This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 103 I come here with sincerity!

Chapter 103 I come here with sincerity!

"Then this time, I will accompany you to the mine ruins." Father Lima said.

Bai Bin raised his hand to refuse: "Right now, the only deterrents in Landenburg are the priest and me. If both of them leave the city, Landenburg will be infiltrated into a sieve by the mind flayers, and who will protect Ting En?" Responsible?

I'm not in the city, and it's dangerous to go to the ruins of the mine, but if the priest is in the city, the burden on his shoulders will only be heavier!No matter where you and I are, it will never be easy.So don't worry about me. Even if the negotiation fails, they can't stop me from leaving if I want to. "[Justice value +100]

Bai Bin didn't want to bring another old man with him.

He himself has the illumination technique, the hidden mist technique, the reverence technique and the sanctuary technique, and can even summon the penitent to attract fire.

A man's movements come and go like the wind.

If you bring an old man with you, it will be difficult to say.

Father Lima couldn't defeat Bai Bin. This guy could always refute his own opinions with reasonable reasoning.

He obviously wanted to rush into the mountains of swords and seas of fire alone, but he still said it so lightly.

What kind of fearless spirit is this!

Although he knew that Bai Bin could comfort him, Father Lima was still worried.

After all, once Lord Langdon died, no one in the entire Landenburg knew those kobolds better than him.

But if it's Bai Bin...

Will he perform another miracle?

"When are you going to leave?"

"Sooner rather than later, I'm going to find a way to sneak out of the city tonight. Only you, me and Gali know about this matter. Even Captain Clark doesn't know what Gali and I talked about."

Father Lima understood what Bai Bin meant. The more people who knew, the greater the possibility that the plan would be exposed.

"Okay, I will arrange a carriage to transport the goods tonight. Then you can take a ride out of the city quietly and avoid all enemy eyes."


After Bai Bin had dinner, in order to guard against Lilith's suspicion, he gave him an insurance shot in advance.

"The old man wants to see me tonight to study how to deal with the Mind Flayer. He may have to stay up all night. I will most likely not come back to sleep at night. I will come back early tomorrow morning."

After all, Bai Bin and Lilith's bedroom walls were next to each other. It was completely impossible to escape Lilith's ears and go out quietly at night.

Lilith asked with concern on her face: "Then do you want to prepare late-night snacks and refreshments for you? You will definitely be sleepy after one night, right?"

Bai Bin refused casually.

They were thinking very hard about the safety of tens of thousands of people in Landenburg. How unbecoming it was to eat and drink late at night!

After scolding Lilith for her petty bourgeoisie, Bai Bin turned around and entered the room.

After Bai Bin left, Lilith's aggrieved eyes suddenly changed, shining like a shrewd little fox.

'snort!He actually made up a lie about his night conversation with Father Lima!I want to see what you are doing tonight! "Lilith finished cleaning the kitchen and returned to the house alone. Her ears felt like they were glued to the wall and couldn't be pulled off.

Late at night, when Bai Bin was ready, he said "let's go" and went straight out.

After Bai Bin left, the door to the next door slowly opened a crack.

A certain unnamed succubus squeezed out from the crack of the door like an oil-stealing rat, tiptoeing for fear of making the slightest noise.

Bai Bin successfully hid in the cargo box at the rear of the carriage and followed the swinging carriage out of the city.

Bai Bin lay with his legs crossed in the cargo box, feeling the change in position as the carriage swayed.

'Alas... You are meant to lie flat, but you are born to work hard.I hope that after this vote is completed, I can lie down peacefully and live a comfortable life. '

It's not that Bai Bin doesn't have great ambitions, but this other world is very dangerous!
The forces of hell have been created, and the lords and demon kings will be left to the Archbishop and the Pope to take care of. As long as Bai Bin protects Landenburg, he will be safe and sound.

I feel that the shaking on the ground is much smaller, which is the characteristic of leaving the cobblestone official road and walking onto the sandy dirt road.

Bai Bin opened the cargo box and jumped out.There are countless half-bright stars hanging in the deep blue sky, and the brightness of the crescent moon is also the lowest in the entire month.

In the entire land, only the searchlight hung on the carriage illuminated the road ahead, while behind it was darkness.The stars in the night sky became a decorative background.

Bai Bin glanced at the carriage and immediately headed in another direction.

Darkwood Forest, located directly west of Landenburg.

Father Lima has also explained the location of the mine ruins to Bai Bin.

Bai Bin came all the way to the foot of the Darkwood Forest Mountain and followed the instructions to find the entrance to the abandoned mine.

Bai Bin lit the gas lamp that had been prepared and entered the abandoned mine.

There is no peculiar smell at the entrance of the mine, which shows that kobolds rarely appear here.

Bai Bin stretched all the way over the collapsed ruins.

In the mine, Bai Bin did not deliberately hide his steps.

After walking through the collapsed section of the road and arriving at the mine tunnel that had obviously been repaired, reinforced and excavated, Bai Bin took a deep breath and shouted after a moment of preparation: "Perlo, I am Landenburg's envoy. I am sincerely speaking to you." Father’s letter is coming for you!”

Bai Bin's voice echoed in the mine, extending all the way to the far distance.

Afterwards, the mine fell into silence again.

But half a minute later, there was a rustling sound in the entire mine. This was the sound of kobold footsteps running in the mine.

This was followed by unexplained squeaking and barking sounds coming from the kobold's throat.

In the distance of the dark mine, dim light began to flicker.

Countless kobolds, armed with mining picks and weapons, squeezed out of several mine tunnels.

The huge head and the frail-looking body formed a sharp contrast.

On the head of the kobold, there is a relatively flat skull, and almost all kobolds hold a candle on the flat head.

Those dim and unclear firelights are exactly the firelight emitted by candles.

"Human, you have crossed the line!"

"You can never leave the mine alive!"

Some of the larger kobolds spoke in difficult Common Tongue.

Facing the eager gazes of hundreds of kobolds, Bai Bin remained calm and composed.

The weakness of the kobold is that it is sensitive to strong light. Once it encounters strong light, it will become dizzy.

And his lighting technique is at full level.

As long as he uses it, all the kobolds in the mine will be attacked, and he can leave here calmly.

"I want to talk to Gali's daughter Pero." Bai Bin raised the letter in his hand, and there was a red paw print on the envelope.

Although Gali swears by it, Bai Bin is still not sure whether Pero is the new leader of the kobolds.

If not, a planned abortion is highly likely.

"I come here with sincerity. You must recognize the paw prints on this envelope."

Bai Bin brought the kerosene lamp closer and could clearly illuminate the red paw prints on the envelope.

There was an immediate commotion among the kobolds.

Because they all recognized that it was the paw print of the old chief Gali!

"Are you sure you come here with sincerity?" A clearer voice came from behind, and there was even a hint of joking in the words.

(End of this chapter)

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