I made up stupid exercises in Da Qin, and Ying Zheng succeeded in practicing them?

Chapter 2 002 Big misunderstanding, being regarded as an immortal [Please collect]

Chapter 2 002 Big misunderstanding, being regarded as an immortal [Please collect]

"What? You want to worship me as a teacher?"

Ji Chen looked at the person named Zheng Ying with strange eyes.

After talking.

I learned that the other party was a rich man from Xianyang City, his surname was Zheng, and his name was Ying.

The person who exchanged compressed biscuit making methods with me was Tian Meng, a patrolman in Xianyang City.

This time, Zheng Ying came to worship himself as his teacher and seek the method of immortality and immortality.

Isn't this noisy?
He also wants to cultivate immortality and seek immortality.

But he won't do it at all.

Ying Zheng stood up and bowed.

"Yes, I would like to take you as my teacher, sir, and please help me."

"Are you sick?" Ji Chen asked, looking at the other person up and down, puzzled.

What happened that made the other party believe that he was an immortal.

Hearing this, Ying Zheng thought that the immortal was choosing his qualifications, so he asked himself if he was sick.

So, he quickly jumped up and explained: "To tell you sir, I'm not sick."


Suddenly, Ji Chen was speechless and choked.

He was not referring to physical illness, but to a disease of the brain.

"Don't even think about recruiting disciples. I don't know how to cultivate immortality, so how can I teach it to you?"

Ying Zheng became even more excited about Ji Chen's rejection, as if to elaborate, the more you reject, the more excited I am.

He had expected rejection.

Is it a simple thing to worship an immortal as your teacher?
You must accept the test of the immortal.

Otherwise, if the apprenticeship succeeds directly, he will question the identity of the other party.

Ji Chen would have to go crazy to know what he was thinking.

"It is my lifelong wish to be my master and seek immortality. It is your business to refuse, but I will never give up."

The voice is sonorous and powerful.

Determined attitude and sincere emotions.


Ji Chen's heart was messy.

What is this called?

"I really don't know how!" Ji Chen was about to cry but had no tears.

"Immortal, please stop being humble." Meng Tian stuffed the skewers into his mouth and muttered: "The martial arts skills you gave me, just after I entered the body tempering realm, it gave me a huge increase in strength... There’s that magic trick—compressed biscuits, which are easy to carry and have a strong feeling of satiety.”

"And this kebab is worthy of being Kunpeng's meat. It tastes delicious. This kind of food can only be found in heaven. And I said you are not an immortal."

Kunpeng's meat?

Martial arts?

Ji Chen is confused.

Where is this!
"What martial arts skills are you talking about? How come I don't know!"

Meng Tian took out the 'Martial Arts Technique' from his arms, which was a bamboo scroll.

"Immortal, you gave this to me!"

Ji Chen nodded, "Yes, I gave it to you. At that time, you couldn't remember how to make it, so I wrote down the steps for you."

"How did you explain the martial arts techniques in the book? It has benefited me a lot." Meng Tian handed over the bamboo scroll.

Ji Chen took it and opened its contents.

"Tempering of Bones"

There was a beginning in the beginning, the universe was opened, and the void condensed to form all things.Human beings are the spirit of all things, and bones are the foundation of the human body.People from ancient times adapted to the energy of heaven and earth and tempered their bones in order to live forever.

Method of quenching the body:

The first realm: "Bone Tempering Realm Chapter"

The formula: "Qi gathers the three flames, and the bones absorb the cold weather; the sun and the moon alternate, and the bones begin to become strong."

Practice movements: Sit cross-legged, put your hands together, introduce the energy from the whole body to the chest, gather it into a small ball, and slowly feel the cold energy contained in the bones.Then use your mind to drive this Qi to swim in the bones. Practice for an hour in the morning and evening, imitating the alternation of the sun and the moon, so as to enhance the hardness of the bones.

Behind this, there are dozens of consecutive and difficult movements, please practice them frequently to achieve the bone-tempering effect.

Second Stage: "Condensation of Muscles and Veins"

The formula: "The frost and snow fall on the limbs, and the muscles and veins are like silk; the sky wind sways, and all phenomena follow."

