Chapter 31 031 Solid Talisman?Men's so-so!

At the foot of Zibai Mountain.


A shocking explosion suddenly sounded in the forest.

Smoke and dust rose everywhere, gravel splashed.

The gravel carries a terrifying impact and penetrates the thick tree trunks.

"Are you crazy? Who told you to use your armor like this?" Meng Yi looked shocked, rushed into the smoke and dragged Meng Tian out.

At this time, Meng Tian was wearing a brand-new set of Qin armor. Under the sunlight, the dark armor shone brightly and looked powerful.

This set of Qin Renjia was made by Meng Yi at the request of Senior Brother Wu Guang.

At that time, Wu Guang asked what kind of weapons he wanted. Meng Tian said without hesitation that he needed a heavy gun, but Meng Yi wanted a set of armor.

The armor was not worn by him, but was intended to be given to Grandpa Meng Ao as a birthday gift. As the Qin State grew stronger, the other six countries were bound to unite to conquer again, and Grandpa, as a general, was bound to go to the battlefield again.

With good armor protection, Grandpa's safety is more assured.

Wu Guang readily agreed.

After smelting and forging, it only took half a day to create the heavy gun and armor. Meng Tian briefly tried the heavy gun.

The gun body is made of meteorite iron and weighs 880 kilograms. The gun tip has been forged hundreds of times with pure flames, making it sharp and tough.

A little Hanmang arrived first, and then the gun shot out like a dragon.

Meng Tian couldn't put it down for this gun, but the armor could not test its power, so after saying goodbye to his master and junior brother, he went straight down the mountain.

But when he reached the foot of the mountain, Meng Tian's mind suddenly changed, and he was ready to put on armor to test his defense.

Meng Yi also wants to know.

So he handed the armor to Meng Tian for testing.

I thought that Meng Tian would have accessories to chop the armor, but he never expected that after putting on the armor, he would collide with a giant rock like a bull, causing a violent explosion.

Is this called a trial?

Isn't it destroying the armor?

But when he saw his brother and armor unharmed, he froze on the spot with his eyes wide open.

" this still a battle armor?"

Meng Tian knocked on his armor, making a thick sound.

"Sure enough, my guess is good. Don't forget... Junior Brother Wu Guang's weapon refining method was taught by his master. The master is an immortal. Isn't the magic he taught extraordinary? With Junior Brother Wu Guang's strength, even though he cannot display it The result is one ten thousandth, but the armor made is difficult for ordinary soldiers to break through... Now grandpa's safety is guaranteed."

Meng Yi smiled broadly.

"Indeed, with the blessing of the armor, grandpa is invincible on the battlefield... Brother, you said that Senior Brother Wu Guang wants to forge and refine it in large quantities. If the Great Qin cavalry is equipped with this armor and weapons, wouldn't it be possible to sweep across the six countries?"

This thought sounded, and my whole body couldn't stop trembling.

But Meng Tian's words extinguished his thoughts.

"When Junior Brother Wu Guang heard this, he had to jump up and hit you on the knee. I want to tire him to death!" Meng Tian joked and said with a smile: "After giving me the heavy gun I refined, and your armor, I didn't notice that his face turned pale. My breath is weak, and if I don’t eat spiritual fruit to slow it down, I will have to fall to the ground and fall asleep.”

Meng Yi recalled the scene at that time.

This is indeed what happened. After the refining was completed, the senior brother collapsed on the ground.

" is right, but my brother is too naive."

"No, not naive at all." Meng Tian shook his head.


Meng Yi looked surprised, "What do you mean by this?"

Meng Tian took off his armor and looked up at the top of Zibai Mountain.

"Don't forget, Junior Brother Wu Guang is just starting to practice. When he succeeds in his practice, he will have the pure flame that can melt meteorite iron at his fingertips, and refining it in batches will not be a problem."

As soon as these words came out, Meng Yi's eyes lit up.

"I hope that senior brother will practice quickly."

"It's better to place your expectations on yourself than to trust him." Meng Tian looked at Meng Yi with a smile, and said with envy on his face: "I can hear the master mentioning that when thousands of talismans are sacrificed, the world will be dim... You must be able to outline the talismans in batches and casually Throwing it can cause great damage."

After saying that, Meng Tian urged and shouted: "Quick...quick, let me see what kind of talismans there are."

"This... this is not good." Meng Yi covered the bamboo slips in his arms, "Master once said that no one can see it."


