I just became Ruotuo Dragon King, and Tang San wants me to be the spirit ring?

Chapter 28: Chrysanthemum Ghost Douluo’s fusion skill, 2 poles of stillness!

Chapter 28: Chrysanthemum Ghost Douluo’s fusion skills, bipolar static fields!
Ghost Douluo didn't say anything, but his actions showed everything. He reached Ju Douluo's side in a flash, and powerful soul power fluctuations erupted from both of them at the same time.

Under this powerful fluctuation of soul power, the light of one black and one gold became stronger and stronger, and the two rays of light began to merge with each other while becoming stronger.

With the continuous injection of soul power, the light they emitted began to become a little thicker, turning into a two-color ball to wrap the two of them. While wrapping it up, a bucket-thick line fell from the sky again. The lightning struck the two-color ball hard, but it had no effect.

Under the control of Dragon King Ruotuo, several thunderbolts fell, but they also had no effect.

Xu Chao was not in a hurry. He did not let the thunder fall again. Instead, he began to accumulate strength again. A ball of light filled with thunder elements began to condense in front of him. The compressed thunder elements were so rich that even the space was filled with them. It was almost unable to accommodate it, and fine space cracks began to appear around the light ball. This is exactly what happens when the thunder element is compressed to a certain point.

The scene started to become stalemate like this. Xu Chao had no way to deal with them for the time being, but he still held back his ultimate move and waited for them to finish releasing their turtle shells and then give them something nice to watch. Although he also knew that the two-pole static field could stabilize the situation. All the people and attacks, but how can you know without trying.

Not far from Fulong Valley, at the junction of the mixed area and the core area, a little girl with black hair and a pink skirt sat on the shoulders of a huge orangutan. One person and one animal walked peacefully towards the Star Forest. Walking in the core area.

These two figures were Xiao Wuhe and Er Ming. At this time, they did not rush towards the core area. Instead, they continued to move in the forest at a speed similar to walking. At this time, Xiao Wu was still holding a few red fruits in her hands. They picked some of them when they came across them on the way back.

At this time, Xiao Wu's little feet swayed. She was very happy now, because this was her home, and she had not been able to come back for six or seven years. This was also the reason why they did not rush directly to the core area, although Xiao Wu looked very similar to She went to see Xu Chao and Er Ming, but she also wanted to see the forest where she had lived for so many years. In comparison, she still liked living in this familiar and free forest the most.

Er Ming also likes to accompany Xiao Wu like this, walking with her in his home.

After Xiao Wu finished eating a piece of fruit in her hand, she involuntarily raised her head, and immediately saw the unusual celestial phenomenon in the core area. The main reason was that Xu Chao's movement was too loud. The entire sky in the core area became gray, and she also saw streaks of lightning falling crazily at the same location.

Xiao Wu said with some confusion: "Hey, Er Ming, look at where that place is. Why are there thunders falling constantly? Who is surviving the catastrophe?"

Er Ming then lowered his head to look at the road and cast his gaze into the distance, looking at the center of the storm. As he looked, his eyes involuntarily became serious.

Without waiting to answer Xiao Wu's words, he accelerated and rushed directly towards the center of the storm. After rushing out, he explained to Xiao Wu: "Sister Xiao Wu, something may have happened."

"What's wrong?" Xiao Wu asked with some confusion.

Er Ming's tone was full of solemnity and he explained: "Sister Xiaowu, that is Fulong Valley. It was created by my younger brother after he woke up. It is also the place where he slept in seclusion. Now that such a situation has occurred, something must have happened. ."

After listening to Er Ming's words, Xiao Wu said anxiously: "Er Ming, can you hurry up? Xiao Chao has just become a ten thousand year soul beast. What if something unexpected happens!"

Er Ming comforted him: "Don't worry, Sister Xiao Wu. The eldest brother is not far from the third brother's position. If something unexpected happens, the eldest brother will definitely be able to protect the third brother. Not to mention the younger brother's current strength, even I can't see through it. I'm sure Even if he is still a little worse than me, the difference is not much. I believe he can still protect himself." Xiao Wu breathed a sigh of relief, and then urged: "Er Ming, let's go as fast as possible. , if we go too late, it would be bad if Xiao Chao gets injured."

Er Ming nodded and did not speak. He burst out with all his strength, increased his speed to an extremely terrifying level, and quickly headed towards the core area.

The thunderclouds in the sky have not dissipated, and have even intensified.

The big two-color ball formed by Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo was still condensing, and Xu Chao was also condensing his own thunder element.

The big ball was so silent, but Xu Chao knew that it would give him a surprise next moment, so he didn't have to wait long before a voice came from the ball.

"Martial Soul Fusion Technique: Two Pole Static Domain!"

Xu Chao complained a little in his heart. This kind of soul skill does have the effect of shouting out. It can increase the cooperation between the two people and even has a little effect of speaking. But if it is shouted out, it will be exposed.

As they called out their elder brother's voice, they smashed the thunder ball in front of them in that direction, flying fiercely towards where Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo were.

I saw the big two-color ball suddenly spread out to the surroundings. The barrier formed by the spread did not cause any harm, but it just enveloped the surrounding environment. Also covered was the thunder ball that Xu Chao spit out. , and the huge body of Ruotuo Dragon King.

He didn't suffer any harm from being enveloped in it, but what surprised Xu Chao was that after the thunder ball, which could hardly bear the space, was enveloped by the barrier, it stopped directly, and then What stopped were those black space cracks.

Time stands still?Such an idea appeared in Xu Chao's mind, but it was only when he was enveloped that the idea was broken.

After Xu Yang was enveloped, he felt that his body was no longer under his control and he couldn't move at all. However, his thinking was still not hindered in any way, so this was not a time stop.

Before he could think too much, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo reappeared and rushed towards him with their soul rings flashing, but Xu Chaobi was not worried. His defense power was not ordinary, and even exceeded it. That rock elemental shield, so just let them fight.

He also believed that they could not withstand the thunder ball for too long, because he found that the black cracks around the thunder ball were slowly healing, which meant that it was not completely fixed, or that it could not stay fixed for too long.

(End of this chapter)

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