Practice movements: Stand like a pine tree, stretch your hands flat, palms facing the sky, and feel the energy of heaven and earth.In each meridian, there is a stream of cold air. You must use your mind to guide it to flow throughout the body, making the muscles and veins like glaciers in the cold winter, tough and flexible.

In addition, there are also corresponding action moves and notes.



Seeing this, Ji Chen suddenly realized.

This book is about him coming to Xianyang, and in order to make a living, he made up a martial arts technique and prepared to sell it at a high price.

However, it was known that according to the laws of the Qin State, lying to others was subject to the torture of tongue-picking. He was not familiar with the place and had no strong connections. If it was really defined as a crime of fraud, he would never be able to escape.He had no choice but to find another way to earn money by selling his advanced knowledge, so he met Tian Meng on the street and sold him the method of making compressed biscuits.

But due to the complicated and cumbersome production process, he couldn't remember it for a while.

He wrote it in a book and gave it to him as well.

Who could have expected that there would be such a big misunderstanding.

The opponent practiced according to the book, which caused his strength to increase dramatically. This may be due to psychological effects or the interference of external factors.

The only thing that is certain is definitely not this book.

How can the martial arts skills he made up come true?
"This is what I wrote, but the connection is too complicated to elaborate on. I really can't do anything about becoming a disciple and seeking immortality."

He couldn't say anything about the fabricated exercises and selling them, otherwise the matter would be serious if word got out.

"Don't mention this matter again, come and try my craftsmanship and the fine wine I brew."

He hurriedly handed the other party a few meat skewers and filled the glass with wine, hoping to drop the topic.

On the other hand, he is a hospitable person.

Friends come with good wine, but jackals come with shotguns.

Ying Zheng sighed, but was not discouraged. He happily took the barbecue and wine and drank and ate with Ji Chen.

He understood that given the current situation, if he continued to mention the matter of becoming a disciple, he would make the other party unhappy, and even ruin this delicious meal.

Meng Tian also knew this.


Gradually pass!
During this period, the affairs of Qin and the other six countries were also discussed.

Ji Chen expresses his own opinions and arguments.

Each argument was like a revelation to Ying Zheng and Meng Tian.

He was even more determined to Ji Chen's identity as an immortal.


It's approaching evening.

The three of them were already very drunk.

Ji Chen originally wanted to persuade the other party to stay temporarily, but Ying Zheng and Meng Tian insisted on going back.

Before leaving.

Ji Chen pointed to the goods on the cart and said, "Something fell."

Ying Zheng glanced and shook his head.

"No, this is not ours, but yours."

"Sir, this is my young master's apprenticeship ceremony." Meng Tian stumbled as he explained.

Appreciation ceremony?
No reward for no merit, and besides, he really doesn’t know how to cultivate immortality, how can he teach it to others?
Finally, he was charged with fraud and was punished by having his nose picked out and his tongue cut off. Ji Chen suddenly woke up.

"Absolutely not, take it away quickly."

Ying Zheng turned a deaf ear to these words.

Instead, he bowed deeply and bowed to Ji Chen.

"Disciple, please leave now and come back to see me tomorrow."

He also figured out that he had to be thick-skinned by becoming a disciple, and that he would not be miserable in order to seek immortality and seek immortality.

Ji Chen looked at their backs disappearing into the night and shook his head helplessly.

"What is this? How can I be an immortal? Let them take it back when tomorrow comes."

the next day.

Ying Zheng and Meng Tian really came.

He personally moved eighteen pieces of rare wood for Ji Chen to repair his house.

I was busy until evening and left in a hurry.

Day three.

Continue to repair your home.

But before leaving, Ying Zheng personally measured Ji Chen's feet.

Fourth day.

He brought a dozen clothes tailor-made for Ji Chen, and then continued to repair the house.


until the tenth day.

Ji Chen has determined that the other party's brain is sick.

Otherwise, how could you do this?

For ten days, there was no mention of seeking immortality, but everything indicated that he wanted to become a master and seek immortality.

But it can’t go on like this.

Therefore, in order to persuade the other party to leave, he could only pretend to accept him as his disciple, and make up the exercises again. When he could not succeed in practicing, he would use the reason of low qualifications to stop the other party from seeking immortality.

"Today...I will accept you as my disciple."

(End of this chapter)

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