Chapter 92 091 Girl?No, women must not give way to men!
The common people of Hangu Pass.

Sitting in a corner of the tavern, his eyes were full of bravery and tenacity.

This is a group of people who were born in Qin and grew up in Qin. Their blood is infused with loyalty and bravery.

The atmosphere of the pub is a bit heavy.

But there was an unyielding flame in everyone's eyes.

Outside Hangu Pass, although the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms were besieging and watching eagerly, inside the city, the people still had their own lives and rhythms.

"Fearless!" The young man in the tavern raised his glass, "We are willing to protect the Qin Dynasty, share hardships, life and death with the soldiers of the Qin Dynasty!"

"Yes!" Everyone responded, the wine glasses collided with each other, and the wine splashed. '

At this moment, the tavern was filled with unparalleled blood and loyalty.

Outside, the sunlight shines through the blue tiles on every inch of the land, covering the entire city with a layer of golden color.

The wind blew through the streets and alleys, kicking up a cloud of dust. In this dust, everyone's figure looked so solid and fearless.

There was an old man in the city. His back was bent, but he still held a shovel tightly in his hand. His eyes were full of determination and determination.

"The land of Da Qin is our bones, and the people of Da Qin are our blood. Although I am old, the shovel in my hand can still pierce the enemy's throat."

"What the old man said makes sense!" The middle-aged man next to him said in agreement, "Each of us is a member of Da Qin, and we must defend our country and homeland, even with our own flesh and blood."

outside the pub.

A mother-in-law was distributing food and water to passing soldiers.

"You are our guardians and our heroes... If we old bones can help you solve your problems, we will die without regrets."

The soldiers nodded with emotion.

In their hearts, this group of great people is their strongest backing and the motivation for their fight.

Because of this group of people, they can move forward fearlessly and never back down.

"Old lady, you have us, Great Qin has us!" A young soldier said solemnly.

His eyes were full of passion and love for this land and this group of people.

This land has their endless thoughts and attachments, and the people are their deep protection and commitment.

at this moment.

They are willing to protect all this with firm faith and endless blood.

At the same time, on the wall of Hangu Pass, the flames in the eyes of the defenders became brighter and brighter.

They know that their families and fellow villagers are all in this city, and they must defend every inch of their land and every person in their hearts with iron and steel.

The young man raised his glass again, "We must protect our land and our home! Even thousands of troops cannot stop our iron will!"

"Fight for Great Qin! Fight for home!"

The entire crowd in the tavern shouted in unison, the sound was earth-shattering, like thunder, and it seemed even louder and more passionate in the golden sunshine.

In a dim corner of the tavern, Ku Zhu sat quietly, staring at the passionate and determined Qin people through the wisps of cigarette smoke.

His sleeves were fluttering in the breeze, and he sat there, looking like an indifferent and elegant picture.

Kuzhu looks like an ordinary person.

However, there was an otherworldly air in his eyes.

There is a gentle and deep light in his eyes, as if he can see through all the fireworks of the world.

He flicked his fingers on the table, and sometimes heard the heroic songs and passionate words erupting in the tavern. The corners of his mouth would always rise slightly, showing a hint of appreciation and admiration.

"Such integrity and bloodiness are truly terrifying."

Kuzhu murmured to himself that he witnessed the unity and bravery of the people of Qin, which made him have endless admiration for his senior brother Ying Zheng.

Senior brother is lucky to have such people of Great Qin.

In addition, senior brother's practice of Renhuang Jue will strengthen Qin's own destiny when annexing other vassal states, and will bring endless benefits to the people within Qin's territory.


If they complement each other, why worry about the world not being unified?
The teacup in his hand was emitting light smoke, which contrasted with the strong aroma of wine in the tavern.

He took a faint sip of tea, as if thinking about something.

Next to him, a young girl in green looked at him curiously, with a hint of doubt in her eyes.

"Sir, you don't seem to be a regular visitor here."

Kuzhu turned to look at the girl, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a gentle smile.

"It's true. I was just passing by here, but I was attracted by the atmosphere in this pub."

There was a twinkle in the girl's eyes, a kind reminder.

"In the past few days, you must not leave the city. There are Three Kingdoms Allied Forces outside the pass. With their character, they would definitely rather kill by mistake than let them go."

Kuzhu nodded, "Okay, I understand, thank you."

"You're welcome, that's as it should be." The girl grinned. .


Kuzhu took this opportunity to ask.

"Facing an army of 30 people, you only have about [-] Qin troops. Adding in the common people in the pass, there are only about [-] people. Aren't you afraid?"

Kuzhu's question caused a moment of silence in the tavern.

The girl in green clothes raised her head, her bright eyes reflecting firmness and unyieldingness.


A gleam of light flashed in the girl's eyes, "Yes, we are afraid of losing our home and our loved ones, but we understand better that if we lose Great Qin, everything will cease to exist."

The voice is sonorous and powerful.

Although her voice was small, it revealed endless courage.

Ku Zhu was stunned for a moment, then looked at the girl in green clothes carefully. She was not outstanding, but the flames in her eyes made him feel extremely dazzling.

