I made up stupid exercises in Da Qin, and Ying Zheng succeeded in practicing them?

Chapter 96 095 Who said elixirs are auxiliary?You can also attack violently!

Chapter 96 095 Who said elixirs are auxiliary?You can also attack violently!
Kuzhu reached out and took the newly refined elixir in his hand.

Hong Lian approached from the side and observed the crystal elixir curiously.

The elixir is oval in shape and the size of an apricot kernel.

The entire elixir is light golden in color, with a slightly purple sheen on its surface.

And in its center, there seems to be a tiny flame wrapped around it. This flame appears and disappears, like a tiny living body flickering.

Whenever the flame appears, the entire elixir will exude a warm and mysterious atmosphere.

Honglian's eyes lit up and she couldn't help but praise.

"It's so beautiful. What kind of elixir is this?"

Kuzhu explained: "Body Tempering Pill."

"What effect does it have?" Honglian asked.

Kuzhu smiled slightly.

"Enhance physical strength and repair physical injuries. If taken for a long time, it can greatly increase longevity."

As soon as this word comes out.

Guren was instantly excited.

"Could it be that this was the medicine the wounded soldiers took?"

Kuzhu nodded.

"Yes, it's just been thinned out hundreds of times... Don't underestimate the multiples of thinning out. In terms of efficacy, it is enough to treat the injuries of [-] Qin troops, and the soul of this elixir lies in the heart. The flame in it, as its name suggests, is the pure energy condensed by absorbing the aura of heaven and earth."

"What if we take it directly?" Honglian asked curiously.

Kuzhu glanced at Honglian, "Are you talking about you?"

"It's me, not my mother." Honglian replied seriously.


Kuzhu was confused inside.

He did not explain this, but nodded and said: "If you take it, you will think it is the fireworks."

"How to say?"

"Burst open."

: "Ah?" Honglian covered her mouth, her expression changed in shock.

Burst open?

Isn't it dead?
Kuzhu nodded.

"This elixir cannot be taken directly. It needs to be blended into a specific potion to achieve its maximum effect."

Honglian looked at the large stone vat to the side. The clear water in the vat was already ready, just waiting to be added to the body tempering pill.

Kuzhu walked to the stone vat and threw the Body Tempering Pill into the water.

In an instant, the entire water tank seemed to be on fire, with golden and purple ripples emanating from the center point.

The originally clear water began to thicken and its color changed from colorless to light golden purple.

And the small flame seemed to be reborn, becoming more powerful instantly after blending into the water. It was as if there was a sun continuously burning in the entire stone jar, exuding a charming brilliance.

Kuzhu said in a deep voice: "This is the perfect combination of the Body Tempering Pill and the medicinal liquid. It can be said that the medicinal liquid at this moment is more precious than the Body Tempering Pill alone."

The Body Tempering Pill can heal a person.

And this liquid medicine is enough to supply an army of ten thousand people.

Honglian stared at the water tank intently, "So, how should we use it? Or should we just add water and boil it into a medicinal solution?"

Kuzhu shook his head.

"No, in fact, boiling it into medicinal liquid is just a way for me to cover up, otherwise drinking it directly cannot be explained."

When he said this, the voice suddenly stopped.

Then, he scratched his head, lowered his eyes, and smiled.

"Now that you are here, I can directly state that this liquid can not only be drunk directly, but also can be used for bathing... However, I suggest you try a small sip first to see how it works."

Guren nodded.

She gently took out a cup of medicinal solution and observed it carefully.

This liquid really seems to have life, it is constantly flowing, and the flame in the center is like a leaping fire of life.

Guren took a gentle sip.

Instantly, I felt that my whole body was wrapped in a warm energy.

The feeling couldn't be described in words, as if her body and soul had been purified completely.

There was light in her eyes: "This... is really amazing."

at this moment.

She was shocked inside.

This is just a medicinal solution that has been diluted hundreds of times. If the entire Body Tempering Pill is taken, what will be the effect?
Of course, this must be done under the condition that it can withstand the power of the elixir, otherwise it will explode and die.

at this moment.

She looked at Kuzhu with admiration in her eyes.

"Is this considered magical? It's just so-so." Kuzhu smiled slightly and explained softly.

"This is just a basic elixir. If one can understand spirituality and refine a mid-grade body tempering elixir, the efficacy of the elixir will be hundreds of times greater."

The voice is sonorous and powerful.

He has always been stuck in a bottleneck regarding middle-grade elixirs, but since he was ordered by his master to go down the mountain and encountered the Hangu Pass, he felt that he had some understanding.

But what kind of realization is not yet completely clear.

Middle grade elixir?

Hearing this, Honglian's eyes shone brightly.

What kind of elixir is that?
But just as he was thinking about it secretly, the sound of metal and metal was heard outside the house.

The night wind is like a knife.

Several hundred meters away from the house.

