Tomb Keeper: My clone is the Mausoleum of the First Emperor

Chapter 96: Building the 8-Hexagram Hanging Soul Ladder!What exactly is a natural disaster, and why

Chapter 96: Building the Eight Diagrams Suspended Soul Ladder!What exactly is a natural disaster, and why do we have to enter the Mausoleum of the First Emperor?

Bai Qi is about to complete his evolution?
Realizing this problem, Gu Changan was not in a hurry to go out.

So, he quickly asked in his mind: "System, when is the specific time, and what abilities will Bai Qi have after completing the evolution?"

Soon, along with a torrent of data, all the information Gu Changan needed was transmitted to his mind.

Jian, the human essence and resentment are not dissipated, and they have been transformed for thousands of years!
It was white at first and liked to eat human brains. Then it turned into black and was known as Black Jong in the world. Then it turned into a demon and turned from black to red!
The corpses in ancient times were all white, and if lucky enough, they could turn into golden fur.

To put it simply, the black-haired beast has gone beyond the level of evil and has reached the level of demonization.

Although the black cat was transformed from the white-haired cat, the white-haired cat is still evil in the final analysis.

Hei Jian is a living demon.

Even if you are a demon, you have demon-like power.

Once he completes the evolution, Bai Qi will not only be able to greatly improve his physical body, but he will also be able to shoot back rocket launchers.

Moreover, it will no longer be afraid of any means of dealing with zombies.

Whether it's Taoist magic, Gu magic, or other spells, talismans, poisons, or Kuixing kicking skills that are designed to defeat big rice dumplings, they can be completely ignored.

The most important thing is that once this thing transforms into a corpse, it will have self-awareness.

Although he still obeys Gu Changan's orders, Bai Qi, who has evolved into a black beast, can suck human brains from a distance as long as it does not exceed a certain range!

This is the scariest thing!
There is such an existence? !
After realizing this, Gu Changan couldn't help but feel excited.

If this is the case, when it evolves into a red cat, wouldn't it be able to escape from the earth and fly into the sky? If it is the top-level golden retriever,

So far, he has only received feedback from the mausoleum once.

The reason is that he has not really entered the alien world so far. However, since he gained the ability to predict the future for a short period of time, Gu Changan is looking forward to this mission.

Because he had a premonition that that old guy Liu Fuxiang might be the key figure that caused the whole thing to change dramatically.

Because of a brief prediction of the future, Gu Changan had a premonition that there was a foreign family behind Liu Fuxiang.

Once something happens to him, the Yiren family, which has been hiding for so long, will definitely take action.

At that time, he might be able to take this opportunity to truly break into the alien world.

At that time, you can no longer care about the opinions of others, and find opportunities to feedback the previous tombs and collect them all at once.

When your own strength reaches a certain level, you can prepare for the arrival of natural disasters.

Thinking of this, Gu Changan started to look forward to it.

But the problem is that according to the current feedback from the system, it will take another three or four days for Bai Qi to pick up the corpse next time.

If you estimate, maybe those guys will take action in the next two days.

When Bai Qi evolved for the first time, he needed to absorb a lot of brain marrow.

Then, in order to allow Bai Qi to replenish enough nutrients as soon as he lifts the body without affecting the foundation.

He had to make some preparations in advance.

Although the tomb-suppressing beasts like the Flying Earthworm and the Forbidden Woman were powerful, this time it was the old director of 749 and the old ghost from the Zhang family who came together.

These two people have never shown their true strength so far.

In addition, Feng Taichu, the mountain-watching Taibao, although everyone dislikes him, you can't just look at people at face value.

Realizing this situation, Gu Changan felt that he had to add more methods.

After all, according to the information learned earlier, the Feng family is extremely good at strange witchcraft.

Their Coffin Mountain Bone Robbery Map also records that almost all major tombs in the world had already designed mausoleum drawings before they were built.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is information recorded by the Feng clan people for thousands of years.

That is to say, he has also dabbled in the tomb layout of the Qin Dynasty, and the internal layout of the First Emperor's Mausoleum may not confuse him.

Coupled with the coffin mountain finger mystery technique.

This technique is said to be able to break most of the Qimen Dunjia in the world, and it can also actively perform formations on its own.