"Master, you know that the land of Da Qin nourishes each of us. We were born here and grew up here. Every plant and tree is closely related to us.

The blood of Great Qin flows in our blood. If Great Qin is gone one day, we will not be able to survive either. "

The girl in green looked at Kuzhu, her voice was steady, and every word was engraved in people's hearts.

Kuzhu was silent for a moment, then bowed.

"Been taught a lesson."

After being imprisoned by Zhao Yan, I also heard the hatred and resentment of the people of Zhao State towards Zhao Yan.

In this regard.

He always believed that when Zhao State was attacked, it would only be Zhao Jun's responsibility, but what he saw and heard today completely changed his inner attitude.

Qin and Zhao fought.

The Zhao army was not facing the Qin army, but the Qin State.

at this moment.

The same is true for the Three Kingdoms Alliance.

They will face resistance from Qin.

The girl listened and smiled brightly.

"This is just what we, as the people of Great Qin, should do."

In the tavern, other people also expressed their opinions.

"We are willing to do our best for Daqin and use our blood to fight for Daqin's future!"

"We will never back down for our families!"

For a moment, the tavern was filled with passionate voices, and everyone's eyes flashed with determination.

Kuzhu listened quietly, and he understood more clearly the tenacity and unyieldingness of these people of Great Qin.

The girl continued: "We know that the enemy is powerful and heavy, but we trust our king and our army... As long as the people of Da Qin are united, there is nothing we cannot defeat."

Kuzhu smiled slightly, and then said slowly: "Master... King Qin will definitely be moved when he hears this."

"Great Qin has accumulated endless power, and these powers are integrated into the blood of every citizen of Great Qin... Such faith and courage are the true foundation of Great Qin."

Kuzhu pondered deeply, staring deeply at the girl in green clothes in front of him.

He saw the future of Great Qin, saw these people of Great Qin who had extremely firm beliefs, and they would work hard for the future of Great Qin.

The girl listened to Kuzhu's words quietly, her eyes full of expectation and hope.

"As long as Great Qin is still there, we will continue to fight and protect this land."

When he said this, his voice suddenly paused.Then, he grinned, showing his white teeth.

"What's more, Da Qin is also blessed by an immortal master. General Meng Tian and Shangqing Meng Yi are the apprentices of the immortal master. They practice martial arts and talismans respectively."

"Now that they have conquered Zhao State, as long as they get the news about this place, they will definitely return as quickly as possible."

As he spoke, a firm look appeared on his young face.

Especially when mentioning the Immortal Master, Xiuli's eyes showed admiration.

Hear this.

Kuzhu smiled slightly.

"Yes, with the protection of the immortal master, you will definitely be fine."

at this moment.

He felt that as the disciple of the Immortal Master and the younger brother of King Qin Yingzheng, he should do something.

at this moment.

He truly realized the profound meaning behind his master's decision to go down the mountain to experience.

in the ensuing conversation.

I learned that the girl in front of me was named Honglian, a native of Hangu Pass, and her parents died on the battlefield when she was young.

Kuzhu expressed deep admiration for this.

Women do not allow men.

At this moment, the ground trembled, as if there was an earthquake, and the tavern shook violently.

And the wine in the glass is rippling even more.

Seeing this scene, the veterans in the tavern changed their expressions and shouted loudly: "Qi, Chu and South Korea have begun to attack."

As soon as this word comes out.

Everyone present did not show fear, but showed a strong fighting spirit, and hurriedly left, heading straight to the city wall.

Look around.

Outside Hangu Pass, the majestic troops of the Three Kingdoms Allied Forces swept across the earth like a black tide, hiding the rising sun under the dark armor.

The three kingdoms of Han, Qi and Chu have mobilized [-] troops. The troops are in good order, the tips of their spears are shining with cold light, and their iron hoofs are stamping on the ground, which is shocking.

Thirty thousand troops?

This is only one-tenth of the Three Kingdoms Allied Forces.

In Hangu Pass, the defenders looked at the army in front of them, their hearts filled with tension and determination.

They knew that once the Hangu Pass was broken, the country of Qin would be wide open and be surrounded by dangers.

The cold iron armor is like a forest and the sea; the dark spears are as dense as night.

Xiang Yan's face showed determination and seriousness.

In his eyes, there was only the almost unshakable pass in front of him, and he commanded in a deep voice: "Mobilize the siege oxen, prepare the stone-breaking chariots, and attack the city as planned!"

Ji Ye gathered his troops.

He knew that this battle was no small matter.

"Archers are ready, stand by! Fire oil, prepare enough, we must let the Qin army feel our power!"

Tian Ruoju stood calmly in front of his troops. He quietly looked at the solid pass ahead and quickly calculated the possibility of a breakthrough in his mind.

"Infantry, prepare for the assault, and spearmen, protect the siege tools and stand by to charge."

The deployment of the three-nation coalition forces was completed, and under the brief tranquility, the contradictions and gunpowder became more intense.

Suddenly, the horn sounded.

The Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms leapt into action instantly, charging forward like a roaring wave.