Xiang Yan was dressed in black, with a cold and stern light in his eyes. He held a long night knife in his hand. He took a deep breath and walked slowly towards Kuzhu's hiding place.

Behind him, besides Xiang Jiajun, there were corpses lying on the ground.

Xiang Yan's eyes were cold, staring at the room where Ku Zhu was, and issued cold orders.

"Even if he dies today, he must be killed. He must not be allowed to create the mysterious liquid again."

I originally thought it was the elixir given by the immortal master Ji Chen, but after forcing a Qin man, I found out...it turned out that all this came from a man named Kuzhu.

In this regard.

He was going to destroy Bitter Bamboo.

Kuzhu, who didn't know all this, was studying the medicinal solution with Honglian in the house. When he heard this voice, he couldn't help but frown slightly.

Just because he seemed to feel something unusual.

How could there be the sound of swords and swords in Hangu Pass?

Unless something unexpected happens.

Just as he was thinking to himself, the light and shadow outside the house flickered.

The sword shines like a dragon.

Kuzhu quickly pulled away and protected himself in front of Honglian.

After a brief silence, countless blades swarmed in from the darkness.

Xiang Yan appeared in the darkness with an expressionless face. He looked at Kuzhu and said coldly: "Kuzhu, you will not be able to escape today's disaster."

inside the house.

Only one man and one woman.

According to intelligence, Ku Zhu is a gentle and elegant man.

Kuzhu smiled faintly and said with sharp eyes: "Who is your Excellency? It seems that you have come with bad intentions."

The sword in Xiang Yan's hand flashed, and a cruel smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"I have my own agenda to kill you... Just because you ruined our coalition plan, I have to kill you... to break through."

Hearing this, Honglian's expression changed.

Coalition plan?

Doesn't this mean that the other party is from outside the customs?

How did he get here?
Thinking of this, she couldn't help but take a step forward and shouted in a low voice: "You go first, I will hold you here."

She can die.

Kuzhu must not die.

Bitter bamboo is the key to their ability to defend the Qin army.

But Kuzhu smiled.

"What are you making a fuss about? I'm running away? How can I run?" As he spoke, he pulled Honglian behind him and faced Xiang Yan's dozens of elite men alone.

There was no fear or panic in his eyes at all.

to be exact.

But a deep sense of banter.


He looked up and smiled lightly.

"It's not surprising that you want to kill me, but how did you sneak in?"

Xiang Yan smiled, but the laughter was full of coldness, "Now Hangu Pass is under our night attack. In a short period of time, the Qin army will not be able to react... and you will become a corpse."

"Do it, kill him."

He understands the principle of change coming later.

More than a dozen Yan soldiers were wearing dark armor and holding long knives. Their eyes showed bloody indifference and ruthlessness, as if life and death depended on a smile in their eyes.

Their movements were all precise and flawless, keeping their expressions secret, and their auras were extremely restrained, like ghosts wandering around at night.

Xiang Yan.

Wearing a purple and black armor, he stood in front of the soldiers.

His eyes penetrated the cold wind like two ice blades, heading towards Kuzhu.

This night, he came to destroy this mysterious figure who ruined their plan.

Xiang Yan let out a soft snort, and the long knife in his hand was still bleeding.

"Start!" Xiang Yan shouted coldly, and a dozen elite Yan soldiers were like ghosts in the night, quickly and silently surrounding Kuzhu.

Kuzhu just smiled slightly, without any hint of nervousness in his expression.

"They come, the security."

He waved gently, with a playful smile on his lips. He did not look like a person who was about to face a death threat, but rather like he was enjoying a show.

Guren, on the other hand, stood tightly to the side, staring sharply at everything in front of him, ready to join the battle at any time.

The Yan soldiers surrounded Kuzhu in a coordinated and silent pace, like a group of leopards looking for prey under the night.

The long knives reflected an icy light in the moonlight, and they seemed to be smiling with bloodthirsty.

But just when they were about to approach Kuzhu, Kuzhu suddenly waved his hand.

Pills are like fireworks blooming in the night sky, scattering around.

Each pill carries a mysterious and mysterious power, like a surging river of life, impacting the surrounding air.

The soldiers' eyes widened. They didn't expect that this mysterious grassroots man actually had such a skill.

As soon as these elixirs came into contact with their armor, they emitted a burst of dazzling light, and a vigorous force instantly penetrated their bodies.

The soldiers' movements suddenly became slow, and their eyes showed endless fear and confusion.

Xiang Yan looked at this scene with a hint of surprise and panic in his eyes.He thought it was just an easy kill.

But now it seems that this is far from as simple as he imagined.

The power of the elixir seemed to be flowing through their bodies, dissolving all their fighting will and strength.

They looked at Kuzhu in horror, but Kuzhu just stood there quietly without any movement. There was a bottomless emotion in his eyes, as if he was looking straight into the abyss.

