I made up stupid exercises in Da Qin, and Ying Zheng succeeded in practicing them?

Chapter 16 016 Tingjun 1 Xi Zhang wins 1 Xi Zhang! 【Ask for collection】

Chapter 16 016 A word from you is better than a word from you! 【Ask for collection】


The girl's eyelashes fluttered, and she made a sound from her throat. The sound struck Ji Chen's heart like a thunder hammer, making him numb instantly.

And under Ji Chen's gaze, the naked girl stretched and stood up.

at this moment.

Ji Chen could no longer use the Chinese language he had learned to describe the scene in front of him, and could only use mathematical thinking to think about it.

'Open the brackets and find the dot, extend it vertically along the center of the dot, find zero and then find the root sign, use the square sign to cross the dot through the dotted line and then go straight to the end point. At this time, zero is greater than one. '

Just when he was immersed in the world of mathematics, a delicate and sweet voice woke up Ji Chen.


Two words that are firm and powerful.

But Ji Chen woke up instantly.


Ying Zheng and Meng Tian are chasing after them?

But then I thought, this is a female voice.

Look up.

He happened to meet the girl's clear and kind eyes, staring at him like fire.

"Girl, why did you call me Master?" Ji Chen, who felt uncomfortable being stared at, asked softly.

The girl replied sincerely: "Yes, you are my master."


"Yes, you are my master."

Hearing this, Ji Chen's eyes twitched and his heart was messy.

'She can't understand people?Or is there something wrong with your own expression? '

He rearranged his language and asked logically: "What I'm asking is, why do you call me Master? Do we know each other? Note... these are two questions... Hey, forget it, you answer first Why should I call me Master?'"

Ji Chen was afraid of the word 'master'.

He has only accepted Ying Zheng and Meng Tian, ​​but the girl in front of him calls him Master. Could it be related to Ying Zheng?
If this is really the case, then run away quickly.

The girl blinked and answered in a very serious manner.

"Because you are my master, of course I have to call you master!"

Ji Chen's mouth twitched.

Listening to your words is better than a word.

Saying it is the same as not saying it.

"Then tell me, do we know each other?"

"We know each other. You held me to sleep that day." The girl answered innocently.

"Don't talk nonsense." Ji Chen immediately retorted, "I hugged you to sleep? How could I have no impression?"

In fact, there is still a sentence left unsaid.

If this really happened, how could she be allowed to walk safely?

The girl did not explain this, but insisted.

"You are my master... wherever you go, I will follow you."

Determined words, firm demeanor.

Ji Chen looked at the naked girl, looked up to the sky and sighed.

"What is this? God is playing tricks on me?"

After complaining secretly, he took out a set of clothes from his bag and handed them to her.

"You put on your clothes first."

The girl took the clothes and nodded: "Okay."

But she played with the clothes back and forth, but she couldn't put them on. She put them on backwards and backwards... This made Ji Chen speechless for a while.

"Is she a savage? Or is she mentally ill?"

Although Ji Chen had this suspicion, he couldn't get used to seeing a girl walking naked, so he couldn't bear to tell her the steps to put on clothes.


The girl finished dressing.

Because Ji Chen had a strong figure and the girl was tall and thin, the clothes on her body looked extremely loose. The robe was hanging on the ground. She staggered a few steps and her whole body was instantly dirty.

"Master? Have you seen my short sword?" The girl looked around, looking for something that belonged to her.


What is she going to do?
Ji Chen subconsciously took a few steps back, expressing his ignorance.

But the next second, it pointed to the southeast.

"How about you go there and have a look."

The girl has 100% trust in Ji Chen's words.

"it is good."

The girl walked in the direction pointed by Ji Chen.

When she completely disappeared from sight, Ji Chen ran away with the baggage on his back without saying a word.

God knows she's looking for a dagger to get her liver and kidneys?
Don't cut your own waist.

No matter what the reason is, giving him clothes at the critical moment is considered the most benevolent thing.

I don't know.

after he left.

The girl who went deep into the forest lowered her head to look for it, ignoring the scratches on the branches. It was originally a brand-new robe, but it was already as tattered as a beggar.