Meng Tian stopped him in time, "Master's original words were, 'Don't spread them out.' Furthermore, am I an outsider? I'll just see what talismans there are... Don't worry."

Under Meng Tian's sophistry, Meng Yi felt that it made sense.

Only then did he take out the bamboo slips recording the basic contents of Tongtian Lu from his arms.

He has never seen it since his master gave it to him.

After taking it out, look down.

The opening introduction is the basic formula of Tongtianlu.

'The beginning of the universe begins with the talisman. The floating clouds are floating in the urn, and what is stored in the urn is the sky, the earth, the mountains, the lakes of wind, thunder, and fire. The incantation is the guide, and magical powers are everywhere. '

Followed.The mysterious and complex talismans appear to be drawn with multiple strokes, but in reality they are all completed in one stroke.

The first talisman - the initial talisman.

It symbolizes the beginning of the opening of heaven and earth. Practicing this talisman can attract the energy of heaven and earth and help the practitioner's inner breath flow smoothly.

The second talisman - the yin and yang talisman.

Understand the changes of yin and yang in heaven and earth, and practice this talisman to help reconcile yin and yang in the body and enhance physical fitness.

The third talisman - the Moon Reflection Talisman.

With the power of moonlight, walking at night is like day.

The fourth talisman - solid talisman.

Lock an object and make it indestructible.


No.17 Taoist Talisman - Divine Power Talisman.

If you have the strength to carry the cauldron, you can only burn a stick of incense for a limited time.

No.18 Taoist Talisman - Tingfeng Talisman.

Listen to the rumors in the world, practice this talisman, and know everything thousands of miles away.


Meng Tian was shocked on the spot by the effectiveness of these eighteen talismans.

"Use talismans to prove the Tao? Isn't it too scary? It's just a basic chapter. Talismans can give people extraordinary abilities. But in the later stages of cultivation, each talisman contains shocking power and thousands of talismans are sacrificed? I can't imagine it."

These words were not bragging, they were all Meng Tian’s words from the bottom of his heart.

There was no jealousy in his words, but excitement and joy that his brother could learn the art of talismans.

Meng Yi heard this, with a smile on his face.

"I didn't expect that the talisman was so terrifying. I must practice diligently to live up to Master's expectations... In fact, I am also looking forward to the scene when Wanfu is sacrificed."

Meng Tian bumped into Meng Yi with his shoulder and elbow.

Meng Yi asked, "What's wrong?"

Meng Tian smiled obscenely, "Brother, do you want to discuss something with you?"

"Say, brother, I will do my best to deal with my brother's affairs." Meng Yi said firmly, with a serious look on his face, thinking that his brother Meng Tian was in trouble.

But then, Meng Tian's words made him dodge.

"Give me some solid talismans when you draw them."

Meng Yi showed a wicked smile.

Meng Yi, who still didn't understand the deeper meaning, nodded simply.

"That's it? No problem. After the solid talisman is drawn, I... hmm?"


The sound stopped abruptly.

Just because he saw his brother Meng Tian's evil smile and thought of the effect of the solid talisman - locking an object and making it indestructible.

I subconsciously looked down and understood instantly.

"You don't mean to..."

Before Meng Yi could finish speaking, Meng Tian covered his mouth in time and said quickly: "Just understand, don't say won't be interesting if you say it."

woo woo woo...

woo woo woo...

Meng Yi was speechless and nodded repeatedly.

After making sure that he wouldn't say anything clearly, Meng Tian let go of his hand.

Meng Yi gasped for air and breathed in fresh air. After recovering, he smiled playfully.

"Looking at your body, you must be average... How about I give you a 'Solid Talisman' and a 'Divine Power Talisman'?"

Meng Tian's answer was a roll of his eyes.

"A man cannot be said to be average... Let's hurry up. Otherwise, if we are delayed on the way, we will miss grandpa's birthday."

"Okay." Meng Yi stopped joking and placed the bamboo slips in his arms, preparing to practice hard on the road.


They returned to Hangu Pass.


Three war horses pulled a carriage and galloped out, heading straight for Xianyang City.

 I have an immature idea. The current recommended votes are 56., and the monthly votes are 7. Today, the recommended votes can exceed 100, and the monthly votes can exceed 20. Today, there are three updates.

  If the recommended ticket exceeds 200 tomorrow and the monthly ticket exceeds 30, four tickets will be replaced tomorrow... I don’t know if my idea is mature or not!
(End of this chapter)

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