Xiang Yan held the long knife in his hand tightly, his eyes became sharper, and a strong killing intention emerged in his heart.


Looking at Kuzhu coldly: "You...what are you doing!"

Kuzhu smiled slightly, his eyes calm: "Tao gives birth to one, one gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, three gives birth to all things... Things in the world are nothing more than change and immutability."

His words are like a huge and boundless mystery, but they seem to contain endless philosophy.


He waved his hand gently, and the Yan soldiers trapped by the power of the elixir dissipated in the air like dust in the wind.

Xiang Yan was stunned.

He looked at the devil-like man in front of him, feeling extremely shocked and frightened.

The elite soldiers he led are gone?
There was no resistance at all.


Honglian was also shocked on the spot.

This was the first time she had seen such an attack.

With a wave of his hand, the elite cavalry was gone?


Honglian covered her mouth and stared at Kuzhu, feeling confused inside.

Kuzhu glanced at Xiang Yan, who was about to collapse, and said expressionlessly: I don't want to be stained with blood, you'd better leave...otherwise, it will be too late for you to regret. "

Since I started practicing alchemy with my master, I have a different view on alchemy because of my experience with Zhao Yan.


It's not a simple assistant.

It can also make the refined elixir have attack means.

The Danyu cast just now was only one of the means of attack.

Xiang Yan didn't dare to do so much.

at this moment.

He waved the long knife in his hand angrily, with a powerful murderous aura surging throughout his body. He looked at Kuzhu and said fiercely: "No matter what you say, I will kill you here today!"

Before he finished speaking, Xiang Yan suddenly rushed towards Kuzhu.

The long knife in his hand slashed hard with pieces of cold light.

The cold blade almost touched Kuzhu's cheek, but at the last moment, it was deflected by a strong airflow.

"What a powerful force." Xiang Yan looked at Kuzhu in shock, his pupils filled with fear.

Kuzhu remained expressionless, just smiling slightly.

He flicked his fingers, and several pills instantly floated around him, forming an invisible layer of protection.

In the room, the solemn atmosphere made time seem to slow down, and you could almost hear the sound of every drop of blood flowing through the human body.

Xiang Yan's eyes widened. He looked at the seemingly fragile but extremely powerful opponent in front of him, and a cold sweat slid down his forehead.

"Kuzhu, who are you? Why do you have such wonderful hands?" Xiang Yan's voice was full of uncertainty and shock.

Kuzhu smiled ambiguously.

"I'm just a commoner, I just have some secret techniques from the master."

Honglian was nervous. Although she had full confidence in Kuzhu, her heart was still high when she looked at the weapon that had not yet been revealed in Xiang Yan's arms.

She knew that this battle had just begun.

"If that's the case, then I'm going to see how powerful your 'secret technique' is today!"

Xiang Yan roared, and the long sword he held tightly suddenly came out of its sheath, flashing with a sharp light.

His feet suddenly accelerated, and the blade pointed directly at Kuzhu's heart.

Kuzhu gently raised his hand and took out a shimmering elixir from his sleeve. He threw the elixir towards the blade that was about to strike.

Seeing this, Xiang Yan smiled and said, "Do you think this can stop me?"

But at this moment, the elixir collided with the long knife, instantly emitting a dazzling light. The powerful shock wave made Xiang Yan unable to move forward, and his whole body was thrown backward by this huge force.

Xiang Yan's body hit the ground dozens of meters away. The armor on his body was broken and blood flowed out.

He tried hard to stand up, but failed every time.

Guren pursed her lips tightly, her eyes full of shock and worry.

She hurriedly ran to Kuzhu and asked carefully, "Are you okay?"

Kuzhu smiled faintly: "Don't worry, I'm fine."

He turned around, looked at Xiang Yan who was still struggling, and said, "Xiang Yan, I didn't want to be your enemy, but you insist on seeking death."

Xiang Yan gritted her teeth, coughed out a mouthful of blood, and roared in a low voice: "Kuzhu, you...don't be proud, my long sword was only injured by your little trick, I haven't gone all out yet."

After saying that, he stood up again with a ferocious smile on his face: "Kuzhu, take the move!"

Before he finished speaking, Xiang Yan's speed increased again. The long knife in his hand was like a silver ghost, quickly attacking Kuzhu.

But Kuzhu seemed to have anticipated this scene. He took out another pill in his hand and threw it gently.

A flash of panic flashed in Xiang Yan's eyes. He could feel the terrifying energy contained in the elixir, but he could no longer avoid it.

The elixir exploded, and a powerful energy enveloped Xiang Yan's entire body, and he let out a shrill scream.

When the energy dissipated, Xiang Yan was lying on the ground, covered with burnt scars and dying.

Kuzhu slowly walked up to Xiang Yan, looked at him, and said softly: "Is this your full strength?"

Xiang Yan tried hard to speak, but only let out a low cough.

(End of this chapter)

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