This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 111: Hidden magic skills, keep an eye on the truth!

Chapter 111: I like to mention my magical skills, and I can see the truth at a glance!
It was not convenient for Ulysses to come forward directly, so he arranged for the evil ghost and the skinned demon to lead the dark minions, the jackals and goblins, to launch a surprise attack on Bai Bin, preparing to double-team with the kobolds.

Unexpectedly, the kobolds didn't miss the battlefield at all. After rescuing the kobold chief Gali, they directly burrowed into the ground and ran away.

This is very embarrassing.

The members of Landenburg, who were originally under attack from both sides, turned around under Bai Bin's command and launched a direct attack on the demon.

"Close your eyes!"

Bai Bin shouted loudly. Although all the security guards and iron guards did not understand, they all closed their eyes without any hesitation.

The next second, the light of [Illumination] illuminated the entire world palely, which was even stronger than the harsh sunlight at noon.

The dark wood forest, which was originally bathed in the dusk and sunset, instantly retreated in fiery red and was replaced by extremely dazzling holy light.

All the dark creatures were hit by Bai Bin's [Illumination Technique] directly in front of them. They were all exposed and their skin felt like needle pricks.For some people with poor constitutions, their skin would dissolve directly and stick to their muscles, which was extremely terrifying.

On the other hand, behind Bai Bin, under the double blessing of the holy light energy of [Reverence Technique] and [Illumination Technique], the security guards and iron guards present, although unable to open their eyes, felt their momentum increased, and unlimited courage surged from their hearts.

People as far away as Landenburg also saw the holy light flashing at the foot of the Darkwood Forest Mountain.

Like a newly rising sun, its dazzling light was like the sun at noon, immediately suppressing the setting sun on the horizon.

There were exclamations from the crowd.

"Over there, in the direction of the execution ground, what happened?"

The sharp-eyed people saw the tall guillotine collapse and couldn't help shouting: "The guillotine has fallen and sunk in. It looks like a dog-headed man!"

"It's broken. The demons and minions of darkness can't help but move out."

"Then Landenburg is going to support Pastor Bai?"

Just as people were talking to each other, the rays of light that surpassed the sun burst out, so bright that Landenburg, who was more than ten miles away, saw it clearly and was stunned.

It's not that they have never seen clergy perform "illumination", but this level of "illumination"... is far beyond everyone's imagination.

The mind flayer Ulysses stood on the tower in the Knights' District, preparing to enjoy the first scene of Landenburg's failure again.But when the bright light appeared, Ulysses's face changed wildly. He was stunned at first, then leaned forward and put his hands on the wall, wishing he could get closer and see more clearly.

But in the end, his eyes were full of disbelief.

This level of "illumination technique" even surpasses the high-level "daylight technique"!
No one knows better than Ulysses the combination of the attack team sent today, led by evil spirits, skinned demons and minions of darkness.

But no one understands better than Ulysses that under this level of "illumination", this attack and killing combination has no possibility of victory.

Being wiped out is their fate, and no one can escape.

'No wonder...the team that attacked Lilith before were all wiped out. Damn it!You underestimated Bai Bin’s strength! '

Ulysses clenched his fists, veins bulging out.

He originally wanted to win over the kobolds, but he didn't expect that this battle would cause him heavy losses.

All the evil spirits are gone, only a few skinners remain.

The leader of the gnolls, Venomous Fang, also died on the way to ambush Bai Bin. Now the only one available is the leader of the hobgoblin in Darkwood Forest.

But the leader of the big goblin is also a profit-seeking guy. He is only willing to send out his men and refuses to do it himself.

Now, Ulysses was in a difficult situation and had to face an extremely embarrassing situation - he had no one available.

Next time, I’ll have to do it myself!


At the foot of the Darkwood Forest Mountain.

When the [Illumination Spell] ended, the demon and the minions of darkness were dizzy and temporarily lost their combat effectiveness.

The evil ghost who was blinded by the flash had his body broken into two parts by the penitent's hammer. Only a small amount of skin and muscle were attached in the middle, and it became limp and turned into a puddle of rotten flesh.Bai Bin hurriedly greeted the iron guards and security guards around him: "Don't kill them all, leave a few alive!"

The iron guards and security guards who opened their eyes saw the dark creature that had lost its armor and even dropped its weapons and was holding its head like a headless fly. All the blood in their hearts was ignited.

It's not that they have never fought against dark creatures, but they have never fought such a rich battle!
The battle that was supposed to be about charging at each other and whoever dared to intimidate the other side suddenly turned into a situation where everyone on the other side was disarmed and everyone was headless. This was simply a one-sided massacre!

And the person who caused all this situation is Bai Bin!

"Don't worry, Pastor Bai, we will definitely leave a few alive!"

Having said that, the security guards and iron guards could no longer hold back their excitement, let out war cries like ghosts and wolves, and all attacked together.

What followed was a one-sided massacre.

The Skinners, Jackals, and Goblins were powerless to fight back.

Either be killed or captured.

'Hey, it's a pity that Ulysses didn't show up, otherwise I could have given him a big gift. '

But today's harvest has been great. Although the kobold chief was kidnapped, he killed 27 demons and dark creatures and captured 7 alive. It can be regarded as a great victory!
Even if it is given to the people of Landenburg, a satisfactory answer can be given.

How can a skinny kobold chief compare to the shock and impact of dozens of corpses of the demon's dark minions?

The prison car that escorted Galilai came in handy.

When the battlefield subsided, the carriages were filled with the corpses of demons and minions of darkness.

The prison van was also packed to the brim, with gnolls, goblins, and skinned demons all crowded together in a state of embarrassment.

Under the double blow of [Reverence Technique] and [Illumination Technique], he was dying and weak.

Their hands, feet, and mouths were also bound and sealed, preventing them from biting their tongues to kill themselves or each other.

If before, Bai Bin was famous for respecting his status and treating his subordinates well, then after today's battle, all the security officers and iron guards present were Tie Tie's "Baixue".

The summoned iron skin swept across the battlefield, and the divine spells cast sealed the victory in one fell swoop.

To put it bluntly, even without them and only Pastor Bai, he could easily take care of the entire battlefield.

Father Lima has never had such strong repressive power!

No wonder Father Lima is rushing to let Bai Bin take over Landenburg. If such a strong man doesn't stay, it will be a loss for the entire Landenburg!

Bai Bin, on the other hand, was sitting in the carriage, watching the notification of task completion sent by the system, enjoying the harvest.

[You have completed the mission "A Good Show "Returning the Tiger to the Mountains"]"

[You get a chance to draw a random 2-level spell and get 1000Exp]

[Your professional level is increased to level 3 priest]

None of this is important. Bai Bin hasn't acquired a new magic spell for a long time. This time, he is limited to 2-level spells to see what he can draw.

Bai Bin chose to draw without saying anything.

[Congratulations to you, you have learned the 2nd level magic "Realm of Honesty"]

[Realm of Honesty lv1]: Objects within 20 meters cannot lie.

Bai Bin raised his eyebrows with joy.

When I felt sleepy, I came to the pillow, but I didn't expect that I would have such a magical skill to deal with the mind flayer.

With this magical skill, no matter how the mind flayer pretends to be, it can really be seen at a glance!

 Thanks for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie, thank you very much
(End of this chapter)

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