I made up stupid exercises in Da Qin, and Ying Zheng succeeded in practicing them?

Chapter 48 048 A Liang’s bloodline is about to awaken?Immortal Kitchen Record!

Chapter 48 048 A Liang’s bloodline is about to awaken?Immortal Kitchen Record!

The top of Purple Cypress Mountain.

A Liang and his registered disciples have already returned.

During the first mission, due to the shock of the Qinling Tiger and the diligent cultivation of the registered disciples, not a single registered disciple died.

Only a few suffered some external injuries from the sneak attack.

Because Ji Chen often preached at the top of the mountain, Zibai Mountain has gradually become a spiritual mountain, enveloped by the rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth. In addition to the creatures in the mountain who have opened up their spiritual wisdom, many plants have gradually transformed into spiritual grass.

Therefore, just pick some herbs and simply apply them to the wound.

But facing this scene, Ji Chen found another problem.

There is a pharmacist missing on the top of the mountain.

It is inevitable to get injured during the cultivation process. Without a pharmacist, it will be difficult to recover from serious injuries.

Of course.

A Liang and he both have terrifying resilience regardless of whether they are injured or not. But as the number of disciples gradually increases, a pharmacist is a must.

In this regard, Ji Chen planned to take in another apprentice at the right time, make up a recipe for alchemy, and let him practice with elixirs.

The quota has not yet been determined, and there are no good candidates.

So Ji Chen thought of ways to hit Dong'er.

Now that Lao Ai is dead and Dong'er's death aura has completely dissipated, he can learn the art of the Immortal Chef.

Fairy chef?

Simply put, cooking.

But since he is an 'immortal', the meals he makes must not be simple, and contain various extraordinary abilities and effects, such as increasing vitality and spiritual power, as well as injuries...etc...

The ability to treat injuries was what Ji Chen valued most.

Therefore, this ability is essential when performing blindly made-up exercises.

Just as he was thinking about it secretly, A Liang quickly came to Ji Chen and proposed.

"Master, when will you teach sister Dong'er how to practice? She can't wait."

Hearing this, Ji Chen chuckled and said, "Her? I think you can't wait to eat it!"

When A Liang saw that his idea was seen through, he no longer concealed it and grabbed Ji Chen's arm like a baby.

But due to his amazing strength, he lifted Ji Chen up and swayed from side to side.

Fortunately, Ji Chen reacted in time, standing firm on the ground like a rock, and said quickly: "Others' coquettishness touches people's hearts, but your coquettishness can kill people."

After A Liang let go, he took a few steps back, scratching the back of his head and giggling.

"Recently, I don't know why, my strength has gradually increased, and my appetite is amazing. The rice cooked by sister Dong'er is no longer enough to fill my stomach."

After hearing this, Ji Chen looked solemn.

He also realizes this.

A Liang seemed to have a power to awaken, and his strength and recovery power were doubling, but the energy consumed by the awakening was not enough, so he could only supplement it with food.

During this period of time, A Liang quickly swept away the spiritual fruits in the mountain.

One meal can feed ten shepherds.

But after a while, I was hungry again.

When Ji Chen heard this, he knew that he should teach Dong'er the magic of immortal cooking as soon as possible, so that he could make dishes containing several times or even a hundred times the energy with the help of spiritual materials.

"Where's Dong'er?" Ji Chen asked.

A Liang pointed down the mountain, "She said she was short of some ingredients and went down the mountain to pick them. I was going to follow her, but my movements were too big. I should be hungry again."

When he said this, the voice suddenly stopped.

Then, with a gleam in his pure and stupid eyes, he carefully asked, "Master, could it be that you want to teach her the art of the Immortal Chef?"

Ji Chen nodded slightly and said: "Since Dong'er already has this intention, then I will teach her the way of the fairy chef."

"Really?" A Liang's eyes lit up excitedly and he danced.

"Okay, don't be so excited yet." Ji Chen interrupted A Liang's excitement, and then took out a scroll of bamboo slips from his arms.

Wu Guang was ordered to cut down several spiritual bamboos, cut them into bamboo boards and connect them in series, and then he would write and compile them.

This technique is called "Xianchu Lu", which records the cultivation methods, formulas and effects of ingredients in the way of Xianchu.A Liang was very interested when he saw this.

"Master, can I take a look? Anyway, Sister Dong'er hasn't come back yet, and Tutu'er is very curious."

