Tomb Keeper: My clone is the Mausoleum of the First Emperor

Chapter 68 Xu Bowen is still alive, which is clearly the plot of the tombkeeper!

Chapter 68 Xu Bowen is still alive, which is clearly the plot of the tombkeeper!

What are you kidding? !

Suddenly hearing Chen Jiadong's words, everyone present was stunned for an instant.

"Boss, are you kidding?!" Realizing that something was wrong, Ding Yurou quickly asked.

But how could Chen Jiadong lie about such a thing? He could vaguely see a little bit clearly. There seemed to be a man wearing modern clothes opposite him, lying flat on the ground.

It seems that the clothes he is wearing are somewhat similar to those of the expedition team.

But even if he had night vision, he couldn't see clearly at such a long distance and because of the previous situation, which made him a little weak now.

So, he had no choice but to tell the situation on the other side.

But after hearing Chen Jiadong's words, everyone became even more confused.

Besides them, who else can come in inside the Mausoleum of the First Emperor?
The most important thing is that Chen Jiadong actually said that the clothes on the other party were very similar to the clothes of the expedition team, and the scholars who thought about this all had outrageous guesses.

Could it be said that among the members of the expedition team who came in before them, there were still people who made it to this position alive?
But who is the other party!

Liu Hongru couldn't help but swallowed. You must know that all the people who came in before were dead.

But the situation in front of him could not tolerate his disbelief, so Liu Hongru immediately asked people to point the shooting screen forward, and then said to the people who stayed in the exploration bureau: "Excuse me, everyone, the shooting lens has long-distance night vision function, please help Let’s take a look at the face of the person opposite!”


At this moment, in the conference room of the Exploration Bureau.

The atmosphere among everyone was also very strange, because they did not expect that there would be someone else in the cave deep in the Tomb of the First Emperor?

Who is that person?

For a moment, everyone came forward one after another, and indeed they saw the figure in the picture, and that person seemed to be really wearing the clothes of the expedition team.

But when they saw who that person was, the technicians in the conference room who participated in the last operation all widened their eyes.

"It's Xu Bowen!"

"Who is Xu Bowen?!"

"That's the camera crew who followed Zhang Qilin and the others into the tomb last time!"

"What? It's him! But isn't he already dead?!"

"Yes! I remember that he obviously committed suicide by swallowing a gun!"

"No, no, no! No! We didn't see him commit suicide by swallowing the gun, but the video disappeared after the gunshot!"

"Could it be that he didn't die in the tomb, but escaped Bai Qi's danger and walked all the way to this location? But this is not right. Zhang Ruisheng struggled to find the tunnel. How did he avoid the tomb!"

"Could it be because of the tombkeeper? That's right! This is the only explanation. It can only be that the tombkeeper didn't kill him, but imprisoned him in the tomb, and he took advantage of the tombkeeper not paying attention. Next, I escaped to this location by accident!"

"Don't talk about this now, saving people is more important!"

For a moment, everyone in the Exploration Bureau couldn't help but exclaim, and Xu Bowen seemed to be seriously injured and had to be rescued quickly.

But at this time, Wu Tianqi and Zhang Defu looked at the scenes in the video with solemn expressions.

"I mean, you two, what do you think?" At this moment, Director Huang couldn't help but ask, "Xu Bowen is still alive. Maybe he knows what dangers are hidden ahead!"

"Why do you all look so ugly?"

Seeing the solemn expressions on their faces, Director Huang was also confused.

"Mr. Defu, what do you think?" Upon hearing this, Wu Tianqi turned to look at Zhang Defu.

In this regard, Zhang Defu remained silent for a while.

After all, after these two actions, the people from the Nine Sects had basically determined that the tombkeeper was very cunning.

He knew everything in the tomb.

In this case, everything that happens to the person entering the tomb seems to be within his calculations.In fact, that guy seemed to be able to grasp in time even what methods the people from the Nine Sect had before entering the tomb, and use this to deploy the killing array in the tomb.

In this case, it is not an exaggeration to say that the tombkeeper had no choice but to make a fool of even the masters of the Nine Sects.

If that's the case, in front of such a person, is it possible for a mere camera crew to escape from him alive?

The answer is definitely impossible!

If it is impossible for him to escape on his own, the only explanation is that the situation in front of him is definitely a fatal trap.

But how to choose?
The death of a mere cameraman is not a pity, but the problem is that if this guy is really alive, then he may very likely know the secrets in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor!
If useful information could be obtained from him, Chen Jiadong and his group might be able to escape.

Going one step further, they might be able to break through the trap of the tomb keeper, successfully develop the Tomb of the First Emperor, and solve most of the problems of the Nine Gates.

But this decision is tantamount to making a huge gamble with the lives of everyone in the tomb!

Thinking of this, Zhang Defu's sweat dripped from his forehead unconsciously.

This damn gravekeeper!

This is obviously a conspiracy!

He is clearly telling everyone that even if you know that the situation in front of you is a trap, you still have to jump into the pit in order to obtain information.

What an evil intention this is!
However, when he thought about the consequences of the previous two actions, Zhang Defu still made up his mind.

One cannot be too greedy!

The reason why the previous two situations caused a large number of casualties was because of greed, which led to the worst consequences.

"Tell Jiadong and the others!"

"If necessary, there is no need to expose everyone to danger in order to rescue Xu Bowen!"

Thinking of this, Zhang Defu finally made a choice, and Wu Tianqi nodded in agreement, and he thought so in his heart.

"What did you say?!"

But after hearing his words, Director Huang couldn't sit still and immediately looked at him with disbelief.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Are we, the people in the Exploration Bureau, not sons and daughters?"

"Why should you make the decision?"

However, Wu Tianqi on the side sighed, and then explained to Director Huang the choices Chen Jiadong and others were currently facing.

There is no other way!
Although human life is important, there is really no need for them to risk dozens of lives at the same time just to save one life.

An overly benevolent Virgin mentality often kills more people in extreme circumstances.

The tombkeeper took advantage of their human rights mentality to be able to secure victory in the killing rounds again and again.

"Send a message to the tomb!" After understanding this, Director Huang made a difficult decision.

"But, Director." At this time, the staff wanted to persuade him.

But the next second, Director Huang gritted his teeth and said, "I know! Just do as he says!"

For a moment, everyone in the Exploration Bureau understood what was going on, but they could only do it.

no way.

They didn't want to save people, but it was obviously the tombkeeper's conspiracy.

However, in front of the suspension bridge at this moment, Chen Jiadong and others could not figure out what kind of trap this was, but what could they do?
Even if they don't save anyone, they still have to get through here, right?

Otherwise, we have to go back the same way and fight against the Blood Corpse King!

 I’d like to ask everyone to follow up on the reading in the past two days. If you can go to Sanjiang, I will write [-] words a day after it is published!
(End of this chapter)

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