Tomb Keeper: My clone is the Mausoleum of the First Emperor

Chapter 33 When we talk about the chapter, it is not worthy to stand and listen!

Chapter 33 It’s not worthy to stand and listen when we talk!

what is the problem? !
At this moment, Wu Tianzhen couldn't believe his eyes.

Originally, they thought that they had misjudged the time when the air lock door would close and were locked in the tomb, which was a desperate situation.

But who would have thought that Bai Qi's corpse would transform into a corpse?

This is so damn lifeless!
But it was too late to say anything at this time. Along with a strange vibration, a "crash" sound came from the coffin.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw in horror that Bai Qi, who had been lying quietly in the coffin, slowly sat up.

Being locked up in the tomb was already terrifying enough, but now seeing the corpse that had been dead for thousands of years, it turned out to be a fake corpse.

No matter who it is, they will be scared to death!
It was only at this time that everyone understood what the sign of the candle turning green was.

This is what corpse transformation means!
For a moment, the tomb was quiet, and when they saw Bai Qi's body sitting up, Wu Tianzhen and others felt that the blood all over their bodies ran cold.

At the same time, everyone in the conference room also felt their scalps numb.

"Someone please explain to me what's going on!"

"A person who has been dead for thousands of years can still stand up. Could this be a zombie?!"

"Bai Qi! Bai Qi, the God of Death, has changed!"

At this moment, no one expected that such a thing would happen, and they didn't even have time to think about whether Bai Qi's corpse transformation was reasonable.

After all, is there any point in talking about it now?
You know, Bai Qi was the undefeated God of Killing during his lifetime!
With Kuiwu's powerful body and breath-taking aura, he was the enemy of ten thousand people when he was alive.

Now that he has transformed into a corpse after death, does that mean he is invulnerable to fire and water? !

Who can stand this!

For a moment, Zhang Qilin felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy, and then he saw Bai Qi's body rising slowly from the coffin.

Finally, he walked out of the coffin.

It wasn't until this moment that the people in the tomb intuitively felt the oppressive feeling Bai Qi gave people.

With a height of 1.9 meters, he looks like he is invincible!
For a moment, as Bai Qi walked out, the armor leaves on his body were also rustling.

The intuitive impact makes one's scalp explode.

"Brother!" At this moment, Wu Tianzhen couldn't help but look at Zhang Qilin.

But when he turned around to look, he found that the other party also looked extremely ugly.

Although they are all members of the Nine Sects, they have been practicing various tomb robbing skills since they were young.

However, since the Republic of China, they rarely visit tombs, and few of the younger generation have seen such things.

In fact, they originally thought that it would take at least many years for Bai Qi's body to transform into a corpse.

But who would have thought that it would be at this critical moment?

"Could it be that someone is controlling the time when Bai Qi transforms into a corpse?!" At this moment, Wu Tianzhen suddenly thought of something.

The tomb keeper might even be able to control the Chi Gu in the tomb, and it might be possible to control the corpse to fake it.

However, this is too outrageous!
But at this time, there was no time for them to think too much, because Bai Qi had already strode straight towards the explorers who were lying on the ground!


"I can't move, please help me!"

For a moment, the explorer couldn't help but stammered, and reached out to pull the camera behind him, but the guy stayed away from him.

At the same time, under the horrified gaze of everyone, Bai Qiju came to the man condescendingly and grabbed his shoulders.

"do not!"

"do not want!"

The explorers' faces turned pale with fright, and cold sweat could not stop flowing down their faces.

But he couldn't stop Bai Qi, as his body was lifted up like a chicken.It wasn't until this moment that he truly saw Bai Qi's true face.

There was a soul-stirring coldness in the dry eyes. He opened his mouth to reveal the fangs inside, and a fierce aura rushed towards his face.

"Brother! Use your Qilin blood quickly!" At this moment, Wu Tianzhen couldn't bear it anymore.

Zhang Qilin's blood is very magical. It can repel insects and may also be able to suppress corpse transformation.

Thinking of this, Zhang Qilin came behind Bai Qi without saying a word, and then directly cut his almost healed palm open again.

The bone-deep wound immediately spewed out a large amount of blood.

Tick ​​tock!

Tick ​​tock!

The next moment, Zhang Qilin clenched his fists, blood flowed uncontrollably to the ground, and everyone was surprised to see Bai Qi stop like that.


Quiet as death!

Immediately afterwards, even the explorer who was lifted up next to him fell to the ground with a plop.

At this moment, everyone in the exploration bureau could clearly see through the camera that Bai Qi seemed to be frozen in time, motionless.

"What's going on here?"

"Here, why did Bai Qi stop? What's going on?"

"That's right! It's Qilin blood! I know, Qilin blood can even drive away stingrays and fire ladybugs. It must have the effect of attracting good luck and avoiding evil!"

"Does this kind of blood have such a magical effect? ​​Can even Bai Qi directly surrender after his corpse transformation?"

At this moment, the people in the Exploration Bureau were astonished and greedy, and looked at the scene in front of them in shock.

Everyone was surprised and shocked. Isn't the Zhang family's Qilin bloodline too domineering?

Even Bai Qi wants to surrender?
But seeing this scene, Gu Changan sneered in his heart.

Bai Qi cultivated the corpse with the corpse king's relics, and coupled with the tempering of the dragon veins from the First Emperor's Mausoleum, what use could the Kirin blood diluted countless times be of use?


"Innocent, fat man, stay away! When we are talking, he is not worthy of standing and listening!" Seeing that his Qilin blood was effective, Zhang Qilin was also surprised and overjoyed, and quickly urged others to stay away.

As he spoke, he raised his palm forward and carefully pulled out the dagger.

Prepare to kill Bai Qi with one strike!

There is only one chance. After all, this is Bai Qi who has transformed into a corpse. He is not sure whether the Qilin bloodline can last too long.

At the same time, Wu Tianzhen and the others also looked confident of winning.


It doesn’t matter if you are Bai Qi, you still have to kneel under the Zhang family’s Qilin blood!
But in the next moment.
Suddenly, Bai Qi slowly turned around, faced Zhang Qilin and lowered his head.

For a moment, the 1.9-meter-plus body looked down at him.

"This is this?!"

Zhang Qilin suddenly caught a glimpse of Bai Qi's chest. Through the armor leaves somewhere, he saw Bai Qi's exposed skin.

But when he saw clearly what was under the leaf, Zhang Qilin was completely stunned!

Suddenly, he felt a cold air rushing from his feet to his head.

Because he could clearly see that the skin was covered with white fluff, and there were scales like armor leaves underneath the fluff.

Kill God for nothing!
This is no ordinary corpse transformation, he has become a spirit!
(End of this chapter)

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