Tomb Keeper: My clone is the Mausoleum of the First Emperor

Chapter 92 Damn it!It turns out that there are actually 6 2-winged centipedes!

Chapter 92 Damn it!It turns out that there are actually two six-winged centipedes!

For a moment, Zhang Tianci stopped in his tracks, but if it had been in the past, he would have immediately returned the same way, but not now.

He can't live for long, so he must collect as much information as possible for the Zhang family.

There must be something abnormal about the reflective area in front.


"Go and see!"

While thinking about it, Zhang Tianci forced himself to move forward.

Whoosh whoosh~
But at this moment, something unknown suddenly fell from the roof of the cave above their heads and landed on several people.

Zhang Tianci felt something fall on his neck.

The thing was squirming and itchy.

Sensing the abnormality, Zhang Tianci immediately reached out to grab it and pulled out the moving thing from his neck.

"Is this? Hiss!"

"A centipede?"

Zhang Tianci took a closer look and saw that what he was holding in his hand was a centipede as thick as a finger.

After being caught, the centipede was struggling hissingly.

Zhang Tianci subconsciously threw away the centipede, and Yang Zhiwu immediately noticed something was wrong.


"Where did so many centipedes come from?!"

The three of them shook off all the centipedes that had just fallen on them.

Yang Zhiwu noticed something even weirder.

He took a closer look and found that some of the finger-sized centipedes had mucus on them, and why did they look so similar to the six-winged centipedes from before?
It's just that it's too small!

It was at this time that people in the Exploration Bureau suddenly launched a barrage frantically to remind them.

"Look above your heads!"


"Where did so many centipedes come from! Did you break into the six-winged centipede's nest?!"

For a moment, everyone in the Exploration Bureau felt their scalps go numb.

Zhang Tianci and others also felt a thump in their hearts, and they raised their heads almost instinctively.

But when they saw the situation clearly, even though they had been prepared to die before, they were still shocked.


Zhang Tianci couldn't help but swallowed.

The three of them looked intently at the top of their heads, and then they saw a scene that made their scalps tingle.

They saw a large number of blood-red centipedes hanging densely above their heads.

Each one is about the thickness of a finger.

The densely packed area is still squirming. At a glance, there are at least tens of thousands of them.

Just one look at it will make you feel cold from your heels to your Tianling Gai.

But it's not over yet
In addition to the centipedes that have broken their shells, there are countless white centipede eggs inlaid on the roof of the cave, with at least tens of thousands of them glued on top.



At this time, new centipedes were constantly breaking out of the eggs, crawling out and hissing, covered in mucus.

“Where did these centipedes come from?”

"What's going on? These centipedes are just larvae that have just broken out of their shells?"

"The larvae are as thick as a finger?"

"I know! These are all the descendants of the six-winged centipede from before. They have broken into the six-winged centipede's nest!"

For a moment, everyone in the Exploration Bureau was trembling with fear.

This scene was even more terrifying than when I saw the six-winged centipede before.

The densely packed centipedes and insect eggs were glued together, causing many people with trypophobia to faint.

For a moment, there was a lot of vomit in the exploration bureau.


When Zhang Tianci and the others saw this scene, their brains immediately went into panic, and they felt a cold air running straight from their heels to their tail bones.

Now they really don't even dare to breathe.

At the same time, they finally understood why they encountered the six-winged centipede here.

They are so eager to die that they broke into the six-winged centipede's nest!
This tunnel is where the tombkeeper kept the six-winged centipede.

While thinking about it, the three of them stepped back almost subconsciously.

But it didn't matter if they didn't retreat. As they retreated, Zhang Tianci and the others were horrified to see that the insect eggs they just saw were just the tip of the iceberg.

Those insect eggs were densely glued to the roof of the cave, spreading towards behind them, that is, deeper into the tunnel.

And, it seems, there are more and more of them.

and many more!

Upon noticing this situation, Zhang Tianci suddenly stopped, and his pupils shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Zhang Tianci?"

Yang Zhiwu looked back at him and saw that the flesh on Zhang Tianci's face was trembling.At the same time, the two looked at each other.

They also saw what they were thinking in each other's eyes.

You don't need to think about it to know what is not far behind them.


Zhang Tianci swallowed hard, and then the three of them held each other's hands.

Close your eyes.


Zhang Tianci shouted without saying a word, and then almost ran away.

At the same time, Yang Zhiwu and the others immediately followed.

They are so stupid!

Only now did they realize that the tunnel was actually a nest for six-winged centipedes.

Therefore, they should not have come in in the first place.

Even if the six-winged centipede was burned to death in front of them, the most important thing they should do is to go back the way they came, instead of continuing to move forward!

Because even a six-winged centipede can never be hermaphroditic.

It can only reproduce and reproduce!

Therefore, the densely packed insect eggs above their heads are actually laid by female six-winged centipedes.

And the one they burned to death just now should be the male!
As for where the female is?
Needless to say?

This location is the headquarters of Six-winged Centipede!
At this moment, the people in the Exploration Bureau didn't understand what was going on, but they understood it when Zhang Tianci and the others looked back after they ran out.

I saw them about ten meters away behind them.

Suddenly, two blood-red light bulbs gradually emerged from the darkness.

Immediately afterwards, two sharp mouthparts were exposed.

"Why are there more?!"

"I know! This is just a female six-winged centipede. It lays eggs here. This is their nest!"

"So, the one they burned to death was a male, but there are actually two six-winged centipedes?!"

"Isn't this obvious?! They are breaking into someone's lair!"

Immediately afterwards, they saw the female six-winged centipede rushing over very quickly.

The sharp abdominal legs swept across the ground, causing all the rocks on the ground to be cut directly.



Zhang Tianci urged desperately.

But in fact, their physical strength has reached its limit by this time.

Even though he was relying on his willpower to support him, his body could no longer support him.

Yang Xue still wanted to run forward, but her legs fell to the ground without control.


In an instant, the female six-winged centipede suddenly spurted green corrosive liquid from its mouth.

Like a high-pressure water gun, it was sprayed directly over.

"Junior Sister!"

Seeing this scene, Yang Zhiwu subconsciously protected Yang Xue and used his back to resist.

Stab la la!
In an instant, the highly corrosive liquid sprayed on his back. In the blink of an eye, his clothes were corroded, and his flesh and blood quickly melted, exposing the bones on his back.


Yang Xue was held in his arms, tears pouring out uncontrollably.

She felt fierce and picked up the pistol to fight back.

But then, the six-winged centipede had already attacked quickly, and its front abdominal legs were like a two-meter-long sharp sickle, piercing directly towards the two of them.


Without any hindrance, their bodies were directly penetrated by their stomachs and feet, and they were nailed to the ground.

When he was about to die, Yang Xue still refused to open his eyes to death.

She wanted to drag the six-winged centipede, but her strength was very little, and her whole body was carried forward by the six-winged centipede.

"how come?"

"How could this be?"

"So there are actually two six-winged centipedes?"

"Haha I'm so stupid!"

Zhang Tianci couldn't run anymore, or he didn't want to run anymore.

He fell directly to the ground, looking at the two life and death friends who had been with him through life and death, killed in the blink of an eye, and he despaired.

People are like that sometimes.

Once the belief you hold on collapses, then this belief will collapse like dominoes.

Even, destroy all your persistence.

(End of this chapter)

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