I just became Ruotuo Dragon King, and Tang San wants me to be the spirit ring?

Chapter 83 Will another bloody storm break out in this continent?

Chapter 83 Will another bloody storm break out in this continent?
As for whether there is a secret to human longevity, of course there is, and that is to become a god, but this road is far more difficult than imagined.

It is even more difficult than a 10-year-old soul beast breaking through to 20 years. Even those who claim to be the number one genius in the mainland do not have any sense of confidence that they can become gods, because this is a journey that is far more difficult than reaching the sky. path of.

And soul beast reconstruction is a road with very slim hope of taking such risks in medical ethics. Presumably not many soul beasts will be able to accept it.

And now Xu Chao told them that he didn't need to re-cultivate to become a human being, and he could also transform back into the spirit beast at any time. Isn't this just the same as the human martial spirit true form?
Coupled with Xu Chao's talent, if he appeared in front of them as a human being, both of them would probably think that Xu Chao was not a soul beast but a human being.

After all, Xu Chao's talent is so terrifying that it can only be compared to human talent. In other words, Xu Chao now has human talent and the body of a soul beast. It seems that Xu Chao combines the two. Combined together, this means that Xu Chao is probably the one most likely to become a god.

Thinking of this, Daming and Er Ming also looked at each other. They both thought of this possibility. This was the reason why they were extremely shocked.

This idea also made them extremely excited, and their eyes looking at Xu Chao were full of excitement and surprise.

But when the daimyo and Erming felt the surprise, the atmosphere in the enshrinement hall of Wuhun Hall was not so joyful.

The Enshrinement Hall is another powerful institution established by the Wuhun Hall on top of the Pope Hall and the Elders Hall. The chief minister of the Enshrinement Hall even has the right to directly appoint and dismiss the Pope. This is enough to show how powerful the Enshrinement Hall is.

At this time, in a unique space within the worship hall, a man who looked to be only 40 or [-] years old was sitting cross-legged. He was wearing a simple gray robe, and his long golden hair was spread behind his head, combed very neatly. Neat, although his clothes are very simple, there is a faint sacred aura about him, which makes people feel like they want to worship him.

The dojo where he sits cross-legged is also not simple. There are four statues of four-winged angels guarding it all around. The sky here is even brighter. Although you can't find the sun, the air around you is bright, even if you Wufa finds any shadow here.

This is the place where the highest belief in Wuhun Palace exists, the Angel Dojo, and the inheritance place for future angels and gods. Sitting in the Angel Dojo is one of the highest combat powers in the Douluo Continent, the 99-level Extreme Douluo , Angel Douluo Qiandaoliu.

At this time, the gentle and relaxed brows on his somewhat kind face wrinkled slightly. He seemed to feel something, and he opened his eyes slightly. The moment he opened his eyes, the bright dojo seemed to become dim. Some, because the golden light in his eyes shone far beyond the bright dojo around him, but it gradually faded after he opened his eyes, and finally turned into an ordinary-looking black.

Qian Daoliu raised his head slightly, looked at the chaos above the dojo, and murmured: "This is the seventh offering, the soul mark of Demon-Conquering Douluo. It seems that something went wrong with their mission this time."

This is a secret method unique to the Consecration Hall. It can imprint the soul marks of the seven worshippers into the Angel Dojo. The Angel Dojo can know their life and death. Of course, this mark can also bring them some benefits, like It's like being blessed by an angel.

Qian Daoliu now felt that the soul mark of Demon-Conquering Douluo was slowly dissipating. This was exactly what would happen after the death of Demon-Conquering Douluo. At the same time, he also discovered that Qingluan Douluo's soul mark had also changed. He was very weak, and he must have encountered a lot of trouble.

He participated in the formulation of this action plan. He also expected to face three 10-year-old soul beasts at the same time, but according to normal circumstances, he would face three 10-year-old soul beasts at the same time. , with their strength, it shouldn't be a problem to escape unscathed. It seems that there are unplanned variables.Qian Daoliu then lowered his head and sighed softly: "How many years have passed? Since that incident, there has been no situation where worshipers have fallen in Wuhun Hall." When he said this, Qian Daoliu's calm face turned unexpectedly There was a little sadness, because this incident really hit him too hard.

Because among the Wuhun Palace personnel who died in that battle was his son, Qian Xunji, and the person who killed his son with his own hands was Tang San's father, Haotian Douluo Tang Hao. It was that battle that completely suppressed the spirit of Wuhun Palace and made Haotian Douluo famous.

Qian Daoliu, who was feeling nostalgic, was suddenly shocked, as if something big enough to shock him had happened.

Qian Daoliu's originally expressionless brow suddenly furrowed deeply, and he felt a different fluctuation.

Then his eyes suddenly widened, and he said with some difficulty: "How is this possible?"

No wonder he was so shocked, because he felt that Qingluan Douluo's soul mark also began to slowly dissipate, which meant that Qingluan Douluo and Demon-Conquering Douluo had both fallen. After a brief shock, he His brows furrowed, and he said in his heart: "It seems that I still underestimate you."

Then his voice came from far away, "Summon the Pope and the Supreme Priests to come see me!"

His voice spread far away, to this small world, and also to the enshrinement hall, but ordinary people could not hear this voice. Only those who reached a certain level could hear Qiandaoliu's voice.

By the time Bibi Dong arrived with the rest of the thinking worshipers, Qian Daoliu had already sat on the head seat of the worship hall. Seeing that everyone had come, he immediately said that Qingluan Douluo and Demon-Conquering Douluo had already arrived. The news of his death was told to them, and they all looked at Qian Daoliu in shock.

Qian Daoliu didn't give them time to react and said, "We at Wuhun Palace cannot let go of this loss. What do you think?"

Golden Crocodile Douluo said: "It seems that we have underestimated Dragon King Ruotuo. There should be no change in the strength of the Titan Giant Ape and Azure Bull Python. It seems that the accident happened to him."

Qian Daoliu nodded and said: "Continue to explore the situation of Dragon King Ruotuo. Although we cannot give up, we still have to consider the long term."

Everyone nodded, and then Bibi Dong said: "Big Enshrinement, there is one more thing!"

(End of this chapter)

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