Ji Chen said with a teasing smile: "You are curious about food."

Having said that, he also handed over the bamboo scroll.

in fact.

He could have used the memory of his past life to make paper, which could be used to record his blindly made-up exercises using spiritual bamboo, which was easy to preserve.

Spiritual bamboo is hundreds of times stronger than armor.

Aliang took it respectfully and began to read it carefully.

Cultivation method of "Xianchulu":
Peace of mind: The Tao of Xianchu is not just cooking, but also a process of cultivation. The first thing to do is to keep the mind as calm as water, without being disturbed by the outside world.

Reiki guidance: Use the aura in the body to connect with the ingredients, feel the power of heaven and earth contained in each ingredient, and then guide these powers into cooking, thereby giving birth to the energy of food, absorbing and refining it and feeding it back to yourself.

The heart and hand are united: holding a knife in the hand, with sharp eyes, and with the flow of spiritual energy, the knife skills in the hand will naturally change accordingly. If there is a shape in the heart, there will be a shadow in the hand.

The formula: "The Qi and the calm mind resonate with the heaven and the earth; the ingredients have spirit, and gold grows in the hands; the spirit of the kitchen is not refined, but the food of the immortal is determined by fate."


The book lists in detail various fairy ingredients, their properties and effects, such as:
Ganoderma lucidum: increases spiritual power and prolongs life.

Spirit Fish: It can improve the practitioner's comprehension and greatly improve their cultivation level in a short period of time.

Yagua fruit: treats various wounds and has miraculous effects on ordinary injuries.


After A Liang read it, he said to Ji Chen: "Master, the way of this immortal chef is indeed amazing, but the ingredients are a little hard to find."

Ji Chen smiled slightly: "Don't forget, our mountain is Lingshan, and there will naturally be a lot of food in the future."

"That's true." A Liang pouted and muttered: "Every time Master ends his sermon, there are always more weird things in the mountains."

While the two were talking, Dong'er's voice came from down the mountain: "Master, Sister Aliang, I'm back... What are you talking about?"

Dong'er's light footsteps echoed on the top of Zibai Mountain along with her flowing clothes. She held a basket of fresh ingredients in her hand and showed an innocent smile.

Ji Chen waved to Dong'er, "Come, put down the ingredients first, and today I will teach you the art of immortal cooking."

Hearing this, Dong'er looked excited and hurried forward to put down the ingredients on the stone table on the path. Then she quickly came to Ji Chen, knelt on her knees and bowed respectfully.

"Thank you, Master."

Under Ji Chen's instruction, A Liang handed Dong'er the bamboo scroll that recorded the 'Immortal Kitchen Record', asking Dong'er to familiarize himself with the content before explaining it.

Dong'er didn't dare to slack off. He took the 'Xianchu Lu' respectfully and read it meticulously.

It's been a long time.

Dong'er closed the scroll.

"Master, I have firmly remembered it."

Ji Chen nodded happily.

Dong'er can write down the contents in a short time, which is enough to show that his brain is relatively flexible.

More flexible than Aliang.

"Next, you have to remember."

"Yes, Master."

"What I want to teach you today is a book about the combination of alchemy and cooking - The Way of the Immortal Chef."

"The secret of the Immortal Kitchen lies not in utensils or materials, but in the heart. You must remember that the dishes you cook can save people from fire and water, or they can also trap people in countless disasters."

"Those who refine their hearts should practice it first. If the heart is pure, the Qi will be harmonious. If the Qi is harmonious, the spirit will be harmonious. If the spirit is harmonious, the Tao will be born. The heaven and earth are hidden in the ingredients, and the immortal way can be seen in the cooking. It doesn't matter how good the skill is, but the mind should be free of distracting thoughts and use your heart. Refining vegetables, refining the heart with vegetables, this is the true biography of the Immortal Chef."

Dong'er listened carefully, and every word and sentence was deeply imprinted in her heart.

"Although the ingredients in your hands are earthly things, after passing through the hands of the fairy chef, they have the power of the fairy world. Such simple and unpretentious materials are transformed into Xia Shi Yun delicacies. However, it should be noted that although the fairy food is good, it is too bad. Eating too much of it will harm your body.”

Donger carefully appreciates every word and every meaning.

She knows that this is not only a skill of cooking, but also a way of cultivation.

(End of this chapter)

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