While thinking, Gu Changan looked at the mountain stream in front of him.

Opposite this mountain stream is the road leading to the depths of the tomb. Although flying earthworms can come to kill the enemy at any time, there are also dangers in the river below.

But what if they can handle it?

"What should I buy?"

"System, do you have any suggestions?"


"Dear host, you can try the hanging soul ladder in the mall, and this hanging soul ladder is automatically matched with the Qimen formation, which can effectively stop tomb robbers!"

"Even if the opponent can crack the mechanism of the Suspended Soul Ladder, he will still be killed a second time because of the Qimen Formation!"

Hanging soul ladder?
Gu Changan's eyes lit up when he heard the system prompt.

After experiencing the last incident of the Phosphorus Fire Suspension Bridge, he felt more and more that some powerful mechanisms needed to be added to the Mausoleum of the First Emperor.

Not only can it arm the mausoleum itself, but it can also continuously increase the scale of the First Emperor's Mausoleum.

But what Gu Changan didn't expect the most was that this so-called soul-hanging ladder actually had its own unique pattern?

Great value for money!

In his previous life, he had understood the horror of the soul-hanging ladder. Once he stepped on it, he would not be able to go down without finding the correct position.

But once you choose the wrong location, you will fall into an abyss.

This kind of killing situation is already dangerous enough in itself, but what if Qi Men's numerology is added to it?

Not only can it greatly increase the weirdness of the Soul Suspended Ladder, but even if someone can find a way to crack it, he can also kill him!

After thinking about this, Gu Changan made a decision.

Now he has [-] points left, which is just enough for the price of this soul-hanging ladder.

Thinking of this, Gu Changan decided to find something exciting for the upcoming mountain-watching Taibao.

But where should the hanging soul ladder be placed?
There were fire ladybugs and chimites in the tomb passage entering the First Emperor's Mausoleum, and even if the poisonous bugs didn't work, he could still let Half Tank and the Blood Corpse King out.

As for the burial tomb, there are corpse-scented konjac and Bai Qi who is about to evolve.

It's inappropriate to put it there.
As for this mountain stream, there is a phosphorus fire suspension bridge and many tomb-killing beasts, so he looked along the front and saw the opposite side of the phosphorus fire suspension bridge.

This is a good place, it is the last place that is not very safe.

Gu Changan decided to place the hanging soul ladder in this tunnel.

Because the other ranges have been known to the outside world, and if you want to be hit without anyone noticing, you must choose a position that others don't know.

People outside only think that it is the nest of the flying earthworm, but they don't know that the so-called nest can be moved anywhere.

When those people get here, they will definitely find ways to avoid the flying earthworms.

Then if I don't use these tomb-suppressing beasts, but build the soul-hanging ladder inside, tomb robbers who want to go deep into the tomb will be tricked unknowingly.


"The host spends 100000 points to buy the Bagua Suspended Soul Ladder!"

"Please host choose the construction location!"

It was at this moment that Gu Changan made a sudden thought and changed the route of the flying earthworm's nest. Then he chose a location and built the hanging soul ladder deeper into the tunnel.

When the light dispersed, Gu Changan looked over.


I saw a step going down suddenly appeared here, which seemed to be an artificially constructed pattern.

"Not bad!"

Seeing this staircase, Gu Changan praised it.

If he hadn't made it himself, anyone who comes here and sees the stairs at first glance would think that this is part of the layout of the First Emperor's Mausoleum.

Moreover, the flying earthworm's nest also moved to another location. Those people walked deeper and deeper, but in the end they could not encounter the flying earthworm's nest.

Just imagine, do they think that their methods have successfully avoided the centipede's nest?

By then, it might even feel like they had successfully found the direction to the main tomb.

While thinking about it, Gu Changan mentally moved in.

The so-called hanging soul ladder is actually a structure composed of a continuous closed cycle that never rises or falls.

As long as anyone walks up, they will basically never get out of it.

As for why this hanging soul ladder really exists, it is actually a mathematical algorithm.

This is a mechanism composed of a total of 23 steps. There are actually slight differences in the steps on each level.

But with human eyes, it is not noticeable at all.

