Chapter 19 019 Create all methods

Now that he knew that the made-up exercises were not fictitious, but could make Meng Tian and Ying Zheng practice successfully, Ji Chen had no intention of going back.

He can make people or things embark on the path of cultivation with the help of made-up techniques. He has this ability, so why would he condescend to Xianyang City?
Especially after experiencing this incident, I clearly understand... In this troubled world, only one's own strength is the foundation.

Only by controlling extraordinary forces can the world be frightened.

He wants to create a force of his own, spread throughout the seven kingdoms, weaving everything like a spider web.

In this troubled world, the only thing that is indispensable is people.

Just give him a full meal and he will work hard.


Of course he made it up.

It requires his wild imagination, and the rest requires money to build the foundation.

Ji Chen looked up at the young apprentice and asked bluntly.

"Do you have a name?"

The girl shook her head, "No, please ask Master to give me a name."

Ji Chen saw her as innocent and ruthless, so he named her "Liang".

"You will be called A-Liang from now on."

"A-Liang? I finally have a name, thank you Master." A-Liang's dull eyes became brighter.

"Your robe is stained with blood. I still have some clothes. Please change them." Ji Chen took out a brand new robe from the bag, which was tailor-made for him by Qin King Ying Zheng.

Ah Liang took the robe, and with a 'click' sound, the blood-stained robe was torn off by her, and it was in its naked state again, and she put it on in front of Master Ji Chen.

Seeing this, Ji Chen hurriedly warned: "In the future, change clothes and avoid people, so as not to be seen."

A Liang blinked.

"Can't even Master see it?"

Ji Chen shook his head, "No."

"But my disciple can see from Master's eyes... that you are willing to see it?" Ah Liang said truthfully.


Ji Chen's mouth twitched.

He has a normal sexual orientation, and with this beauty in front of him, he will naturally look at it subconsciously.

But A Liang was like a blank piece of paper and didn't know how to explain it to him, so he quickly changed the subject.

"Just remember what I said as a teacher and don't worry about the rest."

Ah Liang said firmly: "Okay, I will obey Master's words and never let anyone else see it except Master."


Ji Chen didn't want to correct A Liang's brain circuit.

"Let's go, follow my master and search the gangster's lair, and take away everything of value." Ji Chen ordered, since he wants to create power, he needs a lot of funds.

The gangsters must have accumulated a lot of property after years of burning, killing and looting.

For this money, Ji Chen feels at ease with it.

After his investigation, he found three large boxes of gold, silver, jewelry, and silver notes in the cellar of the side hall.

This just became their start-up capital.

For others, the weight of the gold and silver jewelry box might require a carriage to pull it, but for Ji Chen and A Liang, it was nothing.

A Liang volunteered.

Despite her frail figure, her strength cannot be underestimated.

Three boxes were stacked together, tied with a rope, and carried away.

Just can go down the mountain.

Wu Guang waited for a long time with his carriage.

When he saw Ji Chen, his eyes showed great excitement, and he walked forward quickly and asked for help.

"Master Immortal, please put the things in the car. She will be able to relax. What do you think?"

The words were full of pleading.

He just wants a chance to perform, so that he can be appreciated by the immortal master and be able to worship him as his teacher.

To put it first, Ji Chen flatly refused.

But knowing that he could make people practice successfully by making up exercises, he no longer resisted accepting disciples.

Now is the time to employ people.

What's more, Wu Guang was the first shot in the armed uprising in history, and he has his own uniqueness.

"Okay, that's troublesome."

"No trouble, it's my honor to serve the Immortal Master." Wu Guang drove up to greet him.

Ji Chen indicated to A Liang that the box could be placed in the carriage, and A Liang did so.When Ji Chen and A Liang sat in the car, Wu Guang asked softly, "Master Immortal, where are we going?"

"Are you familiar with the Qin State?" Ji Chen asked casually. He had no idea about the territory of the Qin State and had no idea where this place was.

"Returning to Immortal Master, I often follow caravans and am very familiar with various places." Wu Guang was full of confidence.

"How far is it to Hangu Pass?"

Wu Guang's eyes were surprised, but he answered truthfully, "Our road is to Hangu Pass, which is still more than 500 miles away."

"Then go to Hangu Pass."


So ever.

With Wu Guang driving, Ji Chen and A Liang rested against each other.

in fact.

Ji Chen went to Hangu Pass to have his own ideas.

Hangu Pass is located in the eastern section of the Qinling Mountains, with an advantageous geographical location. It borders the plateau to the west, Juejian to the east, Qinling Mountains to the south, and the Yellow River to the north.

It can be described as easy to defend but difficult to attack.

And he plans to go deep into the Qinling Mountains and use it as a base to make up the Three Thousand Great Dao Kung Fu to turn the 'Pre-Qin' into a real Immortal Qin.


beep, beep...

after they leave.

A group of hundreds of captains wearing black armor went straight to the gangster's lair, led by Zhang Han, who had a beard, a Chinese character face, and resolute features.

At this time, he was just a Zuo Shu chief who commanded thousands of troops.

Received an order to eliminate the gangsters.

I thought this was a tough nut to crack, but as I climbed up the mountain and gradually approached the gangster's lair, my solemn eyes were dull and shocked.

Just because.

on the way.

There are corpses of fierce bandits scattered everywhere. Judging from the injuries on the corpses, they were all killed with one knife, without any chance of resistance.

In the gangster's lair, corpses piled up.

Knives are fatal.

What made him unbelievable was that judging from the injuries, they were all the work of one person.

Kill 300 gangsters by one person?
" this still a human being?" Zhang Han froze in place as if he had seen a ghost.

"Master concubine, look!"

A captain held a few pieces of bloody silk clothes, which were incompatible with the linen clothes and animal clothes worn by the gangsters, and were much more advanced.

Zhang Han looked nervous when he saw the material of these pieces of clothing.

He has recognized...the silk comes from the palace.

To be precise, tribute silk, only the robes worn by the king can use this material.

"But why does it appear here?"

Although Zhang Han had doubts in his heart, he understood... No matter what the reason was, reporting this matter to the King of Qin would definitely be a great achievement.

Although Prime Minister Lu Buwei holds the scepter, he understands the difference between providing help in times of need and adding icing on the cake.

Think of this.

He immediately ordered the officers and soldiers of Da Qin to guard and clean up the corpses of the bandits, and he quickly went down the mountain, got on his horse and went straight to the palace of Xianyang City.

Royal Palace.

King Qin's bedroom.

Ying Zheng stared at the shreds of silk brought by Zhang Han, his expression bright and his eyes showing excitement.

After learning that all the tough bandits were killed by one person, I was not shocked at all, but it was natural.

The master is an immortal, and his palms have the power to reach heaven.

What's all the fuss about killing a small bandit?

After experiencing this incident, Ji Chen's identity as an immortal was once again confirmed!
"Zhang Han!"

"I am humble!"

"You have done a good job in this matter, and I will remember you."

Hearing this, Zhang Han was ecstatic.

"This is a matter of humble duty. What do you want the king to do? I am willing to do my best for the king."

This is his certificate of surrender!
(End of this chapter)

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