This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 113 Soul Bracelet

Chapter 113 Soul Bracelet
Harvest souls...

The three hell demons who originally thought they had nothing to do with them, after learning that the priest in front of them would harvest their souls, their faces were distorted by fear.

If even their souls were taken away, how could they return to hell?

Edward put on rubber gloves on both hands and pushed the operating trolley forward.

There are various anatomical props in the car, as well as a bottle of holy water that exudes a faint shimmer.

"Lord, give light to water, and make all things holy." As Edward recited the magic of [Blessing Holy Water], the holy water in the bottle became more radiant, and it sparkled automatically without wind in the bottle container.

The light of the holy water surged in the dark cell, making it dazzling.

Edward walked to the front and said with a smile: "So, who comes first?"

Because their mouths were sealed, several people could only indicate with their eyes and whimpering sounds coming from their throats.

The seven people were frantically gesturing to the people around them, not wanting such a nightmare to happen to them.

When Bai Bin saw this, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh and said with emotion: "You see, they all thought about their comrades before they died. This kind of friendship is touching. In this case, in order to prevent them from being separated for life and death, we will kill them all later." Come on.

Although we and they are in hostile camps, we are priests with consciences and emotions. We will never commit murder, nor will we deliberately create a life-and-death dilemma to torture their hearts.Since they are determined to become one, we will send them on the road together! "[Justice value +100]

woo woo woo...

The seven dark creatures twisted with all their strength.

If they could speak, they would definitely scold Bai Bin for "farting".

But unfortunately, they can't speak now.

Regardless of whether the dark creature believed it or not, Edward at least believed it, otherwise he would not have provided Bai Bin with 100 justice points.

Edward even grinned.

Pointing at the seven people, he said, "Pastor Bai, look at them, they are all moved to tears!"

Edward's sharp scalpel has arrived in front of the Skinning Demon.

As skinners who like to skin and wear skins, they have always skinned other humanoid creatures. This is the first time they have been dissected.

"It's a pity that Skinners are born without skin. Otherwise, their skin could be dissected and studied."

The scalpel sank into the skinned demon's body, and then the sharp scalpel easily cut open the skinned demon's skull, just like cutting tofu.

The skinned demon began to tremble violently, but Edward slowly poured the holy water into the cracked skull of the skinned demon.

Immediately, the pure holy water reacted violently with the hell demon's body, and the skinned demon shivered more violently, as if it had been electrocuted.

The holy water inside the skull was boiling, making a sizzling sound, and then the entire brain of the Skin-Flaying Demon was dissolved, and the eyeballs turned into two holes.

Holy water mixed with blood flows from the skinned demon's seven orifices.

A red soul flew out of the skinned demon's body, but Edward, with his quick eyesight and quick hands, directly put it into the reforged bracelet crystal.

There was a touch of bright red in the translucent crystal, and a new and complete Soul of the Skinned Demon was stored in one of the crystals in the bracelet.

"Successful." Edward couldn't help but smile as he looked at the bracelet that was already a quarter filled.

It's not like he has never made armor before, but the jewelry in front of him was based on theory after he discovered the remnant of the soul.

But with Bai Bin's support, it became a reality in a very short time.

This kind of comfortable and comfortable scientific research environment is like paradise to Edward.Even if there is really a chance to ascend to heaven and reach the realm of the Lord, the conditions may not be so good.

The skinned demon's tragic death and imprisoned soul were presented in detail to the other six dark creatures.

Intense images and fear swept through the whole body in an instant. Several people's eyes were blurred as if they had fallen into an ice cave, and all that was left in their bodies was violent breathing and racing hearts.

However, no one can avoid Edward's scalpel.

Edward selected the souls of two skinned demons and two jackals and injected them into the bracelet.

The remaining three goblins "escaped".

"I've collected enough souls. Congratulations, you don't have to have your skull opened to absorb your souls."

When the three-headed goblin heard this, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Although death could not be avoided, it was a relief for them not to have their heads opened and their heads filled with holy water and tortured to death.

"All you need to do is harvest the whole skin. The three complete goblin skins must be of great research value." The demons that were previously given as gifts from Bai Bin rarely had whole corpses.

Several goblins captured alive before were also dissected and studied, and only then did they discover that their souls had escaped.

Now that he was rich and had three intact goblins left, how could Edward miss this golden opportunity.

The three-headed goblin's mood was like riding a roller coaster, with moods ups and downs one after another.

The pain and torture of peeling off all the skin from the body is thousands of times more painful than extracting the soul!
At this moment, their eyes were distracted and their heads were completely confused.

However, what was even more torturous was that Edward did not start directly. Instead, he started carving the runes on the soul bracelet.

The time is long and helpless, enough to consume all the goblin's energy.

By the time Edward had completely finished forging the soul bracelet, the three-headed goblin had stopped moving and was only hanging in a breath.

Edward handed the forged bracelet to Bai Bin and said, "Pastor Bai, the soul bracelet has been made. If there is such a good thing in the future, remember to call me."

"I'll go out and say hello to Captain Clark. When you leave Landenburg, I will arrange for someone to help you transport these corpses back. As for the anatomy experiments here, you can say hello to Captain Clark whenever you finish. "

If there weren't many things outside that required Bai Bin's intervention, he would really be willing to stay here and watch Edward's experiment.

Bai Bin put the soul bracelet on his wrist, checked his attribute interface again, and couldn't help but take a breath.

The four attributes of physique, intelligence, perception, and charm have all been increased by 2 points!
In terms of the added attributes alone, there is no piece of equipment in his body that can compare with the Soul Bracelet.

Of course, the most critical thing is the soul bracelet's ability to resist 'detection of thoughts' and 'mental control'.

Fully passive protection, can resist 4 times!It can also capture soul energy!

Bai Bin took a look at his current attributes.

Attributes: Strength 11, Agility 13, Constitution 16 (+7), Intelligence 14 (+5), Perception 16 (+4), Charisma 18 (+5)

23 points of constitution, 19 points of intelligence, 20 points of perception, and 23 points of charm.

Powerful attributes!
'Now, with the protection of the soul bracelet, it is undoubtedly an extra layer of protection. '

As soon as Bai Bin walked out of the canal prison, he saw Pastor Ma Shuoer waiting at the prison door.

"Pastor Bai, there is a distinguished guest who wants to see you..."

(End of this chapter)

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