Surprisingly, after her skin was scratched, it healed as before in the next second.After walking a few hundred meters, the girl's eyes lit up.

"Master is really an immortal, and he is really here."

The scabbard of the short sword, which was as black as ink, was stuck straight on the ground.

She pulled it out and hid it in her sleeve, then turned to look for Master Ji Chen.

But when he returned to his original position, Ji Chen had long disappeared.

"Where has Master gone?" The girl's eyes were blurred.


Thirty miles away.

Ji Chen was forced to stop.

There was a caravan confronting the bandits in front, and the air was filled with a chilling atmosphere.

Suddenly, the gangsters took action.

He slashed at the bodyguard escorting the caravan with his knife. The bodyguard was extremely skilled in martial arts, but in the hands of a battle-experienced gangster, he seemed vulnerable.

The knife fell from his hand and blood splattered everywhere.

"Can you encounter this? What a bad luck."

Seeing that the situation was not good, Ji Chen prepared to choose a way to leave.

But as soon as he turned around, a sharp bronze sword was placed on his shoulder, and a rough laugh came.

"Unexpectedly, I caught a fish that slipped through the net."

Follow the reputation.

A strong man wearing coarse linen clothes and a fierce expression stared at Ji Chen as if staring at his prey, grinning ferociously with yellowed teeth.

"This has thin skin and tender meat, and it definitely tastes good."

"Mader, pervert!" Ji Chen cursed in his heart, but he had no strength to fight against him. If he fought forcefully, he would definitely die. He could only look for opportunities to escape.

Otherwise, instead of being tortured by King Qin Yingzheng, he would be killed by these ruthless bandits. How could he feel so embarrassed?
So he quickly explained: "Don't get me wrong... I'm just passing through, not on the same road as the caravan."

The strong man smiled coldly.

"You have seen my appearance, do you think you can still be alive?"

As soon as the words changed, his whole body was filled with murderous intent.

"Stop talking nonsense and come over here."


Saying that, he kicked Ji Chen hard.


next second.

There was a sound of fracture, followed by a miserable scream.

The sound of broken bones and miserable screams did not come from Ji Chen, but from the strong man.

The strong man kicked Ji Chen's waist fiercely, as if he had kicked steel, and sent out a terrifying force that he could not match, which directly broke his small bones, severe pain shot through his body, and big beads of sweat dripped down.

Ji Chen was stunned when he saw this scene.

What's going on here?

Given the current situation, don't give him time to think about it, so take this opportunity to run away.

Ji Chen thought too simply.

Just as he was about to escape from the left side, he found several burly men walking out of the forest on the left side, looking at him maliciously.

Turn and look to the right.

Likewise, there were other fierce bandits buried in the forest, gradually approaching him.

The leader of the gangsters taunted him at the top of his lungs: "Lao Jiu, look at your little potential and you were hurt by a weak scholar."

The strong man with a broken calf suppressed his blush, and the veins in his neck popped out, and he tried to defend himself.

"Third brother, that's not the case. I... Mad, kill him first to vent my hatred."

With a clang, the bronze sword was pulled out.

Ji Chen looked at the bronze sword that was slashing at him. His fear had been completely dissipated, but he was extremely calm.

Calm scary!
Like a flashback before death.


This is what he thinks in his heart.

Facing the extremely vicious bandits, he knew that he would not be able to escape unless the Qin army arrived in time.

But how could an army pass by this mountain road?

at this moment.

Only then did he truly realize the dangers of the Warring States Period.

If you don't have the strength and power, you won't be able to survive in this era.

But it’s too late to understand this!

It is death after all, so it is better to face death calmly.

Ji Chen stared at the sword swung at him, feeling calm in his heart. From his eyes, there was no fear, but hatred for the enemy.

If looks could kill, maybe... the other person would have died hundreds of times.

In the eyes of the strong man, this look was a naked provocation, and he cursed in a low voice, "Damn it."

The sword he swung became even more fierce.

But the moment the sword tip touched Ji Chen's forehead, a stream of light came through the air like a rainbow and hit the bronze sword. With a 'click', the bronze sword broke.

(End of this chapter)

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