Tomb Keeper: My clone is the Mausoleum of the First Emperor

Chapter 35: Please read and update the rules

Chapter 35: Please read and update the rules
Well, what can I say? I’m new here and I don’t know much about the rules of the starting point. I learned some experience from some authors in the group today. I’ll also come up with some additional rules. Otherwise, this book will really be missing from everyone. There was a lot of interaction and it was not well run.

The rules for adding updates are as follows.

If you have monthly tickets, one chapter will be added when you accumulate 100 tickets.

If you recommend votes, you will get 250 votes and one more chapter will be added.

In terms of rewards, although it may sound a bit extravagant, if you accumulate 150 soft girl coins, you will get an additional chapter. If there is a leader, you will be guaranteed to have five chapters.

Of course, when I first came here, I also learned this rule of updating from others. Maybe I overestimated my ability, and I don’t know how many people like or hate this book, so I dared to ask for it like this.

If you think it’s too much to add more rules later, I will definitely not force it, and I will continue to work hard to code it.

Then, the other thing is that the first round of recommendations will be on tomorrow, and the second round of recommendations on the Metropolis Channel is the most difficult, requiring hundreds of follow-up readings, and the first round of recommendations is based on Tuesday’s follow-up readings, so As compensation, I will add another chapter next Tuesday. I hope everyone can help me read it to the end on that day. Only reading to the end counts as a follow-up.

(End of this chapter)

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