Therefore, although it seems that the stairs go all the way down or up, in fact the stairs themselves are parallel.

So, this is an enclosed four-sided staircase.

No matter how you go, you are actually going in circles.

If you can't detect it, you may be trapped here for the rest of your life.

Gu Changan looked carefully and found that the stairs were indeed like this.

If he hadn't known that there were only 23 steps here, maybe he would have thought that this was an imaginary number space. "good."

"Moreover, this staircase also has its own magical powers."

Gu Changan felt very satisfied. This hanging soul ladder was not only dangerous in itself, but the key was that it also incorporated strange magic.

The so-called Qimen Shushu are divided into Fenghou Qimen, Taigong Qimen, Wuhou Qimen, etc.
Although the items provided by the system only have their own unique effects and cannot be changed by Gu Changan, they are already very good.

To put it simply, if other strangers want to practice strange arts, they need to train themselves and spend a lifetime.

Although people with great perseverance can use themselves as the central palace after enlightenment, they can change all the good and bad fortunes in the Eight Diagrams.

However, this is too time consuming.

The products produced by the system are different. This hanging soul ladder directly arranges the killing formation based on the eight trigrams of light and eight dark gates.

The so-called Ming Bagua is Qian Kan Gen very Xun Li Kun Dui, while the dark eight gates are Xiu Sheng Hua Du Jing Shi Jing opened!

The two correspond to each other. In fact, no Feng Shui pattern or position in the world can escape these two arrangements.

And these two arrangements respectively correspond to the heavenly stems and earthly branches, heaven and earth, fengshui, volcanoes and swamps.

Therefore, the hanging soul ladder in front of you has changed most of the good and bad luck, and mixed it with eight kinds of killing patterns such as heaven, earth, wind, thunder, water, volcano and swamp.

Moreover, it is a double replacement of reality and illusion.

It is no exaggeration to say that under the virtual reality, anyone who steps forward will enter a fatal situation.

The most important thing is that among the three thousand avenues, one will always escape.

However, this soul-hanging ladder blocked the last glimmer of hope.

The way to crack the hanging soul ladder is to find the only possible exit. This exit is not at the end of the stairs, but on both sides of the stairs.

This hanging soul ladder has no obstacles on the left and right sides.

It was pitch dark below, and no one knew where they would lead if they jumped from the stairs.

In fact, if you jump from any position, you will fall directly to your death.

Only that glimmer of hope is the exit!

However, this exit was transferred to the Phosphorus Fire Suspension Bridge.

In other words, even if the Guanshan Taibao jumps down from where he found the exit, the mountain stream below is actually filled with methane gas.

If you jump into an abyss, you will definitely die.

And even if they are lucky enough to survive, if they want to get over here, they can only enter the tunnel again, and then they will still have this hanging soul ladder in front of them.

This creates a dead end that never ends, only a continuous cycle.

Unless they choose to go down the mountain stream.

However, there are all water wasps there, as well as forbidden women and sharks, and flying earthworms are also watching around the cliff.

Even if the people unloading the ridge set up a centipede ladder to go down, they still couldn't feed the two little cuties.

Thinking of this, Gu Changan was satisfied.

Bagua hanging soul ladder!
It is not an exaggeration to say that there is no life in ten deaths!

Anyone who is not a skilled Qimen user will never survive this.

If they want to truly reach the main tomb chamber, they must use violent means directly from the outside to break through the mountain.

"System, return to the main body!" Thinking of this, Gu Changan left the Mausoleum of the First Emperor directly.


Alternating day and night.

After the last discussion, two days passed this time, and everyone finally organized an action plan.

Soon after, they came to the foot of Lishan Mountain again.

This time, those who entered the tomb together were the two old men Liu Fuxiang and Zhang Defu, the two brothers Zhang Qiusheng, and Guanshan Taibao Feng Taichu.

But along the way, he remained silent, as if he was not worried about this action at all.

In this case, seeing the entrance to the tomb approaching, Zhang Defu felt that they had really found the wrong person this time.

"never mind."

It was at this moment that Zhang Defu suddenly said: "Let's go in through the robbery hole dug by Nanpai Xiling."

With that said, he took the lead and walked towards the back mountain.

