I made up stupid exercises in Da Qin, and Ying Zheng succeeded in practicing them?

Chapter 37 037 If you don’t want to take a carriage, you have to get an ‘air transport’!

Chapter 37 037 If you don’t want to take a carriage, you have to get an ‘air transport’!
Time flies by.

Half a month has passed.

The incident of Immortal Master Jichen has been fermented, and everyone in the Seven Kingdoms knows that there are immortals.

Various forces mobilized to send envoys to visit the Meng Mansion, hoping to learn the whereabouts of the immortal, but in the end they all returned without success.

Some people even visit famous mountains and historic sites to find immortals and worship them as their teachers.

The 'immortality craze' is getting more intense.

Xianyang City.

Royal Palace.

Ganquan Palace.

One of the palaces of King Qin.

Aliang is here.

After learning what happened in Meng Mansion, King Qin Yingzheng personally invited A Liang here to entertain him.

Delicious food and drink are served.

According to the seniority of the masters, King Qin Yingzheng is the senior brother and A Liang is the second senior sister.

Since the junior sister is in Xianyang City, as the senior brother, King Qin Yingzheng should entertain her.

A Liang ate the cakes and praised the palace maid who made the cakes.

"Dong'er, it's so delicious...you were born to cook."

In a few words, a piece of cake was eaten.

Then, he picked up another piece and started eating.

Dong'er is a palace maid. Her figure is slender and light, as soft as a willow. Her face is as bright and flawless as the rising moon, and her eyes are like lotus flowers with morning dew, clear and bright.

Wearing a light green palace dress, it was embroidered with delicate patterns of peony and osmanthus. The hem of the skirt was wrapped with gold threads to form a complex phoenix tail pattern, which made her look like a dancing phoenix when she walked. It was really beautiful.

Dong'er smiled slightly when she heard the compliment.

"It's delicious. Eat more. I'll make you some fish soup tonight. I'll make sure you're satisfied."

"Okay... okay." A Liang nodded excitedly, but because there was still cake in his mouth, it splashed a few times while speaking, and a few fell on Dong'er's robe. A Liang quickly covered his mouth.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Dong'er stood up and swiped a few times, "Look, it's clean now."

"Hey, sister Dong'er...you are so kind." A Liang said sincerely.

A cheerful voice came from outside the hall.

"Haha... Of course Dong'er is fine, otherwise, I wouldn't let her take care of you."

With the voice falling.

King Qin Yingzheng came over after finishing the affairs.

Dong'er quickly bowed and bowed.

"Your Majesty."

King Qin nodded.

After Dong'er stood up, she stood aside respectfully.

On the other hand, A Liang was calm and calm, and said with a chuckle: "Senior brother, you might as well ask Dong'er to come with me."

"Oh?" Prince Ying Zheng asked with great interest: "Junior sister, what do you mean by this?"

"Dong'er is kind-hearted and beautiful, and her cooking skills are as good as those of the royal chefs in the palace. Why don't you let her go back with me and let the master teach her the ways of the immortal cook? In this way, her talent will not be wasted, and I can always eat Sister Dong’er’s cooking.”

What A Liang said makes sense.

When he said the last sentence, he couldn't help but grin.

This is her ultimate goal.

King Qin Yingzheng turned to look at Dong'er and asked, "What do you think?"

"I will listen to your Majesty in everything." Dong'er responded in a low voice.

King Qin Yingzheng waved his hand with a stern tone.

"This is your choice, I have no right to interfere... just follow what you think."

As soon as this word comes out.

Dong'er lowered his head and pondered.

A Liang stopped eating cakes and stared at Dong'er, waiting for a reply.

in fact.

She longed most for Dong'er to go with her.

Firstly, you can eat delicious food at any time, and secondly, you have a playmate.

waited a long time.

Dong'er slowly raised her head, with a serious look on her face, and said word by word: "I have already thought about what I want to say to the king... I am willing to follow Sister Aliang."

One is a palace maid in Xianyang Palace; the other can go to fairyland and practice with the immortals.

This multiple choice question.

Any smart person would choose the latter.King Qin Yingzheng smiled happily and said: "Okay, your choice is correct... With you here, Master's daily life has to be left to you. Follow Master and practice diligently, and you will benefit from it throughout your life."

"Promise, please remember this." Dong'er bowed.

After learning about Dong'er's choice, the happiest person was A Liang, who sat in his original position and smiled stupidly.

"Junior sister." Ying Zheng looked at A Liang.

A Liang returned to God, "What's wrong?"

"Master ordered Meng Tian to search for sweat orphans from various countries. In the past few days, 380 of them have been found. We are still looking for them... In order not to attract attention, we have sent them to Hangu Pass in batches."

Regarding this matter, King Qin Yingzheng took matters into his own hands.

As the 'immortal search craze' intensifies, all forces are eyeing Meng Tian and Meng Yi. If they are looking for the Sweating Orphans in an honest way, they will be sent to Hangu Pass in person.


It will expose Master's whereabouts.

In desperation, I came up with this strategy.

Ah Liang heard that it saved him a lot of things, why not do it?

"Okay, thank you, brother."

"When are you going to go back?" Ying Zheng asked.

Aliang said without thinking: "The matter is done, let's go back."

"I prepared some gifts for Master and asked my junior sister to take them back."

"OK, no problem."

While talking.

A Liang was led by Qin King Ying Zheng to the prepared gifts.

That's a whole carriage.

Big and small bags piled up like mountains.

"Junior sister, let Dong'er drive the car. You can sit on it and no one will notice you on the road." Qin King Ying Zheng was full of confidence.

But A Liang has a clear mind and he won't understand.

"Don't bother... Dong'er gets in the car and sits among the things."

"Ah?" Dong'er was stunned for a moment.

Although he was doubtful in his heart, he obeyed A Liang's instructions and climbed into the middle of the package.


A Liang untied the carriage.

This move aroused Qin Wang Yingzheng's confusion.

"Junior sister, what do you want?"

A Liang smiled mysteriously.

"You'll find out later."

She took out a bamboo whistle from her arms and blew it gently.

The unique whistle is gentle and long.

In an instant.

A deafening cry of eagles could be heard from the sky.


A huge black shadow flashed across the sky.

It was an eagle with feathers as deep as ink, with a wingspan of nearly ten meters, and each feather shone like a sharp blade.

Its eyes are sharp, shining with golden light, like two small suns lighting up the sky.

Dong'er sat on the parcel in the middle of the carriage, her body stiffened by the sudden appearance of the giant eagle, and she hugged the items around her tightly with both hands.

"Don't be afraid, this is Master's pet - Bai Feng." A Liang explained with a smile, and jumped to Dong'er's side.

The talons of the giant eagle were made of hardware, and the claws stretched out to accurately grasp the sides of the carriage.

With a powerful wave, he easily grabbed the carriage from the ground.

The huge wings began to flap violently, and the carriage immediately rose into the air, like a suspended basket, firmly held in the talons of the giant eagle.

King Qin Yingzheng looked at this scene in shock and couldn't believe it... He had never seen such a large falcon, let alone one that could easily lift a carriage full of gifts.

"Master's immortal pet? It's so powerful."

A Liang waved to King Qin Ying Zheng.

"Senior brother, I'm leaving... If you give it to Master, I will definitely bring it to you."

The giant eagle circled in the air several times, and after confirming its direction, it quickly flew to the distant sky.

I don't know.

The arrival of the giant falcon has already caused shock and uproar in Xianyang City.

(End of this chapter)

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