I just became Ruotuo Dragon King, and Tang San wants me to be the spirit ring?

Chapter 55: Guarding the mountain treasure and not being able to use it, the Jun Ant King is in pain

Chapter 55: Guarding the mountain treasure and not being able to use it, the Thousand Ton Ant Emperor is in pain

Under the leadership of Qianjun Ant Emperor, Xu Chao went down several kilometers again and finally saw the glazed rock core.

The Glazed Rock Core is in a cave, and the rock wall of the cave looks a bit strange. The luster and the aura it conveys are different from other rocks. It seems that this is what Qianjun Ant Emperor said can cover up the aura of the Glazed Rock Core. something.

Xu Chao looked at a big ball in the center of the cave built by the Thousand Jun Ant Emperor. This big ball turned out to be an almost perfect ball. This made Xu Chao very surprised. After all, only natural materials that conform to the rules of heaven and earth can be found. Only Dibao will have the ability to evolve itself and evolve its shape in a direction that conforms to the rules of heaven and earth.

The big ball in front of him is in this state. The rich rock element in it is the richest treasure of heaven and earth that Xu Chao has ever seen.
There are some shells around the big ball that seem to have peeled off from the big ball, and those shells also have strong rock elements.

At this time, there are some thousand-year-level Qianjun ants practicing in the cave. There is a shell like that in front of them. It seems that this is their method of cultivation. However, under Xu Chao's perception, those thousand-year-old ants are cultivating. Jun ants seem to have no way to directly absorb the energy of the glazed rock core. Instead, they are absorbing the rock element energy released by the decomposition of the glazed rock core.

Xu Chao asked with some confusion: "Are you just absorbing it like this? It shouldn't be the energy of the glazed rock core that you are absorbing like this."

Of course, the glazed rock core cannot only have the characteristic of being rich in rock elements. After all, it is a natural material and earthly treasure that conforms to the rules of heaven and earth. If it only has this characteristic, it would not be surprising to Xu Chao at all.

But looking at the scene in front of me, the Giant Ant colony that has been studied for thousands of years seems to have obtained some benefits, but it does not seem to have obtained the benefits it deserves.

The boss of the Qianjun Ant Emperor said bitterly: "We have no choice, because we can't directly absorb the energy of the glazed rock core. No matter what method we use, not to mention that the glazed rock core is incredibly hard. Even the three of us brothers There is no way we can break it apart even if we work together.”

Xu Chao nodded and said: "So you can only use this method to absorb the rock elements that escape after the energy of the glazed rock core is decomposed. If you are lucky, you can also absorb the energy of the glazed rock core that has not had time to decompose. , it’s just that it’s very rare, the martial soul fusion skills between you are due to the energy of those glazed rock cores.”

The boss nodded and said: "It is true that His Highness said, we have done too many experiments in the past 5000 years. Even if we swallow the fragments of the glazed core into the body, there is no way to absorb it, and there is no way to do it." To prevent the energy in those fragments from escaping, we can only watch its energy continue to escape and turn into ordinary rocks."

Xu Chao nodded to express his understanding, but then shook his head and said Youyou: "You are just holding the mountain treasure and don't know how to use it."

This sentence made the three brothers of Qianjun Ant Emperor behind them feel very embarrassed. In a sense, it was true. Although they could get a lot of benefits, these benefits could not be compared with the energy in Liuliyan's heart. Compare it.

Xu Chao walked slowly in the direction of the glazed rock core, and his heart was spinning. He asked why after 5000 years of absorbing the glazed rock core, the energy of the glazed rock core had not decreased at all. It turned out to be because they had no way to directly absorb the glazed rock core. Energy, they can only absorb the energy that the Glazed Rock Core doesn't need.

Yes, the shells that fell off around the glazed core are energy it doesn't need, and they are even discharged in a way to eliminate impurities. I didn't expect that the Qianjun Ant Emperor could still regard them as real treasures, but even those The broken shell is already a huge opportunity. The strength of the Qianjun Ant colony has probably increased by tens of thousands of years in the past 5000 years due to the existence of the glazed core.Xu Chao slowly walked towards the location of the glazed rock core, picked up a fragment scattered on the ground, and directly communicated with the fragment in his mind. The original yellow light of the glazed rock core began to become very strong. Then it turned into strands of energy that surrounded Xu Chao's body, and finally integrated into Xu Chao's body.

The three brothers of the Thousand Jun Ant Emperor, who were standing behind Xu Chao, were shocked. They seemed to have just seen the most shocking scene in their lives. They actually felt a joyful emotion on the fragment. Yes, it was emotion. .

They never imagined that a dead thing like a rock could have such a thing as emotions.

Compared to this, Xu Chao's ability to absorb the energy from the glazed rock core didn't seem so surprising.

After all the energy was integrated into Xu Chao's body, Xu Chao did not stop. He picked up a fragment again. This time, he did not communicate with the energy in the glazed rock core, but directly tightened his hands and pulled the fragment away. The fragments were crushed directly, and the earthy yellow light on his body flashed, and the energy that escaped was directly absorbed into the body like a whirlpool.

Seeing this scene in front of them, the Qianjun Ant Emperor was even more shocked to drop his jaw. Previously, they were surprised that rocks had such things as emotions, but that had nothing to do with Xu Chao, at most. I was surprised by Xu Chao's rock element affinity, but I had seen this before. After all, Xu Chao had already felt it when he condensed the rich rock element.

But the scene in front of them made the three brothers of Qianjun Ant King very surprised. They knew how hard the glazed rock core was, even if the second most powerful one among them was blessed by the trinity martial soul fusion skill. Only then can I barely cut the large piece of glazed rock core into smaller pieces.

But if you don't look at what Xu Chao is doing now, he can crush the glazed rock core directly, or directly crush it into powder. This is not a matter of strength.

The three brothers looked at each other with helplessness in their eyes. It seemed that Xu Chao had held back during the fight, otherwise they would have turned into powder long ago.

In the shocked eyes of the three Qianjun Ant Emperor brothers, Xu Chao completely absorbed the energy escaping from the fragment. The energy in his body continued to surge, and his aura became stronger and richer. .

The boss said with some uncertainty: "Is this? Perfect absorption?"

He felt the extremely familiar energy coming from Xu Chao's body. He knew that it was the energy that belonged to the core of the glazed earth. Even if Xu Chao only absorbed two fragments of the glazed core, the energy in it was already as much as the glazed core in his body. About half of it.

(End of this chapter)

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