This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 107 I have a plan to divert conflicts!

Chapter 107 I have a plan to divert the conflict!

Landenburg's gloomy mood in recent days has not dissipated.

Although Bai Bin's sudden rise became an anecdote after dinner in and outside the town, the people were still shrouded in grief and panic over the assassination of the lord.

Especially recently, the Public Security Bureau has issued a safety notice for going out at night, warning people to be careful of demons and dark creatures, which has cast a lingering shadow on urban residents.

But the reason is still caused by the current dangerous external environment and internal lack of confidence in the small lords.

Lord Langdon, it is no exaggeration to say that he has made great achievements and achieved great results.

Landenburg, founded by himself, became famous in battle.

But the current little lord has a bad reputation and is very willful and willful.

Although with the help of sages, the future is still unknown.

All these factors combined make Landenburg's future uncertain.

At this time, as the lord's teacher and godfather, Bai Bin naturally had to come up with corresponding solutions.

"Master, how is your gospel study going?" Bai Bin was lying on the wicker chair, rocking back and forth comfortably, but the expression on his face showed no sign of comfort at all.

Ting En was grinning at first, but when he heard this question, his expression collapsed like a mudslide, with a dark face: "Teacher, the Gospel is too difficult, I can't feel the Holy Light at all!"

Bai Bin took a sip of tea and said calmly: "Do you know Lilith? It only took her less than a week to successfully sense the holy light. That was a succubus..."

Bai Bin glanced back and forth at Ting En: "You can't be worse than Lilith, a hell creature, right?"

Ting En's face turned red, but he couldn't find anything to refute.

Even dark creatures that are naturally incompatible with each other can feel the holy light within a week.

He is a human being, bathed in a church surrounded by holy light all day long, and was baptized by a priest, but he is worse than a creature of darkness. This is so embarrassing to say!

"Teacher, help me, what should I do now!" Ting En held the teapot and obediently stepped forward to fill it up for Bai Bin, with a doggy smile on his face.

"Now, we need to find something to talk about. People don't have enough confidence in you, or the things you did before were too impressive."

At this point, even Bai Bin couldn't help but complain: "Who would pee in the audience when the lord is giving a speech? And who would play a prank in front of the Landenburg nobles?"

Ting En blushed as soon as he brushed his face, and timidly defended: "Isn't he young at that time...not sensible?"

"So, your current image in the minds of the people is in jeopardy. What the people want to see is a person who has inherited the mantle of the lord, not a person who only knows mischief. Once the people's hope dissipates and their hearts become distracted, Langdon The castle is like a sandcastle on the beach, which can be shattered by a wave of waves."

Ting En's eyes were burning. If the teacher could talk to this point, he must have an idea.

"Please help me, teacher!"

"The main contradiction in Landenburg now is the contradiction between the increasingly dangerous external environment and the fearful residents. The demons who assassinated the lord from outside have not been brought to justice, resulting in the residents being unable to live a normal life. It will be okay for a day or two, but if the stalemate continues , the residents will definitely complain."

Bai Bin paused for a moment, whetted Ting En's appetite, and then said: "There are not many ways. As long as the people are transferred, the current conflicts can be temporarily transferred. Use the solution to new problems to reshape yourself. Reputation. Use a big win to restore your reputation."

Ting En's eyes lit up, but he didn't know what other good means Landenburg had to divert the conflict at the moment.

"Hey, you're stupid! There are so many prisoners in the prison. If you take them out and kill a few of them and let the people vent their anger, wouldn't this divert the conflict? Moreover, there is a big boss in the prison..." "Kobold Chief Gali. Now that both jackals and goblins have taken refuge in the devil, how can the kobolds of the Darkwood Forest stay out of the situation? They must have also taken refuge in the devil. Now is the time to sacrifice the flag of the kobold chief."

"Yes! Kill the enemy leader in front of the battle, greatly weakening the enemy's morale, and boosting the majesty of our Landenburg! When the time comes, escort the kobold chief directly to the front of the Darkwood Forest and near the ruins of the mine, which will further show determination." En couldn't help but said excitedly.

Bai Bin couldn't help but clapped his hands and applauded, and his eyes were full of "teachable boy".

There was no need for him to continue to pave the way. Ting En could actually think of executing him at the entrance of the ruined mine, which was full of irony.

It saved him a lot of time.

"Teacher Lao has the final say in this matter."

Ting En understands that Bai Bin now represents him.

At this time, it is enough for the teacher to come forward.

If he, a lord, puts himself in danger, his already low reputation will probably fall even worse, and he will be criticized privately by the People's Republic of China for being brainless.

The lord's forefoot has just been assassinated outside, and the little lord now chooses to go out and personally supervise the execution. Isn't that sick?
Therefore, letting Bai Bin do it for him is the wisest decision.

"Okay, I will take part in this matter. But as the leader of Landenburg, you need to write a speech that will be published in the local newspaper of Landenburg to encourage the people. You must write this yourself!"

Ting En's expression fell again: "Ah? Teacher, my writing style is too immature. It will only make people laugh when I write it... How is this shaping my image? It is obviously lower!"

Bai Bin chuckled: "You don't understand this. There is no room for loss in terms of righteousness, but there is no room for loss in small details. The more imperfect a person is, the closer people will feel. They will feel that the lord is not Aloof, they also have innocuous children's problems and problems, just like the children at home, which are just as troublesome.

Over time, your image will overlap with their children and the children around you, creating a sense of closeness. "

Of course, there was another reason Bai Bin didn't say.

He is really too lazy to write this stuff.

Ting En nodded repeatedly and was convinced by his teacher Bai Bin.

"Okay, I'll take care of the speech myself!" Ting En said, patting his chest.

It's just that he doesn't know what kind of social death he will experience in the future because of this speech.

"It's not too late, I'll make arrangements for this matter as soon as possible! We can't let public opinion ferment any further."

Ting En bowed respectfully and thanked: "Thank you teacher!"

As Ting En's teacher, godfather, and brother-in-law of the lord's wife, Bai Bin now represents Landenburg's will.

Just after obtaining the authorization letter from Father Lima, Bai Bin successfully went to the security station and met the kobold chief Gali again accompanied by Captain Clark.

"What a coincidence, Gali. This time we are going to kill you and sacrifice the flag!"

Gali sneered and squinted, completely ignoring Bai Bin: "Landenburg will be destroyed, and victory belongs to darkness!"

(End of this chapter)

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