Tomb Keeper: My clone is the Mausoleum of the First Emperor

Chapter 45: Diverting troubles to the east, 4 rules for breaking into the alien world

Chapter 45: Diverting troubles to the east, four rules for breaking into the alien world

"Can the system, relying on the waist card left for him, really allow Xu Bowen to temporarily obtain the ability to become a tombkeeper?"

Outside the tomb, Gu Changan used his mental power to confirm the system again.

That's right.

There is no so-called inheritance of the tomb keeper at all. From the beginning to the end, Gu Changan is borrowing Bai Qi's body to perform a drama.

But since it’s a show, you have to do the whole thing.

He didn't believe that just by relying on a few lies of his own making, plus the shocking nature of Bai Qi and the tomb itself, a person with a normal brain could believe that he was destined to be a tombkeeper in his past and present lives.

Since this is the case, the so-called "inheritance" of the tomb keeper must be truly handed over to Xu Bowen.

Only if you have personally verified it can others believe it. After all, no matter how simple a "fact" is, it is more convincing than a "lie" that is a hundred times more complicated.


"The host does not have to doubt that the system can indeed temporarily strip away the abilities of the tomb keeper and put them on the target person. However, you still need to give up before the system can transfer the abilities."

"Furthermore, if the host wants to regain the authority of the tombkeeper, it must wait until the previous "host" dies before the system can return the ability of the tombkeeper to you."

It turned out to be the case.

After hearing the system's answer, Gu Changan knew that the system's ability was not omnipotent, but had certain limitations.

But this is also correct. Everything must have corresponding laws, and these laws must be followed.

However, although the system said it simply, he still captured the key information from these few sentences.

"System, when you mentioned transferring abilities just now, you used the word "stripping". Does that mean that when transferring the abilities of the Gravekeeper, there will also be certain restrictions?"

Gu Changan had no objection at all to the conditions for killing the second tombkeeper.

After all, Xu Bowen was just his scapegoat from the beginning. Everyone knew that the scapegoat was immortal. Who would believe that the tombkeeper was dead?
He agreed with regaining the ability of being a tombkeeper under such conditions.

But this peels off.

"Host, it seems that you have grown up in these few missions, and the system is very pleased."

"Stop talking nonsense and talk about business." Gu Changan urged, and the system responded in a sensible way.

"Dear host, this is the case. When you voluntarily "give up" your authority as a tombkeeper, in order to ensure that the system and the tombkeeper's information are not leaked, this system can only use your memory when you use the system to guard the tomb. Delete and modify.”

"After the modification, your remaining memory will only think that you are an ordinary expedition member, and you followed the expedition bureau to watch the video and entered this incident."

Hearing the system's words, Gu Changan was also a little uneasy. Fortunately, he realized in advance that the system's abilities also had rules.

Even he has to operate according to the rules.

Otherwise, if a stupid young man goes up and abuses the power of the system, he may die without even knowing how.

"System, let me ask again, what conditions do I need to meet to regain these memories?"


"The condition system for recovering memory has no restrictions. The host can completely set the rules."

"That means that as long as I am still the host, I can determine all the rules of use in advance, right?" After hearing the system's answer this time, Gu Changan finally smiled with satisfaction.

In this case, the operability is greatly increased.

It is said that it voluntarily gives up the ability of the system, but in fact it can make all the rules in advance, and Xu Bowen is just a program whose code has been written in advance.

After thinking about this, Gu Changan thought for a moment, and then confirmed: "Since this is the case, I will continue to add a few rules now."

"First, from the moment I give up my ability as a tomb keeper, Xu Bowen can receive the choice of whether to inherit his ability as a tomb keeper."

"Second, only he can inherit it, and the ability he inherited is not a system. It is just a systematic voice telling him that as long as he kills the tomb robbers who enter the tomb, he can increase his strength." "Third, in Xu Bowen After taking over as the tomb keeper, anyone who sees him in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor can hear your voice, and you must inform the system that people who can hear your voice know that Xu Bowen is the tomb keeper."

"In the end, anyone who enters the Tomb of the First Emperor realizes that Xu Bowen is the tomb keeper. I can restore all the previously lost memories of the tomb keeper and regain the ability to control life and death in the tomb. power."

In one breath, Gu Changan directly formulated four rules. These rules seemed very ordinary, but they coincided with every step of his next plan.


"The rules have been formulated, so host, how will you implement your next plan?"

What's next?
Gu Changan ignored the system's inquiries and was preparing to leave now and return to his true form.

He had to change every step of his next plan based on the situation at that time.

The above rules are preparations for entering the alien world.

That's right!

Since there are strange people in this world, there must be a department "above" that specializes in managing and communicating with these strange people.

As the incident in the First Emperor's Mausoleum became more and more troublesome, he had a hunch that it would inevitably rise to the level of the alien world in the future.

Then, he must prepare in advance.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle!
After the first live broadcast, the Federation had realized that he could no longer leak information, but he had to figure out the staffing in advance every time someone came in.

It just so happens that when the Tomb Keeper's ability is transferred, he will temporarily lose some of the remembered rules, but he can still use them.

What if the alien world has the ability to read minds?

Although the world of ordinary people cannot find out anything about him, if his thinking is exposed to the eyes of strangers, it may be revealed.


Alternating day and night.

The night passed quickly, and before Gu Changan could figure out what was going on, he was called to the conference room immediately.

When he arrived at the conference room, he was even more confused. He saw that the room was already full of people. In addition to the staff of the Exploration Bureau, there were also more than a dozen Zhang family children who were sent here yesterday.

But what puzzled him was that there was not much sadness on the faces of these Zhang family members, but instead there was a sense of expectation and excitement.

nothing else.

Because early this morning, Wu Tianqi called them over and gave everyone a message - the superiors indeed agreed that the Zhang family would enter the tomb again.

Not only that, this time the "higher authorities" also specially designated Wu Tianqi as the mission commander, and even the people from the Exploration Bureau had to obey his arrangements.

If he and Director Huang have any inconsistent plans, Wu Tianqi only needs to report truthfully to his superiors.

This makes them happy.


Zhang Qilin and Wu Tianzhen both died in the tomb. Even if they were family friends, they couldn't let these children just stay in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor without knowing anything. They had to at least bring their bones back.

Not only that.

The most important thing is that they have determined that the zombie blood that the Wang family needs can also be obtained from Bai Qi.

The Wang family has been persecuted by corpse poison for decades. This problem was caused by the Zhang family, so the Zhang family must repay this kindness.

What's more, maybe there really is a so-called bronze door in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor. Although they don't know what the bronze door is.

(End of this chapter)

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