qin Shihuang.

But he was a dignified Lord Wu'an, but he didn't have any burial objects?
This is a bit abnormal no matter how you say it?
But at this moment, Elder Liu Hongru in the conference room shook his head and said, "Don't underestimate the contents of the coffin."

"Actually, the tombs of ancient generals may not necessarily contain so much gold, silver and jewelry, but there are often many truly powerful burial objects."

"For example, the coffin in front of you is made of bronze, which was a precious metal in ancient times!"

"Also, the armor on Bai Qi's body is iron armor! There were eight types of armor during the Qin Dynasty, including Guangyao, Fine Scale, Shanwen and Bird Hammer. Among them, there were mostly rattan armor and quite a few bronze armors!"

"However, those who can afford iron armor can only be given to veterans who have experienced hundreds of battles and have made contributions to regaining lost territory and opening up new territories."

"Everyone should know that during the Qin Dynasty, there were bronze casting methods, but there were almost no means of smelting steel, so the value of this set of armor at that time can be imagined!"

"Today, the historical value is very high! So far, our country has discovered only one set of armor that can be traced back to the Qin Dynasty, and it is not complete!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard Elder Liu Hongru's words.

For a moment, everyone couldn't help but swallow their saliva. After all, who would have thought that the value of these things would be so high?

If that's the case, wouldn't it mean moving out the coffins, which would be priceless?
Thinking of this, these exploration scholars all urged.

"These coffins and armors are of great historical value. You must not destroy them!"

"Yes! We must protect these cultural relics. When our expedition team enters the tomb for the second time, these things must be taken away!"

At this moment, everyone in the Exploration Bureau was urging.

But Wu Tianzhen and others ignored them, because compared to the so-called coffin and armor, they didn't care at all.

This time, they came for the mission of their respective families.

So, all of them looked at the body in the coffin.

The Wang family's corpse poison must be eliminated, and the Zhang family must find the bronze door.

And over the years, the only way they have found may be to fight fire with fire.

However, over the years, the Nine Sects have searched all over the world tombs, but they have never found a suitable corpse.

The prerequisites for a big rice dumpling that can breed corpse poison are very important.

It must be that the resentment itself is extremely strong, so strong that the corpse will not rot.

Only this kind of corpse, after settling in the corpse raising ground for many years, would have the chance to transform into a corpse.

Now it seems that Bai Qi's body is their opportunity.

The three of them looked closely and saw that Bai Qi's body showed no signs of decay after so many years of weathering.

The body was extremely well preserved.

They had checked before and found that the coffin was not completely airtight.

That is to say, it is not because the anti-corrosion methods are done well.

It's because Bai Qi is riddled with resentment that will last for thousands of years!
Even, to this extent.

Thinking of this, the three of them couldn't wait. This was the best opportunity for the Wang family to remove the corpse poison.

But right now.
"Why is this body not rotting at all?"

Suddenly, the cameraman looked at Bai Qi's murderous corpse in front of him and couldn't help but ask.

It's not that he's timid.

It's really weird in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor.

A corpse that's been dead for thousands of years and isn't even decomposed?
Who is not afraid to see it?
After hearing his words, Wang Tianming said calmly: "There are generally two possibilities for ancient corpses to be well preserved."

"Either the embalming method is good, but the sealing of this coffin is not good."

"In this case, it should be the reason why the owner of the tomb was so resentful before his death."

After hearing his words, everyone in the conference room was stunned.

How can you keep a corpse from rotting despite being riddled with resentment?

Isn't this a zombie?
But if you think about it carefully, they have even seen things like Chi Gu before. What else in this world is impossible to happen?

Thinking of this, everyone in the conference room spoke one after another. "So, Bai Qi really died unjustly?!"

"It is recorded in the classics that when he was sentenced to death by King Qin Zhaoxiang, he looked up to the sky and sighed: What have I done in my life, and why did I end up like this?"

"How deep is this resentment, that the body will not rot even 2000 years after death?"

"Hey~ Bai Qi has fought more than fifty battles for the Qin Dynasty in his life, and has never failed! Moreover, in order to unify the Central Plains, he even did not hesitate to kill 40 Zhao troops, shouldering everything on himself, but in the end he achieved great results The earthquake master was sentenced to death by King Qin Zhaoxiang!"

"This is a bad debt! But for the mission of our expedition scholars, we still have to wrong him."

At this moment, some people in the Exploration Bureau began to have the heart of the Holy Mother.

After all, Bai Qi's reputation can be said to be two extremes in China.

Some people say that he is Bai Qi, the God of Killing. One kill is too heavy. In the first battle of Zhao State alone, he killed 40 surrendered soldiers.

But more people believe that everything he did was loyal to his country.

How could a general who was so loyal, even willing to bear the eternal infamy in order to allow Qin to unify the world, be so bad?

Even after his death, his resentment persisted for thousands of years.

However, for their mission, they still have to continue digging Bai Qi's grave.

Moreover, Wu Tianzhen and others were also cruel.

It's not because Bai Qi's tomb is valuable, but because they have to get something that allows the Wang family to remove the corpse poison.

Bai Qi's body will not decay for thousands of years.

Resentment lingers forever.

It is no exaggeration to say that he definitely has the potential to transform into a corpse.

Perhaps in a few hundred years, Bai Qi will definitely transform into a corpse, and this situation shows that his zombie blood will definitely be able to neutralize the corpse poison.

Thinking of this, the three of them looked at each other.


"Let's start, brother!"

Wu Tianzhen urged, and then saw Zhang Qilin take out a syringe for blood drawing from his backpack.

Then, he came to the coffin and carefully inserted the syringe.

For a moment, a dark brown viscous liquid was extracted from Bai Qi's body.

Suddenly, Wang Kaixuan's face became excited.

If nothing else goes wrong, maybe they can really bring the zombie blood back this time and relieve their family of the corpse poison.

But right now.
Call ~
Suddenly, a breeze blew in the quiet tomb.

what's the situation?
Upon noticing the abnormality, Wu Tianzhen and others were suddenly shocked.

Then, they quickly turned to look at the candle in the southeast corner of the tomb.

I saw that the flame began to flicker in the breeze.

Several people stopped immediately and quickly braced themselves and became alert.

So weird!

You know, the interior of this tomb is a completely closed structure, how can there be air flow?
Seeing their actions, everyone in the conference room didn't understand.

"What's the situation?"

"What's wrong? You were so frightened all of a sudden. Didn't you touch Colonel Jin?"

"Shut up, didn't you notice that there was a gust of wind blowing in the tomb just now? You must know that the interior of the tomb is a completely closed structure!"

"I remembered, they said before that when people light candles, ghosts blow out lamps! If the candle is blown out by the wind."

At this moment, not only everyone in the conference room, but even Wu Tianzhen and others couldn't help but break out in cold sweat.

After all, although they were captains of the Golden Army, this was their first time entering a tomb where a giant rice dumpling might exist.

They have never experienced the horror of a ghost blowing out a lamp.

(End of this chapter)

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