Tomb Keeper: My clone is the Mausoleum of the First Emperor

Chapter 5: Plant bronze trees and prepare to kill the expedition team!

Chapter 5: Plant bronze trees and prepare to kill the expedition team!
For the owner of the tomb, anyone who enters the tomb to dig up the grave will be regarded as a tomb robber. There is no distinction between official and private robbers.

After all, the original intention of building a mausoleum was to prevent the body from being exposed in the wilderness after death.

Now that he has become the tomb guard of the First Emperor's Mausoleum, Gu Changan should not have the slightest bit of the Virgin's heart either emotionally or rationally.

Realizing that the expedition was about to enter the tomb, he immediately thought about where to plant bronze saplings.

The consciousness gradually goes deeper into the tomb. After entering from the entrance, this tomb passage passes through the place where the tomb robbers walked before, and continues forward to a naturally formed underground tunnel.

The width will gradually widen as it goes deeper into the tomb. At the end, it is almost ten meters wide, and is finally connected to a naturally formed underground grotto.

Seeing this layout, Gu Changan had to admire the designer of the First Emperor's Mausoleum.

Apart from anything else, just looking at this naturally formed pattern, the original builders were able to directly explore the natural space underground without the need for sophisticated equipment.

Moreover, the location was accurately found, and the tunnel dug by manpower was connected to it.

This not only greatly reduced manpower and material resources, but also expanded the underground space of the First Emperor's Mausoleum.

"This should be the final layout before entering the tomb." Gu Changan thought and immediately sensed the situation in front of the grotto.

This grotto is about 70 meters wide vertically and horizontally, which is no wider than a basketball court.

In this layout, it is most suitable to plant bronze trees.

More importantly, on the wall directly in front of the grotto, there is a stone door that opens inward. This is the Lishan tomb and the only way to enter the main tomb.

With this thought, Gu Changan directly used his consciousness to plant the bronze tree directly in front of the stone gate.

Accompanied by a violent shaking sound, a sapling emitting copper-green fluorescence broke out of the ground and grew rapidly in a short period of time. It broke through the rocks and soil on the surface, and its rhizomes were deeply rooted in the ground, and its trunk rose from the ground.

Time passed by, and the sound of the bronze tree growing vigorously could be heard. Ten minutes later, an ancient tree with a strange shape had taken shape, until it grew into a towering building tree. The bronze branches on the tree crown even covered the top of the cave. All covered.

In this way, the only way to enter the tomb is completely guarded by this ancient bronze tree. If you want to go there, you must resist the bewitchment of the bronze tree.

However, how could Gu Changan only make first-hand preparations?

In an instant, following his thoughts, a large number of Gu insects suddenly appeared in the tomb passage, dozens of Chi Gu and fire ladybugs, flying or crawling, rushing towards this side quickly.

If ordinary people took one look at that horrific scene, they would immediately become silent.

At this moment, those Gu insects were extremely excited, and as the owner of these "little cuties", Gu Changan could naturally feel it.

Now he feels as if these Gu insects have found their nests, and they can't wait to parasitize them immediately.

"Sure enough, the Bronze Tree and these Gu insects can have a symbiotic relationship."

Gu Changan smiled inwardly, and then those Gu insects finally got the permission, immediately spread their wings, quickly climbed to the trunk of the bronze tree, spread quickly, and began to build nests on it.

Seeing this scene, Gu Changan couldn't tell how much he was looking forward to it.

If this continues, if nothing unexpected happens, the Chi Gu will soon reproduce the second and third generations, and even give birth to a new species with the Fire Ladybug soon.

As for those expedition members.

Now that the entrance to the tomb has been occupied by bronze trees, and the habitat of the poisonous insects has been resolved, it is now up to them to decide.

If they realize the difficulty and return the favor, but if they refuse to repent, then he will not have any kindness at all.

After all, he will definitely face more powerful enemies in the future, and before that, the Gu insects must be cultivated.If you want the chinchillas and fire ladybugs to reproduce quickly, corpses as nutrients are indispensable.

Thinking of this, Gu Changan calmed down and prepared to wait for the expedition team to enter the tomb.

However, what he didn't expect was that the expedition team that entered the tomb this time was not only greedy, but also lifeless.


At this time, the people who had entered the tomb passage were the two elders Wang and Liu, as well as the students they led from various places, Wu Aiguo and Rao Minjun.

In addition to a few of them, there are also more than a dozen exploration team members, as well as the host and camera crew who are following behind at all times.

"Did you smell anything strange?" Not long after entering the tomb, Wu Aiguo suddenly couldn't help but touch his nose.

Hearing this, the others immediately stopped and looked around.

"Teacher Wu, are you too worried?" Rao Minjun frowned and shook his head, while others also said they didn't smell any strange smell.

But Wu Aiguo always frowned. He didn't smoke or drink, and he thought his sense of smell was more sensitive than ordinary people.

Therefore, even though no one noticed anything unusual, he still did not relax his vigilance when looking at the bottomless tomb passage ahead.

Rao Minjun didn't take it to heart.

Seeing her absent-minded look, Wu Aiguo couldn't help but curse his teacher.

After graduation, he followed Wang Guodong on field trips, and it took ten years for him to be qualified to follow this mission. But what qualifications did Rao Minjun, a loser who only knew how to spend money and money, qualify to join?
Isn't it because her parents are in high positions and come here to get gold plating?

To allow such people to participate in the excavation work of the First Emperor's Mausoleum is simply an insult to the expedition practitioners.

"Two elders, let's be careful. I also feel a little uneasy." At this moment, the exploration captain's words interrupted Wu Aiguo's thoughts.

Hearing this, several people around him became serious.

Nothing else. The exploration captain served in the Sharp Knife Company before he changed his career. Scouts often have a very keen sixth sense and have to guard against it.

As a result, the steps of the next few people were much more cautious.

Coupled with the mystery of the First Emperor's Mausoleum, no one dares to act rashly in this situation where the future is unknown.

That is, after several people continued to walk forward for 2 minutes, the exploration team leader suddenly stopped everyone.

"Teacher, look!" Rao Minjun pointed at the feet of several people and exclaimed.

Everyone looked down and saw that there was some unknown substance on the road under their feet, which looked like the ashes of something burning.

Moreover, there were three handfuls of ashes in total, and they looked vaguely like a human torso.

"How does this look like the residue after burning a person to ashes?" Wu Aiguo couldn't help but swallowed, his calves trembling a little.

"Teacher Wu, are you thinking too much? Who can come in before us, and what can burn people so cleanly?" At this moment, Rao Minjun asked.

But as soon as she finished speaking, everyone's faces turned frightened.

Rao Minjun followed everyone's gaze, and then she saw a scene she would never forget. Next to the handful of ashes, there were iron pliers and a glass bottle containing gasoline!

 Already signed, please invest!
(End of this chapter)

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