Chapter 44 New Poetry
In the provincial capital, the chief envoy Zhao Jiekang looked at the letter in his hand, and the index finger of his left hand involuntarily tapped on the table.

The sound of "dong dong" kept coming, indicating that the owner of the finger was still thinking.

The letter he read was written by Song Cheng, an academic officer from Fucheng below. Song Cheng introduced in detail some information about Xu Yang and the Fucheng Academy Competition he initiated. However, in the end, Song Cheng Also attached is a proposal of my own.

It is hoped that the chief envoy can hold a large-scale cultural gathering in the provincial capital to promote culture and education.

Do you know how to write?
Chief Minister Zhao Jiekang was noncommittal about this. At this time, he was more concerned about the real purpose of Song Cheng, the academic advisor.

As a feudal official in charge of a province, he could be regarded as an old fox in the officialdom. He didn't think Song Cheng would be so boring.

After thinking for a while, Zhao Jiekang shouted outside the study:
"Come on!"

"grown ups."

As soon as Zhao Jiekang finished speaking, the confidant pushed the door in from outside.

Zhao Jiekang pointed to the envelope on the table and ordered:
"Go and check, where is the hometown of Song Cheng, the academic advisor?"


After seeing that Zhao Jiekang had no other instructions, the confidant went out holding the envelope.

Zhao Jiekang did not let him wait any longer, and soon the news came back:
"A native of Anyang, Henan."

After Zhao Jiekang got the answer he wanted, he immediately chuckled with a look of understanding on his face:
"Oh, so it is."

After that, he picked up the letter again, looked at the poems written in the letter carefully, nodded slightly, and thought to himself:

These two poems are very good, and this person is also a good talent. Since he is from Henan, and Song Cheng has also come forward, I will give you this opportunity, but I don’t know if you can seize it.

In the county town, the atmosphere in the Jinyiwei post was quite depressing at this time. From the office of Deng Jiuxun, the master of Qianhu, there were sounds of scolding and tea bowls being thrown from time to time.

Everyone knows what's going on, and it's all caused by the case of breaking into a government office and killing an official that happened in the county town a while ago.

After the case was reported, it was because my master saw the opportunity early, left quickly, and was willing to take credit, that he took the case into his hands.

At that time, everyone thought it was a great achievement, but they didn't expect that the thief was hit in one blow and fled thousands of miles away. He didn't even know where he went.

Even after careful screening by Jin Yiwei, there is still no clue of the culprit.

As for arresting random people to take the blame, don't even think about it. It would be okay if it were an ordinary small case, but such a major case is impossible.

If the thief is caught, not just the thief will be killed, but several clans will be implicated. Faced with such a result, it is simply a joke to find someone to take the blame.

Now it seems that Senhu-sama has not taken any big credit for this. He is simply more deadly than a hot potato.

This case has been reported to the court, and it cannot be suppressed even if it is tried. If it cannot be solved, the entire local Jinyi Guard post will have to suffer.

In the office, Deng Jiuxun calmed down after venting his temper to his subordinates. He put his hand on his forehead and said bitterly:

"Tell me, there's nothing going on in the city recently, right?"

"It's okay, it's okay. The city has always been safe. It's just that the bunch of scholars made some noise in the competition. Sir, do you think it's okay?"

After hearing Deng Jiuxun's inquiry, the man from the household who stayed behind quickly answered carefully.

However, after listening to the words of his subordinates, Deng Jiuxun's bitter expression eased slightly, and he sighed:
"Peace is a blessing." "As for those scholars, they are all well fed, so let them make trouble and don't worry about it."

After Deng Jiuxun finished speaking, he waved his men to retreat and was left alone to think about the solution.

There is a big case in the county, but that is a matter of the Yamen. Scholars don't care about this, they should still have fun and eat.

Especially after the competition between the academy and the county scholars, everyone relaxed.

Although the academy side lost a bit miserably, they did not hold back or use any obstacles because of it. Instead, they very much welcomed people from the winning side to go to the academy for more in-depth exchanges.

The Academy's move is not really out of broad-mindedness, but out of necessity.

After all, everyone is a scholar, and we can't offend him to death. Who knows that one day he will be lucky, and if he uses some low-end tricks, he will be seen through at a glance. It is not shameful enough to use them. Body.

So smart people will know how to choose. Isn't it just a loss of college face? Just think of ways to make up for it.

Those scholars from the county also wanted to communicate more with people in the academy and discuss the imperial examination.

The two hit it off immediately, and Xu Yang found an excuse not to participate, but it caused some gossip.

But a few days later, while Xu Yang was drinking in a brothel with some friends he had just met, he composed a poem on the spot while he was drunk, which attracted everyone's admiration. Even the other guests praised him.

After the sentence "I urge God to cheer up and send talents of any kind." was spread, those gossips disappeared without a trace.

This poem spread throughout the streets and alleys of Fucheng in a very short period of time. Even a child with a yellow mouth could memorize such a sentence.

And those readers who have read this poem are even more convinced, and they all praise Xu Yang's poems as having the style of Bai Juyi.

"Hahaha, you are indeed worthy of being a talent that I value, and worthy of being my fellow countryman."

In the government office, Song Cheng, who was studying at the time, also got Xu Yang's new poem for the first time and immediately praised it.

He had already asked people to pay attention to Xu Yang, so he was able to get the poem as soon as possible.

In excitement, Song Cheng wanted to meet his fellow countryman with amazing poetic talent, but after thinking about it for a while, Song Cheng gave up the idea:

Now is not the time.

That is to say, when Xu Yang's new poems were going viral, a piece of news spread rapidly among the local reading population.

And in less than a day, it reached Xu Yang's ears, and at the same time there was an invitation.

He is indeed the chief envoy of the province. He will hold a cultural conference in the provincial capital in January and invites scholars from the prefectural and county towns to attend. He also gave Xu Yang an invitation.

Playing with this exquisite invitation in his hand, Xu Yang's eyes were blinking, but he kept thinking in his heart:
Although I don’t know why the chief envoy held a cultural conference, I am sure that it has something to do with him.

I didn’t expect that there would be such a big movement just after I exerted my strength. Someone had built such a big stage for me. It was such an unexpected surprise.

However, the literary society in this provincial capital must have gathered many scholars, so which poem should I "compose" to become a blockbuster?

 I’ll just update it today. There was a power outage in the morning. The family couldn’t stand the heat anymore, so they went to the county town to play. I came back late, so there weren’t many code words. Moreover, I feel that the quality of the chapters has seriously declined recently. I want to do a good job tonight. Reason your thoughts.

  I don’t want to just focus on Gong Zizhen. Guess which poem is next?
(End of this chapter)

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