Tomb Keeper: My clone is the Mausoleum of the First Emperor

Chapter 49 As expected of the Xiling bandits, they opened the tomb passage in one day!

Chapter 49 As expected of the Xiling bandits, they opened the tomb passage in one day!
At this moment, Gu Changan had an idea and directly purchased the Phosphorus Fire Suspension Bridge.

Immediately afterwards, he chose a location, and a stream of light immediately appeared in front of his eyes.

After the light dissipated, a suspension bridge across the mountain stream immediately appeared in front of the cliff.

This suspension bridge connects the 20-meter mountain stream.

It seems that as long as you walk across the suspension bridge, you can directly reach the deeper tombs.

However, how could Gu Changan be so kind.

This so-called suspension bridge is not a tool to help tomb robbers, but a mechanism to determine who comes and who dies.

Coupled with the mass graves above and below, even if the Xiling bandits came, they would have to explain themselves here.

As for why this agency is so dangerous?
Simply put, this is a high-precision chemical reaction. Although this phosphorus fire suspension bridge looks ordinary, it is already covered with phosphorus.

It is well known that phosphorus has an extremely low ignition point.

Even with just a little friction, it can spontaneously ignite without wind.

However, this flame looks blue and is a cold flame with no temperature, so it cannot cause harm to people.

But this is precisely where it is most dangerous.

If the tomb robbers walked onto the suspension bridge after entering and saw the blue phosphorus fire burning, they would naturally not take it seriously.

However, what you need to know is that underneath this mountain stream, there is a mass grave.

What will happen to the so-called mass graves if they ferment over many years?

Lots of methane!
That's right!

For example, in some chicken farms or duck farms, when there are too many dead ducks and chickens outside, a large amount of biogas will be fermented.

This methane will be brought up by the updraft flowing under the mountain stream.

That is to say, when the tomb robbers first relaxed their vigilance, they thought that the phosphorus fire under their feet would not harm them, but a large amount of methane gas surged up?
Although phosphorus fire is a cold flame, as long as it comes into contact with biogas, it will ignite an extremely high temperature fire.

The temperature is even higher than ordinary flames, and can reach the level of melting steel in a short time.

At that time, the more people get on the suspension bridge, the more people will die.

For example, why do some children throw firecrackers into the sewer during the Chinese New Year, and even the manhole lid explodes?
And the power of this phosphorus fire suspension bridge is obviously tens of thousands of times more terrifying than the sewer!
With this thought, Gu Changan was ready to give it a try.

So, with a thought in his mind, a chigu flew over, and then rushed towards the suspension bridge.

The chigu landed on the suspension bridge, and as the body moved, a blue flame suddenly appeared.

The flame looked extremely strange, but it had no temperature.

But at this moment.
Call ~
Suddenly, an updraft surged up from the mountain stream.

In an instant, a strange scene appeared on the suspension bridge.

The originally harmless blue flame turned into a red fire the moment it came into contact with the marsh gas.

The temperature of the flame was so high that the Chigu almost turned into ashes before he could even react!
"Not bad!"

Seeing this scene, Gu Changan's eyes lit up with satisfaction. This was indeed a fatal mechanism.

The most special thing about this mechanism is that it uses chemical reactions. It is impossible for the tomb robbers to imagine that the ancients would have such wisdom.

Moreover, they only thought that the function of phosphorus was to prevent the suspension bridge from being corroded, and they never thought that there was a methane digester below.

This is the application of psychology. No matter how many Xiling bandits come up, there will only be death in the end.

Thinking of this, Gu Changan withdrew his thoughts with satisfaction.

Now the Mausoleum of the First Emperor has been made more and more terrifying by him. I believe it will become a real killing array in the near future.Who comes and who dies!


Alternating day and night.

At this moment, at the foot of Lishan Mountain in the early morning, there was already a bustle of people.

Nothing else. After all, after Zhang Qilin and the others stopped in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor last time, the expedition team had become more and more wary of this place.

But this time, Wu Tianqi is a master of the Lianhe Xiling line and is preparing to explore the tomb again. How can this not make the people in the Exploration Bureau feel turbulent?

At this moment, before Wu Tianqi and others arrived, the people who had registered to enter the tomb from the Exploration Bureau were already waiting here.

"To be honest, we are not really going to go in with the people from the Southern Faction Xiling today, are we?"

"What are you afraid of? It's exciting just to think about it! People from Xiling from the south and Faqiu from the north join forces to go to the tomb. Thanks to the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, no other tomb can have such a battle!"

"It's really worth looking forward to. None of us have ever seen the Nanpai's ability to unload mountains!"

"They're here!"


At this moment, the people from the Exploration Bureau suddenly exclaimed.

Everyone turned around and saw an off-road vehicle driving over. After it stopped, two men and one woman got out of the car.

The visitors were Zhang Ruisheng and Chen Jiadong and his wife.

But Gu Changan frowned because he didn't see Wu Tianqi in the crowd, so he immediately started looking around.

But after hearing what Elder Liu and the others were talking about, Gu Changan fell into deep thought again.

Nothing else, because Wu Tianqi didn't come this time!
I have to say that this really caught him off guard, because Gu Changan's plan this time was to kill the other party in the tomb.

But this slippery man, I don’t know whether it was out of caution or something, but he didn’t come?

In other words, this guy is planning to
Thinking of this, Gu Changan couldn't help but look around and saw that the people in the expedition team were all very excited, but little did he know that they were all being treated as scapegoats.

But now that the matter has come to this, Gu Changan has no other choice but to look for opportunities and wait for opportunities. At least the sooner someone like Wu Tianqi is killed, the better.

Thinking of this, he settled down and began to think about countermeasures.

It is worth mentioning that this time Wu Tianqi specially suggested that everyone be equipped with professional camera equipment, so there was no need for people outside the expedition team to go in.

After all, after the last cameraman died in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, who would dare to do it again?
Ordinary people go in and want to die?
For a moment, the people in the expedition team were very excited when they saw a few people walking slowly.

But Zhang Laosan and the others didn't say much.

After they arrived near the entrance to the tomb, an exploration scholar couldn't help but ask: "How do you get in? There may be chinchillas and fire ladybugs in here. Do you want to make some preparations first?"

But when he heard his words this time, Chen Jiadong shook his head.

At this time, the woman next to him said: "This time we will not enter through this tomb passage, but we should be able to access the tomb directly from other places."

Hearing this, the explorer was confused.

If you don't enter through the tomb passage, where can you enter?
However, he did not understand the strength of the Xiling bandits.

Chen Jiadong smiled and then said: "Let's go, let's go to the place 300 meters at the foot of the back mountain. The brothers should have dug the robbery hole."

"You don't have to go in here, you can directly avoid the Gu insects and enter the tomb where Zhang Qilin and others were killed."

(End of this chapter)

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