The wooden cows and flowing horses rushed towards the city gate of Hangu Pass with huge impact force.The archers nervously nocked their arrows and prepared to shoot at the Qin army on the city wall.

At Hangu Pass, the Qin army was ready, and everyone's eyes shone with determination and unyielding light.

They held spears and stood firmly at the gate, and the archers in the arrow towers also aimed their arrows at the enemy.


On the city wall, with an order, countless arrows poured down like a torrential rain, falling into the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms.

The archers of the Three Kingdoms Alliance responded almost simultaneously, their arrows intertwined in the air, and smoke erupted when they landed.

The wooden ox and the horse hit the gate of Hangu Pass almost at the same time. The huge impact and vibration made the city wall tremble slightly.

The soldiers at Hangu Pass stood tight and did not dare to relax at all.

Tian Ruoju commanded the soldiers of Qi State. He clearly felt that this battle would not be easy. He kept staring ahead, ready to attack at any time.

Xiang Yan was commanding the Chu soldiers, his eyes full of coldness and cruelty.

He knew very well that Hangu Pass was strong and that if he wanted to break through, he would have to pay a huge price.

"Shibacha, launch!"

Xiang Yan gave the order, and the huge stone crushing vehicle immediately threw huge rocks and smashed them towards the city wall of Hangu Pass.

Amidst the deafening sound, a cloud of dust and smoke was raised from the city wall.

Ji Ye commanded the Korean soldiers.

"Prepare for fire attack!"

For a moment, flying fireballs rained down and hit the city wall of Hangu Pass. Flames and smoke spread instantly.

In Hangu Pass, the generals of the Qin army looked solemn.

If they cannot hold on to this level, the country of Daqin will be in danger. They hold weapons tightly in their hands and stare firmly at the enemy in front.

On top of the main city wall.

Wang Hao, wearing gilt armor and holding a long sword, witnessed the fierce battle below the city with a light of determination flashing in his eyes. .

The Hangu Pass at this moment is the place where the Great Qin State will live and die. We must stick to this place without giving in at all.

"We pledge our lives to our country, and even if our flesh and blood turn to mud, we will defend the Qin Dynasty!"

Wang Lu shouted at the top of his lungs to the soldiers around him.

Passion also surged in the hearts of the soldiers, and they shouted together: "For the sake of Great Qin, we will defend the pass to the death!"

Outside Hangu Pass, the offensive of the Three Kingdoms Allied Forces became increasingly fierce.

Tian Ruoju looked at the Qin army on the city wall, and his heart was full of determination: "Commanders of the three armies, in front of us is the lifeline of the Qin Dynasty, Hangu Pass! We must seize the throat of the Qin Dynasty and defeat this pass in one fell swoop!"

Xiang Yan stood among the Chu troops. He looked at Hangu Pass with perseverance in his eyes: "Warriors of Chu, show off the power of our country and let the people of Qin see the bravery of our Chu country!"

Ji Ye commanded the Korean army with sharp eyes: "Korean people, Hangu Pass is the gateway to the Qin Dynasty. Today is the moment when we make the Qin Dynasty collapse!"

In the Three Kingdoms Allied Forces, huge rocks, kerosene, and arrows came one after another, and the soldiers at Hangu Pass suffered heavy casualties.

Scorched earth, gunpowder smoke, roaring voices, the sound of metal clashing, the cries and orders of dying soldiers intertwined together to form a picture of hell where blood and fire blend.

Wang Hao watched his soldiers fall into a pool of blood one after another. His heart was as sharp as a knife, but he still firmly held the Chang Ge in his hand.

He knew very well that Hangu Pass was the life and death line for the Qin Dynasty. Once it fell, the country of the Qin Dynasty would be in danger.

"We must stop them!" Wang Lu roared at the top of his lungs. There were no tears in his eyes, only fortitude and determination remained.

A Qin general named Yan Qing stood upright and walked up to Wang Lu. His blood-stained armor reflected the cruelty of the battlefield.

"General, please invite me to fight again." Yan Qing said with a fierce look on his face.

Yan Qing was the first wave to resist the enemy. He had already suffered heavy losses just by meeting them. Now he was going again, not planning to come back.

Fight to the death.

Wang Hao was silent for a moment, his eyes flickering, but he did not respond immediately.

On the city wall, arrows rained down.

Under the city, the offensive of the Three Kingdoms Allied Forces was even more fierce.

On the battlefield, soldiers of the Qin State fought bravely to kill the enemy in blood and fire. Their flesh and blood built an indestructible line of defense for the Qin Dynasty.

A young Qin soldier wiped the blood from his forehead and said anxiously to his comrades next to him: "Brother, how long can we last?"

His comrades looked at the outside of Hangu Pass and gritted their teeth: "As long as Da Qin has us here, this pass will never be lost!"

Under the city wall, the generals of the Three Kingdoms Allied Forces constantly urged the soldiers to attack the city.

Tian Ruoju sat on the horse, looking anxious.

"We must hurry up and capture Hangu Pass before night falls... Otherwise, we will be in danger by the time Ying Zheng reacts."

(End of this chapter)

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