At the same time, other people present did not ask Feng Taichu anymore, but followed Zhang Defu all the way back.

The Mausoleum of the First Emperor is full of dangers. If you can avoid some dangers, it is best to avoid them as much as possible.

Besides, they really didn't have much confidence in Feng Taichu, so they all went all the way to the back hill of the First Emperor's Mausoleum.

Seeing the robbery cave in front of him, Zhang Defu nodded and said, "If you enter from here, you should be able to go directly to the tomb."

"But you'd better be careful, you might encounter Gu insects or something here."

After hearing his words, everyone present nodded.

Indeed, the tombkeeper had to be on guard.

That guy Xu Bowen is probably adjusting the mechanism killing array inside at any time.

Therefore, they could only pray that they would not encounter big rice dumplings and Gu insects on their way, and try their best not to let Xu Bowen notice their arrival.

While thinking about it, Zhang Defu and others reached a consensus.

The three father and son walked into the robbery cave first, then Liu Fuxiang walked in the middle, and Feng Taichu walked at the end.

For a moment, when people in the Exploration Bureau saw this scene, they all began to question it.

"Why did Feng Taichu feel like an outsider along the way?"

"Maybe the real person doesn't show his face?"

"If the real person didn't show his face, he would be ready to enter the Mausoleum of the First Emperor now, and he should show off his skills!"

"Now I wonder if he is the Guanshan Taibao?"

In this regard, people in the exploration bureau are constantly discussing. After all, this time to enter the Mausoleum of the First Emperor can be said to be the last chance.

What I didn't expect was that I thought the Zhang family had found a capable helper, but they didn't expect that this generation of Guanshan Taibao would turn out to be a hairy kid.

Although Zhang Tianci and the others are about the same age as him.

But Feng Taichu never showed any skills from the beginning to the end, and he had been looking around since he entered the Mausoleum of the First Emperor.

It looks like you are sightseeing?

Observing this situation, how could the people of the Exploration Bureau not feel chilled?

Only Wu Tianqi, when he looked at the people entering the tomb this time, he always had an ominous premonition and a feeling that a storm was coming.

Especially when I think of what Liu Fuxiang said before, 749 originally sought the Guanshan Taibao just to enter the Mausoleum of the First Emperor.

So, they had this plan many years ago.

So, what exactly is in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor that the group of strangers from 749 must find?

The most important thing is that he is a little worried about what will happen if something happens to Liu Fuxiang in the tomb.


"It has been detected that a high-level tomb robber has entered the tomb, please host to kill or expel him as soon as possible!"

"After completing the task, the system will reward the host with 250000 points!"

At this moment, the system notification sound suddenly sounded in Gu Changan's mind.

After noticing this situation, Gu Changan began to think silently.

Because based on the two days of contact, he gradually learned more about the Guanshan Taibao through listening.

Tomb robbers of this line lived in seclusion, so it was not until the Ming Dynasty that they were discovered by the Hongwu Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang.

But in fact, they have started to eliminate tomb robbing activities since the pre-Qin period.

People of the Feng clan have been searching for the strange witchcraft in the tombs of the world for generations, and they have also recorded the structure of the tombs when the tombs were built.

Throughout history, if you study carefully, you can see that many famous tombs were still famous, and members of the Feng clan participated in them during the construction period.

It is precisely because of the persistence of countless people in the Feng clan that they created their Coffin Mountain Bone Stealing Diagram and Coffin Mountain Finger Mystery Technique.

It is no exaggeration to say that these two things have been continuously accumulated and passed down through thousands of years of Chinese history.

The Coffin Mountain lineage will never let these two unique skills be lost.

Therefore, even though Feng Taichu was so young, Gu Changan felt that he must be hiding his clumsiness.

The unknown is the most dangerous.


“Try this mountain viewing Taibao first”

"in addition."

So, with a thought in his mind, he started to move.

At the same time, a large number of Gu insects suddenly flew out from the depths of the tomb passage, and then Gu Changan thought again.
At this moment, as the tomb chamber of the accompanying tomb was opened, the Blood Corpse King and the terrifying half-cylinder came out of the tomb chamber.

(End of this chapter)

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