This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 109: People can be connected to the earth, but not to the underworld

Chapter 109: People can be connected to the earth, but not to the underworld

late at night.

When Bai Bin saw the speech Ting En handed in, he could hardly hold his nerve.

The first is a typo in every two lines, and the second is the content, which highlights a common vernacular and is blunt.

Looks like he is completely uneducated.

This is true.

Although Tin En was born in Landenburg, Lord Landon and his wife provided him with senior teachers. However, due to his naughty nature and lack of discipline since childhood, the teachers could not do anything about him, and he fell behind in his homework.

Ting En's face turned red and he was a little worried.

This was something he had racked his brains to write. When he was lying on his desk, he regretted why he had acted so recklessly in the past and failed to attend class well, which resulted in almost making a big embarrassment now.

Bai Bin suppressed a smile, nodded and praised: "Well, not bad."

Based on Bai Bin's understanding of Ting En's cultural level, being able to write like this is indeed the limit after racking his brains.

Ting En's eyes suddenly lit up, and he was flattered by the unexpected compliment.

"Really, not bad?"

Bai Bin nodded firmly again and affirmed: "Once this speech is released, Master, you will definitely win a lot of points in the old city and trade area and win a lot of emotional votes."

"What about the mage area and the knight area?" Ting En asked hurriedly.

Nonsense, the Mage District and the Knight District are highly educated, and they are either nobles or engaged in research. After seeing such an eye-catching speech, Ting En will probably not be able to take off his title of "desperate illiteracy".

But speaking is an art, and Bai Bin happens to have mastered the essence of it.

Bai Bin put down his speech and his expression suddenly became serious.

"Master, you have to understand that the reason why Landenburg was able to establish and expand to what it is today is not relying on spellcasters who claim their destiny, nor on nobles who are born noble, but on countless ordinary people and common people.

It is the work of countless ordinary people and common people in all walks of life, and the coming together of individual individuals, that allows cities and towns to operate stably like precision gears.

The long-term peace and stability of Landenburg cannot be achieved by a few noble families and a few spellcasters, but by countless working people who create value with their hands. They are the foundation of a town.All you have to pay attention to is this group.

The so-called nobles and spellcasters are just embellishments and foils.With the support of the cathedral, we have no shortage of spellcasters, and the nobility is even more of a joke.They are nothing more than a shadow of their ancestors, or a group of blood-sucking insects lying on the working people! "[Justice value +200]

Bai Bin's words gave Ting En a huge impact.

The education he received in the past was to value nobles and spellcasters.

But what the teacher said today was completely different and opened up a new world for him.

Ordinary people and ordinary people do not have a high level of education.

It just so happens that Ting En's speech is plain and simple, with a lot of typos, to the point where even ordinary people can express their opinions and laugh at it.

Wouldn't it bring the distance between the two parties closer?

Ting En's current wave is not simply grounding, but is approaching the level of grounding.

"Okay, young master, go and have a rest. Tomorrow will be the moment of your life's testicles." Bai Bin smiled with a smile on his face.

Ting En frowned slightly, always feeling that the teacher's smile was meaningful and thought-provoking.

But racking his brains all day long to write his speech had consumed all his energy and strength, and now he just wanted to have a good sleep.Bai Bin climbed to the highest observatory of the cathedral and looked at the west in the dark night.

In the distance, on the plain under the dark wood forest in the west, there was a bonfire burning.

The workers worked overtime to build the execution platform and were doing final inspections.

"Tomorrow, the drama will begin, and the protagonist will appear. This confrontation is what makes it interesting."

Bai Bin opened the system, looked at all the magic spells at full level, and then looked at the newly acquired tasks, full of expectations for tomorrow.

[Task: "Returning the Tiger to the Mountain" is a good show

Task description: You have reached an agreement with the kobolds, and you should cooperate inside and outside to perform a good show of letting the tiger return to the mountain.

Mission goal: Kobold Chief Galli successfully returns to Darkwood Forest
Mission reward: a random 2-ring spell, 1000Exp]

Not to mention a 2-level spell, the key is 1000 experience points, which is enough for Bai Bin to be promoted from the current level 2 priest to a level 3 priest.Then after this battle, combined with Bai Bin's previously prepared research, his position in the Guangming Religion can be promoted from a formal priest to a priest!

This means that Father Lima officially takes over and becomes the abbot of Landenburg Cathedral!

When Landenburg becomes the No. 1 in power, Bai Bin can lie down peacefully and arrange for Father Lima, an old man, to perform tasks.


The next day.

The atmosphere in Landenburg was much more relaxed than before.

Although it has only been three days since the big lord was buried, now the small lords and the current power group have changed their previous policy of being submissive and shrinking, and finally struck hard to give the evil forces some color.

This made the people who had been holding back their anger feel proud and let out a sigh of relief!
But when the latest [Langdon Today] newspaper was delivered to the newsstands in each district in the early morning, the speech of the little lord Ting En was published on the largest page.

When the newspaper company saw the little lord's speech, their scalp went numb, and they specifically asked Bai Bin if he would send it intact. They took action only after receiving Bai Bin's affirmation.

And instead of converting it into a text version, the speech was directly photographed and sent to the front page of the newspaper.

Therefore, not only the deceitful words, but also the ugly words were all displayed in front of everyone.

When the residents excitedly bought the newspaper to see what the little lord had to say, they were all dumbfounded after opening the newspaper.

If they weren't in Landenburg, they would even suspect that the newspaper had been infiltrated by hostile forces and specially produced such a content as a prank!
To put it simply, the wording, description, and handwriting of this speech are all disaster-level.

Together, the lethality is astonishing, comparable to a destructive nine-ring spell.

This is the writing style of the little Lord Landenburg.

That's it?

Not even as good as Bob, the naughty bad boy next door who skips class nine out of ten days!
It turns out that the education level of the little lord is almost the same as that of my stupid son!

Indeed, if you look at the way the handwriting is inked, you can see that the posture of holding the pen is wrong. It is exactly the same as that brat in my family. No matter what, I won’t change it!

Before, I thought that Pastor Bai had suddenly become the most powerful person in Landenburg, but now I see that I was wrong.Not only do you have to work hard to maintain Landenburg, but you also have to teach knowledge to the "father-in-law" little lord. It would be nice if you don't get angry to death...

The words can be down-to-earth, but the writing style and rhetorical techniques... What does "I hope the Godfather's Zhan Galili will be passed down as a joke"? Is it a good talk?This is directly connected to the underworld!

As the newspapers were spread out, the entire Landenburg was engulfed in heated discussions.

(End of this chapter)

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