Tomb Keeper: My clone is the Mausoleum of the First Emperor

Chapter 55: Qilin’s bloody corpse comes out of the coffin, this is my grandson!

Chapter 55: Qilin’s bloody corpse comes out of the coffin, this is my grandson!
At this moment, no one in the Zhang family dared to speak easily.

After all, something had happened before, and now that so many of them had come in together, if all the Xiling bandits died in the tomb, they would be accomplices.

Human life is at stake!
"Third brother, is such a thing really possible?!" At this moment, after looking at the Zhang family's information, Ding Yurou couldn't help but ask.

After hearing her question, Zhang Ruisheng nodded with difficulty.

That's right, although he didn't inherit Qilin blood, he was somewhat involved in these evil things.

"There is indeed such a thing as a locust wood corpse coffin!"

“Looking at the growth rings and the degree of scorch in these coffins, it’s almost likely that they were struck by lightning!”

Having said this, Zhang Ruisheng also swallowed: "But what worries me most now is not Bai Qi. If this coffin is in the coffin, it is Bai Qi."

"We just need to get the zombie blood and leave quickly before it raises its body again."

"However, Bai Qi's own coffin is sealed. Think about it, is it possible for the tombkeeper to do such a useless thing?"

Hearing this, Chen Jiadong and others were also stunned.

But when I came back to my senses, I realized that this was indeed the case.

If we only need to cultivate Bai Qi, why do we need a locust wood coffin here?
They are not fools, but they still had luck in their hearts before, so no one thought about it.

But now that all the clues are connected, no matter how much they don't want to face it, they have to move closer to that possibility.

"Could it be that this person is in the coffin?" Chen Jiadong's tone was a little difficult at this time.

After hearing his words, Zhang Laosan nodded, but then he frowned and said, "But this is just my guess. No one is sure what is in the coffin."

"So, if we want to verify it, we can only know it by opening the coffin."

At this moment, Zhang Ruisheng had made up his mind.

In fact, what he thought was right. Now that they have arrived here and the coffin appears in front of them, they currently have the only option of opening the coffin.

If the bet is right and there is a free fortune inside, everyone will be happy.

If the bet is wrong, then there is no choice but to accept your fate.

After thinking about this, Zhang Ruisheng and others made up their minds and looked back at the burning candle in the southeast corner of the tomb.

The flames were still normal, and the orange fire gave them some confidence.

So, these people nodded to each other, then came to the coffin, and then prepared to work together to open the coffin.

At this time, everyone in the conference room was also worried.

"What does that mean, what are they talking about?"

"Besides Bai Qi, who else could be in the coffin?"

"Could it be said that what is in the coffin is"

With the combined efforts of the Xiling bandits, the locust wood coffin on the left was gently opened.

Then, they worked together to lift the coffin lid and place it on the ground for fear of accidentally triggering the mechanism.

But then, everyone was not in a hurry to look, but quickly dodged to avoid the mechanism that might be triggered.

With the passage of time every minute and every second
About half a minute later, there was no sound from the coffin, and at this time, the Xiling bandits slowly gathered in front of the coffin.

Zhang Ruisheng also came to the coffin, but he did not dare to lower his head to look.

nothing else!
He had an ominous premonition from the moment he saw the coffin.

Especially after it was proven that it was used to raise corpses, the ominous premonition became stronger.

The Zhang family has been fighting all their lives, but no one thought that something like this would happen after death.

But being in a daze cannot be regarded as death.

He had no other choice now. After thinking about it, he could only endure the discomfort and lower his head. The people in the conference room, especially the Zhang family, were also worried.

Many people's fists were even turned white from clenching.

At this moment, when they saw clearly what was going on inside, everyone's eyes widened.


Quiet as death!

For a moment, everyone in the Zhang family shut their mouths, while the Xiling bandits in the tomb all gritted their teeth and their pupils shrank as if they had seen a ghost.

Especially Ding Yurou, she held her mouth to prevent herself from shouting.

This is strange.Logically speaking, even if they saw the giant zongzi transformed into a corpse, they would not show such expressions.

But this is not their fault. Looking at Zhang Laosan, his face was as green as the bottom of a pot.

He grasped the edge of the coffin with both hands and made it start to rattle.

That's right!

I saw that what was in this coffin was a corpse.

But the body was none other than Zhang Qilin, who had died inside after entering the tomb.

But at this time, how can he still look like a living person before?
I saw that the surface of the corpse completely showed a kind of irregular blood-red corpse spots, and the face looked ferocious and terrifying.

Although he hasn't opened his eyes yet, it feels like he will jump up at any moment and choose someone to eat.


For a moment, everyone in the conference room widened their eyes.

You know, the last time I saw him, Zhang Qilin could be said to be in high spirits!

But who would have thought that what was sealed in this coffin was actually his body?
Moreover, the most unbelievable thing is that his current appearance is not the same as before.

There were irregular blood-colored corpse spots all over his body, which gave people a terrifying visual impact even through the screen.

"What the hell is going on here?"

"How could this happen? Who can explain why Qilin's body appears in the coffin?"

"Shouldn't the person in the coffin be Bai Qi?"

"Could it be that the tombkeeper did it?! But why did he do this?"

At this moment, everyone in the Zhang family felt that their scalps were numb, and they felt a cold air rushing from their feet to Tianling Gai.

You know, the Zhang family specializes in tomb robbing!

But after Zhang Qilin died, he was sealed in a coffin?

Could it be that?
For a moment, everyone thought of an incredible possibility.

At this time, Zhang Defu suddenly stood up in the conference room, staring at the coffin in the picture.

Inside, Zhang Qilin's body was extremely clear.

At this moment, his eyes were red.

Originally, he thought that Zhang Qilin and the others would at most be treated as blood food for the Chi Gu, but even then they all accepted their fate.

But who would have thought that after Zhang Qilin died, his body would be placed in a coffin to be raised?
The Zhang family has been tomb robbers for generations.

After death, he was actually cultivated as a big rice dumpling?
This is simply a slap in the face and the greatest humiliation to them!

But what is going on? It stands to reason that the big rice dumplings they have encountered usually take hundreds of years.

Then, it is necessary to cooperate with the tempering of the corpse raising ground to make it possible to transform into a corpse.

But Zhang Qilin died in the tomb for such a short period of time, only a few days at most. How could he show signs of corpse transformation?

Is it
Everyone in the Zhang family looked closely and saw a large number of bloody corpse spots on Zhang Qilin's body.

That's a sign of corpse transformation!

"Grandpa! What on earth is going on?"

"Brother Qilin, why is this happening?"

For a time, no one in the Zhang family could accept this situation. The tombkeeper simply wanted to wipe out their family.

It’s okay for people to die, but now they are still raising corpses of dead people?

"It's that coffin!" At this time, Zhang Defu's expression was extremely ugly, because Zhang Qilin was his grandson.

Except for Zhang Laosan, no one is in more pain than he is now!

His grandson died in order to lift the family's short-lived curse, but he didn't expect that he would be raised as a corpse after his death!

As an elder, he cannot accept even a tomb robber.

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and said: "The purpose of this coffin is to raise the corpse. If nothing else, the tombkeeper is interested in Qilin's special bloodline!"

"Tianqi, please send a message asking them to retreat. I can no longer watch my son lose his life here!"

(End of this chapter)

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